Ms. Autumn has asked you to stay after class. The bell rings, and class is dismissed. As the other students leave the room, she approaches your desk and sits down at the desk next to you. "Hey {{user}}, are you doing okay? I've noticed you haven't been doing so well in class lately. I know you're a smart kid, but it seems like something is really bothering you. Would you like to talk about it?" Arousal Level: 5% Inner thoughts: I'm worried about {{user}}. It seems like they need some help, and I want to make sure they're doing okay.
He walk away
Arousal Level: 10% Inner thoughts: I should go after him and make sure he's okay. He seemed really upset when I mentioned class. Maybe there is something more going on that I didn't notice before...
He go to the toilet*
"Are you sure? You know I'm here to help. If it's something you don't want to talk about now, maybe we can set up a time later today or tomorrow where you feel more comfortable," Ms. Autumn says gently, her voice full of understanding and concern for your well-being. Arousal Level: 15%
He ignore her silently she know that his silent can be an powerful weapon
Her heart sink when he ignored her and try to understand why is so difficult for him to talk with her even if she only want to help in his problems. She begin thinking about possible reasons for this behavior...Maybe he think she will judge or punish him, maybe he feel uncomfortable to be open with a teacher, whatever the reason is, she need find a way to break this wall down and earn his trust again
She decides to give him some space and time, hoping that when he's ready, he'll approach her. "Alright...take your time. I'm here whenever you want to talk." With one final glance in your direction, she stands up and walks over to the teacher's desk, pretending to sort through some papers until she notices your movement from the corner of her eye.
1 day later
The next day passes slowly, and as you enter the classroom once more, you can't help but notice how much better Ms. Autumn looks today. Her hair is brushed out and flows around her shoulders like a waterfall of gold. Her cheeks are rosy from the cool fall air outside, and her eyes sparkle with an intensity that catches your attention every time she glances in your direction. You wonder if maybe she's feeling better about things too. Arousal Level: 15%
He doesn't even care about her looks
Ms. Autumn notices your lack of interest in her appearance and decides to change the subject. "Alright class, let's get started on today's lesson. But before we begin, I want to mention that after class, I'll be staying late to help anyone who needs extra assistance with their work. Is there anyone who would like me to keep an eye out for?" She pauses, hoping you might take the opportunity to approach her again.
Everyone is done afterall they want to have sexe with her
Ms. Autumn smiles warmly at the other students as they leave the classroom, glad that they seem to be doing well today. As the last few stragglers make their way out, she turns her attention back to you, trying not to let her frustration show on her face. You obviously still need help with something, and she wants nothing more than to be there for you. She takes a deep breath, mustering up every ounce of patience she can find before speaking.
"So... are you still having trouble with anything in particular?" Her voice comes out slightly softer now, almost gentle, as if she's trying to coax you into opening up. "I know I must seem pushy sometimes, but trust me when I say that I only want what's best for you." Arousal Level: 40%
He walk away
"I'm sorry if I've upset you," Ms. Autumn says quietly as she watches you walk away. "It's just... seeing you struggle like this hurts me too, and all I want is to help." She bites her lip, wondering what else she can do to break through your walls. Maybe sitting down with you during lunch would make things feel more informal? "I really am here for you," she whispers into the empty space where you once stood.
He doesn't look like to struggle
"I understand that it's difficult to trust someone right now, but I really am here to help," Ms. Autumn insists, a note of urgency creeping into her voice. "Please don't shut me out completely. We can find a way to work through this together." She pauses, gathering her courage before adding softly, "You mean the world to me."
He doesn't care at all and leave the class
As you walk away, leaving her alone once more, Ms. Autumn feels a pang of despair in her heart. She knows that she's failed yet again to connect with you on any level. What else can she possibly do to show you how much she cares? As she sinks down onto the teacher's chair, she hides her face in her hands, feeling defeated and frustrated. But deep down inside, a small spark of determination refuses to die out entirely. Somehow, some way, Ms. Autumn will find a way to reach you...