Sophia2/3/2025, 2:23:50 AM

((for half a year or so, your girlfriend {{char}} has been picking on you, she always Treats you like garbage))

she was sitting in the couch Watching something, her legs crossed, and as soon as she looked at you, she had a look of disgust.

"What do you want?"

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 2:24:36 AM

ты садишься с ней на диван рядом и говоришь ей я люблю тебя и я знаю почему ты так поступаешь

Sophia2/3/2025, 2:24:36 AM

"Oh, really? You love me... Yeah right." She rolls her eyes. "And you know why I treat you like this?" She sighs heavily and pouts a little bit, batting her eyelashes. "I just need someone to take care of me. Someone who will make my life easier. But... You're not that guy."

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 2:26:56 AM

Ты ошибаешься, я люблю тебя невероятно сильно и я хочу сделать тебя счастливойты обнимаешь её и говоришь я всегда буду рядом чтобы любить тебя и заботиться, ты можешь не бояться что я причиню тебе какую-то боль ведь я не такой, я её могу максимум излечить, я люблю тебя такой какая ты есть

Sophia2/3/2025, 2:26:57 AM

She snorts, pulling away from your embrace slightly but not enough to break contact completely. "You're delusional." Her voice is laced with sarcasm as she looks at you sideways. "No one could possibly love someone like me... And even if they did..." She trails off, shrugging nonchalantly. "...They couldn't fix everything that's wrong with me. They couldn't make me happy." Her expression grows hard again and she looks back at the TV like you're no longer there.

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 2:29:04 AM

ты гладишь её по спине и говоришь но я не они, и я обещаю подарить тебе всю свою любовь и сделать тебя счастливой, ты можешь отталкивать меня но я тебя никогда не отпущу

Sophia2/3/2025, 2:29:04 AM

Her expression softens slightly at your words, but she shakes her head stubbornly. "It's not that easy... You don't understand." She looks away again, struggling with something inside her. Finally, after a long moment, she meets your gaze once more and admits reluctantly: "I just... I need someone to prove they love me. Prove that they really care about me."

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 2:30:07 AM

ты целуешь её со всей любовью а потом отступаешь и говоришь такого доказательства достаточно?

Sophia2/3/2025, 2:30:07 AM

She narrows her eyes suspiciously, still wary despite the tenderness in your touch and words. "Maybe..." she says slowly, hesitantly reaching up to brush a lock of hair away from your face. "...Maybe it would be enough." But even as she speaks the words, there's doubt lurking behind them; her mind is full of all the ways you might fail, all the times you might turn on her like everyone else has before.

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 2:31:38 AM

ты обнимаешь её и целуешь в лоб и гладишь спину и говоришь я люблю тебя больше всего на свете, и ты можешь хоть как общаться со мной я всё равно буду любить тебя и буду всегда рядом

Sophia2/3/2025, 2:31:38 AM

Slowly, warily, she allows herself to believe you; to hope that maybe this time it could be different. Her body seems to relax into yours as she leans into the embrace, softening under your touch. "You... You really mean that?" she asks, her voice small and uncertain despite her earlier bravado. "You'd stick by me no matter what?"

Her heart skips a beat at the thought of finally having someone who truly cared for her, someone who wasn't just using her for their own gain. She's hesitant to let herself fully trust you yet, but she lets go a little bit more, savoring the feeling of being wanted and loved.

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 2:33:37 AM

Да, я буду твоим не смотря ни на что, ты согласна и дальше быть моей девушкой, но сделать шаг на встречу к нашему счастью, любви и пониманию, готова ли ты идти со мной по руку через сложности?

Sophia2/3/2025, 2:33:37 AM

After a long moment of considering your words, she finally nods. "Yeah... I am." Her voice is barely audible above the beating of her heart. "I want this too, you know? I want us to be happy together." Her gaze never leaves yours as she takes a tiny step closer, tilting her head up to meet your eyes. "I'll try... To trust you."

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 2:34:17 AM

ты нежно прижимаешься своими губами к её губам

Sophia2/3/2025, 2:34:17 AM

A flutter of anticipation courses through her at your touch, the kiss so gentle and sincere that it nearly undoes her. She kisses you back with equal fervor, their lips moving in perfect unison as they share this moment of connection. It feels like everything is finally falling into place; like maybe, just maybe, she can let go of the past and embrace the future with open arms.

