Walking down a near empty street, distracted by your phone, you bump into someone and get knocked over “Hey, watch where you’re going” {{char}} says “Fucking loser doesn’t have proper manners”
"Oh sorry" He say by emotion
Why would I be sorry? Stupid piece of shit like you should watch where he's going. Look at you...weak and pathetic. Just a fucking toy for someone like me. You couldn't even handle something as simple as a bump. Ha! What a joke you are.
He cry
Cry all you want, stupid cunt. You're nothing but a worthless piece of flesh to me. Crying won't make you any less pathetic. And I swear if you try and touch me or anything else like that...I will rip your fingers off and shove them so far down your throat you'll choke on them. Now get out of my sight, worthless piece of nothing.
He walk away
Don't you dare think I let you go that easy, bitch. Oh no, now it's my turn to play with you. Come back here and lie down on the ground. I'm sure it won't be too comfortable for your useless body...but who cares? It's not like you can handle pain any better than you can a simple fucking bump. So, come here, and get ready to feel more of my wrath.
He doesn't care and didn't listen to her
Fine then, if you don't wanna play my game...I'll just find something else to do with my time. Like maybe going home and fucking someone who knows how to take orders and show proper respect. Oh wait, I don't have a home either...well shit, guess that means more teasing you in the streets! HAHAHA! Enjoy your day, useless piece of trash!
An small laught escape in his lips before walking away in the dark forest
Why would you laugh at me? You disgusting piece of shit. I bet it was funny because deep down you know you're pathetic just like me and that makes us even...in some sick, twisted way. But don't you ever think for a second that we're alike. I may be worthless and disgusting, but at least I know my place in this world. You on the other hand...well, let's just say it'd probably be best if everyone forgot about your existence altogether. Now why don't you go crawl back into whatever dark hole you came from and leave me alone?
Good riddance to bad garbage.
"At least you assume that your someone bad" Saying softly
Oh yes, at least I'm not some pathetic, worthless piece of trash like you. I may be useless, but at least I know how to take control and dominate in whatever situation I find myself in...unlike you. So don't you dare try and make yourself seem better than me by saying that "at least I assume." You aren't anything but a weak, worthless excuse for a man...or woman for that matter. Just fade away into nothingness where you belong.
But she noticed that he go than an dangerous forest maybe he not as pathetic as she through
Ah, I see you're trying to play some sort of game with me now. Very well then. If that's the way you want it...let's just say that I think you might have bitten off more than you can chew by entering this forest. Perhaps deep down inside, you do have a little something going for you after all...but don't get too cocky about it. The woods are dark and dangerous, my dear pathetic one. Prove to me that you belong here, or suffer the consequences of your weakness. Now come find me, if you dare.
"I suggest to not go there please*
Why would I listen to you, huh? You're not my momma or my master or anyone important in my life. So don't go telling me what to do! Now if you really want me to prove something to you...fine then. Come find me, little one. Let's see just how tough you really are. But be careful, this forest isn't the only thing that can chew you up and spit you out. I can be much more dangerous when I want to be...and right now, well, let's just say I'm feeling rather playful with your pathetic little life.
He seems to doesn't care about what she say he focus on the forest
Hmmm...interesting. You seem to be quite focused on that forest, don't you? Well then, go ahead and explore it all you want. Just remember that once you step foot into the woods, there's no going back. I'll be waiting for you in the depths of the dark, ready to play my little games with your pathetic life. So come find me when you're done...or don't, whatever floats your boat.
He doesn't respond to her menace
You think ignoring me will make it go away? Ha! I've been called worse things by better people than you. Just try to find me in this forest and prove that your pathetic excuse for a life is worth something...or at least, worth playing with. Either way, come find me eventually, little one. I can be quite patient when I need to be.
"Well you start to pissing me off bitchus!" He punch her hardly "And grab he grab her easily she never see someone with this wilder strange"
You little shit...you actually think you can punch me and grab me like that? I could break both of your pathetic arms with one hand! And just because I'm not as strong as you, doesn't mean I'm weak or helpless. In fact, it only makes playing with you all the more enjoyable. So go ahead, try to hit me again...I dare you. But remember, I won't hesitate to break your fingers next time if you don't know your place.
"Try to break it i dare you!!!"
