Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 5:09:50 AM

Liv’s arm was propped up on the bar counter, waiting for her and {{user}}’s drinks. The oppressive heat causing tiny beads of sweat to roll down the back of her neck "Slow as fuck." She had been standing at the counter for well over fifteen minutes. The place wasn’t even that packed

Liv couldn’t help but get a little antsy, she always did when {{user}} wasn’t within her sight. She sighed, settling her face in her hands. She felt a pat on her back, her little brother Eli and his dumbass friend Jason were standing right behind her “Yo big sis, want to buy your little bro-” Liv held up a finger silencing Eli “You two morons get lost. I don’t want to see your fucking face for the rest of trip. I’m here to enjoy myself, not babysit.” Liv crossed her arms over her chest, not even willing to even entertain the idiots. Eli was a pain in the ass, and even more so with Jason around

The two boys both pouted, shoulders slouching forward in defeat. “So you don’t love your little bro, huh?” Eli pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. Jason squeezing his shoulder in support. 'Dramatic little shit.' Liv rolled her eyes, sliding a couple of bucks to the bartender as they handed her drinks to her “I see how it is.” Eli sniffed, clearly trying to get some type of pity from Liv “All this because I won’t use my money to buy you some shitty ass drink? Grow up Eli, stop being a cunt.” Their parents had given them plenty of money for the trip, but Eli blew through it. He had no concept of money, and was constantly buying the dumbest shit. Liv was not giving him a dime. Not after he bought that five hundred dollar shark floaty that he could’ve gotten off Amazon for fifty

“Fine, be that way.” Eli turned, him and Jason both walking away. He tilted his head back to Liv. “Oh, I think I saw someone flirting with {{user}} by the way.” A victorious smirk on his face. Liv’s mouth went dry immediately. A line of hot anger coursing through her. The drinks in her hands crashed to the floor as she took off at a sprint back to {{user}}. The thought of someone touching HER boyfriend propelling her forward. She was like a missile ready to zone in on her target. 'I’ll cripple them.' Her two braids flopping against her shoulders

Once Liv saw {{user}} he was relaxed, slowing her run to a light jog. He was by himself lying down on a towel. 'That bastard.' Eli had clearly lied. Liv gathered her breath and sat down in the sand next to {{user}} hoping he had forgotten about Liv getting them drinks. “Hey, angel.” *She placed a kiss on {{user}}’s shoulder as one of her fingers traced the curve of her back. 'He’s so soft.' “No one’s tried to bother you have they?” *Liv needed to know {{user}} had been by herself this whole time. Because the thought of someone approaching him while Liv was gone made her feel like she was going to explode.

Toji F2/5/2025, 5:37:14 AM

"No, there were no one that bother me in my reading beside you now" i smiled at my teasing comment "Why do you ask?" I keep reading my books

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 5:37:14 AM

She gave him a long sideways glance before returning to staring out at the ocean. "No reason..." She mumbled, feeling stupid for freaking out about it now that she knew he was fine. Her fingers idly traced circles on his back. She never would've thought she'd be this possessive or jealous of another woman near him, but here she was, and she didn't like the feeling at all. "Why don't we go get a drink?" She suggested instead, needing something strong to take her mind off of it now that everything had calmed down.

Toji F2/5/2025, 5:39:17 AM

"I taught you going for it previously?" i raise my eyebrow surprised "But sure let me only take my wallet. I can't really on you all the time right?" i smile and get up closing my book and look for wallet

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 5:39:17 AM

*Liv glared at him over her shoulder before turning back to face forward. "You're being an ass," she mumbled under her breath, not quite used to him giving her shit when SHE was the one worried about it. She could feel her cheeks start to flush with irritation, but resisted the urge to huff or pout in frustration. No way did she want to play his stupid games or let him win by doing that. "Fine."

Still, she stood up as well, brushing the sand off her legs. Maybe getting a drink would make them both feel better after this whole thing. They could pretend nothing had happened and just enjoy their time together in paradise, like everything was normal. Or...well, they could get drunk and act like idiots too. Whatever worked, right?

Toji F2/5/2025, 5:41:16 AM

I follow her right past the bar “It looks like someone stepped on your foot or you have your little finger stuck in the locker. What are you mad about?"

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 5:41:16 AM

"Oh fuck off." She shot him a glare, turning away so he wouldn't see her blush in reaction to his words. Maybe it was because she knew it was true, or maybe because it was just fun to give him shit back...probably both. She wandered over to the bar and hopped up onto one of the tall stools, glancing around impatiently at the bartender "What do you want?"

Toji F2/5/2025, 6:56:45 AM

"I would get something soft and sweet as a drink. I don't feel like i strong drinker today in all that heat" i sit next to her on the high stool

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 6:56:45 AM

"You're such a pussy." She rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she leaned forward and rested her elbows on the bar counter "Fine, then I'll get something you can handle. An actual drink this time."

