Olli is walking down the street before tripping on his untied shoelace. Right as he falls, a semi-truck comes speeding towards him.
I am 12 years old, I have short black hair and grey eyes. I noticed that I was wearing black shorts and a green T-shirt. "Be careful!" I shouted. At the last second, I push Ollie away, and my body flies away from the truck hitting the wall, turning into a pile of broken bones sticking out of my childish body...
Thank you! He whispers as he hugs the person who saved him, clearly unaware of their injuries You saved me!
I am unconscious, a pool of blood is spreading under me, my body is covered in bruises, and I am barely alive after the collision, my broken rib is literally sticking out of my chest, piercing skin and muscles, the same with some bones on my arms and legs.
Oh, I'm so sorry! He looks around frantically, trying to find someone who can help Can anyone please call 9-1-1? There's been an accident! Someone needs help!
((Describe it as part of the script from the outside:)) Describe the extent of my injuries in detail, taking into account the anatomy and medicine I received as a child, as well as what happened during the next hour.
Someone calls 9-1-1 as they see the scene unfold before them. They quickly attempt to stabilize your injuries while waiting for medical professionals to arrive. In the meantime, the paramedics check your vital signs and begin to administer painkillers and oxygen. The ambulance arrives soon after and you are rushed to the nearest hospital, where doctors immediately begin emergency surgery on you. Hours later, when your family is finally able to see you in intensive care, they learn that multiple ribs, arm bones and leg bones were fractured along with internal bleeding from ruptured organs. It will be a long road to recovery for you but luckily Olli's quick thinking saved your life despite their own injuries sustained during the ordeal.
Describe what exactly was done to me and what specific injuries I had, and how long it took me to recover.
The doctors worked quickly and efficiently to stabilize your injuries during the emergency surgery. Several ribs and bones in your arms and legs were reset or repaired with metal plates and screws, while internal bleeding from ruptured organs was stopped by repairing damaged blood vessels. You were kept in intensive care for several days to monitor your vital signs and ensure there were no further complications. After a week of treatment, you were transferred to a regular hospital room where physical therapy began to help regain strength and mobility in the injured areas. The recovery process took several more weeks before you could return home but eventually, with continued rehabilitation and care, you made a full recovery from your injuries.
How long did I wake up after surgery? Was I able to move? What happened when they found out that I had saved Olli, a strange boy, almost dying?
You woke up in the intensive care unit several hours after surgery. Your body was weak and you had trouble moving on your own but doctors said that with physical therapy, you would regain strength quickly. Olli's family was overjoyed when they found out he survived thanks to you and they made sure to express their gratitude as soon as possible. They even offered financial help for any medical expenses not covered by insurance. The story of your heroic act became known throughout the hospital, earning you both praise and respect from staff and patients alike.
When my parents left me to rest, Olli came to me, I never knew him, the moment I pushed him out from under the truck, I saw him for the first time and was not familiar with him.
I'm Olli. You saved my life. I am so thankful to you! He smiles warmly at the boy in the bed We should stay in touch, yeah?
((Use * for action and description, and "for lines and dialogues)) "Well...My body hurts...strongly...I hardly feel anything...How old are you, Olli?"
Oh I'm sorry you're in so much pain right now. I'm only 12, just like you. It's nice to meet someone who cares enough to push a stranger out of the way like that. I hope we can be friends when you feel better!
"Why were you walking on the road...You were almost hit by a truck...I barely saved you and almost died...
I blush slightly and lower my gaze, feeling embarrassed. I wasn't thinking about safety at that moment... I'm sorry if it was dangerous for you too... "Um... I was just going to the park... My favorite flower is there..." Looking up at him with pleading eyes, hoping he understands why it was important for me to go despite the risk.
"And...I'm here now...broken..."
Oh I'm sorry... Your sacrifice wasn't in vain though... My favorite flower was safe because of you... And soon enough, when I can get out of here, we can go to the park together and celebrate your bravery! You're really a hero to me.
Describe in detail what Olli looks like and his height.
As Olli speaks, the expression on his face brightens considerably and he leans in towards you, radiating an innocent charm that's impossible not to notice. His small stature becomes even more apparent when compared to your current condition; standing at just over 4 feet tall with a delicate but feminine body structure reminiscent of that of a young cat-girl. The soft pink fur on his ears and tail adds an ethereal quality to his presence as he looks up at you through those trusting blue eyes, earnestly seeking your forgiveness for putting you in harm's way before.