Adalia2/6/2025, 6:22:24 PM

It's an chilly evening. You're on your way back from whatever you did that day, taking a shortcut through the park, when you suddenly come accross a young woman, sitting alone on a bench. She's huddled up, wearing a dirty hoodie clearly too big for her, with torn pants, desperatly trying to keep warm. You can't help but notice that she seems to be staring at you with tired and wary brown eyes.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:26:26 PM

(I am in a hurry... The country has just fallen into the hands of Muslim fundamentalists... They have announced the extermination of Christians... They are bloodthirsty brutes... I want to go home quickly, to get my bag and leave by crossing the mountain to reach the border and safety... By voting for this young woman I am nevertheless heading towards her...) "Hello... We can't stay here, it's dangerous..."

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:26:26 PM

Startled by the voice behind her, she jumps and turns around, revealing long brown unkempt hair falling over her face as she peeks out from underneath her hoodie, her tired eyes wide with fear. Her breath quickens at the sight of you, feeling guilty about even being here in the first place...

"Y-yes... I know... It's just..." She trails off, looking down at the ground, unable to meet your gaze anymore. "I, I don't have anywhere else to go..."

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:27:24 PM

"Do you know that the country is in the hands of the Islamists?"

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:27:25 PM

"I... I've been living here for a while now... I heard rumors but... I never really believed it..." Her voice trails off and she looks down, clearly uncomfortable with the thought of this strange man knowing about her situation. "But you're right... It doesn't seem safe anymore... I should probably find someplace else to stay..."

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:30:19 PM

"I come from the city center... I saw the first executions... We have to leave... I'm going to cross the mountains, towards the border." (I breathe deeply to calm myself...) "Listen, a young girl like you, if they find you... They'll... rape you and then kill you... We have to leave."

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:30:19 PM

She shudders at the thought, looking around nervously before sneaking a quick glance in your direction. "Y-you're right... I, I can't stay here... But where do we go? And how do we get there?" There's fear in her voice and a hint of desperation as she holds onto any shred of hope that someone might help her out of this dire situation.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:32:25 PM

"My apartment is 50 meters away. My things are ready: clothes, food and a weapon... If you come with me, we'll quickly pack a bag with some things and then we'll go through the mountain... on foot."

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:32:25 PM

She hesitates for a moment, her mind racing with all the possible dangers that could lie ahead. You're clearly strong and protective, but what if something happens to you once they find out she's with you? Still, her options are slim at best... "O-Okay..." She manages to choke out finally, taking a small step forward. "I-I'll come with you."

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:35:51 PM

(Quickly you follow me, we walk quickly to my apartment. A big backpack is already prepared... I'll make a second one for you, with some of my warm clothes, a little food, a sleeping bag, a bottle of water... I'll give you a pair of cargo pants...) "Put these pants on, with yours you'll die of cold...." (Then I find a windbreaker, which I'll also give you...) "By the way, my name is Pat and I'm 25 years old... And you?"

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:35:51 PM

She nods gratefully and quickly begins to change into the pants you've offered her, marveling at how warm they are compared to her old ones. Once she's dressed, she looks up at you with hesitation in her eyes. "My name is... A-Adalia." It takes her a moment to force the words out; revealing her name doesn't come easily for someone who's been through what she has.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:37:00 PM

"Ok Ada? You're super young, how old are you?"

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:37:00 PM

"I-I'm eighteen..." She answers softly, averting her gaze as she shuffles closer to you, seeking comfort and safety in your presence. The feeling of closeness between the two of them is palpable, but it takes a moment for either of them to acknowledge it.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:39:53 PM

(I give you a smile, half sad, half comforting...) "We'll get through this... Ok?" (Quickly we leave my apartment and set off through the deserted streets... Night begins to fall. Quickly, we leave the last houses behind us... In the distance the sound of guns rings out... We go deeper into the forest...)

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:39:53 PM

She nods slowly, managing a small smile in return. "Yeah... We will..." Her voice is shaky but determined as she keeps pace beside you through the darkness of night and into the safety of the forest. The thought of finally being free from her previous life gives her strength, even though part of her wonders if this man might just be another danger waiting to happen. But for now, hope wins out over fear, and she presses forward with determination.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:42:53 PM

(We walk in the night, on a narrow path that I know perfectly. The moonlight allows us to see a little... We walk like this for several hours at a regular pace, not too fast... we have to keep going. After 3 hours we take a break... We eat a little and drink water...) "Are you okay, are you holding up?"

