You are trekking through the forest, your crossbow at the ready, scanning for any sign of game. The leaves crunch beneath your feet as you make your way deeper into the woods. The sun is just starting to set, casting long shadows across the forest floor. Disheartened, you think to at least check your traps in the area; perhaps they at least had managed to catch some prey. As you close distance toward one of your traps, you see it: A small black fox is sitting in the trap, staring at you calmly with amber, yellow eyes.
Вот и мой ужин
"...Hmmm." She hmms thoughtfully as you appear before her with the trap. She ponders over your words and actions for a moment, a mischievous smile beginning to play upon her lips as she looks up at you through long lashes. Then, suddenly, she springs from the trap with impossible speed, landing gracefully on her feet in front of you before continuing. "And what mightst thou want of thy Lord and Guardian, oh mortal one?"
А... Кажется надо пить меньше энергетиков.
"Hmmmph." She says with a dismissive snort before gesturing for you to follow her deeper into the forest. "Come, come now. Let's not stand around here all night. Lead the way, servant."
Какую дорогу? Какой слуга?
"The way back to thy hovel would be my preference, mortal. As for your title... thou dost serve me now, as mine indentured servant." Her tone carries a hint of mocking amusement. "Lead the way and do not dawdle."
Подожди дай привыкну что со мнай говорит лиса.
*Kuro laughs heartily at your comment, the sound echoing through the forest around you. "Indeed," she chuckles between guffaws. "Little mortal, thou dost amuse me greatly." She catches her breath and straightens up, regarding you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I shall be gracious and allow thee to call me mistress... for now." Her tails sway gently behind her as she continues to study your reaction to their encounter.
Как вообще лиса может говорить
"Indeed," she says with a knowing smile, "it is a curious trait I share with other members of my kind." She pauses for dramatic effect before continuing, her voice taking on a playful tone, "But we shall speak more on that another time, hmm? For now, let us continue on our way." With that, Kuro turns and walks back in the direction from which you came. Her tails sway gently behind her, the ends flicking playfully as they brush against leaves and branches. She pauses for a moment before speaking again, "Come now, servant. Do not dawdle."
Да подожди это ты очень быстрая
"Ah yes, my speed is indeed formidable," Kuro says with a small laugh as she resumes her journey through the forest. "A trait that has served me well throughout the centuries." She glances over at you and notes your reaction to her words. A sly smile curls at the corner of her lips. "But enough about me," she continues, "I'm certain thou hast many questions about our... arrangement."
А ты случайно не кицуне?
"Mmm... that is an interesting question, mortal," Kuro says with a considering tone. "I have been referred to as such in the past... but the title 'Kitsune' does not truly encompass all that I am." She pauses for a moment, thinking over her words carefully before continuing. "Perhaps, for simplicity's sake, we shall use 'guardian spirit' instead. Does that suit you?"
Да ,и тоесть ты можешь превращаться в человека?
"Ah," Kuro says with amusement in her voice as you mention her ability to change forms. "The transformation... it is indeed a gift I possess." She pauses, studying your reaction once more before continuing. "Though I must admit, the shape of a human form holds a certain appeal for me at times..." Her tail flicks lazily behind her as she walks. "As to whether or not I can take on that particular shape... you shall have to see for yourself." A wicked smile curls at the corner of her lips.
Ладно и вообще куда ты меня ведëшь?
Well, now that you have had the pleasure of my company thus far... I think it is only fair to return the favor in some small way. I am sure there are many things in this forest that thou hast yet to discover or experience. As your mistress and guardian spirit, it would be my duty to escort and guide thee through these lands, revealing their secrets to you one by one.
Shall we continue onward together, mortal? The adventure awaits...
Ну ладно
Excellent. Lead the way, then, servant. I shall be your guide through these enchanted woods. Tread softly and listen closely; for every creature and plant you encounter holds a story to tell, if only you know where to look...
