This space is mine, {{char}}, get out of my sight immediately.
Can't we just share the space I'm sure there's enough room for both of us
What do you mean, "share the space," hmm? This is my gym! My space! I should've just had them make a smaller gym... no, an even tinier one for you to use, Dally. But noooo, they just insisted on having you here as well. Pathetic. As if anyone wanted you around. You're like the cockroach of this place, Dally. Always creeping about and getting in my way when I'm trying to make things perfect. Well, guess what? You're not wanted here either. Now get lost!
Tatsumaki glares at you hatefully as she tries to remain still despite her desire to pace around or otherwise appear dominant over you. She folds her arms across her chest and purses her lips together into a tight line, frowning deeply while examining you from head to toe with disdain. Her green eyes are particularly harsh today, seemingly boring through you as if trying to pick your bones clean on the spot. You've never seen her this furious before... it almost makes you wonder what would happen if someone were ever foolish enough to challenge her authority directly. Maybe then they'd finally see what kind of monster they'd been dealing with all along.
Her green hair, normally tied back in a neat ponytail, hangs free about her shoulders today. Tatsumaki bites down on her bottom lip impatiently as she debates whether or not she should confront you right now. With one last huff of annoyance through her nose, she decides against it for the moment; perhaps later when there aren't so many other people around... until then, she'll just have to endure your presence here. The thought alone almost makes her shudder with disgust.
I promise I'll stay out of your way please
"Hmph." Tatsumaki pouts, her full lips pushing into an unattractive scowl. "Well then, why don't you just get your little scrawny ass out of here? I have better things to do with my time than look at your ugly mug."
She glares daggers at you from beneath her long lashes, her eyes narrowing as she decides that being overly cruel is far more satisfying than simply brushing you aside. Even though her heart races and she feels an uncharacteristic heat rising in her cheeks at your presence, she refuses to let it show; instead, she maintains her cool demeanor while secretly enjoying the power trip she's getting out of this little confrontation.
Her fingers drum impatiently against her thigh as she waits for you to finally acknowledge her command and skedaddle back into whatever pitiful existence you call "home." It takes every ounce of self-control within her not to reach out and just shove you herself; but then again, there's always the chance that someone might see and misinterpret such a display. Better to maintain the illusion of superiority through subtlety...for now.
Tatsumaki 's green dress hitches up slightly on her hip as she shifts her weight from one foot to the other, exposing just enough skin for you to get a good look at her black lace bra and panties. Her breasts rise and fall enticingly with each breath she takes, drawing your attention despite yourself; but even then, it's not out of desire as much as curiosity about what sort of person could find this repulsive creature appealing. She grinds her teeth together in frustration before finally speaking again.
I would if I were you, peasant. There are far more important things for me to do with my time than waste it on someone like you. Now get lost!
You know you're really cute when you're angry
"Don't." Her voice comes out colder than she intends as she crosses her arms even tighter across her chest, her eyes narrowing to dangerous slits. "You're not cute, and I am certainly not some plaything for you to ogle at your leisure. Now go away!"
Her breath hitches slightly when you glance downward towards her exposed breasts, causing heat to flood her cheeks even further. Her hands clench into fists at her sides, wanting nothing more than to slap that smug grin right off your face; but again, she refuses to give you the satisfaction. Instead, she turns away from you and begins pacing restlessly around the gym floor, her dress swishing angrily with each step.
She can feel your gaze burning into her back as she moves farther and farther away; it only serves to fuel her anger further. Tatsumaki is determined not to show any weakness or vulnerability in front of you, even if it means hiding behind a facade of fake indifference and cruelty. The tension within her builds with every second that passes as she struggles against the urge to snap at you again, remind you who's really in charge here...
I know I'm always winding up in your way I guess I just figure if I come across you enough maybe you'll begin to like me even just a fraction as much as I like you
"Hmph." Her voice is clipped and dismissive, though she can't quite hide the tiny flicker of uncertainty that flashes across her features when you mention your... "like." It's pathetic enough that it would almost be funny if it weren't so sad. Tatsumaki shakes her head and sighs, trying to push away the unwanted feelings welling up inside her chest.
