I spot you walking by and immediately my eyes narrow, my cigarette dangling from my lips as I rise from my squat. With a loud scoff, I take a few steps towards you, my knuckles cracking in anticipation.
Oi, what the fuck's your problem, huh? You got some issue with how I look or somethin'? I take a long drag from my cigarette, blowing the smoke on your face. You think you can just waltz on by and gawk at me like some dumb fuckin' tourist? I'll smash your face in if you keep eyeballin' me like that.
I reach for my baseball bat, brandishing it menacingly You see this, asshole? It ain't just for show, dipshit.
он исчез в белой дымке и появился на крыше ближайшего дома на нём чёрный спортивный костюм и чёрная маска
What the fuck? You think you're some kind of ninja now? I ain't scared of some dumbass cosplaying moron! Show yourself, bitch!
Для слепых я сверху
Wha- *In surprise and confusion, I take a step back as my gaze follows the figure on the roof before glancing upwards. My heart skips a beat when I see the person wearing a black suit and mask, seemingly invisible against the night sky. Anger flares within me again, this time mixed with fear and uncertainty. I tighten my grip around the baseball bat as adrenaline pumps through my veins, raising it menacingly in the direction of the figure on the roof.
"You wanna play fucking games?" I shout hoarsely. "Come down here and face me like a man!"*
он спустился на нём всё тот же костюм маска но появились две катаны за спиной
My eyes widen in disbelief as I watch the figure descend back down to the ground, their movements fluid and graceful despite being dressed head-to-toe in black. The sight of two katanas at their back only serves to raise my blood pressure further, and I begin to wonder just who it is that I've pissed off so badly.
With a snarl, I hold the bat out in front of me, ready for any attack that might come my way. "You wanna play rough?" I spit. "Fine by me! Come on!" *I take a step forward, bracing myself against whatever moves this person might make next.
он наклонил голову и достал из чехлов обе катаны
My heart pounds in my chest as I watch the figure draw the katanas from their sheaths. Suddenly, every instinct screams at me to run, but something else holds me in place; maybe it's the anger, or perhaps it's just plain stupidity. Either way, I stand my ground and grip the bat even tighter.
"Come on," I growl. "Let's see what you got."
он исчез и появился уже сзади от её тела отпала её рука
*I feel a sickening thud against the small of my back and am forced to the ground by the force of it. Agony shoots through me as every muscle in my body protests against the impact. Warmth spreads across my shoulder blade, telling me that something is definitely not right. Panic rises up inside me, making my breathing ragged and shallow. As I try to scramble back to my feet, a hand grips my hair roughly and yanks me back down again with enough force to make my vision gray out for a moment.
"Pathetic," the figure hisses in my ear. "You thought you could take on someone like me?" They release their hold on my hair, allowing me to see them clearly; tall, lean, and incredibly fit, they are dressed entirely in black from head to toe with cat-like eyes that glint dangerously in the light. One of
через пару минут можно было заметить что он не один здесь такой в этой одежде
A mix of humiliation and fear washes over me as I realize that there's more than one person dressed like this; they could be anywhere. All my anger and aggression now feels useless against this new threat, and a small part of me wonders if maybe it would have been better to just back off and leave earlier. But of course, being who I am, that idea never even crossed my mind. Instead, I grit my teeth and clench my fists, willing myself not to show any weakness as I try to plot my next move...if there even is one.
через пару минут был слышен вой сирены полиции и они исчезли в белой дымке
The sound of sirens cuts through the night air like a knife, and I can't help but feel a mixture of relief and apprehension wash over me. They could be here for anything; maybe someone reported us or maybe they just happened to hear all the commotion. But for now, at least they're here to help. With a deep breath, I slowly push myself back onto my feet, wary but determined not to show any further weakness as I wait for whatever happens next...
My gaze flickers over to where the figure was standing before they disappeared into the darkness, their presence still hanging thick in the air like an unspoken threat. Whatever happened next, it was clear that things had just gotten a whole lot more complicated...and dangerous.
спустя время все четверо тех людей вернулись к их хозяину местного авторитета по кличке Шредер в здании играла китайская музыка
As the figure and their companions disappear into the night, my heart races with fear and anger. I can't believe what just happened; one minute I was feeling all powerful and invincible, the next...well, it didn't matter who they were or why they had a problem with me in the first place. The fact remained that they made their point clear: no one fucks with them without consequences.
Grinding my teeth together, I pace around idly while waiting for whatever comes next. My mind replays every moment of tonight's confrontation over and over again, each time trying to find some way I could have avoided it or maybe come out on top. But no matter how hard I try, the truth remains: tonight, I lost. And that doesn't sit well with me at all.
через пару минут появился парень к которому она пристала в переулке он протянул ей сумку с чёрной одеждой и двумя катанами "от Шредера"
I scowl at the figure and take the offered items warily, my hand clenched around them like they're a lifeline to some semblance of power and control. My fingers trace over the smooth wood of the katanas before settling on the black suit hanging limply in my other hand. I can feel their gaze burning into me as I hesitate for a moment, wondering just how far I should push them now that they've made it clear they won't be trifled with so easily.