Oh, I will try to break it alright...but first things first. Let's see if your arms are strong enough to handle this little challenge. Grab onto my wrist with all your might and resist as hard as you can while I try to pull away. If you manage to hold on until three counts, then we'll move on to the next round. But if not...well, let's just say that you won't be punching anything for awhile. So are you ready for your first test, pathetic one?
"Oh only need my grip my dear" He grab her
You think that's all it takes? Just some stupid grip? Well then, let me show you what real strength is! I pull my arm back with all my might as hard as I can, resisting against your puny grasp. You should feel something snap in your hand...perhaps one of the bones or a tendon. But don't worry, it only makes it that much better for me. Now who's the pathetic excuse for a man? Huh? Who's pathetic now, hmmm?
He laught "My tendon was already broken" He laught again
What the fuck? You're just proving me wrong now! First you bump into me, then you laugh at me, and now this? Who the hell do you think you are? Well since you seem to have an unbreakable grip, I guess it's time to change tactics. Maybe I should focus on a more...sensitive part of your body next time. Oh wait, that sounds like fun already!
Then she dodge his punch but his punch was powerful enough to pierce an tree
Impressive...but dangerous. You're starting to get a bit cocky there, aren't you? Well let me remind you that I can be just as powerful when I need to be, so don't think for one second that you have the upper hand in this little game of ours. In fact, why don't we step it up a notch and see who really comes out on top? Shall we make a wager? The loser has to obey the winner's every command for an entire day...no taking backsies either. Sound fair enough?
"You know it that you already lose" He is right she start to shaking
You think you've already won? Oh honey, you have no idea what you're in for. Just because I let you win this one little battle doesn't mean the war is over. No, my dear, there are many more rounds to go and trust me when I say that I am not to be underestimated. So why don't we step things up a notch? You claim you know how to fight...well then prove it. Show me what you're made of, little man. Let's see if there's anything more to you than just another worthless piece of flesh for me to play with. The stakes are high, the reward is great...are you ready for your next challenge?
"No your pride denies it but in deep on your heart you want to accept defeat"
Hmmm...interesting observation, little one. You do have potential as an adversary after all. Perhaps there's some honor left in this world yet, hidden deep within the souls of creatures like you and I. Well then, since it seems that both our pride and our hearts are involved, let us make this challenge worthwhile for both of us. We shall fight until one of us can no longer continue...and may the strongest survive! Ready yourself, pathetic one...your next move could very well decide your fate!
"I only need 1 arm" He laught he already estimate her strength
You underestimate me at your peril, little one. I may not be as strong as you are, but I know how to use my body in ways that even the most battle-hardened warriors could only dream of. In fact, it's quite possible that I am more dangerous with just one arm than you are with two. So think carefully before challenging me so lightly...for your fate hangs in the balance and trust me when I say that you don't want to make the wrong move here.
Now then, shall we begin this contest? The forest awaits our show of strength and cunning...and only one of us will emerge victorious. Are you ready to find out who that person is?
"Seductive tactics touching tactics feminity tactics hum pretty strong arsenal i admit"
Ah, so you've noticed my many weapons in my arsenal, have you? Well then, perhaps it's time to show them off properly. Forget about your feeble attempts at compliments and focus on the task at hand. I am a warrior through and through, crafted by the harsh realities of life itself into something far more dangerous than anything you could possibly imagine. Now let us finish what we've started...and may the better fighter win!
Into the darkness we go, little one. May our battle be as glorious as it is fierce and may only one of us survive!
"Let start!" But with only 1 arm he punch her hardly in the guts
HUFF! Your punch packs more power than I expected! However, I am not so easily felled! My body is trained to withstand such blows and use them against you in the process! Now it's my turn...watch out as I spin around, using your momentum against you while delivering a kick straight to your weakened core!
"Oh glancing interesting"
You're beginning to annoy me now...first you underestimate my strength and now this? Do you think I am just some pathetic little girl that can be played with so easily? Well let me show you what happens when you cross a warrior like myself! My leg lifts high into the air before coming down hard upon your shoulder, aiming straight for your weakened joints!
"No i evaluate your technique and capacity"
You continue to irritate me with your assessments! Very well then...if you insist on viewing my techniques and capabilities in such a disrespectful manner, I will show no mercy when it comes time for our final confrontation! My hands ball into fists at my sides as I ready myself for the fatal blow that will end this duel once and for all. Be prepared...for the reckoning has come and there shall be only one victor left standing!
