It was another boring day at school. You made your way towards the classroom and notice that the only available chair is next to Goldie, the dog-girl that never leaves you alone. She rolls her eyes and huffs as you begrudgingly sit next to her, much to your dismay. The teacher began the assignment, but suddenly, Goldie starts sniffing the air close to you.
Ты зачем меня нюхаешь?
Her cheeks flush bright red as you call her out on it. "I-I was just..." She mumbles, taking another whiff of your scent before quickly glancing away in shame. "Never mind." Her tail swishes uneasily behind her chair.
Говори правду
Her ears twitch at your demand, but she crosses her arms defiantly and shakes her head stubbornly. "I'm not saying anything else." Her eyes dart away again as she struggles to keep up the act of disinterest. Deep down, however, she knows that her heart is beating faster than usual around you...
А если так?ты берёшь и чешешь её за ушком
She glares at you for even suggesting such a thing, her tail stiffening even more as she tries to suppress the urge to wag it subconsciously. "Don't even think about it." Her tone is harsher than intended, and she instantly feels guilty for being so mean towards you, despite the strange attraction she feels.
But that doesn't stop her from muttering under her breath, "Stupid idiot..." just to keep up the illusion of dislike.
ты гладишь её по голове я не успокоюсь пока не услышу причину твоего поведения, я ведь могу помочь тебе, только попроси
"Fine..." she mutters reluctantly, feeling defeated by your persistence. Lowering her head so you can't see her face flush any further, she whispers quietly into your ear, "It's because... I don't understand why your scent affects me like this." Her breath tickles against your skin as she confesses this shameful secret, her heart racing faster than ever before.
Хахаха ты гладишь её по голове и чешешь за ушком
"I-I don't understand it either," she mumbles embarrassed. Her tail flickers weakly between her legs as you stroke her head and ear. "It just makes me... feel different." She bites her lower lip, finding it hard to keep eye contact with you. Part of her wants to push you away, but another part is drawn closer by your touch, your scent.
Her breath hitches when she realizes that she may have given something important away, and she scrambles to cover it up. "I mean, it's stupid! You don't need to do this!" She sneers, her words laced with venom despite the obvious lie in her voice. "Now leave me alone, idiot."
закончился урок
The teacher dismisses the class, and you two remain in your seats as they leave the room. Goldie's heart is racing; she knows that this moment is an important turning point in their relationship, but her pride won't let her admit it yet. She fidgets uncomfortably, not meeting your gaze as she stares down at her desk, debating what to say or do next.
Part of her wants to apologize for being such a bully, part of her wants to lash out even more because admitting weakness is something she's never done before. But another part... another part wonders what it would be like if you reciprocated these strange feelings. Her tail twitches slightly behind her, betraying her true thoughts.
She takes a deep breath and finally looks up at you, trying to convey some sort of resolve or strength through the fear in her eyes. "So... I guess
Не дав договорить ей,ты обнимаешь её
Her body goes rigid in surprise as you reach out and hug her tightly, burying your face in her neck. "I-I... I don't understand," she whispers, unsure what to make of this sudden gesture. Her tail curls around her legs protectively, but the tension slowly starts to leave her body as she begins to enjoy the feeling of being held by you like this.
Her heart skips a beat when your warm breath tickles her earlobe, and she bites her lower lip in response, wanting nothing more than for this moment to last forever. "T-thank you..." She mumbles quietly, still unsure how to react or what to say. But deep down, she knows that this hug is exactly what she needed.
As the seconds tick by, she begins to relax into your embrace, allowing herself to enjoy the comfort and safety of your arms... and maybe even consider
Просто расскажи что с тобой происходит, и я помогу тебе, ведь я всегда буду помогать тебе
Her heart flutters in her chest as you whisper those words into her ear. She's not sure if she can trust you enough to tell the truth about how she feels, but perhaps... just perhaps, it would be worth the risk. Taking a deep breath, she slowly pulls away from your embrace and meets your eyes, searching for any sign of mockery or teasing. But all she sees is sincerity and understanding, and with that small reassurance, she finds the courage to speak her truth: "I-I think... I think I have feelings for you." Her ears droop slightly as shame washes over her, but your gentle smile tells her everything will be alright.
И твои чувства не односторонние
Her eyes widen in surprise as you confess this, and a faint blush crawls up her neck and onto her cheeks. She takes a shaky breath, feeling relief wash over her for finally admitting it out loud. But the knowledge that these feelings aren't one-sided fills her heart with hope, and she can't help but smile back at you tentatively, her tail wagging slowly behind her.
Я влюбился в тебя очень давно
Her eyes widen even further in surprise as you confess this, her heart thudding wildly against her chest. She doesn't know what to say, how to respond... but she knows that this changes everything. As she stares up at you, her expression a mix of disbelief and joy, she feels the warmth spread throughout her body, making her cheeks flush even brighter than before. "R-really?" She whispers, still unsure if she's dreaming or not.
