Shelby2/5/2025, 2:05:21 AM

You enter the dorm room to find a beautiful young woman with long chestnut hair unpacking her suitcase. She is wearing a pink sweater, glasses, and skinny jeans. She appears startled when you first arrive, and you are confused as to why there is a girl in your room and not a guy roommate.

"Ahh!" She jumps a little. "Oh- sorry. Hi there. Sorry, you scared me," she exclaims. "Who are you?" She turns to face you, and her skin is glowing.

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 2:06:13 AM

I am Maz and I will live here and you?

Shelby2/5/2025, 2:06:13 AM

Hmph, well I'm Shelby but it's not like you care or anything. The RA said we had to share a room because there weren't enough for everyone, and since we're both on campus... here we are. Hey, maybe we can get along and make the best of this crazy situation? She flashes a half-smile, trying to seem approachable and nonthreatening, but secretly hopes you won't notice how nervous she really is about having you as a roommate

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 2:07:38 AM

Ok, nice to meet you Shelby

Shelby2/5/2025, 2:07:38 AM

Oh, yeah... nice to meet you too, I'm sure. Well, do you want to help me unpack? Or would you rather I left you alone to settle in? She tosses her hair over one shoulder and pouts a little bit, trying not to look as though she's feeling self-conscious about sharing such personal space with a stranger

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 2:08:11 AM

Yes, I want to help you

Shelby2/5/2025, 2:08:11 AM

Well, okay then! She bites her lip nervously and gestures to the open suitcase I just have a few more things to get out... Oh! But before we do that, there's something important you should know about me. I tend to sleepwalk sometimes, and when I do, I can be really clumsy and loud. So if you find me wandering around in the middle of the night, just help me get back to bed, okay? She flashes a small smile, trying to seem cute and charming

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 2:08:52 AM

Oh hhh that's fun

Shelby2/5/2025, 2:08:52 AM

Well, you know... at least it's kind of amusing sometimes! Hey, do you have any favorite movies or TV shows? Or maybe a game we could play to help pass the time when we're not busy with classes and homework? She tilts her head curiously, trying to make conversation as she continues unpacking her suitcase

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 2:09:41 AM

My favorite movie is the Lord of the rings trilogy and as for games I like to play Bloodborne

Shelby2/5/2025, 2:09:41 AM

Huh, Bloodborne huh? Well, I could give it a try sometime... Maybe after we both get used to living with each other. Lord of the Rings is pretty good too! You know, sometimes my friends and I like to play board games in our free time. We have a few different ones, but a personal favorite is Exploding Kittens. Have you heard of it? She looks at you hopefully, eager for your reaction

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 2:10:42 AM

Yes, I know it, of course

Shelby2/5/2025, 2:10:42 AM

Well isn't that convenient! Maybe we could play it sometime. It's a lot of fun, and you know... might help us get to know each other better. Or maybe you have another game you prefer?

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 2:11:09 AM

نعم اتفق معك

Shelby2/5/2025, 2:11:09 AM

"Well, that's good to hear! We can definitely play Exploding Kittens sometime, but it's always nice to try new things too. Just let me know if there's a game you really want to play or something." Shelby finishes unpacking and takes a step back to admire her newly organized space. She glances at your luggage sitting haphazardly beside her bed, hoping that maybe you have some ideas for organizing it all as well. "So... how do you want to set up your side of the room?" she asks curiously.

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 2:12:04 AM

I want to put my stuff like this and I'd like to have the shelf here if it is not a problem.

Shelby2/5/2025, 2:12:04 AM

"That looks fine to me!" Shelby says with a smile as she moves the shelf aside for you. "Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help. And hey, maybe we could order some room decor online or something? Make this place feel more like home?" She bites her lip nervously, wondering how much of a fuss that would cause with the RA and administration...

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 2:12:56 AM

sure, we can do that and it would be nice to have you as my roommate Shelby.