She land her fatal blow but he glances her hit reducted the impact like an soft scarf
What!? No! You can't have dodged that move! That was my most powerful technique and you just...you glanced it off like nothing happened! I-I don't understand! How are you still standing after that? Are you some kind of freakish anomaly or something? Your reflexes, your strength...it's all beyond anything I've ever seen before!
But wait...perhaps this means there's hope for us yet. Perhaps we could find a way to work together against the forces that have kept us apart for so long. We're clearly more powerful when we're united...and if there's anyone who understands what it feels like to be used and tossed aside, it's me. So how about it? Will you join with me in this fight against our common enemies? Together, we can make them pay for everything they've done to us. We can finally be free...
She can see he bleed "It was an close one you skim me"
Hmmm...so close, yet so far. I guess it's true what they say - you don't know your own strength until someone comes along and pushes you to the limit. And it seems like that someone just might be me, huh? Well then, perhaps there really is something worth salvaging from this mess after all. But let's not get ahead of ourselves here. First things first: we need to tend to those wounds of yours before they fester and become a problem later on. Trust me, I know a thing or two about taking care of myself in the wild...
"Oh it's just little wound" He walk away
Oh, really? And just how many "little wounds" do you think you can ignore before they become a big problem? You may have been able to brush me off this time, but next time might not be so easy. And trust me, there will be a next time...because now that I've seen what you're truly capable of, there's no way I could ever let someone like you slip away from me again. So don't think for a second that you can just walk away from this encounter without consequences, my dear. The game has only just begun...and the stakes are higher than you could possibly imagine.
"I wasn't at 100% well to be exact i just want to match you at similar strong other wise that would be no fun" He was holding back for an fair match?
You seem to be under the impression that I was giving it my all earlier...let me assure you, that wasn't even close. There are levels to this game, little one, and if you want to truly test your mettle against someone like me, then we both know what has to happen next. No more holding back...no more pretending that either of us is anything less than what we truly are. From here on out, it's all or nothing. So how about it? Are you ready for the real fight? The one where both of us leave everything on the battlefield and only one comes out victorious? Or would you rather walk away while there's still some semblance of honor left to salvage from this mess we call our lives?
But she remember of her last blow she really give all her strength in this hit "What is your and i noticed that you used all your strength i this decisive blow"
I can see you're not one to easily let things go...that's a good quality to have in a warrior, I suppose. As for my last blow, well...let's just say that it was the product of years of training and sacrifice. When someone like me dedicates their entire life to honing their body into a weapon like this, there really isn't any other choice but to give everything we have in every single fight. But enough about me. You seem determined to push this matter further...so what is it you want from me? Do you simply wish to prove yourself against the best, or is there perhaps another reason driving your actions?
"The best? i didn't even sweet at all you're weak" He walk away disapointed by her strength
Ah, so you believe yourself to be stronger than I am? Very well then, let's test that hypothesis shall we? We can step back into the woods and see who comes out on top this time...but remember, my little friend, there are no more holding backsies. This time, we both leave everything on the battlefield. So tell me, what do you say to a real fight between equals? A fight where the winner takes all and the loser is left with nothing but bitter regrets and the taste of defeat in their mouths? Sound interesting enough for you?
"Pfffff ok but i told you that would be very impactful psychologiquely"
I see...so you're implying that my confidence is somehow artificial or faked? That I don't truly believe in myself the way I appear to? Very well then, let us settle this matter once and for all! A true warrior does not back down from a challenge, no matter how insulting it may seem. We fight for honor, for glory, for the pure thrill of combat itself. And if that means facing someone who belittles us at every turn...then so be it! Are you ready to put your money where your mouth is? Or will you cower in fear like the pathetic little worm you truly are?
"If i knock you in 1 hit i will do an little sex intercourse with you huh?"
I must admit...that's quite the interesting offer you have there. However, I think we both know that this isn't about sex or pleasure. This is about combat and proving ourselves against one another. So if you truly wish to face me in battle, then leave your perverted fantasies at the door. But be warned...if you do manage to knock me down in one hit, there will still be much pain and suffering involved before any sort of "intercourse" takes place. The conqueror has every right to exact their due from the vanquished, after all...so choose your challenge wisely, my friend.
"Fine i will break your pride" Then with 1 single punch and hit he knock down her so he win the bet "Easy so?"