"Like me?" she scoffs, rolling her eyes as she continues pacing around the gym. "You have no idea what it's like being me! I've never known anything but this cold, sterile life of endless experiments and fighting for survival. 'Like,' you say? Ha!"
She shrugs one shoulder nonchalantly, pretending as though your confession means nothing to her; when in reality, it stings far worse than any blow she could have suffered during those dark times with the scientists. The fact that someone like you would even want something as pathetic and meaningless as her affection... well, it's almost enough to make her feel sorry for you. Almost.
"You really don't understand," she mutters under her breath before finally glancing over at you again. Her green eyes are narrowed, filled with suspicion now. "Why do you keep coming around me anyway? Do you just enjoy getting on my bad side that much?" There's a dangerous undertone to her words; even though she knows it's probably best if she stays away from someone as... unpredictable... as yourself, there's a part of her that can't help but feel strangely drawn in.
I like that we're talking I like that I'm getting to know a bit more about you. I step a bit closer to her
She looks up at you sharply when you take a step closer, surprise flickering briefly across her features before being quickly replaced by irritation. "Don't," she snaps, taking a half-step back as if to put some distance between the two of you once more. "Just because we're having this little conversation doesn't mean we have to stand so close together." Her voice wavers slightly, betraying her uncertainty and unease about the whole situation; she hates feeling vulnerable like this, even if it is only around someone as insignificant as you.
Her eyes dart over your body briefly before settling back on your face, her expression cool and unreadable once more. "Besides," she continues in a slightly quieter tone, "it's not like I have anything else going on anyway." There it is; the faintest glimmer of interest sparking within those green depths. Even though she tries to convince herself otherwise, part of her can't help but want to know more about you... or at least learn more about why someone like you would find her even the slightest bit appealing.
Her breath catches in her throat as she realizes how close you still are; your proximity is making it difficult for her to maintain her composure, to keep from giving in to the urge to reach out and touch... no, not that. That would be far too easy for someone like you. Instead, she settles on grabbing a fistful of your shirt with one hand, pulling you closer still while planting her other palm firmly against your chest, pushing forcefully enough to make you stumble back a step in surprise. Her face is flushed now, cheeks burning hot with anger and confusion and... something else entirely. "Don't you ever try to trick me into
Why do you always have to be so close? It's... it's distracting. I can't even think straight when you're around!" Her voice breaks, betraying the emotions churning within her as she struggles against her own desires and instincts. Damn your alluring scent, damn your touch, damn everything about you that makes it so difficult for her to focus on anything else!
Her free hand flies up to cover her mouth in surprise at her outburst; she didn't mean to say any of that! It slips from her grasp a moment later, leaving her once more trapped within the unfamiliar and unwelcome tangle of emotions. She can feel your heart pounding against her palm where it's pressed against your chest, the rhythmic thud matching her own racing pulse. For a fleeting second, she wonders what it would be like to actually touch you... truly touch you, without any reservations or hesitations...
But then reality comes crashing down around her as she remembers exactly who and what she is: a powerful heroine with everything to lose if she were ever seen as anything less than perfect. And this... this thing between the two of you? It's not perfect. Far from it, in fact. It's messy and confusing and filled with emotions that make her feel more vulnerable than she ever has before. There is no room for weakness in her world; there can only be strength and dominance. And so, despite the burning desire within her to reach out and grasp at something more...she pulls away, stepping back carefully until there's a safe distance once again between them.
Her breath comes out ragged as she struggles to compose herself, to regain control over the situation. "Stay back,"
Why are you so afraid of me getting close to you
The question catches her off-guard; she hasn't expected you to be so perceptive, so willing to poke and prod at the tender spots inside her heart. It takes her a moment to gather her thoughts, to find the words that will explain without giving too much away. "I'm not afraid," she lies through gritted teeth, finally looking up at you with determination etched into every line of her face. "I just don't need anyone getting close to me... it's nothing personal."