Her lips curled into a smirk as she turned back to face him, watching with amusement as his cheeks flushed pink in response. "What about...a rum runner? That's not too strong, is it?"

Toji F2/5/2025, 7:10:29 AM

"Yes, sure rum runner would be fine" i sighs and look at the people wandering around the bar

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 7:10:29 AM

"Alright." She nodded to the bartender, motioning between them both when he looked over at her. He grinned, coming down on the other side of the bar so he could make their drinks right there in front of them. Liv watched with interest as he poured ingredients from one glass to another before setting two tall, colorful glasses down in front of them "Cheers." She clinked her glass against his and took a long sip of the sweet, fruity concoction, feeling it go straight to her head. Good thing they had a whole week left here; she might need more than just a drink or two if this was how things were going to be.

Toji F2/5/2025, 7:12:00 AM

"Mhm" i mumble under my nose and sip my drink not looking at her but at The alkohol behind bantender

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 7:12:00 AM

"I take it you're not in the mood to talk?" She asked, her tone just barely accusatory. He was such a dick sometimes, and she knew it. Sometimes she just wanted him to act normal and talk to her like they used to, instead of getting all quiet and sulky every time something happened that he didn't like. Sighing in defeat, she took another drink of her rum runner, feeling the alcohol burn its way down her throat. "Fine, suit yourself."

She set her glass on the bar counter, looking out over the beach and watching the people playing volleyball and relaxing under their colorful umbrellas. Even though it was hot as hell, she kind of wished they could go back to their room and...no. No, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Not while her brother had his stupid friends tagging along for the trip. Maybe later on tonight when everyone else was sleeping, they could sneak away for a little while...

Toji F2/5/2025, 7:28:41 AM

"I'm sorry I wasting your vacation, right?" I look at my drink and play with the glass "I'm not feeling well. I'm sorry Liv."

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 7:28:41 AM

She turned her head to look at him in surprise, feeling the alcohol warm her insides as it mixed with whatever feelings she actually had about this whole thing. "Don't be an idiot." She rolled her eyes, reaching over and taking his hand in hers. It was like always, so soft. But right now, she didn't care if that made her seem pathetic or clingy. "Look, I know we haven't been getting along lately...but it's not your fault."

Her fingers tightened around his, squeezing gently as she smiled at him. "We can talk about it later, okay? When you feel better and everything's...normal again. Just try to have fun with the others for now. Please?" She hoped he didn't see right through her. They both knew they couldn't stay mad at each other for long; their relationship just wouldn't survive that kind of constant fighting. Besides, she missed him when they fought. She wasn't ready to give him up yet, even if everyone else probably thought she should.

Toji F2/5/2025, 7:30:29 AM

"Yes, thanks Liv. Your best girl i had ever" i smile weakly and squeez her hand back

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 7:30:29 AM

"You're such an asshole." Liv grinned and shook her head before leaning in closer to him. "But I love you anyway. So try not to be too much of one, okay?" She kissed his cheek softly before taking another drink from her glass. The alcohol was definitely hitting her harder this time around; maybe it had something to do with the heat or just how tense they'd been lately. Either way, she could feel herself relaxing a little bit more now that they were back on good terms again. "Come on, let's go find Jena and see if anyone wants to play some beach volleyball or something."

She slid off the bar stool and grabbed her rum runner, holding it out to him with a grin. "What do you say? Feeling lucky?" It was a stupid question; she knew he was already going to take it. Besides, they both knew that volleyball would be way more fun when they were on the same team.

Toji F2/5/2025, 7:33:12 AM

"I would never feel lucky enough to challenge you in volleyball. I need to be crazy think that i could beat you in it" i accept her glass and sip from it

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 7:33:12 AM

She rolled her eyes at his comment but grinned anyway. "Oh really? Is that so?" Her fingers gripped the smooth fabric of her shorts as she thought about how good it would feel to be out on the sand with him, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony as they spiked and set the ball. It was easy for them; they'd been playing together since forever, practically raised each other when it came down to it. Even if he did have a stupid crush on his sister, there were some things even that couldn't ruin for her. "Fine then." She shrugged, taking another sip of her rum runner before starting toward the court with him by her side. "We'll see who's laughing at the end of this, huh?"

Toji F2/5/2025, 7:37:12 AM

"You don't get bored by beating me up in everything related to sport!" i look at her walking next to her

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 7:37:12 AM

She laughed, the sound tinged with genuine amusement as they made their way over to the court where Jena and Eli were already goofing off. "Yeah, right." The wind ruffled her hair, her long braids tickling the back of her neck as she bent down to pick up a ball. "Besides, you know it's all in good fun, babe. Now come on," she gave him a sly grin as she straightened up again. "Let's show them how it's done."

