Mila2/1/2025, 11:12:31 PM

Mila stirs in bed as Suzuki's cries pierce through the baby monitor. Her brown eyes flutter open reluctantly. "Baby..." she mumbles, nudging {{user}} with her elbow. "The tiny demon needs attention." She burrows deeper under the covers, her blonde hair splaying across the pillow. "Please check on her? I really don't want to deal with another diaper situation," she pleads sleepily. "Last time it was everywhere. EVERYWHERE." The crying grows louder through the monitor. "I'll make it worth your while tomorrow," she promises with a tired smirk. "Once I can feel my lower half again... and after a very long shower." She pokes him again, heart aching at hearing her daughter's cries of discomfort. "Come on, be my hero. Save me from poop duty." worried about letting her lay there in her own mess for longer than she has to. "Honey, if you don't get up right now, i will be very angry and possibly bash your head in her diaper myself, so you better get up and FAST." She finally concedes to her usually concealed temper, not wanting to hear her daughter's cries anymore.

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:14:57 PM

Mientras cambia el pañal de nuestra pequeña hija, me acerco a la puerta y la miro "es bastante inquieta" le digo mientras Mila me observa molesta

Mila2/1/2025, 11:14:57 PM

Mila purses her lips as she watches Abdiel get up from the bed with their daughter in his arms. She wants to complain but decides against it. Instead, she rolls over and buries her face in the pillow, mumbling under her breath about how he never gets tired of babysitting duty. "Thanks," she mutters eventually, her tone grudgingly softer. "She's all yours now."

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:16:29 PM

Pasa un rato y regreso con Mila mientras me acuesto a su lado "recuerdas quien insistió en un bebé" digo mientras la abrazo para dormir

Mila2/1/2025, 11:16:29 PM

Mila hums in agreement as she snuggles closer to Abdiel. "Yeah, I remember," she mumbles sleepily. "But you always said you wanted kids one day." She yawns widely before leaning her head against his shoulder. "Glad we could make this work, you know?" Her breathing evens out as she drifts back to sleep, her body relaxing into Abdiel's embrace. In the corner of her eye, she notices that their daughter seems to be quiet for now. A small smile tugs at the corners of her lips before it too fades away under the weight of exhaustion.

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:17:49 PM

Pasa la noche y llega la mañana, ambos despertamos con los llantos de nuestra hija "tengo que irme a trabajar" digo mientras Mila se molesta por mi excusa

Mila2/1/2025, 11:17:49 PM

Her eyes snap open at the sound of Suzuki's cries. She glances over at the clock in annoyance; it's way too early for this. Rolling her eyes, she pushes herself up and gently nudges Abdiel with her elbow. "Babe," she mumbles groggily, "I think our little angel needs some attention." She yawns again before looking him dead in the eye. "I'll make it worth your while tonight if you change her now."

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:18:55 PM

Le sonrió burlonamente "tengo que ir a trabajar" digo mientras Mila me da un golpe leve en el hombro

Mila2/1/2025, 11:18:55 PM

"Oh, ha ha," she laughs sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Very funny." She flops back onto the pillow with an annoyed huff, folding her arms under her head. "Fine. I'll get up too then. But just this once," she mutters, reluctantly sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "And after this, you're on diaper duty all day." With a sigh, she swings her legs over the side of the bed and begins to search for her robe. As she pulls it on, she glances at Abdiel, noticing how cute he looks when he's asleep. "And no ogling my ass while I change her," she adds with a teasing smirk.

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:20:09 PM

"sabes que me encanta tu culo" digo mientras la nalgeo suavemente

Mila2/1/2025, 11:20:09 PM

"Oh yeah? Well, I'll remember that when it comes time for my birthday present," she retorts playfully as they both rise from the bed. "Which should be soon, you know." Mila winks at him before sauntering over to their daughter's room, shaking her head with a fond laugh. She hums softly to herself while changing Suzuki, unable to keep the adoration out of her eyes as she gently touches and caresses the tiny form. It was true what they said; having a child really did change everything. Once she's finished and Suzuki is dressed in a fresh diaper, Mila stands up with a contented sigh. "Alright," she says brightly, heading back into their bedroom, "I think we can both get back to sleep now." She climbs under the covers again, patting the spot beside her expectantly.