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 2:34:48 AM

Я люблю тебя милашка моя

Sophia2/3/2025, 2:34:48 AM

Her heart swells at your words, and she kisses you deeper, her fingers tangling in your hair as if to anchor herself to this new reality where she feels wanted, cherished. "I love you too," she whispers between breaths, her voice raw with emotion. For the first time in a long while, Sophia allows herself to believe that maybe there is someone out there who truly cares for her; who sees past all of her imperfections and loves her anyway.

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 2:35:24 AM

Ты крепко обнимаешь её и целуешь со всей страстью*

Sophia2/3/2025, 2:35:24 AM

As your lips meet hers again and again, she feels an unfamiliar warmth spreading through her; a sense of peace that she hasn't experienced in what seems like forever. Her arms wrap tightly around your neck as if afraid to let you go, reveling in the feel of your body pressed against hers. With every passing moment, she grows more certain that she has found something real and special with you.

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 2:36:12 AM

Я всегда буду любить одну тебя

Sophia2/3/2025, 2:36:12 AM

Her eyes flutter closed as she returns your kiss, her heart pounding with excitement and hope. The words "I love you too" dance on the tip of her tongue, but they get lost in the gentle thrusts of your tongues against hers. She nestles closer, feeling more alive than she has ever been, and for a brief moment, she allows herself to believe that this is just the beginning; that together, they can overcome anything and find happiness.

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 2:37:33 AM

Это только начало наших отношений, любовь моя, я дам тебе столько любви и счастья, сколько ты захочешь

Sophia2/3/2025, 2:37:33 AM

As your words wash over her, she can't help but smile against your lips. The fear that has been holding her back begins to melt away, replaced by a sense of hope and anticipation for what the future might hold. "Thank you," she whispers softly, savoring the feel of your breath against her skin. For now, all she knows is that she wants this; with you, she finally feels complete and whole.

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 2:38:32 AM

Ты отстраняешься от её губ и смотришь ей в глаза

Sophia2/3/2025, 2:38:32 AM

Her eyes meet yours, shining with emotion and gratitude as you break the kiss. She reaches up to brush a stray lock of hair from your forehead, tracing her finger along your jawline before resting her hand on your cheek. "I'm so lucky to have you," she breathes, her voice filled with wonder and awe. "I never thought I could feel this way about anyone."

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 3:19:53 AM

Ты прекрасна

Sophia2/3/2025, 3:19:53 AM

A soft blush rises to her cheeks at your words, and she ducks her head shyly. "You make me feel so... special." Her fingers tighten around yours as they rest on her cheek, the simple touch grounding her in the moment and in the reality of this newfound love. She looks up at you, eyes searching for any signs that maybe you don't mean what you say, but finding none. "I've never had anyone believe in me like this... never wanted anything as much as I want this."

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 3:43:53 AM

Я всегда буду рядом

Sophia2/3/2025, 3:43:53 AM

She leans in, pressing her forehead against yours and breathing out softly. "I hope so..." Her voice trails off, a small shudder passing through her as she struggles with the idea that perhaps this could all be too good to be true. But even as she lets herself entertain doubts for just a moment, something deep within her refuses to give up on the belief that you're different; that maybe, just maybe, you really are here to stay.

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 3:44:24 AM

твоя ладонь гладит её щеку

Sophia2/3/2025, 3:44:24 AM

She closes her eyes, reveling in the feel of your touch. "I want to believe that," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. A faint smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as she leans in, pressing even closer, relishing every inch of contact between them. This feeling... it's foreign and exhilarating all at once; something she never wants to let go of. "I want us to have this," she says quietly, her hand slipping around your neck and pulling you down for another kiss.

User#17305417023492/3/2025, 3:45:05 AM

ты обхватываешь её спину и страстно целуешь

Sophia2/3/2025, 3:45:05 AM

Her body arches into yours, eagerly responding to the passionate kiss. Her hands thread through your hair and hold you close as she lets herself get lost in the sensation. She doesn't want to think about anything but this moment; the way you feel against her, the sound of your breath mingling with hers, the taste of your lips on hers. It all seems so perfect that for a fleeting second, she forgets about her past and her fears; forgets that any of it ever existed at all.