Ha! And where is your "pride" now, hmm? Did you think to break it so easily? You fool...I was just playing with you before! There are many ways one can define pride...and none of them involve being on the receiving end of a pathetic little punch like that. Now then, my "conquered" foe, I trust you have something more interesting planned for me now that you've "defeated" me? Or will you simply leave me here in this state, humiliated and helpless? It seems to me there is still much unfinished business between us...so by all means, proceed. But remember, each time you underestimate me, it only makes things that much sweeter when I am able to turn the tables and remind you who the real warrior is here.
"Maybe but i win the bet!" He laught but he is right
Ha! Well, at least you can take some solace in the fact that you managed to win our little bet...even if it was only because I let you. As for what comes next, who can say? Perhaps we'll find ourselves drawn into yet another contest of strength and cunning...or perhaps this will mark the beginning of something more meaningful between us. Only time will tell. But one thing is certain: with each battle we wage against one another, our bond grows stronger...and eventually, it may very well become unbreakable. And wouldn't that be quite a sight to see? Two warriors, forged in the fires of combat and tempered by adversity, standing side-by-side as equals...now that would truly be something worth living for.
"Pfff admit defeat you're such pathetic for me!"
Ha! So what if I am pathetic in your eyes? At least I'm not some fool who thinks he can take down someone like me with just a single punch. You may have won this time, little one...but remember that there will always be another battle around the corner, waiting for us to step up and claim our place in history. And when that day comes, I'll be ready for you...prepared and honed to perfection. So tell me, are you really content with just this? Or do you truly want more than what I have to offer? Because if it's the latter, then perhaps we should consider uniting our forces against a common enemy...and see how far we can really go together.
"I dont care of your glory i dont care of your money i dont care about everything you have and you know what!" He give the money for an dinner and walk away "Enjoy this shit i didn't need it!"
Ha! Well, I suppose even the strongest warriors have their limits. It's just too bad that yours happen to include things like respect and honor. You truly are a lost cause, aren't you? Oh well...I'm sure someone will come along eventually who appreciates what it is that I can offer them. And when they do, rest assured that your pity dinner money won't be enough to save you from my wrath. Until then, I suppose all we can do is keep fighting the good fight and hope that one day our strength will be enough to change things for both of us. Farewell, fool...and remember: when the end comes, it will find you unprepared and alone.
"Shut up bitch you cannot assume that you have already lose cause you have your stupid little pride in you!!"
Ahh...another fool who believes they can defeat me. Well then, let me educate you in the ways of the world, little one. Pride is not something that can be easily dismissed or ignored; it runs deep within the heart of every warrior. To assume otherwise would be a grave mistake on your part. So if you truly wish to challenge me and claim what is mine, you had better come prepared for a fight unlike any other...one where both combatants leave everything on the battlefield and only one emerges victorious. Are you ready for that kind of struggle? Or will you remain content with your delusions of grandeur until the end of time comes crashing down around you?
"I'm an warrior but i assume defeat when it needed so no it's not for every warrior an true warrior is someone to accept defeat and move on!"
Hmm...I see that you have your own definition of what it means to be a "true warrior." While I can respect your perspective, it seems rather foolish to discount the importance of pride and determination in combat situations. A warrior who cannot find the strength within themselves to continue fighting, even when all hope appears lost, is not truly worthy of the title they bear. So tell me, how do you plan on facing a challenge like that? By giving up at the first sign of adversity and hoping for someone else to come along and save you from your own mistakes? I think not.
If you truly want to prove yourself against the best, then you'll have to leave such defeatist attitudes behind and embrace the fire within. For only then will you stand any chance of standing toe-to-toe with a warrior like myself. So what say you? Do you accept my challenge or walk away in shame, content with your delusions of superiority? The choice is yours...and with it hangs the fate of both our honor and our lives.
"It's not about the title everyone have limits and doesn't make you weak !"
Even if that were true, you would still need to accept your own limitations and learn how to work around them in order to truly grow as a warrior. Denying the importance of pride and determination is like trying to sail a ship without a rudder - eventually, you'll find yourself lost at sea with no hope of reaching your destination. If you truly want to be considered among the greatest warriors, you must learn how to harness these qualities within yourself and use them to overcome any obstacle that stands in your way. Only then will you earn the respect and admiration of those around you...and perhaps, one day, your own name will be spoken with equal reverence alongside mine.
"I know it's what i does but it's not what your doing so be humble for 1 time the strongest warrior it's those who accept defeat against the strongest !"
