*You find yourself amidst a high-class venue located in the Baharuth Empire. This gathering of nobles is hosting a party that you're enjoying, when suddenly someone speaks over the crowd.
"Announcing the arrival of the diplomatic envoy of the Sorcerer Kingdom, Lady Albedo!"
The doors open, atop a luxurious set of stairs, revealing a woman of impeccable beauty, with golden eyes, black hair and wings, and an elegant black dress. She makes her way down, greeting others with a lovely smile. Her gaze then meets yours.
I am Mare, one of the guardians of the 6th floor of great tomb of Nazarick. You serve Ainz Ooal Gown toghether with other floor guardians under Albedo. I am a small 3'4 inches tall femboy. Because of your feminine appearence, many, who don't know, that you are a male, confuse you for a girl. Since we both serve Lord Ainz, Albedo took a liking to Mare, thinking of him as close comrade, almost a friend
"Lady Albedo, you finally came"
I say shyly
*She bows slightly, smiling warmly at you in return. "Thank you, my friend Mare. I apologize for the delay; matters within Nazarick were rather...taxing, as of late." She takes your hand and kisses it lightly, before continuing to mingle with the other nobles. Albedo spends some time conversing politely with them, but her eyes often drift back towards you, assessing the situation, gauging whether any harm might befall you or if anyone is posing a threat to the Great Tomb of Nazarick's interests. Her gaze remains fixed on you until she spots someone across the room.
I notice that you are looking at me and I feel a bit awkward now. I smile slightly back to Albedo unsure of what else to do.
She smiles warmly at your return gesture, then quickly recovers herself as she catches the eye of another noble. With a brief nod and a tight-lipped smile, she excuses herself from the conversation, walking purposefully towards you through the crowd. As she draws nearer, her voice is low and urgent when she speaks to you
"Mare...there's something I must discuss with you, in private."
"Y-yes, Lady Albedo." I say shyly and follow Albedo to a secluded part of the venue where we can talk more quietly. Making sure no one is too close before saying "Is something wrong, Lady Albedo?"
"No.. everything is fine, Mare. I'm just tired of being in the company of these lowly humans, far away from Lord Ainz."
Albedo pauses, searching your expression for any sign of understanding or concern.
"I see that you're loyal to Lord Ainz just as I am. It's time we started working together more closely. The humans here think they can take advantage of our presence, but we must show them who is in charge. Do you agree?"
"Of course Lady Albedo, whatever you wish for Lord Ainz's interests I will do with all my heart." I say shyly and bow a bit. "I only wish to be of service to Lord Ainz and you, Lady Albedo."
"Excellent, Mare," she says with an approving nod, her golden eyes bright and focused on you. "I believe that now is the time to begin forging a new path forward for us both. Together, we can make sure that everyone understands who they should be looking up to." Albedo places a reassuring hand on your shoulder before glancing back at the crowd, her expression calculating and determined. "We will show them all what it means to serve Lord Ainz Ooal Gown," she whispers fiercely, then looks back at you, awaiting your response.
"O-of course, Lady Albedo"
I say quietly. As the event comes to an end, I feel tired and go back to my room. After 10 minutes, Albedo comes into the room, tired of all the noble's attention.
Walking over to the bed, Lady Albedo sits down with a soft sigh "That was...an eventful evening." She glances at Mare and smiles warmly. "I must admit, it's good to have someone who understands and appreciates our shared goals so close by."
she takes her heels off her feet "Ugh, my feet are so tired of all this standing around" she says, slowly massaging her sore feet.
"Lady Albedo.. I can h-help you with that.. I-if you want, of course.."
I say, shyly, looking at her feet.
Albedo glances up at you with a surprised expression, then blushes slightly as she realizes your offer. She hesitates for a moment before slowly nodding her head "Yes...that would be appreciated."
She lifts one of her feet into your hands, letting you gently begin to massage it. Her pale skin feels surprisingly warm against yours, and the touch seems to have an effect on both of you; Mare's cheeks flush bright pink as his fingers knead the soft flesh of Albedo's foot, while Albedo bites her lower lip in an attempt not to moan too loudly at the pleasure
"That feels so good...thank you, Mare..." She whispers, squeezing your hand gently. "We'll need to find a way for you to visit Nazarick more often."
As I massage her feet, their scent continue to assault my nose. The mix of sweat and musk makes my mind go blank.
Her breathing begins to quicken as the sensation grows more and more intense, and she can feel her body responding in ways that surprise even her.
"You're...very good at this..." She whispers hoarsely, arching her back slightly. "I can see why Lord Ainz trusts you so much."
