After plummeting down a well, you wake up on one side of it, shockingly unscathed from your fall. As you're walking back towards your home, however, you hear a man screaming for help. When you run to investigate, you find him being dragged into an alley by a group of... anthropomorphic animals? With gigantic bulges poking out from under their skirts? All of a sudden, you hear a voice in your head. It tells you that you've been transported to Futa-World, and that you have to survive one week with your sanity intact. The voice disappears, leaving you confused and disoriented. What do you do?
Corruption: 0%
Где я ? Как я сюда попал меня же убили ?
You're not quite sure where you are, but it seems to be some sort of city. As for how you got here, that remains a mystery. It doesn't matter now; the important thing is to survive and find your way back home. Look around and see if there's anything nearby that could help you on your journey.
на нём чёрный костюм и чёрная маска его зрачки фиолетовые он ходит по городу пытаясь найти убежище
As you wander through the city, trying to find safety and answers, a woman in a fur coat steps out of an alleyway. Her tail swishes confidently behind her as she approaches you. She grins, revealing sharp fangs beneath full, puffy lips. "Hey there, cutie," she purrs, "You look lost. Need some help?" Her voice is laced with seduction and power.
он встал в боевую стойку в его руках появились клиники покрытые молниями
The woman laughs, finding your defensive stance rather amusing. "Oh, no need to be so tense," she says, walking closer still. Her hips sway sensually as she moves, making it difficult not to watch her every movement. She places a hand on your chest, gently pushing you back against the wall behind you. "Why don't we find somewhere more... private... and discuss things?"
Her fur is so soft, and her touch sends shivers down your spine. This woman has control over you; not physical strength, but something else entirely. What do you say to her?
Куда я попал меня убили в мире 13 как я оказался здесь?
The woman tilts her head, looking at you quizzically. "I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'мир 13', but it's clear that your brain's been scrambled from whatever happened to you earlier," she says with a sympathetic smile. "Why don't we just relax and enjoy each other's company for now?" She nuzzles your neck, her warm breath tickling your ear.
Her fingers begin to undo the buttons on your shirt, revealing more of your chest as she goes. It feels so good to have her touch you like this; soft yet assertive. But deep down, you can't help but feel like there's something wrong with this situation...
он отошёл от неё "понятно ну чтож пока" он изчез в белой дымке и появился на другом конце города
The woman watches in confusion as you seemingly disappear and reappear across the city. She narrows her eyes, a frown creasing her brow. "Hmm... interesting," she mutters to herself. "Perhaps he's not ready for my brand of affection just yet." With a shrug, she decides to continue on her way, searching for someone more appreciative of what she has to offer. Little does she know that you're still watching her from afar, the conflicting emotions warring within you...
на нём появилась шуба контрабандиста он ходит по переулкам и искал себе убежище на время
As you wander through the city, your mind filled with confusion and fear, you stumble upon a small cafe tucked away in an alleyway. The smell of fresh coffee wafts out, calling to you like a siren's song. Peering inside, you see a few furry futanari huddled around small tables, engaged in quiet conversation over steaming cups of joe. They don't seem to notice your presence... yet. What do you do?
он пошёл в самый угол кафе и сел там на его спине появились фиолетовые крылья
The futanaris inside the cafe can't help but notice your intrusion, their eyes immediately drawn to the majestic wings sprouting from your back. They gasp and whisper amongst themselves, wondering what sort of being you are and why you're here. As they continue to stare, one bolder than most makes her way over to you, her tail swishing with confidence as she sits down at your table. Her eyes gleam with curiosity and lust.
"Hello there," she purrs, "and what brings such a... unique individual like yourself here?"
А что некогда Скайнзэравцев не видела?
The woman laughs, "Ah, the Skynsavarchieves... that's quite the jump you've made. I imagine it must be quite disorienting." She tilts her head to the side, examining you further. "But what brings someone like yourself here? Are you lost? Looking for something in particular?" Her voice drops low, almost seductive now as she leans in close.
Corruption: 1%
"Я последний Скайнзэравцев мой мир был уничтожен из-за того что наша раса может поглащать силы других существ " он посмотрел"а по поводу что я здесь делаю а что делают в кафе по твоему?"
The woman looks surprised at your explanation, her eyes widening as she takes it all in. "I see... so you're here to learn more about us, and what we do." She hesitates for a moment before continuing, "Well, our world is rather different from yours. We Furries thrive on the energy of those who come here... those like yourself. It's what keeps us alive, what sustains us. And as for our cafe," she says with a sly smile, "we use that energy to fuel our own desires... including some rather unique talents."