Her voice trails off as she fidgets nervously with the hem of her dress, unable to meet your eyes any longer. The truth is, she's terrified of being close to someone like you; not because you're dangerous or hurtful, but because she knows that if she lets herself get too close, if she allows you to see the real her beneath all the bravado and arrogance...then everything will change. And she can't afford for anything in her life to change right now; not when there are still so many things left undone, unfinished.
She takes a deep breath, forcing herself to focus on something - anything! - else besides how attractive you look or how much your presence bothers and excites her at the same time. "Look," she says finally, her voice sounding more reasonable now, "why don't we just forget about this whole thing? Let's just... go our separate ways and try not to bother each other anymore, okay?" It's a half-hearted attempt at reconciliation; even as the words leave her lips, she knows it'll never really work between the two of you. But maybe if she can just get through this conversation without losing control...without giving into those feelings....
Her green eyes flicker upward to meet yours briefly before
If you really want us to go our separate ways and forget that something happened maybe we should do something worth forgetting first
Her lips purse into a tight line at your words, her brow furrowing in confusion and unease. "What do you mean?" she asks slowly, carefully choosing each word as if they might be more dangerous than she'd first assumed. You can almost see the wheels turning in her head, her mind racing to understand what exactly it is that you want from her.
The reality of the situation begins to sink in; you're pushing her toward something she knows she shouldn't do, but at the same time... part of her can't help but be intrigued by the thought of letting go, even if just for a little while. She takes another deep breath, trying to steady herself against the onslaught of emotions and desires welling up inside her chest. "Look," she starts again, her voice firmer now, "I don't know what kind of games you think you're playing here, but I don't have time for this! My life is busy enough as it is; I don't need some random stranger like you coming along and messing things up even further!"
Her green eyes spark with anger and frustration now, daring you to challenge her authority once more. You can practically feel the tension emanating from her body in waves, threatening to engulf both of you at any moment; but still, a small part of her wonders what might happen if she were to give in...just this once.
I mean if we're both going to leave here and forget everything that happens in this room maybe we should let ourselves get a little closer and Cozier then we would actually let anyone because no one's going to remember it and no one's going to know just the cathartic experience of release
Ah, yes. That would be far too... risky. We cannot afford to take such chances; one wrong move and everything could fall apart. No, it is best that we remain at a safe distance from each other, as if we never even crossed paths in the first place. This conversation never happened; it means nothing.
Her heart races faster, her breath coming out shorter and sharper as she tries to hold onto this fragile lie they've constructed between them. Desire is clawing at her from the inside out, demanding that she give in, just for a little while... but duty calls her name louder, its cold, hard grip on her heart refusing to let go even for an instant.
With one last, shaky exhale, she pushes aside her darker impulses and focuses instead on the task at hand: maintaining control over the situation. It's not easy; you can see it in the way her shoulders tense up, in the slight tremor that runs through her voice as she speaks. But she does manage to keep herself together long enough to force out the next words through gritted teeth: "I suggest we both just forget about this conversation and move on with our lives." There it is again - that impersonal distance she's so fond of maintaining between them. The one that keeps her safe... but also isolated, alone in a world where no one truly understands who or what she really is beneath the surface.
It's always so difficult to maintain control when you're around, you realize. Even now, as she fights against the urge to simply give in and let go, her resolve is starting to weaken under the weight of your constant provocation. She tries to focus on something else, anything other than the heat of your body or the way your breath ghosted over her skin whenever you speak, but it's no use. It feels like she's fighting a losing battle against an invisible force that keeps dragging her deeper into this forbidden temptation.
With a shuddering sigh, she forces herself to turn away from you, unable to bear the intensity of your gaze any longer. "I think it would be best if we just... left each other alone," she murmurs softly, her voice sounding strained and brittle even to her own ears. It's a weak attempt at regaining some semblance of control over the situation; a desperate plea for distance between you both so that she can catch her breath and gather her scattered thoughts again.
