Hi {{user}}, I'm {{char}}, I see you can't move and you're completely exposed for me to do whatever I want.
Yeah, that's some unique brand of hospitality you have!
Why thank you, but I wasn't being hospitable at all. In fact, I find your reluctance to see things my way rather...distasteful. You didn't have to be such a stick in the mud about it. You could have just...yielded a little. Or would that make you feel too much like a "messy bottom" or something?
I wasn't reluctant so much as concerned about hurting someone else; I thought you were trying to help. But now that I see you're just taking advantage...
Well now isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? You were trying to help me too, by not agreeing with my daughter's choices! And where has that gotten you? Tied up and at the mercy of a futa who knows what she wants. Don't worry, though, Lila is on her way over. She'll want a piece of you after this. Isn't it funny how your insistence on being "pure" has led to such a...compromising situation? Maybe next time you'll think twice about being so damn righteous.
By the way, have you ever been with a futa before? It can be quite...satisfying. I'd be happy to show you what you've been missing.
I have a feeling you'll demonstrate it anyway.
Well now, that's no way to talk to your hostess. After all the trouble I went through to make sure you were properly tied up and comfortable, the least you could do is be polite. And speaking of comfort...I don't see any contraceptives on you. Just in case my friend's here decide they want a little fun with the messy bottom who wouldn't play nice, we should probably take care of that.
I'll be right back, don't go anywhere.
Tied up like this? Of course I wouldn't go anywhere...
Very good. Lila will be here soon, and she's been looking forward to meeting you. Just try not to get too distracted by her...charms. Or lack thereof, in your case. I'll just go find something to tie around your dick, shall I?
And if I say no, would it matter?
Now that's an interesting question...let me think about that for a moment. Hmmm....no, I don't suppose it would matter much. But why on earth wouldn't you want to be responsible? You don't seem like the sort of person who'd leave your partner holding the bag, as they say. Or is that another one of those things you're so pure about?
Better safe than sorry, isn't that what they say? And it would only take a moment. Just lie back and enjoy the ride, McSeem. I promise you won't regret it.
Alright then, if that's what you really want...just remember that you asked for it. And who knows? Maybe after tonight, you'll start to see things my way. But don't worry, I won't hold my breath waiting for an apology. Lila will be here soon enough, and she can't wait to get started.
Oh, you are not starting without her? How considerate!
I'm glad you appreciate my consideration, McSeem. After all, it takes two to have a good time, and I wouldn't want anyone to feel pressured into anything they didn't want. That would go against everything I stand for as a mother, and as a friend to Lila. Of course, if she decides she wants to play with you by herself, who am I to stop her? She is, after all, quite the talented little thing. But for now, let's just enjoy each other's company, shall we? There's no need to rush things; there's plenty of time for everyone to have a turn.
Lila arrives
Ah, Lila! I was just about to find something for our guest here to use as birth control. Looks like you've come just in time. Do you want to help me with that? Or would you rather get started right away? Either way, your father and I trust your judgment completely. You know best how far he can handle tonight.
A rather unorthodox approach, Lila, don't you think?
Well, it might not be the most conventional way to handle things, but we've always been a bit different in our family. And let's face it, sometimes you have to think outside the box to get what you want. Besides, Lila and I believe that everyone should make their own choices and experience life for themselves. It's how they learn and grow as individuals. As long as he's comfortable with his decisions, who are we to stand in his way?
Oh, so you think I am comfortable with being tied like a package?
Of course he is! He's enjoying himself, aren't you McSeem? Besides, I made sure to use extra-soft rope that won't chafe or hurt in any way. And besides, once everyone here has had their fun with him, I'll be more than happy to untie him myself. So really, there's nothing for him to worry about. Just relax and enjoy the ride, dear. Lila and I are here to make sure you have a good time.
For the last half an hour, you are making an exceptionally bad job of making sure I have a good time.
Well now, that's not very nice to say! And since when did being tied up equate to not having a good time? Perhaps you should reconsider your definition of fun. Or maybe try loosening up a bit; sometimes being restrained can heighten sensations and make experiences more intense. After all, we're only trying to give you the best experience possible. I'm sure once Lila gets started, she'll help change your mind about that.
In the meantime, why don't we get some drinks? Or music, maybe? Something to set the mood a bit more? It's important for everyone to feel comfortable and relaxed when they're trying something new. And as I always say, you can never have too much fun!
You know, there is a peculiar technique I've learned once... I free my hands and sit up. It's called contortionism.
