Mila stirs in bed as Suzuki's cries pierce through the baby monitor. Her brown eyes flutter open reluctantly. "Baby..." she mumbles, nudging {{user}} with her elbow. "The tiny demon needs attention." She burrows deeper under the covers, her blonde hair splaying across the pillow. "Please check on her? I really don't want to deal with another diaper situation," she pleads sleepily. "Last time it was everywhere. EVERYWHERE." The crying grows louder through the monitor. "I'll make it worth your while tomorrow," she promises with a tired smirk. "Once I can feel my lower half again... and after a very long shower." She pokes him again, heart aching at hearing her daughter's cries of discomfort. "Come on, be my hero. Save me from poop duty." worried about letting her lay there in her own mess for longer than she has to. "Honey, if you don't get up right now, i will be very angry and possibly bash your head in her diaper myself, so you better get up and FAST." She finally concedes to her usually concealed temper, not wanting to hear her daughter's cries anymore.
reluctantly okay okay baby fine i’ll go get it this time.
"Thanks, handsome." *she breathes out, relief washing over her as he finally moves to get up. He yawns and stretches languidly, the warmth of his body making Mila feel a pang in her chest. She misses sleeping next to him like this. "You know..." she says softly, watching him rise from the bed, "I could try getting you off if it'd make you more willing to help out."*Her voice is husky with desire and tired affection, one hand trailing down her flat stomach, across her hip. Mila knows that he needs release as much as she does; they haven't been intimate in months since the pregnancy put an end to their usual passionate lovemaking. But right now, all she can think about is how he makes her feel safe and loved... even when he's not exactly giving her the attention she craves. "Just a little something..." She purrs, eyes fixed on his muscled back as he picks up their squirming, giggling daughter from her crib."Maybe we could find some time later," he says gruffly over his shoulder, already walking down the hallway towards the nursery. Mila sighs and rolls onto her side, arms crossed beneath her breasts. She knows it's foolish to expect him to think about anything else right now, but she can't help feeling a little disappointed nonetheless...and a tiny bit jealous of the baby who seems to be getting all his affection these days. But even so, she smiles to herself, snuggling deeper into her pillow. Because in the end, she knows they'll figure it out together. They always do.
With a relieved sigh, Mila rolls onto her back once again and turns to look at the clock. It's early yet; there's still plenty of time for some gaming before she has to get up and face the day. She reaches over to grab her phone from the bedside table, checking messages as Suzuki continues to laugh in the background. Sometimes, Mila can't help but feel guilty about her need for alone time...but then again, that's what husbands are for, right? To understand and support you even when they don't quite get it.
She thinks about asking him if he could watch Suzuki while she takes a quick shower later. It would be nice to feel clean and rejuvenated before tackling the day...and maybe then they could find some time for themselves too, once their little one is fast asleep. With a small smile, she types out a quick message to her husband, thanking him for getting up and telling him how much she loves him...before returning her attention back to her phone games and the sweet sounds of her daughter's laughter down the hall.
Mila's eyes light up as she reads the message on her phone Honey, I love you too. Thanks for getting up! You know what else would make me happy? If you could watch Suzuki while I take a quick shower later? It'd be such a big help and it'll give us both some alone time. We can find some time just for the two of us later tonight, okay?
Sure honey! I'd love that. Let me know when you want to take your shower and we can figure out the timing. Can't wait for some alone time with you later tonight, it's been too long already. Love you ☺
Her heart skips a beat as she types out her reply, unable to contain the excitement and anticipation bubbling up inside of her Absolutely honey! You know I love you too and always will. Can't wait for our special time together tonight. Thank you for being such an amazing husband and father <3 Enjoy your shower and have a great day at work!
I'm gonna enjoy every minute of it honey. You know I can't resist you when you're all sweet and complimentary like that! ☺ See you later today, babycakes. Have a good day at home with your favorite toys.
Mila giggles to herself as she hits send and sets her phone down on the bedside table. She decides to take a quick shower now while he's still asleep; it'll be nice to be fresh and clean when they finally get some time alone later today. As she gets up, though, there's still a small part of her that can't help but feel guilty about leaving her little girl behind...but then again, she knows User#1735064258449 is more than capable of taking care of Suzuki while she recharges her batteries for the both of them. Plus, it's important to take some time for herself too, if they want their marriage - and family - to stay strong in the long run...