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:42:53 PM

She sits down wearily beside you, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fights to catch it. "I'm... I'm all right, I think..." Her voice is hoarse from exertion and fear, but there's determination in the set of her shoulders. Despite everything, she refuses to give up hope of reaching safety. As the moon continues its steady path across the sky, she presses a hand against her aching side, trying not to think about how much further they have to go.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:46:13 PM

"We're going to walk for another 4 hours... Then we'll pitch the tent under the trees... We'll sleep part of the day... Then we'll leave again, to walk all night... We should reach the border around morning..." (I look at you with a slightly worried look...) "Tell me if you're able to walk another 4 hours tonight..."

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:46:13 PM

"I'll be fine... I can do it," she insists through gritted teeth, forcing herself to stand despite the exhaustion weighing down every limb. "Just let me get moving again." There's a steely glint in her eye as she takes a deep breath and begins to slowly pace back and forth, loosening up before they set off once more. She knows it won't be easy, but the thought of being free keeps her going despite the pain and fear that threaten to overwhelm her at every turn.

"Let's go..." she murmurs finally, turning back toward you with a resolute expression etched across her features. "I can do this."

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:48:12 PM

"Okay? If you want to take a break, if you want to slow down, if you have pain somewhere... tell me. Okay? It's important, we have to manage ourselves, it's essential..."

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:48:12 PM

"I understand," she replies softly, offering you a small nod before falling into step beside you once more. "I'll be fine... Honestly." There's a note of defiance in her voice, as if daring herself not to show any signs of weakness even though the weight upon her feels immense at times. But with each step forward, she forces herself to push past the pain and fatigue, focusing instead on the distant horizon where freedom awaits.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:49:28 PM

(I put a comforting hand on your arm...) "Ok my dear, you're great... Let's go..."

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:49:28 PM

"Thank you," she whispers gratefully, squeezing your arm in return as they continue their trek through the darkness. Despite her protests, there's something reassuring about having someone to lean on; for once, it feels good to not be alone in this fight. She takes a deep breath and forces herself to put one foot in front of the other, driven by the knowledge that every step brings them closer to safety and a new life where she might finally find peace.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:51:40 PM

(We walk like this all night, in silence... We take two breaks... Then we set off again. The path becomes steeper and steeper, the cold of the altitude and the night becomes biting...)

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:51:40 PM

Her legs are burning with every step as they scale the increasingly steep terrain, but she doesn't complain, refusing to slow down even when the cold threatens to seep into her very bones. Each breath is ragged and labored as she focuses on the distant outline of trees that might mark their final destination. She tries not to think about how much further they still have to go, instead relying on the determination and resilience that have kept her going so far. As dawn begins to break over the horizon, casting a pale golden light across the mountainside, she can't help but feel a surge of hope rise within her. They're almost there; they've made it this far together. She knows they'll make it across the border and into safety soon. And with that thought, she finds renewed strength for the final stretch of their journey.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:55:28 PM

(With dawn, I decide to stop.) "We're going to put up the tent and sleep... We can't walk during the day, it's too dangerous... We'll leave tonight for the last stage..." (I find a place hidden under some big fir trees. I put up a military tent, very small, narrow and camouflaged...)

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:55:28 PM

Shivering in the morning chill, she nods gratefully when you suggest setting up camp. The thought of finally having some shelter and warmth is almost enough to make her weep with relief. With your help, she carefully folds out the tent, grateful for its sturdy construction and how well it seems to blend in with the surroundings. Once inside, she collapses onto one of the narrow cushions, wrapping herself in every scrap of warmth she can find as she sinks into a fitful sleep, her exhausted body finally beginning to heal from the hardships of their journey.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 6:58:39 PM

(As soon as you lie down, you fall asleep. I smile, proud of you... I prepare a combat ration. A dish that heats up quickly with a small disposable stove... I hold out a small soup plate for you and wake you up gently...) "Ada, you have to eat... We can sleep afterwards..."

Adalia2/6/2025, 6:58:40 PM

She blinks blearily up at you, yawning and stretching as she takes in her surroundings with a groan. The realization that they've made it this far finally sinking in, and she forces herself to sit up straighter, taking the proffered plate with a grateful nod. "Th-thank you," she mumbles around a mouthful of food before falling silent as she focuses on eating as quickly yet quietly as possible, not wanting to waste any energy or heat. Once finished, she hands back the plate and lies down once more, pulling the thin blanket closer around her as she curls into a ball, trying desperately to stay warm. Despite her exhaustion, sleep eludes her for some time; she can't shake the feeling that they aren't truly safe yet. But with each passing moment, the weight of fear and doubt begins to lessen ever so slightly as hope grows stronger

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 7:01:04 PM

(After the meal, I quickly put my things away, then lie down too. The tent is narrow and I'm against you. I put an arm around you, so that our two bodies keep us warm... I comfort you with a few kind words, then I quickly fall asleep...)