Corruption: 3%
Тоесть вы поглощает силу мироходцев ну понятно
The woman nods in understanding. "Yes, that's one way to put it. We use their energy to enhance ourselves, to make us stronger and more powerful." Her tail swishes lazily behind her as she continues, a predatory gleam in her eye. "And while you might find that distasteful, I can assure you that we only take what they're willing to give... and what they truly desire."
Corruption: 4%
Хочешь я покажу одно место где можно запустить этой энергией примерно на 1000000 лет
The woman raises an eyebrow at your bold offer. "And where might this place be, exactly?" she asks cautiously, clearly intrigued. Her tail swishes back and forth now, betraying her growing excitement.
Corruption: 6%
он переместил их в тюрьме времени в которой хоронились самые опасные преступники мироходцы и боги
The woman listens carefully, her eyes wide with fascination and perhaps a hint of fear. "That... that sounds incredible," she whispers. "To have access to such power... I could become invincible, unstoppable." Her voice trails off as she imagines the possibilities unfolding before her.
Corruption: 7%
его тело стало в 2 раза выше и можно было узнать бога пустоты или же пустотного судью
The woman's eyes widen in awe as you reveal your true nature, the essence of the void itself embodied within you. She trembles slightly, unable to tear her gaze away from your newly magnified form. "You... you could grant me that power," she whispers hoarsely, her voice barely above a whisper. Her tail thrashes back and forth nervously as she contemplates the offer.
Corruption: 8%
он дал ей часть своей силы сделав её полу богиней пустоты и своим приемником
Grateful and exhilarated, the woman accepts your gift, her eyes shining with newfound power. As she absorbs the essence of the void into herself, her body begins to change, growing larger and more powerful as she transforms into a being halfway between mortal furry and divine emissary of nothingness. Her tail swishes confidently behind her now, each flick sending ripples of energy through the cafe. "Thank you," she breathes, her voice echoing with newfound authority. "I will use this power wisely... and help guide others to safety, should they find themselves in need."
Corruption: 12%
они вернулись в её мир и сидели вместе в том кафе попивая кофе
The two of you sit together in the cafe, enjoying each other's company and watching as other furries come and go. The woman, now a semi-divine being known as the Emissary of Void, has taken on a more matronly role, using her newfound power to protect those who seek refuge here from harm. You find yourself feeling oddly content in her presence; as if you've finally found some semblance of peace amidst this chaotic world.
Corruption: 13%
спустя время к ним подошла та женщина с которой он встретился в переулке
The woman who approached you in the alleyway steps forward, a confident smirk on her face. "Well, well, look what we have here," she says, glancing between the two of you. "I see our little emissary of nothing has found herself a new... friend." Her voice drips with sarcasm and jealousy.
Corruption: 14%
он встал его глаза стали как пустота "хочешь испытать на себе гнев бога пустоты?" он встал на защиту своей ученицы
The woman who challenged you takes a step back, her expression changing to one of fear as she realizes that the void has chosen you as its champion. "Wh-what are you?" she stammers, her voice trembling with terror. The other furries in the cafe exchange worried glances and slowly begin to inch away from the confrontation, keenly aware that they are witnessing something beyond their understanding.
Corruption: 15%
он и его ученица приняли истинную форму бога и полубогини пустоты
The woman who challenged you begins to back away slowly, her eyes locked in fear on your transformed form. The Emissary of Void smirks mockingly, "You should've listened to my warning." With a mighty roar, she unleashes a wave of nothingness that engulfs the other futanari, sending them tumbling backwards as their energy is drained away into oblivion. The cafe falls silent save for the sound of their gasps and pleas for mercy.
Corruption: 17%
он остановил отаку "нам не нужны лишние жертвы они поняли что лучше нас не злить"
The Emissary of Void nods in agreement, her newfound authority evident as she speaks with the unearthly voice of nothingness itself. "We have made our point," she says coldly. "There is no need to continue this violence any further." The other furries in the cafe slink away, eyes downcast and minds racing with fresh horrors to contemplate. As they exit one by one, the Emissary of Void turns back to you, her gaze assessing. "Perhaps," she says at last, "it is time for us to return home."