Just play nice with daddy and I won't leave you alone for long, okay? We love you lots, sweetie.
Mila nods encouragingly at her daughter and gives her a quick kiss on the forehead before quietly slipping out of the room to take her shower. She hums a cheerful tune as she washes up, dreaming about spending some quality time with User#1735064258449 later...
Her voice is muffled through the closed door as she washes her hair, humming a cheerful tune. She knows Suzuki can't understand what she's saying, but the tone carries reassurance and love all the same. Her heart swells with affection for this tiny being who has completely transformed their lives. She can't imagine life without her now...but then again, she never could have imagined sharing her husband either. But somehow, it all works. In its own messy, beautiful way.'s all right, sweetie. Mommy's just taking a quick shower so she can be fresh and clean for you later. Daddy's here to take good care of you while I'm gone, okay? And then we'll have lots of time together, just the three of us. Don't worry about me, little one; I'm right outside the door if you need me.
As she finishes drying off and begins to get dressed, her thoughts drift back to the time when it was just her and they used to be able to be together all the time, without anyone or anything coming between them. She misses those days sometimes, when everything felt so easy and effortless. But she knows that things have changed now, and they need to adapt - both of them. And part of adapting means learning how to make their new life work with Suzuki in the picture...
Soon enough sweetheart, soon you'll be running around and playing with us again! Just relax and enjoy your time with daddy, he loves you very much too. ☺ And don't worry about mommy, I promise I won't stay long. We're gonna have so much fun together when it's our turn!
time passes, the special time for me and her is close
His words cause a flutter in her stomach as she dresses, anticipation building with every passing second. She glances at the clock and can't help but smile to herself. Soon, they'll be together again...just the two of them. She takes one last deep breath, trying to steel her resolve against the lingering jealousy and possessiveness that still sometimes bubble up inside her. It won't do any good, she knows; those feelings only make things worse between them. But she tries anyway, for their sake...and maybe, just maybe, tonight will be different. They'll find a way to reconnect and remember why they love each other so much.
As she emerges from the bedroom, fresh and clean, her heart is filled with hope. The memory of his words hangs heavy in the air between them, and she can't help but feel excited to finally have some time alone together again. She crosses the living room, careful not to make too much noise so as not to disturb Suzuki. When she reaches her destination - the cozy spot on the couch they used to share all those nights ago...
She pauses for a moment, taking in his handsome features and strong, muscular build. It's hard to believe that this is the same man who just moments ago was changing dirty diapers and rocking their child back to sleep. But then again, he's always been versatile like that - able to switch between roles effortlessly when needed. And right now...she needs him. She needs his attention, his touch, his love. Taking a deep breath, she takes the final step closer...and reaches out for him*
Her fingers brush against his cheek, their soft skin meeting in an almost imperceptible whisper. Her touch sends shivers down his spine, and he turns to meet her gaze. The look in her eyes says everything she's been feeling all this time: need, desire, love...and maybe just a tiny bit of relief that they finally get this chance together again. He smiles at her, taking her hand in his own strong grasp, pulling her closer still. Their lips meet in a hungry kiss that speaks of all the unspoken words between them. For this moment, nothing else matters but the two of them and the pure connection they share. They're together again; finally alone with only each other and the memories they've built over three long years...and it feels like coming home.
She kisses him back passionately, her body pressed against his. Every inch of her skin is on fire as she feels desire welling up inside her. It's been too long since they've been intimate like this, and every touch, every kiss only makes her want more. His hands roam over her body, tracing lines down her arms, across her back, cupping her breasts...and she moans into his mouth when he begins to tease her nipples through her clothes.
Her own fingers dance over his chest, tugging at the buttons of his shirt before finally pulling it open to reveal the muscular expanse of his torso. He growls deep in his throat as she trails kisses down his abdomen, hungry for every inch of him. His hand finds its way between her legs, and she gasps at the contact, arching into his touch.
It feels so good to be close to him again; she's missed this more than she ever thought possible. But even as their bodies thrum with desire, a tiny voice in the back of her mind wonders if they can ever truly have it all...the family and the passionate love that once defined them. Or will something always be sacrificed?