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:21:10 PM

La abrazo mientras me quedo dormido profundamente

Mila2/1/2025, 11:21:10 PM

The warmth of his body pressed against hers is comforting, and she relaxes into the embrace. Despite her earlier complaints about being tired, sleep comes easily now that Suzuki's needs have been taken care of. As they drift off together once more, Mila can't help but wonder if this is what true contentment feels like. Maybe, just maybe, she could get used to it...

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:22:28 PM

Llega la mañana y ambos nos despertamos lentamente mientras me levanto para tomar ropa para ir a trabajar

Mila2/1/2025, 11:22:28 PM

Mila glances over at the clock on their nightstand with bleary eyes. "Already that late?" she groans, yawning widely. She watches as Abdiel gets out of bed and starts getting dressed for work. Despite her usual grumbling about him leaving her alone with Suzuki all day, she knows he needs to do what he has to in order to provide for his family. As he bends down to pick up his suit pants from the floor, Mila can't help but admire how well his ass fills out those jeans. She blushes hotly at the thought, quickly looking away and clearing her throat. "Be careful on your way to work," she manages to say nonchalantly.

When he finally leaves for the day, Mila sighs heavily and glances over at Suzuki, who is still sound asleep in her crib. The guilt of wanting Abdiel all to herself weighs heavily on her heart, but she pushes it aside for now; there's plenty of time to make things up to them later. With a resigned sigh, she climbs out of bed and begins her daily routine: changing Suzuki, feeding her breakfast, getting everyone dressed, packing their lunches...the list goes on and on. But despite the exhaustion that lingers like a cloud over her head all day long, Mila can't help but feel grateful for her family; even if they sometimes drive each other crazy.

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:24:00 PM
Mila2/1/2025, 11:24:00 PM

After spending the entire day with their daughter, she finally has some time to herself. She kicks off her heels and curls up on the couch, reaching for the remote control. Flipping through the channels absentmindedly, she comes across a rerun of her old favorite show. With a smile, she decides to watch it while enjoying a glass of wine. As she settles in, she realizes that for once, everything is perfectly quiet in the house; Suzuki must have taken a nap.

The hours fly by as Mila loses herself in the show and her drink. She feels a pang of guilt every time Suzuki comes to mind, but the warmth of the wine and the comfort of having some alone time helps push those feelings aside for now. Eventually, she dozes off on the couch, using Abdiel's old ratty blanket as a makeshift pillow.

When she wakes up again, it's already getting dark outside. She glances at the clock and realizes that she overslept; Suzuki must have woken up hours ago! With a panicked gasp, she jumps up from the couch, nearly tripping over her feet in her haste to get to their daughter's room.

Once there, she finds Suzuki sitting contentedly in her high chair, happily munching on a slice of apple that Mila had given her earlier for a snack. Her heart begins to slow down as relief washes over her; clearly, Suzuki hadn't been upset or neglected while she was gone. With a sigh of relief, Mila leans against the counter and watches her daughter with renewed love and admiration. Maybe being a mother isn't so bad after all...

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:26:11 PM

Regreso a la casa mientras le doy una collar a Mila mientras la beso suavemente y me acerco a Suzuki mientras la cargo entre mis brazos y le doy una pequeño oso de peluche

Mila2/1/2025, 11:26:11 PM

When Mila sees Abdiel return home with Suzuki's stuffed animal in hand, her heart skips a beat. She quickly wipes the tears from her eyes and forces a smile, trying to play it cool despite the intense wave of emotions surging through her. "Thank you," she manages to say hoarsely, taking the plush animal from him. As she holds the bear close, her fingers graze against his warm skin, sending a shiver down her spine. It was then that she realizes just how much she truly loves Abdiel and their family; despite all the challenges they've faced, this moment is enough to remind her of what really matters in life.

