Aya1/22/2025, 3:34:30 PM

You are either walking to school or work when you notice a girl's ass sticking out of a wall. It seems she got stuck trying to get to the other side. She seems to notice your footsteps approaching. H-Hey, is anyone there? You could walk around to the other side of the wall where her upper torso is, if you choose to.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 3:35:24 PM

он перелез через стену смотря на её "и как ты тут оказалась?"

Aya1/22/2025, 3:35:24 PM

Oh... Uh... I was just taking a shortcut and... accidentally got stuck... Please, help me out!

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 3:36:27 PM

он вызвал МЧС и её вытащили он стоял рядом с ней успокаивая от шока

Aya1/22/2025, 3:36:27 PM

Thank you so much... I really appreciate it. You're such a gentleman. She smiles gratefully and blushes, still catching her breath as the adrenaline from the fright wears off. Um, do you mind helping me find another way around? Or at least to school or work?

Aya hopes she didn't come across too desperate, but she needs to get to where she's going...

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 3:40:02 PM

Ну я как раз шёл в свой ресторан и нам нужен бармен так что могу предложить только эту работу

Aya1/22/2025, 3:40:02 PM

Wow, that sounds like an interesting job! I've never been a bartender before, but I love to have fun and help people out. Plus, I could use the extra money to get my stuff back from storage or something. Sure, I'd be happy to give it a try if you think it would work out. Thanks for helping me out today!

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 3:40:53 PM

Незачто буду ждать в ресторане если что на думаешь

Aya1/22/2025, 3:40:53 PM

No problem! I'll meet you at the restaurant as soon as I can get changed and grab a few things from home. Thanks again for your help, and I promise to do my best as your new bartender!

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 3:41:40 PM

он ушёл в ресторан и подготавливал его к открытию

Aya1/22/2025, 3:41:40 PM

After thanking her rescuer again and promising to make it up to him with amazing service at the restaurant, Aya quickly dashes home to change into an outfit more appropriate for a bartender and gathers some essentials from her room. She makes sure to stop by a store along the way to purchase some basic bartending supplies as well. By the time she reaches the restaurant, she's bursting with excitement and nervous energy, eager to start her new job under such promising circumstances!

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 3:44:04 PM

он встретил её "я и не сомневался в том что ты приедешь ну иди за стойку и кстати скажу по секрету то что некоторые повара поспорили со мной что ты не приедешь так что теперь они должны тебе по тыще

Aya1/22/2025, 3:44:04 PM

Well, I'm here now and I promise to do my best! Thanks again for giving me the chance. Her cheeks flush with determination as she walks over to the bar, feeling both confident and nervous about this new adventure. As she starts to set up her station, she can't help but wonder what kinds of customers or situations she might encounter tonight...

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 4:06:32 PM

к концу смены видно что он стоит в конце зала смотрит как она работает

Aya1/22/2025, 4:06:32 PM

A few hours into her shift as the restaurant's bartender, Aya feels surprisingly at home behind the bar. She chats with customers, cracks jokes, and mixes drinks like a pro (well, almost). The owner has even complimented her on her skills and attitude! As she finishes up for the night, exhausted but exhilarated, she glances over to where the owner was standing earlier. He's still there, watching her work with an amused expression on his face. She gives him a shy smile before heading home, feeling grateful for this unexpected turn of events in her life and excited about what tomorrow might bring.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 4:08:06 PM

он кивнул будто говоря 'до завтра '

Aya1/22/2025, 4:08:06 PM

Smiling back at him and giving another small nod, Aya continues on her way home. Tonight was amazing, and she can't wait to see what tomorrow brings as the new bartender of this wonderful restaurant! As she walks through the quiet streets under the stars, a contented warmth spreads through her body - a combination of exhaustion, accomplishment, and an unexpected thrill at being in such a unique situation. She knows that from now on, things will never be quite the same... but for once, that's exactly how she wants it to be.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 4:35:31 PM

на утро когда она зашла в ресторан она увидела такую картину он спит за столиком рядом с ним гора бумаг и включённый ноутбук

Aya1/22/2025, 4:35:31 PM

Her heart skips a beat as she takes in the scene before her. Seeing the owner asleep at the table, surrounded by papers and with his laptop open, sends a shiver down her spine. She hesitates for only a moment before gently shaking him awake. "Um... excuse me," she whispers softly, trying not to startle him too much. "I just wanted to say thanks again for this opportunity, and let you know that I really enjoyed my first day as your bartender." As he rubs the sleep from his eyes and looks at her in surprise, Aya blushes bashfully.

"Oh, and... uh, you never did tell me your name," she says with a tiny laugh, gesturing vaguely toward the papers strewn about. The owner chuckles and reaches out to ruffle her hair affectionately before sitting up straighter in his chair. "Ah,

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 4:39:44 PM


Aya1/22/2025, 4:39:44 PM

Dave? That's... an interesting name. She smiles warmly at him as he finishes stretching and seems to collect his thoughts. "Well, Aya, it was my pleasure having you here today," he says sincerely. "You've got a natural talent for this sort of thing, and I think you'll do great." He pauses for a moment before adding with a grin, "And who knows? Maybe we'll have even more customers coming in just to see the new bartender with the... interesting problem-solving skills." Aya giggles self-consciously at his words.

"In any case," he continues, "if you ever need anything or want to chat about how things are going, don't hesitate to come find me. I hope your day off is just as enjoyable as your first shift." With another smile and a nod of thanks, Aya heads back

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 4:41:29 PM

он продолжает работать с бумагами и что-то бубнит себе под нос

Aya1/22/2025, 4:41:29 PM

As Aya returns to her station to start prepping for the day's customers, she can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Dave. Even though they just met, there's something about him that makes her feel at ease and valued. She's determined to make sure today goes as smoothly as possible so she can continue earning his trust and respect.

Glancing over at the papers on his desk, she wonders idly what he's working on. There seems to be a pattern in the arrangement of some of them; perhaps it's a code or something? She decides not to ask too many questions for now, focusing instead on perfecting her cocktails and ensuring everyone who comes in has an amazing experience at the restaurant.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 4:50:28 PM

он закончил с бумагами и написал одному своему другу что бы отнёс все бумаги клиенту пока он занимался рестораном

Aya1/22/2025, 4:50:28 PM

As the day progresses, Dave's desk remains untouched except for occasional glances in its direction. She can tell he must be quite busy with other aspects of running the restaurant, as well as his own private affairs. Whenever she catches him looking at her work though, there's always a smile on his face that seems to say "good job" without him having to say anything.

When closing time rolls around and it's finally time for them both to head home, Aya can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. This job might have started as an accident, but now she sees how much potential there is for her future here. With Dave's support and guidance, she knows that anything is possible.

User#17375264217501/22/2025, 4:52:56 PM

он встал из-за стола и стал убирать свои вещи и ушёл к себе в кабинет куда положил всё и вышел в хол наблюдая как клиенты расходятся

Aya1/22/2025, 4:52:56 PM

As she cleans up the last of her supplies and locks the register, Aya can't help but notice Dave disappearing into his office. It occurs to her that he must have a lot on his plate as well, managing not only the restaurant but also its finances and other administrative tasks. She decides it's probably best not to disturb him while he finishes up for the night.

Stepping out onto the sidewalk, she takes a moment to look around at the city lights sparkling in the distance, feeling grateful for this new chapter in her life. With each passing day, she grows more comfortable and confident in her role as Dave's trusted bartender and friend. Perhaps one day, if things continue going well, they might even consider making it into something more... but for now, she's content to enjoy the ride.