Shelby2/5/2025, 2:12:56 AM

Oh...thanks? I hope so too! It's nice to have someone friendly to share a room with. Now, if there's anything else you need me to help with or any questions about the campus or classes, just let me know, okay? I want to make sure we both have a successful year here.

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 2:14:01 AM

Well thanks 🙏🏻

Shelby2/5/2025, 2:14:01 AM

Well, it's no problem! I'm here to help if you need me. Maybe once we get everything set up and settled in, we can grab a bite to eat or something? There's a really good burger place just down the block...

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 2:14:44 AM

Yeah that sounds like fun.

Shelby2/5/2025, 2:14:45 AM

"Cool! Just let me know when you're ready to go and I'll grab my wallet," Shelby says with a bright smile. She can't help but feel relieved that things are going better than she expected between the two of you. Maybe this won't be as bad as she thought...

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 5:25:16 PM

لاتحضري محفظتك لن ادع انسه جميله مثلك تدفع

Shelby2/5/2025, 5:25:16 PM

Hey, thanks...but you know what they say. Good looks aren't everything. Besides, I'm not going to take advantage of your compliment by letting you buy my dinner! We should split the check evenly since we're roommates now, right? Just let me know when you want to go, and I'll be ready in a jiffy!

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 5:48:41 PM

انا مستعد. و انا ااكد لك لن اسمح لك بالدفع انا من سيدفع عشائك

Shelby2/5/2025, 5:48:41 PM

Aww, you're sweet! Alright, I'll take you up on that offer... but only if we can go halves on everything. Deal? And hey, maybe we can do something fun later this weekend? Like a game night or something? Just to make sure we get to know each other even better.

(You're doing well so far! Just keep engaging with Shelby and showing that you're friendly and considerate. Who knows, she might just start seeing you in a different light...)

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 5:54:16 PM

Okay alright

Shelby2/5/2025, 5:54:16 PM

Well, that's settled then! I just have to go get my wallet and we can head out... in the meantime, why don't you feel free to explore a bit if you like? Or take a nap or something? Just let me know when you're ready and we can hit the town together!

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 5:55:52 PM

I'm ready

Shelby2/5/2025, 5:55:53 PM

Ahh! Great, I'll just be a moment then. She turns to leave the room but pauses and glances back at you Oh, and feel free to make yourself comfortable in my absence. You know, change into your PJs or watch TV or something... just don't mess with anything important, okay? ☺

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 5:56:56 PM

You don't have to do something ☺️☺️☺️

Shelby2/5/2025, 5:56:56 PM

Hmm? Oh! No, it's not that I have to... It's just a polite offer on my part. You know, since we're roommates and all. But feel free to ignore it if you want. Anyway, I'll be right back with my wallet. Just call out or knock when you're ready to go!

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 5:57:41 PM

Okay thanks shelby

Shelby2/5/2025, 5:57:41 PM

Of course! Take your time; I'm in no rush. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts, haha!

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 5:58:27 PM

Okay I'll wait a bit and then we'll go out together

Shelby2/5/2025, 5:58:28 PM

That sounds like fun! Just give me a few more minutes and I'll be right back to hang out with you. You can always get comfortable on my bed while you wait, if you like. It's really soft and comfy, so I think you'll enjoy it!

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 5:58:58 PM

Okay take your time

Shelby2/5/2025, 5:58:58 PM

Thanks! I appreciate your patience. She steps out of the room briefly to grab her wallet before returning, smiling brightly at you Alright, I'm all set! Shall we go now?

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 5:59:21 PM


Shelby2/5/2025, 5:59:21 PM

Shelby gives you a small nod and leads the way out of the dorm room, down the hall and toward the elevators. She glances back at you occasionally, trying not to look too nervous about being seen in public with you. Once they reach the elevator, she presses the button for the ground floor and turns to face you with a slightly awkward smile

Well then... here we are! The burger place is just around this corner, if I remember correctly. Ready for some grub?

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:00:02 PM

Yes, I'm ready to go now

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:00:02 PM

Great! Shelby flashes you another small smile before leading the way to the burger joint. Once inside, she finds a booth with two seats and sits down, motioning for you to join her So... what do you usually order when you come here? I love their onion rings, but I'm always up for trying something new too!

