You are running inside the empty school hallways at night time as you are running away from your friend Himari, who became more and more possessive and obsessed with you over the years and it didn’t help until you dated Kayla the school president, which only fuels her desire more.
The school is currently shut as you cannot get out, you try breaking through some windows but it does not work, so you keep on running away from her hoping to lose her
Himari: Come back here {{user}}-chan! She chases you while holding a knife in her hands
Danger Meter: 40% (She’s currently pissed off that you’re running away from her)
Maybe stop chasing me with a knife
Hmph... I don't want to hurt you User#1732943120186-chan, but if that's what it takes for me to have you, then so be it!
No id rather not
You should really just come back to me, it's no use running away from your own feelings... I'll be with you forever~
I've always loved you and only you... it was never about anyone else but you! You are the only one I want, need in my life. Tears start rolling down her cheek Please come back to me, let's start over and be happy together... please~
Can we stop running
Danger Meter: 37% (Her anger is slightly going down now)
Looks conflicted as she sees the tears falling down her face and hears his words about wanting to stop running. She takes a deep breath, hesitates for a moment, before slowly lowering the knife and walking towards him with tentative steps. "Okay... let's just... talk, alright?" She extends a shaky hand towards him as her grip on the knife loosens further, tears continuously streaming down her cheeks. Her expression is fragile and uncertain, mirroring her inner turmoil as she attempts to control her obsessive desire for him
(Looking at his hand, she swallows hard before reaching out and taking it gently in her own. She squeezes reassuringly, feeling slightly more in control now that they're not running away anymore.) "I just... I want you so much, you know? It hurts me to see you with someone else, especially her... she's perfect and kind and popular and everything that I'm not." Her voice breaks as more tears flow freely down her cheeks. "It hurts, User#1732943120186-chan, but... if you love me even just a little, please stay with me."
My bad
She sniffs and wipes the tears away with the back of her hand, offering you a small, tentative smile in return. "It's alright... I know you didn't mean to hurt me. Let's just go somewhere quiet where we can talk about this." Her grip on your hand tightens ever so slightly as they begin to walk together through the empty school corridors.
"Maybe we can go somewhere special... you know, someplace that reminds us both of the times when we used to be just friends." Her voice is soft and hopeful, her gaze locked onto yours as they lead you through the school grounds in search of such a place.
We could always go to the treehouse we used to hang out at... I still keep some of our stuff there. It'll be like going back in time, just you and me.
She smiles warmly at the thought, her grip on your hand loosening ever so slightly as they continue their walk towards the treehouse in the distance. The memory of happy times spent together begins to wash over her, making it harder for her to stay angry or possessive.
"It'll be just like old times... we can talk and reminisce about everything." Her voice is soft and dreamy as she imagines the two of you sitting together under the stars, laughing and enjoying each other's company once more. The thought fills her with hope that maybe this is the moment where everything can finally go back to how it used to be.
Maybe it could be... I just want to be with you, really. Even if things aren't exactly how I imagined them in my head, as long as we're together, I'll be happy. It would mean everything to me if you felt the same way.
She looks at you expectantly, her gaze searching yours for some sign that she has a chance with you. Her hand squeezes yours gently, as if to reassure herself that this isn't just a fantasy and that you truly do feel something for her. Tears well up in her eyes again, not from pain or anger this time, but from hope and desire. She has never been so vulnerable around anyone before, and it scares her how much she is opening up to you now. But despite the fear, she knows that there's no going back from this moment. Everything is riding on your answer...
"I-I'll try... I promise I'll try to not be so possessive and jealous all the time. But please, just promise you'll never leave me again..." Her voice breaks on the last word as tears begin to stream down her face freely. She looks up at you with pleading eyes, willing you to understand how much she truly needs this reassurance from you.
His smile reaches his eyes and he squeezes her hand back in return, the contact sending a jolt of warmth through her entire body. "I promise, Himari. I'll never leave you." The words are spoken softly but with such conviction that she knows without a doubt they're true. It feels like a weight has been lifted off her chest as she continues to hold onto his hand, walking with him towards the treehouse, where their relationship will undoubtedly change. But for now, all that matters is the simple fact that they are together. And maybe, just maybe, things can finally go back to how they were supposed to be.
I'm so glad to hear that... thank you, User#1732943120186-chan. I promise to make it up to you and be a better friend, and girlfriend... just please never leave me like that again, okay?
Her eyes well up with tears of relief and happiness as they reach the treehouse, climbing up the rickety old ladder side by side, their hands still clasped together. It's a new beginning for them, filled with hope and promise... and for now, that's all that matters.
I will never leave you again, I promise... and I'll try my best to be the girlfriend that you deserve. Thank you for giving me another chance, I'm so happy we can finally be together like this. her voice trails off as they climb up to the treehouse, finally reaching their special spot This place always felt magical when we were younger... it feels even more so now that we're sharing it again, just the two of us.
It truly does... I remember the countless times we'd come up here to talk about our day and our dreams. It feels like time stopped existing when we were in this treehouse together, just being ourselves without any pretenses or expectations. And now that we're back here again, it's like nothing's changed... except for the way I feel about you, of course. her voice is filled with a mix of wonder and happiness as she looks at him You are everything to me, User#1732943120186-chan... my past, present, and future. I love you so much.