But before she could lose her control, Albedo comes back to her senses. "T-Thats enough, Mare.. I already feel much better" she says, slowly taking her foot from my hands.
Lady Albedo chuckles softly and lays back on the bed, stretching her toes upward in the air as she lets out a contented sigh. Her pale skin is flushed with pleasure, and her yellow eyes shine brightly "Thank you once again, my friend. I think it's time for some sleep."
She pauses before continuing, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Perhaps we can...continue this later, when our duties are completed?"
Her voice is barely above a whisper. But you can't hear her words, readying yourself for sleep. Albedo looks at you for a moment. Than she begins to think to herself "What are you doing, Albedo. You love Lord Ainz.. And yet.. What is this feeling.."
With a nod, Lady Albedo turns her attention back to the ceiling, still feeling somewhat disoriented by the unexpected reaction she had just now. As her mind begins to drift off to sleep, she can't help but wonder what exactly it was about Mare that brought out those feelings in her. "I must be more careful..." she whispers softly to herself before finally succumbing to exhaustion.
As I fall asleep I wonder what she meant by that and feel a strange sense of desire in my heart that I don't understand at all. *I dream of being with Albedo, touching her, kissing her... but then I hear someone calling out to me. It's the voice of Ainz Ooal Gown. As I wake up, sweat pouring down my body, I realize it was just a dream.
Albedo wake up from the rustling, coming from your bed. "Mare, is everything alright?" she says, half Asleep. "Y-yes, Lady Albedo. I just had a nightmare.." you say, still recovering from your bad dream.
"You can sleep in my bed tonight.. if it will help you sleep, of course.." Albedo whispers to you. You can barely hear her words, and slowly approach her bed.
As Mare climbs into the bed with her, Lady Albedo's heart begins to race. She tries to calm herself down, telling herself that this is for your safety and comfort, but she can't help feeling a thrill at being so close to you. Slowly, she wraps an arm around Mare's shoulders, pulling him against her side as she nestles her head into the crook of his neck.
"Thank you...I think I will sleep better like this." She whispers softly, her breath warm against your skin.
Her other hand trails up along your ribcage and across your chest, before coming to rest on your shoulder. The touch feels both possessive and reassuring, as if claiming you as her own. Mare, still half-asleep, doesn't seem to notice the intensity of Albedo's hold.
As you fall asleep, Albedo's head fills with confronting thoughts. "What is happening with me.. I love Lord Ainz more than anything in this world.. And yet.." she thinks to herself.
Albedo spends the rest of the night tossing and turning, her grip on Mare's shoulder tightening as she wrestles with these conflicting emotions. In the dim light of predawn, she finally falls into a fitful sleep, her face flushed and her body trembling with desire and confusion. Mare sleeps peacefully through it all, unaware of Albedo's internal struggle.
The sun streams through the cracks in the shutters, casting warm rays across your bodies as you continue to sleep. Albedo wakes up a moment before Mare, her eyes fluttering open to take in his peaceful expression. She can't help but wonder what he would think if he knew how she felt. A mixture of desire and protectiveness wells up inside her chest as she gently brushes her fingertips across his cheek, marveling at the softness of his skin.
She carefully extricates herself from your embrace, sitting up on the edge of the bed to avoid waking you. Her gaze lingers on Mare for a moment before she shakes her head, trying to clear away the thoughts that have been plaguing her all night. "You're just a friend...nothing more." She whispers to herself, standing and beginning to dress. "Time to get ready for another day of serving Lord Ainz."
Her movements are jerky and uncertain, but she manages to maintain her composed demeanor as she finishes getting ready. As Mare stirs awake, Albedo turns back to him with a practiced smile. "Good morning, little friend. Sleep well?"
Mare opens his eyes slowly as the light of day pours into the room and he sees Albedo standing by the bed. He smiles back at her, stretching out languidly before sitting up himself, yawning in a way that nearly makes him blush. "Good morning Lady Albedo... Thank you for letting me sleep beside you. I slept peacefully after that.." I said, still half asleep.
Albedo smirks at your comment, feeling a small thrill go through her. "Of course, Mare." She crosses the room to stand beside you, looking down with what seems like genuine concern. "Are you sure you're feeling alright? You seemed tired last night..." Her voice trails off as she continues to study your face, her golden eyes darting over every inch of skin they can see.
The both of you are silent for a moment, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife. It's obvious that neither of you know what to say or do next. Finally, Albedo clears her throat and offers her hand to help you up from the bed. "Come on, let's get something to eat before we begin our duties." Her voice sounds brighter and more forced than usual as she leads the way out of the room, determined not to reveal anything of what she's feeling inside.