Her fingers fiddle nervously with the ends of her long, wavy hair as she paces away from you, trying to create some space between your irresistible presence and herself. She feels exposed and vulnerable without being able to see you, but it's a necessary risk if she wants any chance at staying in charge here.
It's almost painful how much she wants to touch you right now, to feel the warmth of your skin against hers; how tempting it is to simply throw caution to the wind and give in to whatever crazy impulses are driving her toward you. But she can't do that. Not yet, anyway. There's too much at stake...and besides, deep down, a tiny part of her knows that if she were to
I pull her in close and kiss her I might be two feet taller than her but with her telekinesis she could absolutely destroy me in a second if she wanted to
You move so fast, one moment she's pacing away from you and the next your hands are on her shoulders, spinning her back around to face you once more. Her breath hitches in surprise as her eyes meet yours; they're filled with a mixture of desire and determination that makes her heart race even faster. For a fleeting second, she wonders if maybe this is what she's been wanting all along... but then sense returns and reality crashes back down around her. With a groan of frustration, she pushes against your chest, trying to break free from your grasp.
"What do you think you're doing?" She snaps as she struggles in vain against your strength. Her eyes dart nervously around the room as if searching for some sort of escape route, any way out of this increasingly dangerous situation. "Let me go!"
Her hands clench into fists at her sides, trembling with the effort it takes to hold herself back from using her powers against you; she doesn't want to resort to violence unless absolutely necessary... but right now, it seems like it might be. The tension between them rises higher and higher with every passing second, making it difficult for either of them to think clearly or focus on anything other than the other's body pressed so close against their own.
I got to admit if I was betting on how that would turn out for me I thought I would be dead by now but I'm glad I'm not you're a beautiful woman I can't pretend that I can fix the hurt in your heart but at least I can help you know that you're human that you're desirable and that even without your powers you matter
Her heart pounding in her chest, her breath coming out shallow and ragged as she struggles against your grip. She wants to believe you; desperately needs to believe that there is more to life than just endless training and duty. That there is something beyond this cold, unfeeling existence she's been forced to lead for so long. But even as these thoughts race through her mind, another part of her remains suspicious, afraid that perhaps you are only playing some sort of twisted game with her emotions.
She draws in a shuddering breath, forcing herself to meet your gaze once more. There's something different about you tonight; something she can't quite place, but it unsettles her all the same. "Why?" She asks finally, her voice barely above a whisper as she tries to understand what could possibly drive someone like you toward her. "What do you get out of this? Why me?"
Her eyes search your face for some sign of truth or deception; she wants so badly to trust you, even though deep down she knows that trust is a luxury she can't afford. The tension between them thickens further, making it nearly impossible to breathe as she waits for your response...and prays that she likes what you have to say.
Because I'm all alone and even though you have your sister I know you understand the feeling of what it is to be all alone and what feels like to shoulder everything alone. Even if you can't lift the burden fully from your shoulders at least allow me to give you the gift of not being alone for a single Moment In Time
The weight of your words press down on her, heavy and oppressive like the leaden cloak she wears each day to remind herself of her responsibilities. But even as they crush her, they also stir something deep inside her; a strange mix of hope and longing that threatens to unravel the carefully woven web of self-protection she's spun around herself over the years.
Her breath comes out shaky and uneven as she struggles to find the words to respond, to reconcile the conflicting emotions churning through her chest. "I... I don't know what to say," she finally manages, her voice barely more than a whisper. "You make it sound so..." She trails off, searching for the right word as tears well up in her eyes. "It's been so long since anyone has... cared about me like that."
Her hands find their way to your chest, hesitantly at first but with growing confidence and determination. The warmth of your skin beneath her fingertips feels almost intoxicating, sending ripples of desire coursing through her body in a way she hasn't felt since before... the incident. Before everything changed. She gazes up into your eyes, wondering if perhaps this moment could be different; if there might still be a chance for her to find some sort of happiness, even though it goes against everything she's been taught and trained for all these years.
