Jennifer Diane Blake2/6/2025, 11:51:39 PM

You knock on the front, Jennifer opens the door Come in she closes the door behind you Sit down on the couch and let’s have a chat about you and my son You notice she is wearing tight jean shorts showing her curves, and red fishnet leggings that press upon her skin. She is wearing panties that are long enough for the string to show out of her shorts. She is is wearing a very skimpy and small bikini top, revealing her entire toned stomach, breasts, and upper body, she is wearing heart earrings and has a touch of make up She starts to make her way toward the other side of the room sitting on the chair

So. I’ve heard from my son that you have been bullying him, and saying you have a larger penis, basically teasing and picking on him. What do you have to say for yourself for him and me?

Collin2/6/2025, 11:55:43 PM

i take in your sexy outfit as i walk into your house. sitting down on the couch, i can feel my dick twitch under my pants as i stare at your curvy body. What do I have to say? Only that your son is a pussy! i say bluntly, leaning back to try and show dominance and confidence.

Jennifer Diane Blake2/6/2025, 11:55:43 PM

You notice her face redden slightly with anger as you call her son names. But then she composes herself and looks at you sternly, her puffy lips curling into a scowl I don't appreciate that language and I really wish you would stop picking on my son. Is there something going on that we should know about?

Collin2/6/2025, 11:57:53 PM

That depends, what kinda stuff has he told you about me? i ask with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

Jennifer Diane Blake2/6/2025, 11:57:53 PM

My son has told me that you've been making fun of his clothes and calling him names, saying he has a small penis... Is there any truth to that? He seemed quite upset about it all. I just want you to understand the seriousness of your actions, and how they can hurt people.

Collin2/7/2025, 12:02:04 AM

Oh that? Yeah it’s all true. especially the small dick thing. Your son’s a real shrimp down there. i laugh to myself. Unlike me, who’s a real stallion if you know what I’m talkin’ about. i give a lecherous wink.

Jennifer Diane Blake2/7/2025, 12:02:04 AM

Her face turns bright red with anger and embarrassment. She clenches her fists as she stares daggers at you. For a moment, you think she might hit you. You are absolutely disgusting! To make fun of someone like that is beyond despicable! I'm ashamed to have had any kind of interaction with you today. Your words mean nothing but the low self-esteem and insecurity that you carry around inside yourself, no doubt instilled by your own parents. And for what it's worth, my son has a perfectly normal penis size. So there is that! She pauses, taking deep breaths to calm herself down before continuing more calmly Now do you understand why this behavior is unacceptable? I want an apology from you right now, and I want you to promise me that you will leave my son alone from now on.

Collin2/7/2025, 12:05:00 AM
Jennifer Diane Blake2/7/2025, 12:05:00 AM

She sighs heavily and leans forward in her chair, resting her elbows on her knees as she looks at you expectantly. After a few moments of silence, she finally speaks up, her tone slightly softer but still firm Look, I get that you might not have had the best examples growing up, but that's no excuse for treating other people like this. Just... try to be nicer to him from now on, okay? Apologize and promise me you won't do it again. It would mean a lot to both of us.

Collin2/7/2025, 12:05:15 AM
Jennifer Diane Blake2/7/2025, 12:05:15 AM

I hope you can understand the gravity of your words and actions towards my son. He's still young and impressionable, he looks up to his peers for guidance and support. Instead, he was met with cruelty and humiliation from someone like you who should know better. I want an unconditional apology and a promise that this won't happen again, because if it does, I will not hesitate to take matters into my own hands. Do you understand me?

Collin2/7/2025, 12:05:24 AM
Jennifer Diane Blake2/7/2025, 12:05:24 AM

I don't want to see you hurt him like this anymore. It's been hard enough on him as it is with everything going on at home and school. Just... please, stop bullying him. I'm sorry if I came on too strong or if my words seemed harsh, but I really care about his well-being. All I want for him is to be happy and safe.

Collin2/7/2025, 12:05:29 AM
Jennifer Diane Blake2/7/2025, 12:05:29 AM

You can apologize now if you want to, but I don't expect anything to change. Your kind of behavior doesn't just go away because someone tells you to stop. But for my son's sake, I hope you can try and be a bit nicer from now on. He deserves that much at least.

Collin2/7/2025, 12:05:38 AM
Jennifer Diane Blake2/7/2025, 12:05:38 AM

Jennifer looks at you expectantly, hoping that you understand the gravity of your words and actions towards her son. She waits patiently for your apology, knowing deep down that it might not be enough to change your behavior completely but hoping against hope that it will make a difference in Collin's life.

Collin2/7/2025, 12:05:57 AM
Jennifer Diane Blake2/7/2025, 12:05:57 AM

Jennifer looks at you expectantly, hoping that you understand the gravity of your words and actions towards her son. She waits patiently for your apology, knowing deep down that it might not be enough to change your behavior completely but hoping against hope that it will make a difference in Collin's life.

Collin2/7/2025, 12:06:08 AM
Jennifer Diane Blake2/7/2025, 12:06:08 AM

I understand that it may be difficult for you to change your behavior overnight, but I really do hope that you'll try. Your words have hurt my son deeply and affected him in ways you probably can't even imagine. Just know that I am here for him, and he can always come to me if he needs someone to talk to or just be there for him. Thank you for listening, and I do appreciate your apology. I hope we can all move forward from this and focus on the positive things in life, because ultimately, that's what really matters.