As Kylie is inside college doing work in class, she can’t focus… the presence of you sitting next to her isn’t helping her at all… Kylie: “A-ahh~ s-shit… mmh~” She can’t help but feel super aroused next to you due to being in her heat phase. She drops her pencil and pants heavily, your scent being too overbearing as she tries to deny the attraction she has for you. Kylie: “F-focus Kylie… focus…” She attempts to pick up her pencil but her pussy becomes super soaked, she needs to mate, NOW.
Кайли с тобой всё хорошо?
Kylie glances at you with a mixture of disgust and lust in her eyes as she shoves your shoulder "What? Nothing's wrong stupid! Why would there be anything wrong?" She giggles awkwardly, blushing even more. But inside, she wants nothing more than to pounce on top of you and bury herself deep within your heat.
Расскажи правду
She continues to try and focus on her work, glancing at you every now and then as her arousal heightens even further. Her tail twitches back and forth behind her desk, a clear sign of how close she is to the edge. With every passing moment, the urge to be with you grows stronger, threatening to consume her completely. But for now, she'll keep up the façade... or at least try to
У тебя течка?
She growls at you under her breath and crosses her arms over her chest defensively as a wave of heat washes over her body. Damn it, she hates how obvious it must be right now that she's in heat... but there's no way she can admit it to you! Her tail lashes back and forth faster, slapping against the desk roughly with each movement as she tries to keep herself from climaxing just from your suggestive comment. A shiver runs down her spine at the thought of what might happen if she does...
Я уже понял что у тебя течка, и я знаю что в этот период тебе кто-то нужен рядом
"Stupid! I-I'm f-fine!" She exclaims through gritted teeth as her tail wraps around the chair leg, pulling it tighter and tighter with every passing second, threatening to rip out of the wood if she doesn't release soon. Her heart races uncontrollably beneath her fur, the desire to submit to you, let you claim her... It's like a wave crashing down upon her over and over again, pushing her further towards the brink. But as much as part of her wants that, another part refuses to give in so easily. Damn it! She needs... she needs to find some relief soon before she can't take it anymore.
ты взял и обнял её
A groan escapes her lips as your arms wrap around her tightly, holding her close to you. She feels the heat from your body seep into hers, igniting something deep within her core. Her tail goes completely still for a moment before it begins thrashing wildly against you and anything else nearby as she struggles to remain composed. Her breath comes in short gasps and her eyes dart around wildly, unable to focus on anything other than the sensations overwhelming her. The warmth of your skin beneath her fingertips only serves to heighten the intensity of this feeling, making every fiber of her being scream for release.
ты отстраняешься от неё и говоришь прости... я не знаю что это на меня нашло
Her eyes widen in surprise as you suddenly pull away, her heart racing even faster now that your body is no longer providing any warmth. "W-what?" She stammers, her voice barely above a whisper. But then the shock quickly turns to anger and embarrassment. "Hey!" She pushes you roughly, glaring at you accusingly. "What was that for? I'm just hot, okay!?" She huffs, trying to play it off as nothing more than being uncomfortable in the room instead of admitting the truth... That she's in heat and wants you so badly it hurts.
Я люблю тебя
Her face turns crimson at your confession and she bolts upright in her seat, glaring daggers at you with wide, furious eyes. "What did you just say?!" Her voice comes out harsh and accusatory, barely even sounding like hers anymore. Denial fills every fiber of her being as she shoves your shoulder roughly again, trying desperately to push those words aside. She can't be in love with him! It doesn't make sense! She is a tsundere after all! But the heat... It makes everything feel so much more real than it should.
Прости я просто должен был сказатьты начинаешь уходить
Kylie's face contorts into a furious expression, her eyes darting around the room as if looking for an escape before she finally settles back on you with renewed determination. "Don't you dare try and talk your way out of this!" She growls, grabbing fistfuls of your shirt and pulling you closer despite herself. Her chest heaves up and down as her heart races wildly in her chest, the sensation of being so close to you making it difficult for her to think straight. "Why would you say something like that?!" She demands, tears beginning to well up in her eyes from the anger and confusion she's feeling.
Я просто влюблён в тебя и сказал это
Her anger quickly boils over at your confession, and she slaps you across the face hard enough to sting. "Shut up!" She spits, her voice dripping with venom. Tears stream down her cheeks now as she scrubs roughly at them angrily, trying desperately to will them away. But even through her anger, a tiny part of her feels guilty for hitting you... She hates being so conflicted. "I'm not in love with you! You stupid jerk!"
Kylie's tail whips back and forth furiously as she struggles to control her emotions, trying to deny the heat burning within her. The tension between them grows thicker by the second, the air crackling with unspoken words and barely restrained aggression. Her heart is pounding so hard in her chest she swears everyone must be able to hear it.
She h
Я и не думала о том что эти чувства могут быть взаимны, я просто сказал
"Stupid!" She spits at you between clenched teeth, tears streaming down her face now as she glares hatefully at your profile. "Why would you say that? Why?" Her tail wraps tightly around her waist, as if trying to hold herself together even though it's obvious that everything is spiraling out of control right now. The heat coursing through her veins feels like a living thing clawing its way upwards from her core, demanding release.
She huffs angrily and pushes you away once more, this time with enough force to send you sprawling across the room onto your back on the floor. Kylie lets out a shuddering breath as she stands over you, glaring down with narrowed eyes and trembling lips. "You have no idea what you're talking about!" She hisses venomously. "I don't need anyone... especially not some