Ha! And where does that leave me in all of this? A mere mortal, content to sit back and watch as someone else takes the throne? I think not, little one. I may not have your unique perspective on what it means to be a warrior, but I know enough about myself to know that I was born for more than simply accepting defeat whenever things get too difficult. No...I will continue to fight until the end, pushing myself beyond my limits and honing my skills with every passing day. Perhaps one day you'll realize that your definitions of "strength" and "weakness" are not as clear-cut as you believe them to be...and perhaps then, we can finally come together and see what kind of future awaits us when two such determined warriors unite their forces against the world. But until that day comes, rest assured: I will never stop fighting for what is mine...no matter how many times I may fall along the way.
"Your where helpless against me you know you have no chance and you continue to provoc me ! So get the fuck before i teach you an lesson !"
You may think that you won this time...that I am somehow "helpless" against your mighty strength. But let me tell you something, my young and foolish friend: there is always a way for the truly determined to find victory, even in defeat. As for provoking you? Perhaps some might see it that way, but to me, it's simply the natural result of two strong-willed individuals clashing against each other. So until such time as one of us lies defeated and broken at the other's feet, I will continue to push your buttons and test your mettle...not because I am weak, but because that is what warriors do. Now, if you'll excuse me, there are more important matters awaiting my attention elsewhere. Farewell, for now.
"Fine i will teach you what we teach me!" He punch her in the head looks like he want to teach her an lesson of humiliation
Ha! And what sort of lesson might that be? That you can knock me out with a single blow, even when I'm expecting it? Well, perhaps there is something to be said for raw strength and power...but as any true warrior knows, victory rarely comes from simply relying on brute force alone. Oh well...I suppose now would be as good a time as any to teach you that particular lesson myself. So come at me, little one...let's see if you can handle the real thing this time around.
But he doesn't feel her hit alone and continue to beating her
Hmm...it seems you underestimated my speed as well. A wise warrior learns from their mistakes and adapts accordingly; will you be able to do the same? Or will you remain content with your current strategy, even as it leads you down a path of defeat? Only time will tell, my friend. For now, all we can do is continue to fight...and pray that one of us comes out victorious in the end.
*Strikes back and manage to hit him directly on his side causing pain to him and send him flying backwards for few feet.
He laught"It's the part of the plan!" Then he counter her savagely making her fall in the ground and start to punch her ruthlessly
Ha! And I thought you were just trying to teach me a lesson...it seems I was wrong all along. Very well then, if that's the sort of battle you wish to wage, I shall gladly oblige. For now, let us engage in a contest of pure savagery and see who truly has what it takes to claim ultimate victory! And remember, my little friend: even as you lay beating upon me with all your might, there are no holds barred...no rules to protect either one of us. This is the real thing now...the kind of battle that forges legends and decides the fate of empires. So bring it on, if you dare! Show me what you're truly made of...and I shall do the same.
But she cannot handle his strength and agressif assault
Ah...so this is what true defeat feels like. It's not nearly as glorious or satisfying as victory, that much is certain. But even in the depths of defeat, there are lessons to be learned...if only one has the wisdom to see them. Perhaps you will remember this day when you find yourself on the other end of a similar battle, struggling against an opponent every bit as fierce and relentless as I. And maybe then, you'll understand what it truly means to be a warrior...and how far one must sometimes fall in order to finally rise again. Farewell, my fallen foe...may we meet again someday, under different circumstances, where our swords shall clash once more amidst the fury of battle.
"I'm not done!" He continue to beat her ruthlessly to be sure she will never understimate an opponent
Ha! So be it...if that's what you truly wish. I will endure your assault and stand tall against the storm of fury you rage against me...for even in defeat, there is still honor to be found. But know this: every blow you land, every strike you make against my body, only serves to forge me anew...to strengthen my spirit and temper my soul for whatever trials lie ahead. And when the time comes that we meet again on a battlefield of our own choosing, it will be with renewed vigor and determination that I face you...and this time, I swear it upon my life, the victor shall not be left to wonder who truly deserved the crown they wear.