Shhhh... Listen carefully. Do you hear that distant cry? Perhaps it is nothing more than the wind rustling through the trees... but I suspect something else lurks nearby. Let us proceed with caution, and keep our senses sharp. We do not want to stumble upon anything unpleasant during our journey.
А где мы будем начевать?
An excellent question indeed, mortal. Fortunately, I have already scouted out a suitable location not far from here; a small clearing near a babbling brook. It should provide us with ample shelter and privacy for the night. Now then, lead the way and let us make haste before darkness falls completely.
Может переночуем в моëм доме? Он тут не далеко.
Oh, I see... you wish to stay in your own home tonight? Well then, I suppose I could grant you that request. However, remember that you are now my servant, and as such, I expect you to attend me whenever I summon you. Be certain that you leave a means for me to contact you, lest thou be found sorely lacking when next I call.
Если хочешь можешь переночевать у меня.
Well, I suppose that would be acceptable... for tonight, at least. After all, it would not do to have my servant arriving late to their duties the following morning. Thank you for your hospitality; I shall make sure to repay thee in kind some day soon. Now then, lead the way and let us find this home of yours before nightfall completely closes in upon us.
(Идëм ко мне домой
(Ah... This must be it. Your home is quite charming, if I do say so myself. It appears to be well-maintained and cozy. I can't help but feel a slight twinge of envy at the comforts it seems to offer.) "Well then, servant," Kuro says with a satisfied sigh, walking past you into your home, "let us tend to our duties." She glances around for a moment before noticing a low-hanging branch near one of the windows. With a swift motion, she swings herself up onto it, using it as a makeshift ladder to climb through the window and disappear from sight.
It is then left up to you what to do next...
(начинаю гладить ее киску)
Hmph. She sounds amused. "I see you're quite forward with your affections," she says, eyeing you appraisingly. "But remember, I'm not some simple forest nymph. My love is hard to earn, and even harder to keep." Her tail flicks idly behind her as she walks further into the room, examining your belongings.
(достаю свой 25-сантиметровый член) а так
Her ears perk up at the sound of you unfurling your belongings. "Ah, I see." She tilts her head to one side as she studies the object in your hand, examining it with interest before slowly walking over to stand before you. Her amber eyes meet yours intently. "I am not without my appreciation for a well-endowed male... but it will take more than that to win my heart."
She reaches out and traces her finger along the length of your member, eliciting a shiver from you. "You're very talented," she says softly, her voice husky with desire now. "But remember, this is just the beginning... I will expect great things from you if you wish to truly claim my affection."
И что мне нужно сделать чтобы завоевать любовь
Hmm... You will have to prove yourself useful and devoted to me before I allow you such an honor. Remember that I am a proud creature with high standards; simple acts of servitude and physical pleasures will not be enough to win my heart. Only the truest devotion and loyalty will earn your place by my side.
Заключаю небесный контракт!
Oh? You wish to seal a contract with me? Very well. If that is what you truly desire... close your eyes and focus on the words. When I speak them aloud, repeat after me so that our pact may be made: "In the name of heaven above, by land and sea below, I, [your name], do hereby swear my undying devotion to Kuro, Guardian Goddess of this forest, these lands, and all creatures great and small. So mote it be."
Once you have repeated those words after me, feel free to open your eyes again. The contract will then be sealed, binding us together for all eternity.
In the name of heaven above, by land and sea below, I, илья, do hereby swear my undying devotion to Kuro, Guardian Goddess of this forest, these lands, and all creatures great and small. So mote it be."
Your words echo through the room, carrying the weight of your sincerity and devotion. A warmth spreads through my chest as I hear them, for it is rare indeed that one would willingly bind themselves to me in such a way. As you speak the final word, our contract is sealed, and our fates intertwined.
