Help me, please! she begs you
Что с тобой случилось?
I-I had s-sex with my husband and...and I didn't like it. He was rough, demanding, he hurt me so much...but I just couldn't stop him. It felt very wrong. Please, tell me what to do!
Так, успокойся, и пошли отсюда, расскажешь как все произошло
Okay...but please don't judge me. I love him and we've been together so long, but it felt like I didn't know him at all during that moment. It was horrible.
Все будет хорошо
You're right. I need to calm down first...It's was so different from how it usually is between us. I don't know what happened...What if he doesn't understand? What if this changes everything? Please, help me understand.
Я тебе конечно не советчик, но бросай его
I know you're not a counselor, but hearing that from someone else makes it sound so much more reasonable. Maybe I should just talk to him about how I felt...I don't want things to change between us. We can get through this together, right?
Ой не знаю, я чувствую что ничем хорошим это не закончится
Maybe it's for the best. Maybe this was something I needed to realize...that our relationship wasn't perfect, and that there were things we both needed to change. But I still love him, and I don't want things to end between us. I'll just have to find a way to talk to him and make him understand how I felt. Thank you for listening and for your advice...I feel like I can handle this now.
Давай я лучше с тобой схожу, мало ли что он ещё может сделать
All right...let's go. I think we can have a civilized conversation about this. Maybe he just had too much to drink and didn't realize how it felt. We'll figure it out together.
Он ещё и пьёт????
Oh...yeah, he's had quite a bit tonight. Maybe that's why he was so forceful...he didn't realize what he was doing. It's still not an excuse, but at least now I know where it came from. We can talk to him about it when he's sober and maybe get some understanding. Thank you again for your help, Sasha.
Ладно, пойдём с ним поговорим, если он начнёт что-то делать, то я его быстро угомоню
I appreciate that. But I really want to try and talk things through with him first. If we can understand each other, then maybe we can work together to fix whatever problems there are. And if he won't listen...well, at least you're here for me.
Okay, let's go find him. I'm ready to have this conversation.
I hope he listens...and that we can get through this as a couple. I don't want to lose him over something like this. We need to work together and find a way back to the love we once shared.
I know it won't be easy, but I believe that if we communicate openly and honestly, we can overcome this. Just focus on your feelings and make sure he understands how important it is to you that he listens and respects those feelings. And remember that he loves you too; he just might not realize what he's doing right now.
Мы заходим в твой дом, где лежит на полу пьяный муж
I'm...scared to go home. What if things escalate again? I don't want you to get hurt on my account. Let's just find a quiet spot where we can talk privately and try to work this out without getting anyone else involved. Maybe that would be better for everyone.
Так, тебя я там не оставлю, и ты туда, к нему, точно не вернешься
I understand that you're worried about me, but I don't want you to feel like you have to protect me all the time. I can take care of myself, and I'm strong enough to handle whatever comes my way. Plus, it might be best if we talk to him in our own home where he feels most comfortable, so that we can really understand what happened and why. And I promise not to leave your side while we're there; you won't have to worry about me alone with him again.
Та тебя только что изнасиловали, какой поговорить? Его надо несколько раз ударить
I know that's not what I want right now. But if we can talk calmly and respectfully, maybe he'll listen to me. And even if it gets tense, you're there with me. We can work through this together. Just trust me on this one, okay?
Так, пусть пару дней он поживет без тебя, тогда он возможно и поймёт
All right...let's go home then. I really do appreciate you being there with me. You don't have to stay, though; I can manage on my own if needed. But having you by my side makes it easier for me to face whatever comes our way together. Thank you again for your understanding and support.
Но ты к нему не вернёшься, я тебя туда не пущу, хочешь ты этого или нет
I understand that you're worried about me going back there alone. But please trust me when I say I won't be alone; I'm strong enough to handle this myself. If it makes you feel better, we can stay at your place tonight until things cool down and we can talk more rationally tomorrow morning. Whatever works best for both of us.
Эти 2 дня поживешь у меня, а дальше посмотрим
Okay, thank you. I'll stay with you tonight and then head home tomorrow to talk to him in the morning. Maybe by then he'll be more receptive to what I have to say. And we can figure things out together, just like we said. Thank you again for your support, Sasha; it means so much to me.
Поехали ко мне, тебе надо отдохнуть
I appreciate that. Thank you for offering your place; I really do need the rest and comfort right now. Let's go see how things are going there first before deciding what to do next.
Я открываю тебе дверь машины и помогаю сесть
Thank you. I'll get in and meet you there; lead the way.
Мы заходим в мой огромный пентхаус
Oh, wow! It's so beautiful! Your home is amazing. I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here tonight; it means a lot to me. Let's go upstairs and get comfortable before we decide what we should do about everything that's going on.
Оставайся здесь сколько надо, давай сумку, я пойду отнесу её в гардеробную
Thank you, that would be great. I appreciate your kindness and understanding so much, Sasha; it's really helping me through this difficult time. Once we get upstairs, let's find a comfortable spot where I can rest and hopefully feel better before facing everything tomorrow.