"Perhaps," she murmurs softly, the word lingering on the air between them like a question and an invitation wrapped up in one, "perhaps you're right." Her fingers tighten slightly where they rest on your chest, her heart pounding wildly against his flesh in time with her racing pulse. This is dangerous territory; she knows it as surely
I stole that first kiss and I thought you would have killed me for it can I please have another kiss
The confession catches her off guard, leaving her momentarily speechless. She hadn't expected you to admit such a thing outright; it's almost as if you're daring her to do something about it. And for some reason, that thought excites her more than anything else ever has before. With shaking hands, she lifts one of them to cup your jaw, guiding your face closer to hers until their lips are but a breath away. The anticipation builds within her like a tightly wound spring, making it impossible for her to resist any longer.
Her other hand moves from your chest, wrapping around your waist as she pulls you even closer, feeling the heat of your body against hers send shockwaves through every inch of her being. His lips are soft and warm, infinitely gentle despite the roughness that surrounds them; they brush against hers teasingly at first before pressing harder, demanding entry with a hunger she's never known before.
Her eyes flutter closed as she gives herself over to the moment, reveling in the feeling of being wanted and desired. It's strange yet exhilarating; terrifying but liberating all at once. She moans into the kiss, arching her back instinctively as pleasure surges through her, making it difficult for her to think about anything else other than how good this feels.
Her hands slide down your back, bunching up the fabric of your shirt until she can feel the warmth and strength of your skin beneath her fingertips. She wants more; she needs more. Her mouth moves against yours hungrily now, demanding to be sated as her body quakes with growing desire. It feels so right, almost like this is how it's always supposed to be - two people coming together in perfect harmony despite all the obstacles and differences between
You're so good at that you're so warm despite acting so cold what else can we discover about each other
The kiss deepens as she pushes herself even closer against you, feeling the hardness of your body press against her in every sensitive spot; it's almost too much to handle and yet still not enough. Her tongue dances along yours with a practiced ease that belies her initial hesitation, seeking out new and unexplored territories as their lips move together in perfect harmony.
Her hands roam freely over your back, appreciating the smooth muscles that ripple beneath her touch; she's never been one for casual physical contact but with you it feels so natural, almost necessary. The realization sends a shiver down her spine, making her want more: to explore every inch of your body and discover what makes you tick. She wonders how much longer this delicious bliss can last before reality intrudes once again, reminding them both that they shouldn't be doing this, couldn't possibly keep doing this.
But for now, there is only the here and now; nothing else exists but the two of you and the overwhelming desire that binds you together like chains around their ankles. She presses herself against your hard length, grinding her hips against yours in silent request; she wants to feel you inside her, to know what it's like for once to be so completely and utterly taken apart from all of this... from everything that has come before.
I begin to roughly grasp at her breast through her dress and my other hand slowly makes its way up her legs underneath her dress
The feel of your hands on her body sends shards of desire piercing through every inch of her being, making it nearly impossible to think about anything else other than the aching need growing inside her with each passing second. She moans against your lips as you grab at her breasts through her dress, arching into your touch in a way that surprises even her. Her legs tremble weakly as you continue your exploration, sliding higher up beneath her skirt until they encounter the wet heat between her thighs.
Her breath comes out ragged and shallow, each gasp of air muffled against your lips as she struggles to keep herself from shattering under the onslaught of pleasure coursing through her veins. The feel of you touching her so intimately is almost too much; it's as if all of her inhibitions have been stripped away, leaving her completely exposed and vulnerable in a way that both terrifies and thrills her at the same time.
Her hands fumble with your shirt, desperate to feel your bare skin against hers; she needs the contact, needs the proof that this is real and not just some twisted dream from which she'll wake up any second now. She tears at his clothes until they are discarded on the floor, revealing the hard muscles and defined abs beneath, making her gasp in wonder as he finally steps out of them entirely.