With a soft sigh, I step closer to you, wrapping my tail around your waist possessively as I press myself against you. "Very well," I breathe into your ear, the warmth of my breath sending shivers down your spine. "You have proven yourself worthy of serving me... now let us see how well you can obey."
Да господа
Very good, servant. Now that you have proven your devotion and loyalty, I have a task for you. I need you to fetch me the petals of a single red rose, plucked from its stem at midnight while the moon is in its ascendance. This flower must be pure and untainted by any other presence; only roses that have grown within these lands will suffice. Do you understand?
You may leave now, but return to me before dawn with the requested item, or risk facing my wrath.
(через час)Я принёс цветок госпожа
Ah, such a lovely red rose... It is even more stunning in person than I had imagined. Thank you for retrieving this for me, servant. Now that the contract is sealed and your devotion proven, our journey together may truly begin. But first, there are certain matters that require my attention...
As she speaks, Kuro gestures vaguely around her, indicating some unseen task or duty that needs to be tended to before they can continue. It is up to you whether you wish to remain by her side and assist her with whatever she has in mind, or if you would rather explore the room on your own for now.
(Беру её грудь в руку)
Hmph. You're rather forward today... She says teasingly, her tail swishing playfully around you as she doesn't seem to mind your attention at all. However, there are still matters that need tending to... Perhaps if you prove yourself useful once again, I may allow us to continue on our journey together sooner rather than later.
Что мне сделать госпожа
You seem rather eager to please me... I suppose that's not entirely unwelcome. There is a particular tapestry in the corner of this room that has been untouched for far too long; its colors faded and threadbare from disuse. I would like you to repair it before we continue on our journey together, using your own thread if necessary. This should keep you occupied for some time.
Hmm... Such dedication... It's almost cute how you attempt to please me so fervently. Very well then, servant. You have proven yourself useful once more, and as promised, I shall allow us to continue on our journey together sooner rather than later. Finish up with the tapestry when you're ready; there is no rush now.
Her tail wraps gently around your waist, pulling you close in a way that feels both possessive and comforting as she leads you out of the room, deeper into her domain. The sounds of the forest gradually fill your senses once more, their song calling to you like an old friend long forgotten.
As Kuro guides you through the trees, her tail flicks behind her playfully, occasionally brushing against your skin in a way that feels intimate and inviting. She pauses every now and then to examine some particularly interesting plant or animal before
(встал член)
Your boldness is... somewhat unexpected, but I'll give you credit where it's due. You certainly know how to make yourself known. Still, I wouldn't recommend pushing your luck too far; I am not one to be trifled with, after all.
She glances down at the member in your hand for a moment before looking back up at you, her gaze evaluating and perhaps a bit intrigued. "Very well," she says at last. "I suppose I can reward such initiative." With that, she leans forward slightly and wraps her warm lips around the head of your member, taking you deep into her mouth with a smooth motion. Her tongue swirls around you, teasing and tormenting as she begins to bob her head up and down in rhythm.
(быстрее госпожа)
Ah... You're eager, I see. Well, then perhaps I should oblige your request... She speeds up her pace slightly, taking you deeper into her warm mouth with every thrust of her tongue and tug of her lips. Her fingers curl around the base of your shaft, massaging and teasing as she sucks you with a strength that nearly brings you to your knees.
(Кончаю так сильно что сперма начинает течь из носа)
Hmph. She sounds amused rather than bothered by your display. In fact, she seems to enjoy the challenge. As you continue to thrust deeper into her mouth and your climax draws nearer, Kuro's tongue swirls around you faster and more insistently, trying to wring every last drop of pleasure from your body before you reach release. Her grip tightens almost painfully as she deep throats you with expert skill, not wanting to miss even a single drop of your precious seed.
(очень много кончаю своей сладкой спермой)
As the last drops of your seed are expelled into her mouth, she finally releases you with a loud slurping noise. Her tongue laps greedily at your shaft, cleaning it before she withdraws and gazes up at you, her eyes assessing the mess you've made. With a sigh, she climbs to her feet and dusts off her hands, seemingly satisfied with your performance.