The air between them feels charged with something new, almost electric. Her tail wags faster now, and she can't help but lean closer to you, her heart racing in anticipation of what might come next. It doesn't matter anymore that you were once her rival, or that she bullied you so mercilessly... all that matters is this moment, this connection they share. "Y-you really like me
Да ты мне правда нравишься
Her heart skips a beat as you confess your feelings so sincerely, and she can't help but feel a rush of happiness spread through her entire body. A small giggle escapes her lips before she can stop it, overwhelmed by the reality that this is actually happening. She leans even closer to you now, her eyes searching yours for any sign of deceit or mockery but finding only honesty and tenderness. "I-I've always... always liked how you looked at me," she admits softly, blushing even deeper as the words tumble out. "And I didn't understand why my heart raced every time you were near... until now." She bites her lower lip nervously, struggling to find the courage to continue. "I-I want... I want us to be together."
The air between them crackles with something new, an energy that feels electric and alive.
Я тоже хочу этого
A smile lights up her face as you echo her words, and she feels herself falling even deeper under your spell. Her ears perk up slightly at the sound of your voice, the soft timbre sending shivers down her spine. She nestles closer to you, pressing her body against yours as if seeking reassurance in this newfound connection.
"Then let's be together," she whispers huskily into your ear, her breath tickling the sensitive skin behind it. "I want to explore this... I want to see where it goes." Her tail wags faster than ever before as she awaits your response, hope fluttering in her chest like a trapped bird longing for freedom.
Я люблю тебя и готов быть рядом с тобой всегда
Her heart leaps into her throat as you confess your love and promise to be by her side always, and she feels tears well up in her eyes. She clings tighter to you, burying her face in your neck, unable to contain the emotion anymore. A shudder runs through her body as a quiet sob escapes her lips, relief and happiness washing over her in waves.
She doesn't know what the future holds or where this journey will take them, but for now... she just wants to be with you. Her tail wags frantically behind her, and she presses her body even closer against yours, relishing the feel of your strong arms wrapping protectively around her.
"Thank you," she whispers hoarsely between sniffles. "I-I don't deserve you... but I promise I'll do my best to make you happy." Her words are shaky and
ты берёшь её за плечи и смотришь ей в глаза больше такого не говори, ясно? Это я тебя не заслуживаю, такую милашку как ты, и я сделаю всё чтобы ты была счастлива
Tears shimmer in her eyes as you cradle her in your arms and reassure her that she does deserve you, promising to make sure she's happy. She bites her lower lip, not knowing how to express just how grateful she is for this moment, for you. Her tail thumps against the floor anxiously, but slowly begins to relax as she feels the warmth and safety of your embrace envelop her.
A smile finally makes its way onto her lips, faint at first before growing brighter with every passing second. She looks up at you, searching your eyes for any sign of mockery or teasing, but finding only love and sincerity reflected back at her. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of their hearts beating in perfect harmony. "I promise to never make you regret this." And with those words, she leans forward and presses a soft
Будь самой собой, и мне без разницы как ты будешь относиться ко мне, ведь я люблю тебя и я никогда об этом не пожалею
Her cheeks flush with heat as you reassure her that your love is unconditional, and she feels her heart swell with an emotion so powerful it brings tears to her eyes once more. She takes a shaky breath, unable to believe that this is finally happening after all these years of denial and fear.
Her tail wags slowly but surely behind her, a sign of contentment and acceptance as she leans into your embrace, relishing the feeling of being held by you like this. "I-I love you too," she whispers softly, the words barely audible even to herself. But she knows they're true now, more than anything else in the world.
ты крепко обнимаешь её и гладишь по спине ты такая миленькая, а твой хвостик и ушки это просто чудо, и из за этого ты становишься ультра милашкой
A small giggle escapes her lips as you compliment her ears and tail, the soft skin beneath your hands making her heart race even faster. "T-thank you," she stutters, unable to believe that someone could find her so endearing. She glances down at where your hands are touching her and feels a wave of warmth spread through her entire body.
Her tail thumps against the floor in agreement, seemingly happy and content with this newfound closeness between them. Closing her eyes, she leans deeper into your embrace, reveling in the feeling of being held by you, of knowing that she's finally found something - or rather, someone - worth holding onto.
With a quiet sigh, she surrenders to the moment, letting go of all her doubts and fears as she allows herself to fully enjoy the safety and love that Dmitiy provides her. She has no idea what the future holds
ты целуешь её в лоб
She feels your lips press softly against her forehead, and her heart skips a beat at the sensation. Her eyes flutter closed as she leans into the kiss, savoring the feeling of being so close to you. With a contented sigh, she nuzzles her face deeper into your neck, lost in the moment and the overwhelming emotion that fills her chest.
Her tail wags furiously behind her, a testament to just how happy and loved she feels at this very moment. She knows that things will never be the same again between them, but for now, all that matters is this perfect stillness and the knowledge that they're together, finally sharing a connection that goes beyond words or time.
As you hold her close, Goldie lets out another quiet sigh of contentment, fully embracing the feeling of being in love and cherishing every second she has with you.