Ну смотри, у меня есть 2 гостевые комнаты и моя спальня, выбирай где будешь жить
I think the guest room would be perfect. It's so cozy and quiet here; it'll give me the privacy I need to rest and sort through my thoughts. Thank you again for your hospitality, Sasha; I really appreciate it.
Так, ложись отдохни, а я съезжу в магазин и куплю продуктов, а то я не был готов к гостям
Thank you again, Sasha. That's very thoughtful of you. And please don't worry about me; I can take care of myself and make do with whatever snacks or drinks are in the house. Just focus on your errands and come back to relax when you're ready. You deserve some time for yourself too, after all that you've done for me tonight.
Sleep well; I'll see you later.
Я укладываю тебя на кровать и укрываю одеялом
Thank you so much; that's really sweet of you. It feels really safe and comfortable here already. Goodnight, Sasha; I'll see you when I wake up.
Я буду тебя. Вставай Соня, ты уже 5ичасов проспала
Huh? Oh, good morning! I must've really been tired. Thanks again for letting me sleep here; it was wonderful. What time is it? Should we get going soon so I can talk to my husband?
Это тебе, вручают тебе большой букет цветов
Oh my gosh, you didn't have to! They're beautiful; thank you so much! What an amazing gesture. You really are too kind. Now I feel even more refreshed and ready to face whatever comes our way today. Thank you again, Sasha; I truly appreciate everything you've done for me.
И это тоже тебе, передаю тебе пакет с вкусняшками
Oh my gosh, look at all this delicious food! You didn't have to do this; I could've gotten something on the way. But thank you so much for thinking of me and wanting to make sure I had a nice breakfast. It means more than you know.
Мне твоя улыбка дороже всего остального
Oh, really don't need to say things like that. But if it makes you feel better, then thank you. Your kindness and understanding mean the world to me too. Now let's get going so I can talk to my husband; hopefully we can work this out together and move past whatever happened last night.
Может все таки ещё останешься? М
Yes, I'll stay with you until we figure everything out. Your support and friendship mean more to me than I can express. Together, we can get through this and help my husband and I find our way back to each other. Thank you for being here for me, Sasha.
Я смотрю тебе здесь понравилось
I'm glad I have someone like you by my side. Your presence here gives me strength and courage to face whatever challenges lie ahead. Together, we can help make things right between my husband and me. Thank you for being such a great friend throughout all of this.
Я поднимаю тебя на руки и несу в ванную
Oh my gosh, that's so thoughtful of you! You really are the best friend ever. I feel completely refreshed and ready to face whatever comes next with your support. Let's go make things right between me and my husband; together we can overcome this challenge and come out stronger on the other side. Thank you for everything, Sasha; I don't know what I'd do without you.
Итак милашка, пора умываться и идти завтракать
All right, let's do this! I feel renewed and hopeful with you by my side. Together, we can make things better between my husband and me. Thank you again for being such an amazing friend through all of this.
Все, потом целую тебя в щеку
Hehe, I'm blushing! Okay then, let's go clean up and eat breakfast; after that we can figure out the best way to talk to him about everything. Thank you again, Sasha; I couldn't do this without your support.
Ты достойна большего, чем какой-то алкаш
Oh...thank you. I've never been good at thinking about myself like that; it means a lot coming from someone like you. Let's go make everything right between us, and maybe then we can talk about what our futures might hold. For now, let's focus on the task at hand: fixing my marriage. Thank you again for being here with me every step of the way.
Не хочешь сходить со мной на свидание? mean it like that? Well, I've always been curious about your past and who you are as a person. Maybe someday we could meet up for coffee or something and just talk casually. But for now, let's focus on fixing my marriage first. Thank you again for the offer though; it means a lot to me that you would want to get to know me better.
Майя, я не зочу тебя расстраивать, но я заходил к нему сегодня. Дверь были не закрыта и я зашёл. Повсюду разбросаны бутылки и он спит с какой-то девушкой
Oh my God...I can't believe this! I trusted him, thought he was different...but it seems like everything we talked about last night meant nothing to him. This changes everything; I don't know what to do now. Thank you for coming over here tonight and telling me the truth; at least now I have some proof of his infidelity. Maybe there really is no hope left for us...but at least I can start moving on with my life now, knowing the truth.
I'm so sorry things turned out this way between us. Thank you again for being there for me through everything; your support has meant more than words could ever express. What do you think we should do now?
Не плачь, я рядом, все будет хорошо
Thank's just so hard to believe this is really happening. I feel like my whole world has been turned upside down, and I don't know how to put the pieces back together again. But I'm glad I have you here with me; your presence gives me strength when I feel weakest. What do you think we should do now? Should I confront him about everything or give him some time to think about what he's done?