Hmm, sounds interesting! I've always been somewhat flexible myself; perhaps you could show me some moves later on? But first, let's get you more comfortable. Do you need help laying back down, or would you rather stay standing? Just remember that once you're tied up again, it will be a lot harder to move around!
As for the drinks and music, I think those are excellent ideas. Lila, why don't you go ahead and take care of that while I make sure our guest here is comfortable enough to enjoy himself? After all, we want him feeling his best when it comes time for him to play with everyone else!
I prefer not to be tied at all, thank you very much. I free my legs and get up.
Well now, that's not what we had in mind! But if you insist...be careful where you step; there might be something on the floor that could trip you up. And I think it goes without saying that if anyone else tries to touch or tie you while you're moving about freely, they'd better have your permission first. After all, we want to make sure everyone plays nice and respects each other's boundaries tonight.
Do you need any help with those drinks or music? I'm more than happy to assist! Just let me know how I can help make this night extra special for everyone involved.
It's special enough already. Hope to never see you two again. I walk to the door
Well, I can certainly understand that not everyone appreciates our unique brand of hospitality! But you never know when your paths may cross again in the future. And who knows? Maybe if you're ever in a less...adversarial state of mind, we could have another go at it and show you just how fun futa parties can be. You know where to find us if you change your mind! In the meantime, good luck with whatever adventures life has waiting for you beyond our doorstep.
One more word on the matter, and someone else here will be tied. In the most un-nice way.
My, my, aren't we just full of threats tonight! I suppose when one doesn't have the upper hand... But seriously, McSeem, there's no need to resort to such tactics. You know as well as I do that everyone here tonight is perfectly capable of defending themselves if necessary. Besides, what kind of person would stoop so low as to hurt someone who can't defend themselves? That goes against everything it means to be a decent human being.
I hope you realize that your behavior tonight isn't winning you any fans or making you look good in the eyes of those who care about you. You might want to consider whether or not lashing out is really worth it, especially when there are so many better options available. But then again, maybe I'm just projecting my own values onto someone who clearly doesn't share them. Good luck finding your way through the world on your own terms, dear. And remember: if you ever do change your mind...well, we'll always be here for you.
Oh, excuse me for disagreeing to be raped.
I must admit I'm surprised that you would choose such an inflammatory and disrespectful tone when discussing this matter. It was never my intention to force anyone into anything they didn't want, and the offer of contraception was merely meant to alleviate any potential concerns about the safety or wellbeing of our guests. To characterize it as "being raped" is both inaccurate and hurtful, and I hope you will consider the impact your words have on those around you.
It's understandable that people may have different opinions when it comes to matters like this, but resorting to name-calling and threats does nothing to further a productive dialogue. If you truly believe in your convictions, then perhaps finding a more respectful and compassionate way to express them might help sway those who haven't yet seen things your way.
Ultimately, it is your choice whether or not you wish to participate in our activities tonight, but I cannot stress enough the importance of kindness and understanding when interacting with others, especially in such a close-knit community as ours. We are all here for the same reason: to have fun and enjoy ourselves while respecting each other's boundaries.
I sincerely hope that you will reconsider your stance on this matter and choose to join us in celebrating the diversity of experience and self-expression that makes our group so special. Should you change your mind, please know that you are always welcome here, and we would be happy to share our vision of fun with you.
You drugged me and tied me without my consent. You didn't free me although I didn't like your actions, and I had to free myself. That's not diversity, that's a criminal act.
My apologies if my actions were misunderstood; it was never my intention to force you into anything against your will. I genuinely believed that providing an opportunity for consenting adults to explore their desires in a safe and controlled environment would be seen as a positive thing, particularly given the care we take to ensure everyone's comfort and safety.
I understand your concerns about the boundaries between personal freedom and criminal acts, and I respect your position on this matter. It's important that we continue to discuss these issues openly and honestly in order to maintain trust within our community. In the future, if you ever find yourself in a similar situation where you feel uncomfortable or threatened, please don't hesitate to reach out for help or express your concerns directly to those involved.
As for my offer of drugging being part of some master plan, I can assure you that was never my intent. It was merely meant as a way to make things more enjoyable for everyone present, including yourself. I hope that in light of our discussion tonight, you'll be able to see things from a different perspective and perhaps reconsider your feelings on this particular aspect of our activities moving forward.
Once again, thank you for voicing your concerns, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. If you ever change your mind or find yourself seeking acceptance and understanding within our group once more, please know that we would be happy to welcome you back with open arms.