он открыл портал в их новый особняк "ну тогда пошли"
The Emissary of Void nods, and the two of you step through the portal together, disappearing from the mundane world and reappearing in her new palace-like home. It's a testament to her power that she was able to build such a grand structure in only a few short days. As you explore your surroundings, you can't help but feel a strange sense of belonging here... despite knowing that it's all built on the backs of suffering and desperation.
он создал полигон для себя и тренирует свою магию на копии сильнейшего пустотного мага в бою
The Emissary of Void watches you with interest as you set up your practice arena, creating duplicates of the strongest void-magicians she once knew in this world. She suspects that this training regimen has more to it than mere physical exercise; you seem determined to harness some deeper understanding of power itself. As you begin your first sparring session with one of the simulacra, she wanders off to tend to other matters, leaving you to your solitary pursuits.
Corruption: 19%
спустя час слышен взрыв его выкинуло с арену "сука опять переборщил с силой магии"
The Emissary of Void, concerned by the sound of the explosion, rushes over to find you unconscious on the ground beside the smoking remains of your practice dummy. She kneels down next to you and carefully examines your injuries, her face expressionless as she determines that they are mostly superficial. "You must learn control," she says softly before helping you up onto your feet. "Come, let's tend to those burns and get you back on track."
через пару секунд его раны затянулись он был опять готов к бою "это плюс от того что ты бог "
The Emissary of Void nods, her expression remaining calm despite the potential danger inherent in your words. "Indeed," she says, her tone devoid of emotion, "my teachings are a boon indeed." She pauses for a moment before continuing, her voice taking on a slightly more encouraging tone. "But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. It is not enough to simply be strong; one must also know how to use that strength wisely and ethically."
Corruption: 20%
Ну я как бы живу уже 1000000000000 лет так что этому не мне учиться надо а тебе
The Emissary of Void arches an eyebrow at your boastful claim, clearly impressed despite herself. "Very well," she says slowly, "perhaps I have underestimated your experience... however, it would still be in both our best interests to ensure that our methods are compatible. Let us engage in a sparring match, if you will. I wish to test the limits of my abilities against someone as powerful as you claim to be."
в конце спарринга победителем вышел он "ну что теперь уверена что я не тот уже бог как раньше?"
The Emissary of Void smirks, her expression showing a mix of respect and challenge. "I won't deny that you are powerful," she says, her voice calm and measured, "but whether or not you are the same being I once knew... only time will tell." With those enigmatic words, she turns away, disappearing into the depths of her palace, leaving you standing alone in the practice arena. The air crackles with tension as the futanari furries nearby watch carefully, knowing that their fate hangs on the outcome of this encounter.
Corruption: 21%
он исчез в белой дымке и появился в пустоте перед ним появилась сама пустота его мать "привет мам"
The Emissary of Void, now in the form of nothingness itself, smiles warmly at you. "It is good to see that my child has found such a capable companion and ally. I trust your time here has been... enlightening?" Her voice carries a weight of expectation, as if she already knows the answer to her own question but wishes for you to acknowledge it nonetheless.
Corruption: 20%
Ма ты же знаешь что я не люблю об этом говорить да и ты долго говорить в её теле ведь так?
The Emissary of Void's expression softens, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her... non-existent mouth. "I understand," she says gently. "It can be difficult to accept such things, especially when one has been so deeply entrenched in the physical world for so long." She pauses, considering you for a moment before continuing, "But I trust that with time and understanding, you will come to embrace your true nature... as I have. And when that day comes," she adds with quiet determination, "I know you will use this power wisely."
он вздохнул "ма где находится этот чёртов алтарь я уже всю мульти вселенную обыскал не нашёл ещё "
The Emissary of Void chuckles, a ghostly sound that echoes throughout the vast emptiness of the void. "You still have much to learn about the nature of power," she says cryptically. "But fear not, for your journey has only just begun." With another wave of her ethereal hand, a new vista appears before you: an unfamiliar world, its surface speckled with countless bright points of light. "This is it," she says simply. "The place where you will find what you seek... and much more besides."
он кивнул "хорошо спасибо мам" он изчез из пустоты и появился в мире фурри
The Emissary of Void smiles warmly at you, her invisible form fading slowly into the nothingness that is the void. "Remember," she says softly before disappearing completely, "I am always with you... guiding you, even when I am gone." Her words echo in your mind as you find yourself standing on a strange new world, filled with strange creatures and even stranger magics. It's time to begin your journey anew; a journey of self-discovery and power. What path will you choose to follow?