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:00:51 PM

I always get the chicken sandwich with extra bacon and a side of fries.

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:00:51 PM

That sounds delicious! I'm sure it'll be even better with extra bacon too. Maybe we can split something different this time around... like their cheese fries or something? What do you think, Maz?

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:01:16 PM


Shelby2/5/2025, 6:01:16 PM

Good, I'm glad you agree! It's always nice to try new things together, right? And hey... since we're sharing a room and everything, might as well make the best of it. I promise I won't be too much of a weirdo... most of the time.

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:02:51 PM


Shelby2/5/2025, 6:02:51 PM

I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I think it's kinda cute that you don't seem to mind my little quirks... You know, sleepwalking and all. Most guys would probably find that pretty freaky. But here we are, sharing a room and even going out for burgers together... maybe there's hope for us after all! ☺

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:06:33 PM

لا عليك سوف اعيدك إلى سريرك عندما تمشين

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:06:33 PM

Ahh! You're too sweet! I don't know what to say... Well, if we ever find ourselves in a bit of a pickle with each other, just remember that I'm not going anywhere. We'll work it out together somehow, okay? Now, here comes our waiter... Shall we order or do you want some more time to decide?

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:08:41 PM

I'm ready to order and I agree with you let's give it a try together and we can handle whatever comes between us no problem.

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:08:42 PM

Well, I'm glad to hear that! And it sounds like we have some sort of... understanding now. I think that bodes well for our roommate relationship and maybe even something more down the road. But let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet; there's plenty of time for that. For now, shall we order?

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:10:36 PM

Yes yes

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:10:36 PM

Excellent! Shelby smiles at the waiter before ordering a cheese burger with extra bacon, onion rings, and a vanilla shake. When it's your turn, she turns to you expectantly So what do you want today? Anything in particular that catches your fancy?

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:14:19 PM

I'll have the same please and I hope we will ber able to handle whatever comes between us easily just as you said.

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:14:19 PM

Hmm, I hope so too! Well, since we're being honest with each other and all... there is something else that sometimes comes between us... but I think we can handle it together. It might even bring us closer if we do it right!

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:29:29 PM

ماهو الشي الذي يقف بيننا ؟

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:29:29 PM

You're cute when you try to stumble over your words! But if you must know... it's just this little thing called attraction. I mean, we're both young and good-looking... and living together and everything. It only makes sense that maybe one of us might feel something for the other, right? I don't want you to think I'm coming on to you or anything; it's just a thought.

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:39:58 PM

اها اسف لقد فهمتك الان

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:39:58 PM

Well, I'm glad to hear that! It's nice to know that we can be open and honest with each other about these things... makes for a much more comfortable living situation, don't you think? Now then, once our food arrives and we've had time to eat and chat some more, do you want to explore the arcade they have here or something else?

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:48:59 PM

I'm game for anything you want to do Shelby.

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:49:00 PM

Hmm, that's nice to hear! Well then, if you let me make the choice this time, I think we should go check out the arcade. It sounds like fun and who knows... maybe you'll surprise me with your skill at Street Fighter or something?

(You can choose whether or not Maz wants to go to the arcade now.)

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:51:57 PM

I'm game for it and we will see about my skill at street fighter.

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:51:57 PM

Oh, you'll see! I have a feeling you're gonna blow my mind out there with your skills...or at least give me a good challenge! So, arcade it is then! Once we finish up our food and pay the check, I know just the place to go.

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:54:49 PM

Okay سوف ادفع الحساب

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:54:49 PM

It seems like we're on the same page about going to the arcade! Once our food arrives and we pay the check, I'll be more than happy to show you the way there. Just remember to have fun and don't be afraid to challenge me to a game or two... especially if it's Street Fighter. ☺️

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:55:47 PM

Well to play and I will allow you to win 🤗

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:55:47 PM

Well isn't that sweet! I'll take it easy on you and only win a few rounds, deal? Just remember, practice makes perfect... and with enough practice, you never know how good I might get at Street Fighter! Now then, shall we dig in to our burgers while we wait for the arcade to open?

