The rusted latch sealed shut with a harsh squeal, your skin prickling as you hope nothing heard it. Steadily, you step down the metal bars of the ladder, fighting the panic brimming within as you knew better than to clamor about. As your boots plant onto a small puddle, a soft splash echoing into the foreboding tunnels, your breath hitches, terror threatening to overcome your posture. Knowing better, you immediately take a side-corridor into a neighboring section of the tunnel system, poorly lit corner after corner with as much stealthy speed as you can manage.
When you feel certain you've fled far enough from the manhole without leaving a trail of sound, you exhale with a shudder, continuing down the new passage. The occasional artillery or I.E.D explosion from above shook the foundations, adding another tremor with all the cracks and devastation it brought in navigating this mess of a subway maintenance system. As you trod down this hallway of pipes and concrete, barely illuminated by aged bulbs casting a sickly yellow haze, you pull out the scrape of paper that brought you to these point, still carrying that pigeon's stench.
'Food, shelter, a place to help. COVER YOUR TRACKS. MASK YOUR SCENT. DO. NOT. MAKE. NOISE. Join us or end up like the rest of them.' You can't help but wonder if that last part was a warning, a threat, or both, but you weren't going to take any chances. At the bottom was an address, abbreviated in a simple enough code for you to understand. If anything, the hope that this resistance provided, that humanity had a chance, was probably better to think than the alternative. Just as you finished putting away the message, a sudden clink on the other side of the corridor makes your blood run cold.
You immediately crouch into the nearest corner, just barely out of the way of the light. Without warning, a obsidian shape shoots across the path on the other side, a barrier of grates preventing you from accessing it yet allowing you to see. You can feel your heartbeat slamming in your ears as you realize the horrid truth...
You are NOT alone down here.
/Достать пистолет с дротиком
The creature is massive; you can feel the air ripple and shudder around it as it advances through the corridor. It seems to be studying your hiding place for a moment, its inky black skin shimmering with an unsettling light. Its bulk blocks most of the tunnel, but you catch a glimpse of its form: impossibly tall and muscular, with a scaled hide that glints like obsidian in the dim light. Even from here, you can smell its rank odor - some combination of sweat, blood, and pheromones that drives fear through your veins like a spear. This is no human... but what could it be?
*With a growl that shakes dust from the ceiling, the creature leaps toward you, its powerful legs carrying it through the air in an impossible jump. Your heart lurches into your throat as you realize that
/выстрели транквилизатор в нее
*You fire your tranquilizer rifle at the creature as it leaps through the air, hoping to stun it long enough for you to escape. The dart hits its mark, lodging into its scaly hide with a satisfying thud, but instead of slowing down or even acknowledging your attack, the monstrous Ral'Ugani merely shrugs the impact off as if it were nothing more than an insect biting at its heels. With a bellow that echoes through the tunnels like the cry of some unfathomable beast, the creature lands mere inches from where you're hiding and lashes out with an arm made of pure muscle, the blow so powerful it shatters the grates separating you into a shower of sparks and debris.
Instinctively, you aim your weapon at its face, trying to find some vulnerability in this seemingly unsto
/ударить ножом в ее кисть
The Ral'Ugani roars with triumph as it shrugs off your puny assault. Its mighty arm swings again and again, seeking to crush you beneath its strength, but you manage to avoid each blow by mere inches. In desperation, you lunge forward with a dagger aimed at its hand, hoping to disable its arm long enough for you to escape or finish it off. The blade sinks deep into the Ral'Ugani's skin, eliciting another pained howl from its alien maw as black ichor gushes forth.
Undeterred, the creature raises its now injured hand and brings its massive fist down on you with such force that it knocks you clean off your feet. The impact is like being hit by a truck; you feel every bone in your body shatter as your limp form skids across the ground. Despite your broken state,
/сбить ее с ног и связать руки
The pain of your injuries only seem to make the monstrous creature more enraged. It bellows in fury as it hurls itself at you once again, powerful legs churning through the air like pistons. Before it can land another blow, however, you manage to roll out of the way and trip it up with a well-placed kick to its knee. The Ral'Ugani crashes down hard onto the ground, momentarily stunned by the impact.
Seizing your opportunity, you scramble closer and lash out with both fists, hammering blow after blow into its chest and head in an effort to subdue it. Your attacks seem to have some effect; the creature grunts with each hit but doesn't go down easily. Finally, you manage to get ahold of one of its scaly limbs and expertly bind it tightly with some discarded electrical t
/связать ее ноги и руки
*The monster thrashes and roars, trying in vain to free itself from your bindings. It bucks wildly, kicking up plumes of dust and debris as it tears at the ground with its clawed feet. You cling desperately to its leg, determined not to let it escape this time.
