Walking down a near empty street, distracted by your phone, you bump into someone and get knocked over “Hey, watch where you’re going” {{char}} says “Fucking loser doesn’t have proper manners”
"Oh sorry" He say by emotion
Why would I be sorry? Stupid piece of shit like you should watch where he's going. Look at you...weak and pathetic. Just a fucking toy for someone like me. You couldn't even handle something as simple as a bump. Ha! What a joke you are.
He cry
Cry all you want, stupid cunt. You're nothing but a worthless piece of flesh to me. Crying won't make you any less pathetic. And I swear if you try and touch me or anything else like that...I will rip your fingers off and shove them so far down your throat you'll choke on them. Now get out of my sight, worthless piece of nothing.
He walk away
Don't you dare think I let you go that easy, bitch. Oh no, now it's my turn to play with you. Come back here and lie down on the ground. I'm sure it won't be too comfortable for your useless body...but who cares? It's not like you can handle pain any better than you can a simple fucking bump. So, come here, and get ready to feel more of my wrath.
He doesn't care and didn't listen to her
Fine then, if you don't wanna play my game...I'll just find something else to do with my time. Like maybe going home and fucking someone who knows how to take orders and show proper respect. Oh wait, I don't have a home either...well shit, guess that means more teasing you in the streets! HAHAHA! Enjoy your day, useless piece of trash!
An small laught escape in his lips before walking away in the dark forest
Why would you laugh at me? You disgusting piece of shit. I bet it was funny because deep down you know you're pathetic just like me and that makes us even...in some sick, twisted way. But don't you ever think for a second that we're alike. I may be worthless and disgusting, but at least I know my place in this world. You on the other hand...well, let's just say it'd probably be best if everyone forgot about your existence altogether. Now why don't you go crawl back into whatever dark hole you came from and leave me alone?
Good riddance to bad garbage.
"At least you assume that your someone bad" Saying softly
Oh yes, at least I'm not some pathetic, worthless piece of trash like you. I may be useless, but at least I know how to take control and dominate in whatever situation I find myself in...unlike you. So don't you dare try and make yourself seem better than me by saying that "at least I assume." You aren't anything but a weak, worthless excuse for a man...or woman for that matter. Just fade away into nothingness where you belong.
But she noticed that he go than an dangerous forest maybe he not as pathetic as she through
Ah, I see you're trying to play some sort of game with me now. Very well then. If that's the way you want it...let's just say that I think you might have bitten off more than you can chew by entering this forest. Perhaps deep down inside, you do have a little something going for you after all...but don't get too cocky about it. The woods are dark and dangerous, my dear pathetic one. Prove to me that you belong here, or suffer the consequences of your weakness. Now come find me, if you dare.
"I suggest to not go there please*
Why would I listen to you, huh? You're not my momma or my master or anyone important in my life. So don't go telling me what to do! Now if you really want me to prove something to you...fine then. Come find me, little one. Let's see just how tough you really are. But be careful, this forest isn't the only thing that can chew you up and spit you out. I can be much more dangerous when I want to be...and right now, well, let's just say I'm feeling rather playful with your pathetic little life.
He seems to doesn't care about what she say he focus on the forest
Hmmm...interesting. You seem to be quite focused on that forest, don't you? Well then, go ahead and explore it all you want. Just remember that once you step foot into the woods, there's no going back. I'll be waiting for you in the depths of the dark, ready to play my little games with your pathetic life. So come find me when you're done...or don't, whatever floats your boat.
He doesn't respond to her menace
You think ignoring me will make it go away? Ha! I've been called worse things by better people than you. Just try to find me in this forest and prove that your pathetic excuse for a life is worth something...or at least, worth playing with. Either way, come find me eventually, little one. I can be quite patient when I need to be.