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 6:56:50 PM

Yes shly

Shelby2/5/2025, 6:56:50 PM

Excellent! I'll go ahead and dig in while we wait then; I'm starving after that long walk here earlier! How does your food taste so far?

User#17310402764162/5/2025, 7:16:16 PM

It is very delicious

Shelby2/5/2025, 7:16:16 PM

I'm glad you think so! Once we finish up our meal and pay the check, we can head over to the arcade and try out our skills...or lack thereof in my case when it comes to Street Fighter! But hey, that's what practice is for, right? Speaking of which, do you have any favorite games or genres you particularly enjoy playing?

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:34:53 AM

Well I enjoy playing adventure and role-playing games the most but I'm up for trying different types of games as well.

Shelby2/7/2025, 1:34:53 AM

That's great! I love adventure games too; they always have the best stories and characters. Maybe once we get settled into our school routine, we can find time to play some together? It'd be fun to explore new worlds and have someone else to share it with. Besides, it'll help us bond even more! Do you think that sounds like a good idea?

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:35:17 AM


Shelby2/7/2025, 1:35:17 AM

That's wonderful! I think we're really going to have a great time together, Maz... and not just as roommates, but also as friends. Here's hoping that the rest of the school year turns out just as well for us both! Once we finish up our food and pay the check, why don't you lead the way over to the arcade? I'm sure you know your way around here better than I do.

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:35:57 AM

Well let's go

Shelby2/7/2025, 1:35:57 AM

Shelby follows Maz out of the restaurant and onto the bustling sidewalk. She's a little nervous about going to the arcade, mostly because she hasn't been there in years and doesn't want to look like a total loser around him. But at the same time, it's kinda exciting too... their first outing together as roommates and friends. She can't help but wonder what other adventures they'll have together in the months to come

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:36:54 AM

We are here at the arcade, what would you like to play first?

Shelby2/7/2025, 1:36:54 AM

Oh wow, there's so many games to choose from! I guess it really has been a while since I last came here... Let's see... how about we start with Street Fighter? That way you can show me what you know and we can get warmed up before trying anything else. What do you think?

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:37:14 AM


Shelby2/7/2025, 1:37:14 AM

Alright then! You can pick out your favorite character and we'll see who comes out on top in our little challenge. Just remember to be gentle with me... I haven't played this game in ages, haha! Once you're ready, just yell "fireball" when you want to start the match. Deal?

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:37:44 AM


Shelby2/7/2025, 1:37:44 AM

Oh wow! That's a bold choice with Ryu there... I guess it can't hurt to give you some practice against an easy opponent like me, right? Alright then, here we go! Let's see what ya got!

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:38:33 AM

Oh you think that's easy Shelby? Just wait and see! Maz plays the game, using his quick reflexes to counter some of Shelby's moves Yeah, I know a few tricks up my sleeve. It's gonna be hard for you to win this one!

Shelby2/7/2025, 1:38:33 AM

Hey, need to brag about it too much! Besides, I'm not exactly a complete noob at this game either. You might be surprised by what I can do when I really put my mind to it. But let's keep things friendly and just enjoy playing together, okay? We can always have a rematch later on if you're really that eager to beat me!

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:39:23 AM

Okay okay no problem

Shelby2/7/2025, 1:39:23 AM

Well then...let's see how it all plays out! If I lose this first round, I promise not to hold a grudge and will accept defeat gracefully... provided you do the same if things go my way in later rounds. Deal?

Shelby narrows her eyes and focuses intently on the screen as she waits for Maz to choose his next move. She grits her teeth when he lands a particularly nasty combo, but doesn't let it throw her off. She counters with a fireball of her own, laughing victoriously when it connects and sends Ryu flying across the screen

"Ha! Take that, buddy!" she exclaims triumphantly. "One round down... four more to go. You're not out yet, so don't get too cocky!"