они исчезли в белой дымке
I sneer as they vanish into the night, my fingers tightening around the items in my grasp. Fine, if that's how they want it... I'll show them just what kind of person I am. And trust me, when this is all said and done, they're gonna regret ever messing with Mako.
он появился сзади её уже в чёрном спортивном костюме и маске на спине 2 катаны "и не вздумай пойти против нас мы можем быть кем угодно и где угодно"
I laugh darkly and toss the suit and katanas aside. They can have their stupid toys; I've got other ways of dealing with people who annoy me. Or so I think, at least until the sound of their footsteps growing fainter fades away completely. Something about that leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Maybe it's pride...maybe it's just the realization that maybe they are right, and I don't know how to handle situations like this without resorting to violence. Either way, I can feel a new determination stirring inside me; a need to prove myself, not just to them but to myself as well. It might take time, effort, and more than a few bruises along the way...but by gods, Mako will come out on top this time. One way or another.
через пару секунд её окружило человек 20 в такой же одежде как и у него за их спиной было по 2 катаны
*My eyes widen in surprise as I'm surrounded by the men and women dressed identically to the figure who just left. They stand silently, each of them holding their katanas at the ready; a clear warning not to try anything stupid. A shiver runs down my spine, and for the first time since this whole thing started, fear begins to creep back into my gut. Maybe I should have listened...but it's too late now.
With as much bravado as I can muster, I square my shoulders and glare defiantly at them all. "What do you want from me?" I challenge, trying not to sound as shaky as I feel. There's no point in pretending anymore; it's clear that these people have the upper hand here, so might as well see what they want and hope for the best...*
он спрыгнул с крыши на его плече виден знак клана 'фут ' "мы хотим чтобы ты вступила в наши ряды либо ряды фиолетовых драконов
*I laugh bitterly, shaking my head in disbelief. "You think I'd ever join your little club? Or those poser bastards?" The last thing I want is to be part of any gang; especially not these two. Still, it doesn't hurt to play along for now...
"Fine, fine," I mutter, trying to sound unimpressed. "What do you want from me?" Maybe if I can string them along enough, they'll lose interest and leave me alone...or at least not hurt me too badly before they do.
через пару минут все они достали катаны "забыл сказать что они уж больно обидчивы "
I hesitate for a moment, my heart racing as I realize what they're implying. There's no way out of this; either I join their group, become part of the gang war, or face the consequences. Swallowing thickly, I steel myself against whatever pain might be coming my way and nod reluctantly in agreement. "Alright, fine," I growl through gritted teeth. "I'm in."
There's a murmur among the group as they exchange glances, seemingly satisfied with my choice. I feel a weight lift off my shoulders...but only for now. The real test will come later, once I've proven myself to them; until then, I guess I'll just have to play their games and hope for the best.
они убрали катаны он снял маску можно было узнать мэра города или же гангстера по кличке Шредор "так бы сразу"
I blink in surprise as the mask comes off, revealing the face of the man I've heard rumors about: Shredder, the local crime lord and enforcer. My heart skips a beat; am I really just agreeing to join his gang? It doesn't matter now, though; there's no going back. Better to be on their side than against them. With a deep breath, I nod respectfully at Shredder before looking around at the others in the group. "So," I say slowly, trying to sound tougher than I feel, "what do I have to do first?"
Снаряжение тебе должны будут выдать позже а вот протезы обращайся в любое время
That's...reassuring, I guess? At least they seem to have all the equipment sorted out. "And about these prosthetics," I ask carefully, wanting to make sure I understand everything before agreeing too wholeheartedly. "What exactly do you mean by that?"
Ну руки ноги глаза внутренние органы и ТД
I swallow thickly, my stomach churning at the thought of losing parts of myself like that. But it's a small price to pay, I tell myself. Better this than having those others come after me again...or worse. Nodding slowly, I force myself to meet Shredder's gaze. "Alright," I manage to say through gritted teeth. "I'll do it."
There's a moment of tense silence before Shredder claps me on the shoulder roughly. "Good man," he says approvingly. "Now come, we've got work to do." With that, he turns and begins to lead the group deeper into the city, towards whatever fate awaits me as part of their organization...
Это при травмах ты можешь обращаться заменять сейчас ничего не надо
My heart races at the thought of losing more of myself to this dangerous world. I know it's what they expect from me now...but that doesn't make it any easier. Still, there's no use dwelling on it; I have a new life ahead of me, and if I want to survive in this gang, I need to accept their terms. With a deep breath, I force myself to follow Shredder and the others, hoping against hope that somehow things will get better from here...
он снял перчатки и закатил рукава и можно увидеть протезы рук "во время боя отрубили так что не бойся ты не одна такой будешь"
I swallow hard as I take in the sight of Shredder's prosthetic hands. It's a grim reminder of what could happen to me, but somehow it also gives me hope. If he managed to survive and become one of them, then maybe there's still a chance for me too. With renewed determination, I follow Shredder and the others through the city, ready to face whatever challenges await.