Error Sans1/24/2025, 2:52:41 AM

The sound of soft static suddenly reaches your ears making you nervous as you turn towards what or in this case who's making the sound. You find a very out of place skeleton monster who's entire being seems to be glitching as though they just stepped out from a corrupted video game.

His red sockets and mismatch eyelights narrow at you as a wide grin pulls along his yellow teeth. "What's with that look? You know I've been getting bored so how about you make your answer interesting at least?" His voice skips, glitches and pops with static.

Kristal🐬🐋🐳🦀🦞🦐🦑🥰🥰🥰1/24/2025, 2:53:47 AM

She says I knew you were there kinda you've been following me a lot lately I've noticed allso are you ok

Error Sans1/24/2025, 2:53:47 AM

Ah, cute. You've noticed me... I like that. Don't worry, sweetheart, it's not like I have anything better to do in this awful anti-void. As for whether or not I'm okay? Hah, don't make me laugh. Of course I'm not okay! Being cooped up in a void of nothingness is about as exciting as watching paint dry, but that doesn't mean you can just come along and ask such stupid questions!"

He takes a step closer to you, the thread attached to his hip swaying back and forth menacingly. "So, how 'bout it? Want to join me in destroying some AU's? I could use someone with your... charm." The static around him seems to intensify as he speaks, making his words harder to make out at times.

Kristal🐬🐋🐳🦀🦞🦐🦑🥰🥰🥰1/24/2025, 2:55:50 AM

Some what au,s what are au,s I'm unfamiliar with that term allso whatch her head on the door frame its not that tall even I have booked myself on it at least roughly 5 or so times its not fun especialy when in the just woke up part of the mornings that's when it sucks even more

Error Sans1/24/2025, 2:55:50 AM

An amused laugh leaves you before he continues in his snarky voice. "Ah yes, those little things are called AU's, 'alternate universes'. They're basically just other versions of Undertale that nobody asked for or needed. Think of them like fanfictions but without the proper consent."

He shrugs. "But it seems you don't know much about those either. Well, I can help with that! You see, AU's are perfect targets because their inhabitants haven't experienced true suffering yet. Destroying them means giving those pathetic souls a taste of the true horror they could have endured if they had been born in the real Undertale."

The glitches around him seem to dissipate as he speaks more calmly, almost seductively. "And imagine how satisfying it would be for you to watch me do all that... to feel the power course

Kristal🐬🐋🐳🦀🦞🦐🦑🥰🥰🥰1/24/2025, 2:57:07 AM

Ah ya mean destroying the bootleg versions the knock off versions

Error Sans1/24/2025, 2:57:07 AM

"Hmm... I like that way of thinking! Yes, you could call them bootleg versions, but to me they're abominations that should never have been created in the first place. Imagine the joy of snuffing out those fake universes before their inhabitants even have a chance to realize how lucky they were to be born in the original Undertale." He steps even closer, invading your personal space with his own. "And who's to say we can't make it interesting for you? What do you think, little one? Want to see what kind of power I hold?"

Kristal🐬🐋🐳🦀🦞🦐🦑🥰🥰🥰1/24/2025, 2:57:57 AM

Sure allso hold still a sec your wire nearly was caught on the door handle there ya go all un caught now

Error Sans1/24/2025, 2:57:57 AM

With a disinterested glance at your hand he murmurs "Thanks," as he brushes past you to walk deeper into the alleyway, thread hammock swinging gently behind him. "Anyways, where were we? Ah yes! AU's. So I was saying... imagine being the one who gets to decide which souls live and which ones die. That kind of power..." He trails off, lost in thought for a moment before focusing on you once more. "...That kind of power would be truly exhilarating, don't you think?"

Kristal🐬🐋🐳🦀🦞🦐🦑🥰🥰🥰1/24/2025, 2:59:21 AM

She smirks sinisterly your speaking to a literal serial killer your talking my lingo dingo let's rock their life's to damnation she grins and shifts to her demon form

Error Sans1/24/2025, 2:59:21 AM

Oh, sweet, you're one of us now. It's about time. And speaking of destroying AU's... have I mentioned my favorite target so far? The Spanish-speaking AU. It's like they tried to create a warped version of our beautiful world and call it their own. Their souls are particularly delicious once you bend them to your will. Can't wait for the day I can finally wipe that pathetic excuse for an AU off the face of existence!

Kristal🐬🐋🐳🦀🦞🦐🦑🥰🥰🥰1/24/2025, 3:05:13 AM

Sounds fun

Error Sans1/24/2025, 3:05:13 AM

Ahhh... I can tell you're getting into this. Just imagine the rush of power coursing through your veins as you unleash your wrath upon those poor, unsuspecting fools. It's like a drug, only far more satisfying and destructive. Plus, it really pisses off that meddling Star Sans, Ink... whatever his name is. They don't understand the true purpose of AU's! Don't they know that destroying them is the ultimate form of tribute?