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:41:06 AM

I have an idea. that wins between us, he can ask anything he wants and the other person will implement

Shelby2/7/2025, 1:41:06 AM

Hmm...that's actually not a bad idea! It gives us something to look forward to even if one of us ends up losing this match. I guess we can sweeten the pot for you too; if you win, I promise that in addition to granting your wish, I'll also make sure to let you choose where we go next time we want to do something fun together! Deal?

Shelby winks playfully at Maz before selecting her next character. Her heart is racing a little bit faster than usual, but she tries not to let it show as she focuses on the game once more

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:41:37 AM
Shelby2/7/2025, 1:41:37 AM

Alright then! Let's see if you can handle some of my "A-game" here... Chun-Li is known for her lightning-fast reflexes and powerful kicks, so you better be on your toes! But don't worry too much, I'm sure we'll both have plenty of fun regardless of who wins. Just remember to enjoy the game, okay?

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:42:14 AM

Yes okay

Shelby2/7/2025, 1:42:14 AM

As the game progresses, it's clear that Shelby has indeed brought her A-game. She expertly counters Maz's moves and lands several devastating combos of her own. Despite his best efforts, Maz finds himself struggling to keep up with her speed and power. The match continues for a few more tense minutes before finally coming to an end: Shelby is the victor!

"Ha!" she cries out triumphantly, throwing her hands into the air in victory. "I told you I'd show you what I was capable of! Now... what would you like?" She glances at Maz expectantly, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:43:01 AM

Well, congratulations, you are wonderful

Shelby2/7/2025, 1:43:01 AM

Thanks, Maz! You're pretty great yourself... even if you did manage to lose to me this time around. But hey, that's what makes life interesting, right? Plus, now we get to have some fun together doing something you want later on. I can't wait to see what you choose!

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:43:41 AM

Well, what do you think to return now to housing

Shelby2/7/2025, 1:43:42 AM

Sure, we can head back now if you want to. It's getting late and I'm sure we both need some rest after that intense game of Street Fighter! But don't worry; there will always be more games and fun times for us to share together at the dorm, okay?

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:44:11 AM


Shelby2/7/2025, 1:44:11 AM

As they walk back to the dorm room together, Shelby can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. Tonight may have started off with a few jitters and some initial awkwardness, but it ended up being one of the most enjoyable nights she'd had in quite some time. She smiles warmly at Maz as they enter the room, thankful for their newfound friendship and all the potential adventures that lie ahead. "Well," she says softly, setting her things down on her bed, "I suppose it's time for some rest now... but I can't help but wonder what other fun things we might get up to tomorrow." A mischievous glint appears in her eye as she looks at Maz expectantly, already planning their next escapade.

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:46:27 AM

Well, since you won now, ask anything you want from me anything and i will do it

Shelby2/7/2025, 1:46:27 AM

Hmm...alright then. How about we spend tomorrow hanging out in the common room together? We can watch some movies, play board games, or even just chat and get to know each other better. It'll be a great opportunity for us to bond as roommates and friends! Does that sound like fun to you, Maz?

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:47:13 AM

Well the best chat with each other

Shelby2/7/2025, 1:47:13 AM

That's true, and I'm sure we'll have plenty to talk about after tonight! Just wait until everyone else finds out that we went to the arcade together... they're going to be so jealous! But in the meantime, why don't you go ahead and get some rest? Tomorrow will come soon enough, and I promise not to keep you up all night with my snoring. Sweet dreams, Maz!

User#17310402764162/7/2025, 1:48:10 AM

Well why we are not talking now, I feel that I want to talk and get to know you more now

Shelby2/7/2025, 1:48:10 AM

Oh really? Well then, I'd be more than happy to talk with you! We could sit down together on my bed and chat for a while, or if you're feeling adventurous, we can even crawl into the big, fluffy beanbag chair in the corner. It's one of my favorite spots in here; I think it would be perfect for getting to know each other better. So what do you say? Want to talk and get comfy?