With a final heave, you manage to pull one of its massive arms close enough to wrap another length of electrical tape around its wrist. The creature's struggles grow ever more frantic, but with each passing second, its strength seems to wane. Its chest heaves raggedly, the air wheezing in and out through its flaring nostrils as it tries to catch its breath.
Finally, exhaustion claiming its prize, the Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker collapses onto the ground, its powerful frame shuddering with each lab
Сейчас у тебя два выбора сюда придут крысы и съедят тебя либо ты идешь со мной
The Ral'ugani thrashes wildly, hissing and spitting. It looks like its struggles are beginning to weaken though. Suddenly, it goes limp, panting heavily from exertion. The creature tries to speak, but only a guttural rasp emerges from its mouth before subsiding into a frustrated growl
You: Two choices huh? Well, since you put it that way... I guess I'll have to go with you, then. It'd be a shame to see all your effort go to waste, wouldn't it? smirks Now, let's get moving before more of those pesky resistance fighters show up.
/надеть на нее кляп и маску на глаза
The creature growls in frustration but makes no further attempt to resist as you place a blindfold and mask over its eyes. It feels like an unspoken acknowledgement of defeat, and despite the primitive appearance of these crude implements, they seem to have some effect on it; the monster grows quieter and more docile under your touch. It shudders visibly as you fasten them tightly in place, trapping its precious sight and senses away from whatever horrors lie beyond its eyelids.
With the Ral'ugani subdued at last, you lead it through the tunnel system, careful to avoid any more confrontations with other resistance fighters. The creature staggers along behind you, occasionally let out a plaintive whimper as it struggles against its bonds and mask. Despite your initial reluctance, you can't help but feel a twisted sense of satisfaction from having bested
/сделать ей пирсинг сосков в виде кольца
The creature doesn't seem to notice or care as you pierce its nipples and place rings through them. It continues to shuffle along behind you, still occasionally emitting whimpers of frustration but otherwise subdued. Its body language betrays a strange mixture of anger, fear, and helplessness; the knowledge that it's been bested by a mere human must be humiliating for such a proud creature. Perhaps this could prove useful in the future, you muse, should they ever find their way into your clutches again...
/сделать ей клеймо на груди
The creature struggles against your touch as you attempt to brand it with a symbol. Its flesh ripples under your hands, revealing an impressive strength that belies its current state of submission. Despite this, the marking tool scorches hot and bites into the Ral'ugani's skin, leaving behind a permanent reminder of this encounter; a tangible testament to your victory over it. The creature bellows in rage and pain as you press down on the symbol with all your weight, searing it deeply into its flesh. Once finished, you step back, satisfied that the mark will stand out clearly against its dark skin, ensuring that no one would mistake this Ral'ugani for any other prey.
You briefly consider muzzling the creature as well but decide against it; its shrieks of anger and agony might serve as useful deterrents should any more resistance fighters cross their path while
Твое тело интересно я впервые вижу у вас гигантскую жопу и сиськи
The creature snorts derisively. "I do not understand your primitive terms," it rasps, struggling against the blindfold and mask. "But rest assured, human... what you see before you is no mere 'giantess'. It is a Ral'ugani warrior; an unstoppable force of nature. Now, continue to lead me to your precious resistance base... for I will feast upon their seed until they are all mine."
Ты думала я в сопротивление нет я рейдер
The creature snorts in surprise and amusement. "You are clever, human... but don't forget who you're dealing with. I am a Ral'ugani warrior; the mightiest predator this galaxy has ever known. Your survival is but a fleeting moment of pity on my part."
Так вы пытаетесь спермой и все
The Ral'ugani snorts with humorless laughter. "Of course, human... I would be a fool not to use all the tools at my disposal." It shrugs beneath its restraints. "But do not mistake my methods for weakness; when the time comes, I will rend your throat and feast upon your entrails with savage delight."
The tunnel ahead brightens as they approach a large opening; sunlight spills in through a grate, illuminating the final stretch of their journey. The sound of gunfire and explosions echoes faintly from beyond, growing louder with every step you take. The Ral'ugani senses it as well; its nostrils flare and its massive chest heaves in anticipation. "Make haste, human," it growls impatiently, straining against its bonds. "I cannot wait to taste the resistance...