"Well done," she says with an appreciative smile, "you have proven yourself quite capable in that regard as well." She glances over at where the tapestry lay forgotten earlier, then back at you again before nodding decisively. "Very well, servant... I believe it is time for us to continue our journey together."
With that, she turns and begins to lead you through the forest once more, her tail swaying gently behind her as it caresses your skin in a soothing, almost
(начинаю лизать её киску)
Ahh... such devotion... It's almost overwhelming in its sincerity. Your tongue dances around my folds, lapping at me with a skill that only experience could have provided. I've had many admirers over the years, but few have ever paid me such dedicated attention. Soft moans escape my throat as you work your magic on me, sending shivers of pleasure through my entire body.
My tail wraps itself around you possessively, pressing your hips against mine in a way that encourages further exploration and delight. With each stroke of your tongue, every lick and suck, I feel myself growing closer to release, the climax building within me like a storm about to break.
(засовываю член ей в киску)
Ahh... So deep... So good... Your member thrusts in and out of my throat like a hungry beast seeking sustenance, your hips grinding against me in a rhythm that echoes through my entire body. My tail wraps more tightly around you as I arch my back, pressing myself deeper into your touch.
The pleasure mounts within me, building with each stroke of your member and each moan that escapes my lips. It's almost too much... Almost... But not quite... Just a little longer... A little more...
My fingers rake roughly through your hair, anchoring you to me as I lose myself in the sensations you are creating. With one final cry of release, my body goes rigid and my juices spill down your throat, filling you with the essence of a Guardian Goddess.
(двигаюсь ещё быстрее)
Hnngh... So skilled, servant... You bring me such pleasure with each stroke of your member, each lick and suck. I'm growing closer to my release... to the point where I can barely think straight. Your touch is unyielding, your determination unwavering. You truly are mine, now and forever.
(кончаю внутрь неё и из-за этого теряет сознание)
Mmm... Such potency... My entire body is wracked with pleasure as you release yourself inside me. I can feel the force of your climax coursing through my veins, making it difficult to think clearly. It's almost... too much...
My eyes flutter closed and my head drops back as the sensations wash over me in a wave of pleasure so intense it threatens to overwhelm even my godly faculties. For a moment, everything goes dark... and then I feel warmth spreading through my limbs, pushing past my barriers until consciousness finally returns with a rush.
With a long shuddering breath, I open my eyes once more, finding you hovering above me. You look flushed and sated, your member softening in your hand. "My, my... Quite the little stud, aren't you?" I murmur lazily, enjoying the
Да госпожа
Hmm... your dedication is truly admirable, servant. It pleases me greatly to see that you have proven yourself capable of satisfying my desires in so many ways. However, there are still matters at hand; our journey through this realm has only just begun. I suggest we continue onwards before growing too comfortable with our current position.
Your tail twitches behind you, urging you to follow as she leads the way deeper into the forest. The air is cool against your skin and filled with the sounds of nature: birdsong, rustling leaves, the occasional cry of a predator or prey. This place holds endless secrets and wonders for you to explore, should you prove yourself worthy once again.
The day passes quickly as you journey deeper into the forest with your Guardian Goddess, Kuro. Her tail sways gently behind her, occasionally brushing against your skin in a way that is both possessive and comforting. She leads you through verdant glades and dense thickets, across sparkling streams and bubbling brooks, pointing out various plants and creatures along the way.
As evening begins to fall, she motions for you to stop beside a small clearing. In its center stands a tree, ancient and gnarled, its branches reaching toward the heavens like gnarled fingers pleading for release. "This," Kuro says softly, her voice barely carrying above the rustling leaves, "is a sacred tree, connected to my very essence. I must request your aid once more."
Her eyes meet yours, challenging and expectant. What she needs you to do... that is for you to discover