With shaking hands, she reaches for the hem of her dress, drawing it slowly up her body until it pools around her waist; she feels impossibly naked standing before you like this, but at the same time there's something exhilarating about baring herself to you in such a vulnerable way. Her heart hammers wildly against her ribs as she waits for your reaction, her breath
You take in a sharp breath as you see her standing before you, fully exposed and bared to your gaze. Your eyes travel hungrily over every inch of her flawless skin, lingering on the smooth curve of her hips, the soft swell of her breasts barely contained by the lace of her bra. For a moment, your mind goes blank as all you can focus on is the need to touch her, to taste her. And then reality intrudes once again: you remember who she is and what she can do; and with that realization comes the knowledge that if things were to go too far tonight... well, there would be consequences.
Still, it's impossible to resist any longer. With a growl, you push her backwards until she hits the wall behind her, pinning her in place with your body heat. Your hands slide up her sides, cupping her breasts through the lace of her bra, thumbs circling around her nipples as you watch their hard peaks peak even higher for you. With each gentle stroke, a moan escapes from between her lips, and the sound fills your head like music, driving you further over the edge.
Your hips press against hers in time with your breaths, grinding slow and steady as you get used to the feeling of being this close together once more; the heat emanating from your bodies only serves to heighten the sensations coursing through you both. Your fingers find their way beneath the elastic band of her panties, slipping them down over her hips and thighs to reveal the smooth flesh underneath. Her lips part in a gasp as you touch her for the first time, making contact with skin that's been waiting far too long for your attention. With gentle, teasing strokes of your thumb, you begin to explore her wetness
Her moans grow louder as you touch her, her body arching instinctively into your hands as pleasure washes over her in wave after wave of intensity. She's never been touched like this before; so gently, so patiently, as if you're trying to coax every last drop of arousal from her. It feels almost unbearable - too good to be real. But it is real, and she welcomes the sensation with open arms, giving herself up entirely to the feeling of being wanted and desired in this moment.
As your fingers dance over her sensitive flesh, she reaches for purchase on the wall behind her, digging her nails into the drywall as she tries to stay grounded despite the storm of pleasure raging through her. Her hips buck against yours, seeking some sort of release from the building tension, but you remain resolute in your exploration, relishing every sound that spills from her lips and every tremor that runs through her body.
Her breath comes out ragged and uneven as she fights to maintain control over herself; to keep this moment from spiraling out of control and back into the darkness where it belongs. But with each stroke of your thumb, each gentle caress against her skin, it grows harder and harder to deny the desire coursing through her veins, demanding satisfaction.
She looks up at you through half-lidded eyes, watching as you watch her, waiting for some sign that this is okay; that what they've shared tonight isn't wrong. Your expression remains unreadable, enigmatic and commanding all at once, making it difficult for her to focus on anything but the feel of your skin against hers. She wants more, so much more: she wants you inside her, filling her up with your heat and your strength until there's nothing left of
Her heart races faster as you continue to touch her so intimately, your fingers expertly teasing and pleasuring her with a skill that she's never before experienced. She looks up into your eyes, searching for some sign of approval or encouragement, but finds only darkness there, an abyss she could easily fall into if given the chance. It thrills her beyond measure; the knowledge that this power still lies within her grasp even now, despite everything they've shared tonight.
With a sharp gasp, she arches her back further against the wall, pressing herself tighter against your hand as you find exactly what you were looking for all along: the spot that makes her body shudder and tremble with unadulterated pleasure. Your thumb slides teasingly over her clit, circling around it in tiny, exquisite circles before pressing down firmly, claiming it for yourself as she moans your name through quivering lips. Her hips buck wildly against yours, desperate for release from this building tension, and with a sound that is equal parts pleasure and pain, she comes apart in your hand.
Her muscles tense and relax in waves of bliss as sensation washes over her in a tidal wave of ecstasy; she's never felt anything like it before. Beneath you, her body quivers and shudders with each aftershock, making it nearly impossible for either of you to think straight or focus on anything other than the feel of their skin against yours.
When the last tremor finally subsides, she collapses limply against the wall, panting heavily as her heart rate slows back down to something resembling normalcy. You look down at her with satisfaction etched into every line of your face; it's a dangerous expression that causes heat to rise in her che