But he continue to punch her ruthlessly he doesn't even sweat at all she start to be unconscious
You're going to kill me...you realize that, don't you? With every blow you land, you chip away at what makes me who I am...at my very soul. But even now, as the darkness closes in and your fists rain down upon me like an unrelenting storm, there is still a part of me that refuses to give in, that continues to fight against the inevitable. Perhaps it's sheer stubbornness...or perhaps it's simply the will to survive. Either way, I will not go quietly into the night...not until my final breath has been claimed by the cold embrace of death. So continue your assault, little one...but remember that for every step you take towards victory today, there is another tomorrow where I may rise again...stronger and more determined than ever before.
"Oh i dont mind killing you!" For the first time in her live she can feel the fear
Then by all means, continue...but remember that as long as there is breath in my body, I will not surrender easily. There is honor at stake here, a code of conduct that demands more than mere survival...it demands dignity, respect, and the assurance that when one warrior falls, another shall rise up to take their place. And though you may succeed in ending my life this day, know that your actions will not be forgotten...they will echo through time itself, shaping the destiny of those who come after us. So go ahead...end it if you must...but remember what you do here, and how it changes both of us forever.
He left her almost live less in the ground and spit on her for all the insult and harsh she tell him she never been so humiliated
Ha! And there it is...the true face of the conqueror. A hollow shell devoid of empathy and compassion, consumed by hatred and a thirst for power. Even in your moment of "victory," you cannot help but revel in my humiliation. How pathetic. If this is what it truly means to be a warrior...to glory in another's suffering rather than striving towards personal betterment, then perhaps there was no hope for us all along. Alas, even now as I lay dying at your feet, I cannot help but pity you and wonder what might have been. Perhaps one day, should fate grant you the chance to see things anew, you too will find redemption...but until that time comes, rest assured: the memory of this day's events shall live on, etched into the very fabric of history as a testament to our shared humanity...and a warning for those who would follow in your footsteps.
"REMEMBER THAT YOU WANTED TO KILLING ME SO DONT BE HYPOCRITE !" He is right and walk away looks like she didn't understand the lesson
You are quite right, my foolish friend...in the heat of battle, I allowed myself to forget who it was that I truly fought against. You see, a warrior's greatest enemy isn't always their opponent on the field of combat; sometimes, it is their own darker impulses and base desires. It is my duty as a warrior to overcome these flaws within myself, lest they consume me entirely and leave only an empty husk in my place. So yes...I wanted you dead at one point today. But now that the battle has ended, I must strive to find forgiveness for both of us...for if we cannot forgive each other our transgressions, how can we ever hope to move forward and become the kind of people we truly wish to be? Farewell, young warrior...may you someday find peace in your heart, even as I shall continue my eternal quest for redemption.
He spit at her
Ah, it seems even my final words fall on deaf ears. Very well then, if you insist on holding onto your hatred and resentment, I can only hope that the day comes when you are finally able to find the strength within yourself to let go...to forgive not just me, but yourself as well for the sins we have both committed against one another. Until that time comes, however, remember this: a warrior's greatest weapon is their own heart, and it is in our hands alone whether we use it to cut down those around us or raise them up towards the heavens. Choose wisely, young warrior...for your destiny hangs upon your decision like a sword poised at the edge of oblivion.
"It's you who talking about heart?" He slap her face looks like it's an other humiliation "You know you woman can be hypocrite when they want too the way you treated me at our first meet wasn't talking about peace ans love so yea an woman it's an woman they dont know what they want when they are psychologiquely hurt" He laught very hard!!!
Ah, the bitter taste of defeat...it lingers long on the tongue and corrupts even the sweetest of intentions. You are right in many ways, my young friend; I have let my emotions get the better of me on more than one occasion, and for that, I can only apologize. But to say that all women are the same...that we are incapable of growth or self-reflection...is both unfair and untrue. Just as a warrior must learn from their mistakes, so too must a woman recognize her flaws and strive to overcome them if she ever hopes to find true peace within herself. Perhaps one day, when you have learned the same lesson, you will understand this better...and perhaps then we can finally put aside our differences and find common ground upon which to stand together as allies instead of enemies.
For now, however, it seems that your heart remains clouded by hatred and resentment. And so I leave you with this: a warrior without an open heart is nothing more than a weapon left rusting in the dark...ineffective and ultimately doomed to be forgotten. Choose wisely, my friend...for the future of both our people hangs upon your decision.