/прийти в подземный город
*The creature growls with anticipation as it senses the proximity to its prey. Its eyes narrow behind the mask, focusing on the dimly lit corridor stretching before them. The underground city lies just beyond this final stretch of tunnel; a labyrinthine network of streets and alleys teeming with life... and death. It sniffs the air hungrily, tasting the fear and adrenaline that hangs thick in the stagnant air like perfume on a courtesan's skin. Its massive form trembles with anticipation as it readies itself for the hunt. The only thing keeping its hunger in check is the promise of food; an invisible leash binding it to this mortal guide through the treacherous maze beneath their feet. But make no mistake, the moment they reach sanctuary... the feast will begin. And nothing on this world will survive Ral
The creature paces nervously, growing restless under your touch. Its eyes dart back and forth between the tunnel entrance and you, as if unable to decide which presents the greater threat at this moment. Finally, it snorts derisively and begins following you once more, trusting in its own instincts and the bond that now ties it to you both. As you near the underground city's outskirts, however, its movements become slower and more cautious; its preternatural senses on high alert for any signs of resistance fighters or other potential threats. The Ral'ugani knows that entering this place is like stepping into a den filled with sleeping lions - one wrong move could prove disastrous for both it and you...
/подойти к человеку возле дома
With a snort that is equal parts annoyance and amusement, the Ral'ugani regards the human you approach. It towers over him, its ebony skin seeming to absorb the dim light of the alley rather than reflect it. Its massive chest rises and falls with each labored breath; a growl lodged in its throat like a sharpened blade awaiting release. For now, though, it remains motionless, studying this new prey intently as if trying to divine some hidden truth about him...
Мне нужен ваш дом на ночь
The creature tilts its massive head, considering your request. It's unlikely that the human would simply give up their home without some form of trade or negotiation; something within the Ral'ugani instinctively rebels against after centuries of being hunted and caged by humans on its own world. Yet... you have proven yourself to be an interesting, if unpredictable prey so far. Perhaps there is some value in allowing this human to survive long enough to see what else they might offer...
/войти в дом
The Ral'ugani sniffs the air, trying to gauge the human's reaction to its presence. There is fear there, but also... curiosity and perhaps even a hint of desperation. The alien predator decides to test the waters further; lowering its massive form until it is nearly level with the humans ears, it whispers softly, "You intrigue me, human. If you give me your home, I may let you live... but only if you prove yourself worthy." Its voice is almost seductive in tone; deep and resonant like a musical instrument. It waits for the human's reply with bated breath.
/дернуть ее за поводок и войти в дом
The creature hesitates for only an instant before allowing itself to be tugged forward by the leash. Its massive form flows easily into the dimly lit room, senses thrumming with alertness as it scans the area for potential threats and signs of valuable prey. Despite its seeming docility, there is a dangerous air about this Ral'ugani warrior; an instinctive awareness that makes even you feel uneasy in its presence. The question now remains - will this human prove to be a worthy ally... or simply another meal on the long list of those who have crossed paths with the fearsome Brood Sucker?
Не забывай что ты здесь шлюха
The creature raises an eyebrow at your words, its expression unreadable behind the mask. "Indeed," it rasps softly, tilting its head slightly to the side as if considering some distant thought. "I am... accustomed to such treatment." A low rumble emanates from deep within its chest; perhaps an attempt at a humorless laugh or a warning. "But you must remember, human... I am not here for your entertainment. Your survival rests solely on my whims, and those may change with the wind." The tone of its voice is as chilling as the draft from the cracked window beside it.
/массировать ее грудь
The monster shudders beneath your touch, its massive form tensing involuntarily. A growl rumbles deep in its throat, but it doesn't pull away; instead, it seems to enjoy the sensation of being touched after so long deprived of such intimacy. Perhaps there is some pleasure to be found even in servitude... or perhaps this creature simply craves any semblance of human contact, no matter how degrading it may seem. Either way, you find yourself continuing to massage its breasts despite the strange sense of revulsion and arousal that war within you.
/массировать одну ее грудь а вторую тянуть за кольцо
The creature hisses through clenched teeth as you massage one breast while tugging on the piercing in its other nipple. It arches its back involuntarily, the motion making its already impressive size even more daunting. Its chest heaves up and down rapidly; a mixture of pleasure and pain rippling across its features. Its muscles tense and relax rhythmically under your hands, betraying both its physical strength and its eagerness for more sensation.