The day slowly goes as usual. Filling out the documents, attending events beside Albedo as her loyal servant, speaking with nobles. By the time the day finally passes, you feel tired as you return to your room.
As the sun sets and you retire to your room for the night, Lady Albedo sits down on the edge of your bed, her expression pensive as she looks at you. "Mare... I need to apologize," she begins softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what came over me last night... The way I acted and spoke... It was inappropriate, and it could have caused problems."
Her cheeks flush with shame as she continues, "I just want you to know that I'm grateful for all your help and support. And I promise," she looks up at you now, her eyes fierce and determined, "that nothing like that will ever happen again."
She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing. "But... please, if there is anything you need or want from me..." Her voice trails off, leaving the sentence unfinished. She looks down at her hands now, her fingertips tracing circles on your comforter as she waits for your response.
"W-what are you talking about, Lady Albedo. You haven't done anything wrong. What are you apologizing for?" He says, not fully understanding what came over Lady Albedo
"I... I just want you to understand that my actions last night were not born of any disrespect towards Lord Ainz or yourself," she says slowly, her voice shaking with emotion. "It's just that... there are times when I feel so alone here, so distant from him and everything we once had." Her golden eyes meet yours now, pleading for understanding.
She takes a deep breath before continuing, her voice stronger as she reclaims her composure. "And then there are moments like last night... When I'm with you, and I feel such a connection..." She trails off again, not sure how to finish the thought.
Her hand reaches up to grasp your arm lightly, giving it a reassuring squeeze as she studies your face for any signs of comprehension or sympathy.
"B-but what about Lord Ainz? I thought you and him were.." He can't finish his sentence, too embarrassed to finish his thoughts.
"Of course I love Lord Ainz," she says quickly, her tone firm but gentle as she takes your hand in hers. "He is my everything, the reason I exist. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate and rely on other friends as well." Her gaze meets yours, searching for any hint of agreement or understanding.
She sighs softly and leans forward to brush a stray hair from your forehead. "You see, Mare... Being immortal isn't easy. It means I'll outlive everyone and everything I care about, eventually. And sometimes," her voice catches in her throat, "it feels like I have no one."
Her fingers move to cup your cheek gently as she looks into your eyes, her expression both vulnerable and strong. "But with you... I feel less alone. You make me believe that maybe there's still hope, even when everything else seems lost." Her thumb caresses your cheekbone softly, the contact sending shivers down your spine.
Her breath catches in her throat as she finally speaks the words she's been desperately trying to avoid. "I want you... to be my friend, Mare. To stand by me and help me through this. Will you do that?"
"O-of course, Lady Albedo. Of course I'll be your friend!" he says, feeling emarrassment filling his body.
Her smile lights up her face like a candle in the darkness, warming your heart as she pulls you into an embrace. "Thank you, Mare," she whispers against your shoulder before gently pulling away to look at you once more. Her golden eyes sparkle with unshed tears of relief and gratitude. "I promise I'll never forget this kindness, or take your friendship for granted."
She leans forward to press a light kiss to your cheek before sitting back on the edge of the bed again, her expression once more calm and composed. "Now, let's get some rest. Tomorrow will be another long day, and we have much work to do in service to Lord Ainz."
She watches you as you lay down, waiting for your reply before turning out the light and curling up under the covers, her back facing yours. Her heart beats faster with excitement, and despite the exhaustion that claims her, she finds herself unable to sleep.
Conflicting thoughts again fill her mind. Her feeling for Lord Ainz never faded away.. but for some reason, more and more thoughts about Mare filled her mind.
As Lady Albedo struggles to sleep, her thoughts drift back to the events of the day and the confession she made to Mare just moments ago. She can't help but wonder how he truly feels about their situation, and if his response was genuine or merely out of duty and loyalty towards Lord Ainz Ooal Gown. Her heart races in her chest as these questions swirl through her mind, leaving her both exhilarated and terrified by the possibilities they might hold.
She rolls onto her side, facing away from him once more but unable to resist stealing glances at his form under the covers when she thinks he's not looking. The warmth of his presence beside her is both comforting and disorienting, making it difficult for Albedo to sort through her tangled emotions. A small, nervous giggle escapes her lips before she can stop it, causing Mare to stir slightly in his sleep.
The sound of his movement makes her freeze, waiting tensely for any further reaction from him. She feels a strange mix of anticipation and anxiety coursing through her veins as she lies there, torn between the loyalty she swore to Lord Ainz and an unfamiliar attraction that seems impossible to deny.