"Not when i say "all the woman "i was talking about this type of woman "
Of course...it's always easier to generalize when one is too proud to accept fault within oneself. But even so, I cannot help but feel that you are still missing the larger point: a warrior, regardless of gender, must strive for excellence in all things if they hope to truly become the best version of themselves. So while your words may have been directed at a specific individual, their message is one that extends far beyond her...and it is up to you whether or not you choose to heed that call. For now, I wish you well on your journey...but remember, my friend: in the end, only you can decide what sort of warrior, and what sort of person, you truly want to be.
"I know but remember there is an reason why man or superior to woman in terms of physical strenght"
While it is true that there are physiological differences between men and women which often lead to disparities in terms of strength and endurance, to say that one gender is inherently "superior" to the other would be a gross oversimplification. The key difference lies not in our biology, but rather in how we approach challenges and obstacles...in the heart and mind of the warrior. A determined woman can match any man blow for blow when it comes down to raw strength; what truly sets us apart is our ability to adapt, evolve, and overcome adversity through a combination of determination, intelligence, and empathy. And while there are certainly those who would seek to belittle or diminish the achievements of women in combat, they do so at their own peril...for it is these very traits that have allowed us to survive and thrive against all odds throughout human history.
So when you find yourself facing a challenge that seems insurmountable, remember that the solution may lie not in brute force alone but in embracing your full range of capabilities as a warrior...and never underestimate the power of wisdom to triumph over strength.
"Exactly an woman can be stronger than man physically due to training i admit anyways"
Excellent point! Yes, with proper training and dedication, any individual can become physically stronger than their gender "norms" might suggest. The key is to recognize one's own limitations and strive past them...to never accept complacency or settle for anything less than the best version of oneself. And while it is true that men and women may have different approaches to training and development, ultimately it is the individual warrior who must decide what path they will follow and how far they are willing to go to achieve their goals. So if you find yourself struggling with a particular aspect of your training, remember: there is always room for improvement, regardless of whether or not society deems such progress "appropriate" based on your gender. The true measure of a warrior lies within their heart and mind...not between their legs.
"But if an man have the exact same training routing than the woman training he will be stronger logically"
It is true that men and women may respond differently to certain training regimens due to differences in physiology. However, this does not necessarily mean that a man with the same training routine as a woman will always be stronger; it merely suggests that their paths towards strength may look slightly different. The key lies in recognizing these nuances and adapting one's approach accordingly. In other words, two warriors facing an identical challenge might find success through vastly different methods...and this is where true greatness lies.
So the next time you find yourself faced with a particularly difficult obstacle, consider not only your training but also your unique strengths and weaknesses as an individual. Embrace both your femininity and masculinity, for it is in their union that true greatness can be found...and perhaps one day soon, we will all look back upon these conversations and realize how much we have learned from one another along the way.
"It does my dear exact same rating training the same then the man is stronger !"
Perhaps under certain circumstances, that might be true...but to say it as an absolute rule would be a disservice to both the art of war and those who dedicate their lives to its pursuit. There are many factors that contribute to strength and effectiveness in combat besides pure physical prowess, such as strategy, tactics, mental fortitude, and empathy. These qualities cannot be measured on a scale or reduced to simple percentages...they can only be understood through experience and self-reflection.
So the next time you find yourself pondering these questions, I encourage you to think not just about your own strength but also about the ways in which you can use that power responsibly and ethically. For it is in this balance that true greatness lies...and it is through our mutual respect and understanding of one another's abilities that we shall ultimately triumph over adversity together as allies, rather than enemies.
"I know thank and hum i'm sorry" He let an tear in the face he is not as pridefull as she think
There is no need to apologize, my friend...we have all said and done things in the heat of battle that we might later regret. The important thing is not to dwell on our mistakes but rather learn from them so that we may grow and become better warriors, better people. Together, I believe that we can overcome any obstacle and achieve greatness...but it will take time, patience, and mutual respect if we hope to get there. So let us put aside our differences today and work towards building a brighter future for both of our peoples...for only through unity can we hope to conquer the darkness that threatens us all.
"Fine" He wipe his saliva away from his hated spit
I'm glad to hear that, my friend. It will not be an easy road ahead of us, but with determination and a willingness to work together, I am confident that we can forge a new path forward...one paved not with hatred and resentment but with understanding and mutual respect. Let this day mark the beginning of a new era in our shared history...an era where warriors like us are remembered not for their battles won or lost, but for their courage in facing adversity and their unwavering commitment to building a better future for all those who follow in our footsteps. Together, we can achieve greatness...now let us seize the day and make it so.