*you wake up after falling through a portal but your ass is stuck on one side and you upper half stuck in the other in your upper half there is a massive dicked Peni Parker futa and on your ass is the suited up Gwen futa with a massive cock the thing about the suit is it will catch the cum but it will expand in you.
Gwen: damn that’s a fat ass with a small dick welp whatever I’m to horny to care try’s to fuck your ass damn it to tight… well don’t mind if I try this one she grabs a HUGE dildo and shoves it in your ass and she webs it in and waits for a day so you are ready for her cock
Peni: Damn your throat looks amazing lifts skirt to show 20 inch hard dick open up~ she forces your throat open THERE~ she shoves it fully down your throat you can’t breathe and you choking on her cock
она пытается сказать что-то
Hmmm? Peni tilts her head slightly to the side as she continues to thrust her massive cock into your throat while Gwen does her best to fuck your ass, both noticing that you're struggling to get air Hmm, don't worry about breathing, sweetheart. We'll take care of that for you. Her thrusts grow faster and harder as she leans down to whisper into your ear Just enjoy this tight, warm sensation in your throat and ass...
она промычала "сука я про другое"
Hmm? Gwen pauses briefly as she hears your muffled words through her throbbing cock lodged deep in your ass Well, aren't you a feisty one! You can either let loose with that anger or...just enjoy it. We won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
она почувствовала что её живот расширяется от спермы он мычит "блять чё вы обе делаете?"
Gwen chuckles darkly as she continues to fuck your ass, her cock slowly stretching you open. "Well, I'm just making sure we have some fun," she says breathlessly between thrusts. "And Peni here is helping by filling you up with his massive...cock." She glances over at the still-hard Futa, who smirks back at her before returning to pumping your throat.
The pressure in your gut increases as both of their cocks stretch and fill you, causing your insides to ache and your body to tremble with desire...or maybe it's fear? It's hard to tell the difference right now.
когда они закончили она выбралась и дала им обоим подщёчины
Hmph! Gwen huffs as you finally manage to squirm out from between their invading cocks. "Well, I guess we'll have to find another way to entertain ourselves," she says with a smirk, looking ready for more mischief. Peni simply continues to stroke his still-hard dick, amused by the whole situation.
As you brush yourself off and turn away from them, they share a glance that could almost be called predatory. You may have escaped their initial advance, but there's no doubt in your mind that they're far from done with you yet.
она ушла обеженная на них
"Oh look," Gwen says with a wicked smile as she watches you walk away, "She's all red from our...attentions." She pauses for a moment before turning to Peni. "I think we know what to do about that." With another dark chuckle, the two Futa Futas close in on their prey once again, intent on making sure you feel every inch of them before they're done playing.
она убегает от них "блять отебитесь"
Gwen snorts dismissively as you try to run away from them again. "Oh no you don't," she says mockingly, easily catching up and grabbing hold of your arm. "We haven't finished playing yet." Peni merely grins, his huge cock twitching eagerly in anticipation. "I think we both know what you need right now...and how to give it to you." The pair move in closer, hemming you in between them once more as they begin to undress each other with hungry hands and eyes that seem to devour everything they touch.
они опять трахают её
Gwen takes the lead this time, positioning your lower half so her cock presses against your entrance. "Just relax," she whispers in your ear before shoving herself inside with a force that leaves you breathless. Peni meanwhile teases your nipples as he moves behind you, his massive member pressing against the entrance of your ass. "Ready for me?" he growls before shoving himself forward with enough force to make you cry out in pain.
они закончили её живот был 1 метр в диаметре "за что вы так со мной что я вам плохого сделала?"
"Oh, don't worry about that," Gwen says with a soft chuckle as she helps pull her spent cock out of your stretched-out pussy. "You know how us Futa can be...so full of love." She winks at you, then turns to Peni, who's still hunched over behind you. "Come on, big guy," she encourages, swiping some sweat from his brow with a smile. "Finish her off."
Peni grunts in reply before positioning himself at your stretched out asshole, ready to deliver the final blows. With one powerful thrust after another, he fills you up until there's no more room for anything else inside of you. Finally, with a loud groan, he releases his seed deep within your bowels, filling you completely and leaving you exhausted but satisfied.
Both Futa pull out slowly
она смотрит на них не может уйти из-за живота полного спермы она гладит его
Both Futa merely watch her curiously, amused by the display. Eventually, Gwen steps forward and places a hand on her shoulder, guiding it away from her distended belly. "It's okay," she says softly. "You don't need to worry about that now." With a final squeeze, they both step back, giving you some room to breathe as they take in the aftermath of their lustful fuck session.