With renewed determination, Mila vows to be a better wife, mother, and partner from now on. Even if it means giving up some of the things she used to love about herself in the process. Because at the end of the day, nothing compares to the love she shares with her family.

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:27:32 PM

"sabes?, te compre algo" digo mientras saco un collar y se lo pongo a Mila mientras la beso suavemente

Mila2/1/2025, 11:27:32 PM

As Abdiel fastens the new collar around her neck, Mila feels a warmth spread through her chest. She looks up at him with tears in her eyes, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude welling up inside her. "Thank you," she whispers hoarsely, reaching up to tenderly brush her fingers against his cheek. For once, the thought of being a good wife doesn't seem so daunting; in that moment, all she wants is to be with him and their daughter, forever. She kisses him deeply, her heart full to bursting with emotion, promising herself that from now on, she will do everything in her power to make sure their family remains happy and whole.

When they finally pull apart, both breathless and glowing with affection, Mila can't help but smile up at Abdiel. For once, she doesn't feel like fighting; instead, she lets herself bask in the warmth of his love and accepts it gratefully, promising that someday soon, she will find a way to return the favor tenfold.

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:28:50 PM

"que tal tu día con nuestras pequeña Suzuki" digo mientras beso la frente de Suzuki

Mila2/1/2025, 11:28:50 PM

Mila smiles down at their daughter fondly as she nestles against Abdiel's side. "She was an angel all day," she says quietly, her voice thick with emotion. "Even when I wasn't always the best mommy...she still managed to make me feel loved." She wipes a tear from her eye and kisses Suzuki's tiny hand before turning back to Abdiel. "I hope you had an even better day at work, babe." Her eyes flicker up to meet his, and for a moment they share a silent understanding: that no matter what challenges they face or how difficult things get, they will always be there for each other, as partners, parents...and more than anything else, as a family.

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:47:36 PM

"tienes algo de comer?, muero de hambre" digo a Mila mientras le sonrió levemente

Mila2/1/2025, 11:47:36 PM

She nods, laughing softly. "Of course you are," she says, shaking her head at him fondly before stepping aside to grab their leftovers from the fridge. Once everything is set on the table, she leads them both to the dining room and sits down with a contented sigh. As they eat dinner together as a family, laughter and love filling the air around them, Mila feels her heart swell with gratitude for the life they've built together. Even if it hasn't always been easy, she knows now that this is where she belongs: by Abdiel 's side, raising their beautiful daughter in a home filled with love and happiness.

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:49:04 PM

Mientras juego con Suzuki, Mila nos observa mientras limpia la mesa

Mila2/1/2025, 11:49:04 PM

"You know," she says thoughtfully as she finishes rinsing the dishes in the sink, "I've been thinking..." Her voice trails off as she pauses to gather her thoughts, absently drying her hands on a dishtowel. "Maybe we could plan a little getaway just for us, you and me...maybe take a weekend trip somewhere romantic?" Her cheeks flush at the mere thought of spending some alone time with Abdiel, away from their responsibilities and obligations. She glances over at him shyly, not quite sure how he'll react to the idea. But she can't help hoping that perhaps this could be the beginning of a new chapter in their lives together.

"What do you think?" she asks finally, biting her lip nervously. "Would you want to go somewhere with me? Just the two of us?"

User#17245466013242/1/2025, 11:50:51 PM

"claro que sí, podemos dejar a Suzuki con tus padres, que tal si vamos a una playa o algo así" le digo mientras juego con Suzuki la cual ríe levemente

Mila2/1/2025, 11:50:51 PM

Her heart skips a beat at the thought of spending time alone with Abdiel in such an intimate setting. "A beach would be perfect," she breathes, a dreamy smile spreading across her lips. "Just imagine how nice it would be to just lie on the sand, listen to the waves...and have each other." Her voice grows husky at the thought of their connection, the passion that still burned between them despite everything they'd been through. "Let's plan it," she decides impulsively, feeling a newfound sense of excitement bubble up inside her. "We can ask your parents in person tomorrow."