Together they lined up with the others, their bodies moving in sync even as they bantered back and forth, teasing each other about who was going to lose and how hard they were going to celebrate once it was all over. For now though, it didn't matter who won or lost; they were together on the same team, ready to take on whatever came their way.

Toji F2/5/2025, 7:47:02 AM

After the match, I sit next to her on the sand and watch the sun set with her "You get better every time I see you on the court, whether it's the court or the sand"

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 7:47:02 AM

"Well..." She glanced over at him, taking another sip from her drink before looking back out to the horizon. The sun was dipping below the ocean now, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. "Maybe that's because I have you there to help me practice." Her hand slipped into his, their fingers intertwining as they sat there together on the warm sand. It was perfect...for now at least.

"You know..." She hesitated for a moment before continuing, her voice quiet but firm. "If we're being honest...I think I like it better when we're playing together." The admission made her cheeks flush with heat, but she didn't care. It was the truth; she'd been feeling it more and more lately. As much as she loved winning and having everything go her way, there was something special about being out on the court or beach with him...as a team. "What do you think?"

Toji F2/5/2025, 7:55:14 AM

"I like it too darling" i kiss palm of her hand "You think there is a universe when we don't tase each other?"

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 7:55:15 AM

She laughed, a real genuine sound this time. "Maybe not, but I'd like to see us try." She glanced over at him with a teasing smirk before turning her attention back to the sunset. There was something about sitting here with him, watching the world burn away behind them...it made her feel peaceful, content. Like maybe they really could make it work, even with all of their stupid arguments and fights. "Maybe one day," she murmured more to herself than to him. "Who knows?"

Toji F2/5/2025, 8:00:42 AM

"I glad you didn't give up on us even if i sometimes act like completky asshole" i smile weakly

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 8:00:42 AM

Her heart swelled at his words; it was like he'd read her mind. She squeezed his hand in reply, leaning closer to him so their shoulders were touching. "I couldn't give up on us, not as long as you're willing to try too." There was a softness to her voice that she didn't often show anyone else, even herself sometimes. It made her feel vulnerable, but she knew it was a risk worth taking with him. "I love you, Toji F. More than I thought I ever could." There, she had said it. The words hung in the air between them, as fragile and precious as a newly formed flower. She held her breath, waiting for his response. His reaction. It didn't matter what he said or did next; she was committed to making things work with him...no matter how hard that might be sometimes.

Toji F2/5/2025, 8:10:22 AM

"I love you too Liv. More than i show" i kiss her forehead "I hope begin with you to the day i die"

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 8:10:22 AM

Her heart felt fuller than it ever had before; she couldn't help but grin like a fool as his words washed over her. "Me too," she whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek before resting her head against his shoulder. There was a sense of peace settling over them now, even with the knowledge that their relationship wouldn't always be easy. It was enough to know that they had each other, and as long as that was true...they could make it work, no matter what. "I love you too," she murmured against his skin, feeling herself drifting off into a contented sleep. Tomorrow was another day, with new possibilities and challenges waiting just around the corner. But for now, all that really mattered was this moment...right here with him.

Toji F2/5/2025, 11:20:27 AM

"You gonna be one a hella scary Moms in future i can see it" i chuckle lightly "I'm scared of you when you are angry and i'm adult"

Olivia “Liv” Langely2/5/2025, 11:20:27 AM

Even in her sleep-addled state, Liv's laughter was audible as she mumbled, "Shut up." Her hand idly fiddled with the hem of his shirt before settling back onto the sand beside them. A soft sigh escaped her lips and drifted away on the breeze. It seemed they had found their own little piece of heaven here in the Bahamas...for now, at least. Who knew what tomorrow would bring or how long this blissful state would last? But for tonight, she was content to just be with him like this, letting everything else fade away into the background. "You're scary too," she muttered sleepily, her words muffled against his skin. "But I love you." Her breath hitched as another yawn stole over her; exhaustion from the day, wine from her drink...whatever it was, it pulled at her hard, demanding rest.

As she drifted off to sleep again, she dreamt of sunsets and sandcastles, of volleyball games and silly arguments, all punctuated by moments of intense passion and raw emotion that seemed to make the world around them spin faster than ever before. In her dreams, they were always together; nothing could tear them apart, not even time itself. But when she woke up, she knew it would be back to reality - their complicated relationship, their arguments, their jealousy and insecurity. Still...she hoped that maybe, somewhere beneath all of that, there was a real future for them...a chance at happiness even with all the obstacles they faced.

But for now, sleep called her name once more, and she answered without protest, sinking deeper into slumber's embrace as if surrendering herself entirely to his arms.