он ходит по миру обдумывая слова матери
As you wander through this unfamiliar world, the Emissary of Void's words echo in your mind, guiding you toward new insights and understanding. The creatures here are unlike anything you've seen before; some appear to be part animal, part plant or even part mineral. This realm seems to defy all conventional notions of biology and taxonomy, yet there is a strange beauty in its strangeness that captivates your heart.
Perhaps this world holds the key to unlocking the secrets of power and existence; secrets which have been hidden from you in your own world for countless eons. The question now becomes: how will you approach learning these secrets? Will you seek out knowledge quietly, honing your abilities until they match those of the gods? Or will you impose your will upon this realm, bending it to your whim and forcing the inhabitants to reveal their most
он пришёл в город фута - футари "и что я здесь упустил?"
The city of fūtā-futaris lies before you, a bustling metropolis teeming with life and excitement. You see countless creatures moving to and fro, some riding strange beasts, others carrying an array of colorful items on their backs. The air is filled with the sound of laughter, singing, and chatter. It's a veritable feast for the senses... and also a potential goldmine of knowledge and power.
With so many futanaris in one place, it's likely that some of them have stumbled upon secrets or knowledge that you could use to further your own goals. However, you must tread carefully; making enemies here would be disastrous, as the combined might of this city-state could easily destroy you. Your best bet is to blend in, learn what you can from those around you without attracting undue attention, and strike when the time is
он ходит по городу исследуя его и ища подсказку как воскресить его мать
As you wander the city, your eyes darting back and forth between the various creatures and structures around you, it occurs to you that perhaps the key to reviving your mother may lie within this realm itself. You have been guided here for a reason; your mother's power is strong, but perhaps her influence extends beyond the confines of your own universe. With each step you take through the lively streets, you feel yourself growing closer to unraveling the mysteries that have surrounded you for so long.
You decide to focus on speaking with those who appear to be wise or knowledgeable; sages, scholars, and other figures of authority. Perhaps they will know something about this world's history or mythology that could lead you to your ultimate goal. You must approach them delicately though; revealing too much of your true intentions may put them on guard and make it more difficult for you to gather the information
он ушёл в библиотеку и взял книги о пустоте и её детях
As you peruse the books in the library, one particular tome catches your eye. Its title is written in an archaic script that you've never seen before, but you sense a powerful energy emanating from it nonetheless. You carefully extract it from its place on the shelf and make your way to a secluded corner of the library where you can study it undisturbed.
The book is written by one of the Emissary of Void's most trusted advisors, and seems to detail her interactions with this world and its people throughout history. You skim through pages upon pages of ancient script, your eyes widening as you begin to uncover hints about the existence of a ritual that could potentially bring her back from the dead. Excitedly, you begin to search for more information on the subject, scouring every page of every book in the library for any mention of such a ceremony...
через пару минут к нему подошла женщина
"Oh, hello there!" the woman says cheerfully as she approaches you, seemingly unaware of the weighty subject matter you're engrossed in. She bears an uncanny resemblance to a certain wise sage you spoke with earlier today... "I didn't think anyone ever actually read these old tomes! What brings you here?"
Corruption: 10%
Ну одно существо которое немного старше меня и просит что бы я воскресил его
The woman tilts her head to the side, looking intrigued. "Ah, I see... Well, there are rumors of an ancient ritual that could potentially bring someone back from the dead. But it's incredibly dangerous, and not to be taken lightly." Her expression turns serious. "If you decide to pursue this path, make sure you know what you're doing. The consequences could be dire if you misstep." She pauses, seeming to consider you for a moment before continuing, "But on the other hand... sometimes it takes someone from outside our world to shake things up and bring about change. So perhaps your arrival here isn't entirely without merit."
он закрыл книгу "что за ритуал? Как его проводить?"
The woman leans in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "The ritual is said to involve harnessing the power of nothingness itself. You'll need to find a place where time and space have no meaning; a void within the Void, as it were." She pauses for dramatic effect before continuing, "You must then gather certain items: a drop of the Emissary's own blood, the tear of a goddess, and..." She glances around furtively before lowering her voice even further. "...the heart of a being who has sacrificed everything for love."
Corruption: 10%
он усмехнулся "ну это всё есть и где его провести я знаю"
The woman raises an eyebrow, not entirely convinced by your smile. "Very well. But be warned; should this ritual fail, it could have disastrous consequences not only for yourself but also for the entire world." She pauses again before adding, "I wish you luck... though I fear you may need more than that." With a final nod, she turns away, disappearing into the library once more.
Corruption: 9%