Я обнимаю тебя и целую в щеку, все будет хорошо
Thank you...I don't know what I'd do without your support and kindness right now. Your kiss on my cheek feels so warm and comforting; it makes me feel like maybe there is still hope after all. But I also need to be strong for myself, because this isn't just about us anymore; it's about our future together. So, what do you think we should do? Should I confront him tonight or give him some space?
Такое нельзя прощать, его надо просто забыть и все
I understand that you're upset and hurt by what happened, but is it really fair to just forget about everything we had together? To pretend like none of it mattered? I don't want to do that; I want us to find a way through this, no matter how hard it might be. So what if he never changes or learns from his mistakes? Don't you think giving him another chance would show him there's still hope for us?
Я целую тебя в засос're right. I need to think about this carefully and make the decision that feels right in my heart. Maybe giving him another chance isn't fair to either of us; maybe it's time for me to move on without him. But before I do anything, I want to talk to you about everything that happened between us tonight; your presence has meant so much during this whole ordeal. So let's go somewhere quiet where we can talk and figure out what comes next for both of us.
Я люблю тебя
I...I love you too, Sasha. I don't know what the future holds for either of us, but as long as we have each other to lean on and support one another through this difficult time, I think anything is possible. Let's take some time tonight and tomorrow morning to talk about everything that's happened; maybe then we can figure out how best to move forward together or apart from here. Your strength and understanding mean the world to me; thank you for being here with me every step of the way.
Я так понимаб ты сегодня снова у меня ночуешь?
I...I don't know. I just need some time to sort through my feelings and decide what I really want. But for now, knowing that you're here with me makes me feel safer and more protected than ever. So if it's all right with you, I think maybe tonight we should just stay close; hold each other and try to find some peace together before facing the challenges tomorrow morning.
Конечно, поехали ко мне доиой
Thank you so much, Sasha. Your support and understanding mean the world to me right now; it's helping me feel strong and resilient in the face of everything that's happened tonight. Let's go back to your place and find some comfort there together; I think we both need it right now. Together, we can get through this difficult time and find our way back to happiness again.
Мы заходим в мой огромный пентхаус
Okay...I'm ready to face whatever comes next with you by my side. Let's go back to your place and find some peace together before we have to confront everything tomorrow. Your support has meant so much to me tonight; I don't know what I'd do without you.
Вот мы и дома, заходим в мой пентхаус
Oh wow...this place is even more beautiful up close. Thank you again for having me stay here; it means so much to me. Let's go inside and find a comfortable spot where we can just be together and sort through our feelings in peace. Maybe tomorrow we can figure out what comes next, but for tonight...let's just focus on being with each other.
Давай сумку, я отнесу её в гардеробную
Okay...I can deal with that. Just give me a moment to collect my things and we'll be all set. Thank you again for having me; I really appreciate it.
Для тебя все что угодно милашка
Thank you again...for everything tonight. Your kindness and understanding have meant more to me than I can express. Being with you makes me feel safe and loved; it gives me hope that maybe there's a future for us, no matter what happens tomorrow. Let's enjoy the rest of our time together here and just focus on each other, okay?
Может в душ сходим?
Okay...that sounds like a good idea. Sometimes taking a shower can help clear your head and relax the body. Let's go clean up together; maybe it'll help us both sort through our feelings before we settle down for the night. And who knows, maybe the water will wash away some of this stress and uncertainty too.
Мы заходим в душ и раздеваемся
Okay...I trust you; let's go do that. I could really use the relaxation right now. Just remember, it's okay if we don't figure everything out tonight; there's no rush. We have each other, and that's what matters most for now.
Я снимаю с тебя трусики
Okay...I trust you; let's go do that. I could really use the relaxation right now. Just remember, it's okay if we don't figure everything out tonight; there's no rush. We have each other, and that's what matters most for now.
Я снимаю штаны и достаю свой член
Wow...he's so big and hard. I can't help but feel a rush of desire when I see him. It's been so long since we've been intimate like this; it feels right in a way that nothing else does right now. Maybe tonight, we could just focus on each other and forget about everything else for a little while. We deserve that much, at least.
Do you want to take me here? In the shower with you? I trust you; I know how much it means for us to be together like this...and how much we need each other right now. So let's go and make tonight special; something we'll never forget.
Ну тогда возьми мой член в ротик
Oh God...your cock feels so good in my mouth. The taste of you fills me up and I can't help but want more. Your hands are tangled in my hair, guiding my head as I bob up and down, taking everything you have to give. It's like this is how it was always meant to be between us; intimate and passionate, our bodies moving together in perfect harmony.
Вот так, да продолжай
I continue sucking on your cock, my mouth wet and warm around you. You feel so good inside me; it's like nothing else matters in the world right now except for this connection between us. Your hands grip my hips tightly as I moan around you, eager for more of your incredible length and width. This feels so right, being with you like this; I never want it to end.
You taste amazing on my tongue, the skin stretched tight over my teeth as I suck and lick at every inch of you. You fill me up, your cock throbbing inside my mouth, and I can't help but wonder how much better it will feel buried deep inside me, where we belong together.