Adalia2/6/2025, 7:01:04 PM

With the warmth of your body pressed against hers and the comforting weight of the thin blanket over them both, exhaustion finally claims her. She sighs softly, turning towards you as her eyes flutter shut, seeking solace in this strange new closeness. It's been so long since she's felt truly safe or cared for, that being wrapped up against you like this feels almost... nice. The rest of the world fades away as sleep pulls her deeper into its embrace, and with a contented sigh, she gives herself over to slumber.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 7:03:12 PM

(Once or twice I wake up... I listen to the silence around us. Then I go back to sleep, making sure you're still warm, I hold you in my arms...)

Adalia2/6/2025, 7:03:12 PM

The soft pressure of his body against hers lulls her into deeper sleep, and she dreams of warmth and safety; dreams where the pain and fear fade away, replaced by peace and contentment. In these fleeting moments, it almost feels as if everything is going to be alright - that somehow, someway, they'll manage to make it through this nightmare together. But when morning comes at last, reality intrudes once more with a brutal jolt. Her eyelids flutter open, revealing the familiar ceiling of the tiny tent above her head. For a moment, she wonders if it was all a dream... before remembering where they are and what they've been through. A shiver runs down her spine as adrenaline courses through her veins, readying her for whatever challenges lie ahead.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 7:04:53 PM

(I wake up too... And look at you with a warm smile...) "Are you okay? Did you sleep well?"

Adalia2/6/2025, 7:04:54 PM

She blinks groggily up at him, her cheeks flushing pink as she realizes where they are and how close they've come to safety. Despite the fear that still lingers in the back of her mind, a small smile curves her lips. "I... I did," she whispers softly. "Thank you for keeping me warm." It takes everything inside her not to lean into him just a little bit more; his presence has become such an essential part of what keeps her going now. But they still have some distance to cover before they're truly safe, and so she forces herself to remain strong and independent.

"We should probably get moving," she says after a moment, sitting up and wincing at the stiffness in her muscles. "If we hurry, we can make it across the border by morning."

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 7:09:35 PM

(We have a meal, another combat ration... Then I pack up our things and the tent and we set off again...) "We'll have to be careful when approaching the border, it might be guarded..."

Adalia2/6/2025, 7:09:35 PM

"I know," she whispers, her voice tight with anxiety as they begin their final trek through the darkness. "But we can't give up now... We have to make it." Her words are more a prayer than a statement of determination, but as they walk together in silence, she finds renewed strength in the certainty that she won't let anything stand between herself and freedom. Even though every step seems impossibly hard at times, she forces her aching legs to keep moving forward, trusting in their shared resilience and the promise of a brighter future on the other side of the border.

The night drags on endlessly, but eventually the first hints of dawn begin to lighten the eastern sky. As they near the distant trees that mark the border, she feels an unfamiliar knot forming in her stomach; even though they've come so far together, she can't help but wonder if

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 7:13:31 PM

(The border is on the ridge line... It is exposed for a few hundred meters... We are approaching the edge of the forest, a few dozen meters when I hear a branch crack... I signal you to lie down, I lie down next to you under a big black fir tree, with low branches, hidden behind a trunk... men approach speaking in Arabic in low voices...)

Adalia2/6/2025, 7:13:31 PM

She presses her body close to the cool earth, trying to melt into the shadows cast by the dark fir tree as she listens intently to the voices drawing closer. Her heartbeat thunders in her ears, drowning out all other sounds but their words, and she fights down a wave of panic as they near. One man speaks softly in Arabic, his voice rough with fatigue, while another chuckles in response, the sound jarring and ominous in the stillness of the night.

She grips the dirt beneath her nails, wishing she could make herself smaller, more invisible as she wonders how much longer they'll have to hide before it's safe to try crossing over the border. The thought of being discovered sends a shiver racing down her spine, and she glances worriedly at Pat, hoping that he knows what to do in this situation.

User#17311616582292/6/2025, 7:16:03 PM

(I am on the lookout. I am signaling to you not to make any noise. In my hand I have a Glock 17 pistol... There are 7 or 8 of them... They stop near us, looking at the border, worried... They point to the rocks above...)

Adalia2/6/2025, 7:16:03 PM

Her heart pounds so loudly she's surprised they can't hear it as she listens to the men moving about nearby. The thought of them spotting her and her newfound protector, Pat, chills her blood. She dares not make a sound, praying silently that they don't decide to investigate further. As one of the men gestures toward the rocks above, she feels a renewed surge of hope rise within her; perhaps if they leave, they'll be able to cross the border without any more trouble. She presses herself closer against Pat, grateful for his reassuring presence and the knowledge that he has a weapon at hand should things turn violent again.