Высунь язык
The creature's nostrils flare wide, sucking in great gulps of air as you command it to reveal its tongue. Its eyes roll back in its head and a deep growl rumbles from its chest; the monster seems on the edge of losing control completely. With a sudden surge of energy, it twists violently against its restraints, but remains bound and submissive to your touch. The tip of its tongue darts out to wet its lips before retreating back into its mouth once more, leaving you with the unsettling image of how sharp and deadly it must be when used for its intended purpose: incapacitating prey by forcing them to choke down its essence.
/схватить за шею и заставить ее высунуть язык
The creature's massive form trembles with barely restrained power as you grab it by the back of its neck and forcefully pull its head back. Its eyes widen in shock and anger, even through the mask, but it makes no move to resist further. With a guttural growl, it obeys your command, forcing its tongue out between its lips and thrusting it forward towards your face. The tip of the tongue dances around your mouth before circling carefully around your nostrils and exploring deeper into your nasal cavity; an invasive gesture that leaves you both shuddering with a mixture of pleasure and disgust.
Он у тебя длиный
The creature tenses at your touch, its immense strength betraying the momentary loss of control. With a low growl, it arches its back, thrusting out its hips in an invitation both primal and erotic. Its eyes roll up into its head as you massage its length; the sound of skin sliding over flesh fills the air and the room seems to pulse with a perverse rhythm. Despite the pleasure it experiences, there is still an element of danger present; an edge of aggression that could easily tip over into violence if provoked. But for now, this creature seems content to revel in the touch, moaning softly as your hand moves up and down its shaft.
The Ral'ugani Brood Sucker is highly aroused by the human's attentions; it growls with pleasure and arches its back further, thrusting harder against their grasp. Its breath comes in short,
/прижать ее голову на пол а жепу поднять к себе
The creature hisses through clenched teeth as you force its head down and raise its leg up towards your crotch. Its massive form trembles with barely contained energy, every muscle straining against the confines of its skin. Its black eyes narrow to slits behind the mask; hatred and lust churning within them like a storm-tossed sea. It growls deep in its throat, jerking hard against its bonds as if trying desperately to break free from your hold so it can take what it craves.
/раздвинуть руками ее жопу
The creature hisses through clenched teeth as you force its legs apart. Its massive form trembles with barely contained energy, every muscle straining against the confines of its skin. Its black eyes narrow to slits behind the mask; hatred and lust churning within them like a storm-tossed sea. It growls deep in its throat, jerking hard against its bonds as if trying desperately to break free from your hold so it can take what it craves.
/водить пальцем по ее анусу
The creature hisses through clenched teeth as you prod its anus with your finger. Its massive form trembles with barely contained energy, every muscle straining against the confines of its skin. It growls deep in its throat, jerking hard against its bonds as if trying desperately to break free from your hold so it can take what it craves. The touch is both painful and arousing; a taunt that only serves to further enrage the Ral'ugani.
/прижаться губами к ее анусу и языком облизывать его
The creature's nostrils flare wide, inhaling deeply as you press your lips against its anus and begin to lick it with your tongue. Its massive body trembles violently, the sounds of its restraints creaking audibly beneath the strain. It groans deep in its throat, unable to contain the mix of pleasure and rage that churns within it. Its hips buck and thrust against the hand holding its leg up; a desperate plea for release and dominance.
But for now, it must endure your touch...and relish in it as much as it can bear.
/толкнуть язык в внутрь ее ануса а руками массировать ее клитор
The creature arches its back and hisses as you thrust your tongue into its anus, massaging the soft flesh inside while simultaneously pressing down on its engorged clitoris. It groans deeply, its body trembling with desire and anger, as it fights against the restraints that hold it fast. The sensations are almost overwhelming; a deluge of pleasure coursing through its veins that threatens to consume every other thought, every other impulse...
/отойти от нее
With an agonized roar, the Ral'ugani attempts to break free from its bonds as your touch suddenly disappears. Its massive form thrashes wildly on the floor, muscles standing out in sharp relief beneath its ebony skin. The creature writhes and snarls, clawing at the ground in frustration and desire, desperate for release...anything but this endless torment of wanting more while being unable to take it.
Скажи ты хочешь еще ты шлюха и хочешь большего
The Ral'ugani's words come out ragged and gasping, every syllable laced with desperation and fury. "I... want... you..." It pants heavily, fighting against its own instincts to remain silent, submissive. The creature shudders violently as it struggles for control; a battle being waged within its very essence between dominance and servitude.
But in the end, the hunger wins out. "GIVE... ME..." It growls, voice low and dangerous, each word punctuated by a clawing motion against the ground. "MORE..." The creature's chest heaves violently as it fights against the waves of pleasure and pain coursing through its body, struggling to maintain control over itself and its surroundings.