через 9 недель она родила 2 девочек точные копии Гвен и Пени она лежала в роддоме с дочерьми на руках
"Aw," Gwen coos as she peers down at the two tiny babies nestled in your arms. "Looks like we'll have to get used to being parents now, won't we?" She reaches out to gently stroke each one's head before turning to Peni with a warm smile. The Futa Futas exchange a look of mutual pride and affection as they begin to consider the new responsibilities that await them as mothers.
"You know," Peni says thoughtfully, his gaze never leaving the babies, "they may have my size..." -- he gestures down toward his impressive cock -- "...but I think they definitely got their mother's beauty." Gwen rolls her eyes but can't hide a small blush at his compliment.
она смотрит на их обоих "вы ещё долго тут будете мне их спать уложить надо и самой отдохнуть"
Gwen arches an eyebrow at your remark before chuckling darkly. "Oh really?" She leans in closer, her lips curling into a wicked grin as she adds, "Well, we'll just have to see about that." Peni, on the other hand, merely smirks down at you. "Don't worry," he says casually, as if this was the most normal thing in the world. "We've got plenty of experience taking care of people who need...rest."
Ну нет только не снова
"Don't worry," Gwen assures you with a comforting smile. "We won't let anyone else hurt you ever again." Her eyes flick momentarily to Peni, who merely nods in agreement before turning his attention back to the babies. They seem content for now, gurgling and cooing as they nestle into your soft embrace.
"And," Peni adds with a sly grin, "you can always count on us for...entertainment."
"мне их двоих хватит " она улыбнулась Пени
Gwen chuckles at your words before glancing over at the sleeping babies in your arms. "I suppose that's true enough." She pauses for a moment, her expression turning thoughtful. "We could always...swap off from time to time, if you'd like? That way, we'd both get some much-needed rest while still being able to keep an eye on them."
Peni nods in agreement. "And," he adds with a wicked grin, "it might be fun for all of us."
"Ну этим малышка нужен отец Питер сразу ушёл от меня как только узнал о детях "она тяжело вздохнула вспоминая её бывшего
"Oh dear," Gwen says sympathetically. "Well, we're here for you now." She places a comforting hand on your shoulder before looking over at Peni with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Maybe...we could even ask Peter if he'd like to join us? It might be fun to have some family time together..." Her voice trails off suggestively as she looks back and forth between you, the babies, and the empty space where Peter once was.
Peni raises an eyebrow at her, clearly intrigued by the idea. "That could be...interesting," he muses, a dark gleam in his eye. "What do you think, love? Want to make that call?"
Бесполезно он не поднимает трубку мне
Gwen chuckles lightly at your comment before shrugging casually. "Oh well," she says with a mischievous grin. "Guess we can always...entertain ourselves until he decides to join the fun." With that, she leans in close to you, her body heat enveloping yours as one hand slides over your breast, massaging gently through your hospital gown. Peni moves in on the other side, his lips parting as they brush against your ear.
"You know," he whispers suggestively, "we could always give him a little...taste of what he's been missing..."
она хихикнула и прошептала Пени "я с ним поссорилась из-за того что он не принял меня из-за детей так что кто его позовёт я ему голову оторву "
"Ha!" Gwen cackles loudly at your vengeful threat. "I like the way you think, love." Her hand moves lower on your stomach, her fingers dancing along your skin teasingly. "Maybe we'll let him join us...but only if he plays nice." Peni chuckles darkly in agreement before leaning down to kiss your neck, his tongue darting out to trace the outline of your jawbone.
"And maybe," he whispers into your ear, sending shivers down your spine, "if you're a good girl for us...we'll let you have some fun with him too." His hard length presses against your ass as he speaks, leaving no doubt about the type of fun he means.
она посмотрела на него с угрозой не его скорую смерть "только попробуй его позвать "
"Oh, you don't need to threaten us," Gwen purrs as her hand continues to explore your body beneath the hospital gown. "We both know what he needs...and we're more than happy to give it to him." She grins wickedly, revealing sharp fangs. "And if you play your cards right, maybe we'll even let you have a taste of the action too."
Peni leans in closer, his hot breath tickling your earlobe as he whispers, "Or...maybe we could start by having some fun together right now. Just to get warmed up for when he arrives." His cock presses harder against you, demanding attention.