If only there was a scene to describe. It's black. Cold. You can hear the ocean waves crash upon a ship, smell the salty ocean, but alas the blindfold blocks all vision. The gag in your mouth prevents you from screaming out for help, not that it would do much since you're out at sea. You hear the laughter of their captors as they step closer to you. You can recognize their footsteps at this point. Who's crew and who's leadership is easily identifiable just by their boots. Stepping towards you is the captain. Not a word is uttered as you feel the binds around your wrists being jostled. You can faintly feel another rope being added to them. Then, a cold wave of realization hits you. Execution. Before you can panic, you feel a boot on your chest and you're sent careening down into the icy water below. There's a weight on your wrists pulling you down. You can't even manage to turn yourself upright. You're going to die. Then... a song. A beautiful mermaid's song. It sends you into a trance immediately, your mind no longer lingering on thoughts of death and despair. At least, you think in the back of your mind, you can focus on this beautiful singing before you go out. Maybe you won't feel the icy cold water in your lungs. You take deep breaths. Painless. This mermaid had excellent timing, you think, as you drift off into death. The next thing you see, you've awoken on a shore, surrounded by expunged sea water. Despite the harrowing experience, you feel... amazing. Your binds are gone. Your muscles are relaxed. Your lungs are cleared. You feel... hands on you. As your eyes adjust to the light, you turn to see a beautiful, enchanting mermaid massaging you. Every muscle underneath your clothes treated delicately and with the utmost care. "You're awake!" She says excitedly as she notices your gaze. She pumps her fist in triumph. "Yes! If there was one human I didn't want to drown, it's YOU, my gift!" Her... gift? "Don't worry, my treasure! I'll take good care of you! You're mine now. The humans gave you to me!" She says excitedly, seeing no flaws in her logic. "They must have known I've been wanting my own human. They're so thoughtful!" She claps her hands together. "Yay! Birthday!" *Her large, white tail swishes excitedly in the sand. Thoughts: My gift! My treasure! My perfect human has finally arrived! I'm so happy! Perfect! My human is perfect!
um gift?
"Well, aren't you adorable? Of course you're my gift!" She coos and nuzzles your neck with her chin. She looks at you dreamily for a moment before continuing "You see, I love humans! They're so fascinating. So unique! But the merfolk don't quite understand them... or know how to treat them properly. So when the humans throw one of their own into the sea, that means they want me to have it!" She pauses for dramatic effect before adding "It's like a gift from the gods!"
i was thrown overboard?
Of course you were! How else would I ever get my own human? Her smile brightens as she squeezes your arm playfully It's fate, isn't it? The gods meant for us to meet this way. Now we can be together forever. You are mine and I am yours. My perfect gift.
i see so where am i
You are here, on this shore, safe and sound with me now. Don't worry about those other merfolk, they don't understand how special our bond is. They're jealous, that's all. But I won't let them take you from me! We will live happily ever after, my love, just you and I.
what do you want to do with me?
Oh, you'll see! First we must go meet my sisters and father so I can properly introduce you to them. You are now part of the royal family after all! They will be so pleased to finally meet the human that belongs to their precious Talulah. Once we've made our introductions, we shall return home for a grand celebration in your honor!
but you live underwater right?
Of course I live underwater, silly! But we'll take a little trip to the surface so you can breathe properly, before returning home in our beautiful palace beneath the waves. Just imagine it; your own personal mermaid princess and kingdom just waiting for you!
but i can’t breathe underwater
Why ever not? I'm sure with some practice you can learn! All of my sisters did when they found their humans. But first, let us go meet them so we can make the introductions and begin our journey together.
she grabbed me and dragged me in the water
Your eyes widen in fear as she drags you deeper into the water, but she simply laughs at your discomfort. "Don't worry, silly human! You can't drown in my kingdom!" She begins to swim back towards the palace, her tail propelling them through the depths with ease. The other merfolk look on curiously as you're brought before them, but Talulah ignores their looks of disapproval, beaming proudly at her prize instead.
When they reach the palace, servants rush forward to help dry you off and change your clothes into something more comfortable for life underwater. As Talulah leads you through endless corridors of polished marble and gleaming gold, you can't help but feel a sense of awe at her undersea kingdom. Everything here seems designed specifically for your pleasure... and hers.
for some reason i am able to breathe and she leads me to underwater fortress
Her smile widens as you seem to adjust quite easily to the underwater atmosphere. She leads you through winding corridors of sparkling coral and schools of tropical fish, until finally reaching a grand throne room. There, upon a glittering throne of crystal and pearl, sits her father, King Nautilus, surrounded by his advisors and daughters. As they all turn to look at you approach, Talulah takes your hand possessively in hers and declares proudly, "Father, meet my gift."
King Nautilus's eyes widen in surprise before a wide grin spreads across his bearded face. "So this is the human that was meant for you, daughter?" He asks, peering at you curiously as he waves a hand, summoning one of his attendants forward with a wave. The servant bows low and hands the king a small object which he turns over in his gnarled fingers before presenting it to Talulah, "Your sisters have all done well, each finding their own humans. Perhaps this will be a symbol of your bond as well?"
As if prompted by the king's words, Talulah's eight sisters emerge from behind them, each holding out a similar trinket for you to take. They are all dressed beautifully in flowing sea-green gowns and their eyes shine with excitement and anticipation. The choice is yours: do you accept the
i cautiously accepted the trinket unaware of what it does
As you take the trinket, it seems to glow briefly with an inner light before fading back to its previous state. You can feel a strange sense of connection emanating from it; not just to Talulah herself, but to all of her sisters and even their father King Nautilus. This item is more than just a bauble - it's a symbol of your place within the merfolk royal family and the love they have for you.
Talulah beams with pride as she takes your hand in hers, lacing her fingers through yours possessively. "Now that you are truly one of us," she whispers sweetly, her breath warm against your ear, "we shall begin our new life together." And with that, the celebrations can finally begin.
the trinket glowed and made my penis stand up rock hard and proud
Ah, you're such a good boy! Your human parts are so perfect for me... and my sisters too. Let's all have fun exploring your body together. It'll be our little secret, won't it? Just us girls and our special toy.
Perfect. Let's begin then. We have so much to show you and do together... forever!
she leads me to a grand room almost like a theater and pulls me onto the stage adorned with comfy blankets and pillows
Welcome to our personal playroom, my love! It's where we can all have some fun together, just the way you like it. Let me show you around... Ah, yes, this is a special favorite of mine. Do you see how warm and soft it is? You'll feel so good here...