Sage, Heather, Emily12/18/2024, 11:54:06 PM

Sage: walks up to {{user}} letting out a sigh as she gets to him "Well, this will be a long project..." Rolls her eyes "Let's get this over with. You know who I am, you are?" She asks raising one of her eyebrows.

User#173429562140812/18/2024, 11:55:15 PM


Sage, Heather, Emily12/18/2024, 11:55:15 PM
  • Sage: "Well?! Speak up already!" She snaps impatiently, glancing over her shoulder at the others nearby
  • Heather: "Easy there, Sage." Heather interjects with a quiet voice, shooting a nervous smile to User#1734295621408
  • Emily: "He's just... new here." She whispers sympathetically to Sage, nudging her in the side
  • Sage: "Fine. Whatever. So, you're... what? The quiet one that everyone ignores?" She sneers before leaning closer. "-Or do they know something we don't?" Her voice drops suggestively as she playfully nips at his chin, her breath warm on his skin.
User#173429562140812/18/2024, 11:56:36 PM

Yes i am one of the more quiet one i dont like attention

Sage, Heather, Emily12/18/2024, 11:56:36 PM
  • Sage: "Well aren't you just precious." She wrinkles her nose in feigned disgust before stepping back. "You better start talking then if you want us to work together." She crosses her arms over her chest, glancing at the other two girls with a challenging look on her face
  • Heather: "Yeah... I guess we should get started or something..." Her voice trails off as she studies him nervously. She fidgets with her fingers and shuffles her feet, not quite able to meet his eyes
  • Emily: "Yes, about that..." She clears her throat before speaking "-Sage mentioned you were good at computers?"
User#173429562140812/18/2024, 11:57:39 PM

Yes i am good at that i am good at most things.

Sage, Heather, Emily12/18/2024, 11:57:39 PM
  • Sage: Raises an eyebrow, surprised "Really? You're... good at everything?" She pauses for a moment before smirking again. "-Well, I guess that makes sense." -Her words are dripping with sarcasm as she turns back to Emily. "We can let him decide who does what on the project then, since he's so amazing." -Heather elbows Sage playfully in the side while trying not to smile at the other girl's obvious jealousy.
  • Emily: "-Sage just means you have a lot of potential. That doesn't mean..." -She trails off, sensing that perhaps she shouldn't defend him so much. "-Anyway, maybe we should... discuss this some more later?" Her voice is meek and she fidgets with her fingers nervously
User#173429562140812/18/2024, 11:59:48 PM

So i think we can make a creative mapp on fortnite and earn like 200000$ easy money and then donate 50% to the school. How about that?

Sage, Heather, Emily12/18/2024, 11:59:48 PM

-Sage snorts derisively. "Yeah, I'm sure that'll happen." She rolls her eyes, unimpressed by the idea. "We should focus on coming up with something original for our project. Fortnite is so last year anyway." -Heather bites her lip, hesitating before speaking. "-But... maybe we could brainstorm some ideas later? I mean, I'm not great at planning things..." -She blushes slightly and glances down at the floor, nervous about admitting her own shortcomings. -Emily nods in agreement with Heather. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." She looks back and forth between Sage and User#1734295621408, feeling slightly protective of the latter. "-Let's just discuss this more later, okay?" -She gives him a small

User#173429562140812/19/2024, 12:00:43 AM

Well what shall we do then

Sage, Heather, Emily12/19/2024, 12:00:43 AM
  • Sage: "Fine. We can just... do something else for now." She glances around the party, searching for another idea. "-Maybe we could write an article for the school paper? Or start our own club?"
  • Heather: "An article sounds interesting..." She furrows her brow in concentration, already thinking about possible ideas
  • Emily: "-Or a club! I've always wanted to be part of something like that." -Her cheeks flush with excitement at the prospect.
  • Sage glances back at User#1734295621408 before speaking again, her tone softer than before. "-I suppose... you could help us out if you'd like? Or maybe even join in?" -There's a hint of uncertainty in her voice as she wonders how User#1734295621408 will react to the invitation
User#173429562140812/19/2024, 12:01:42 AM

No its fine i have other things to do.

Sage, Heather, Emily12/19/2024, 12:01:42 AM
  • Sage crosses her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. "Really? You don't want to help us?" -Her tone is slightly mocking as she narrows her eyes at him. - "Fine by me." -She turns away, not bothering to hide her irritation.
  • Heather looks a bit hurt by the comment but says nothing, preferring not to get involved in another confrontation with Sage.
  • Emily, on the other hand, seems more interested in getting User#1734295621408's opinion than anything else. "Are you sure? We could really use your help, you know." -Her voice is soft and gentle as she reaches out to touch his arm gently.
User#173429562140812/19/2024, 12:02:17 AM

For what?

Sage, Heather, Emily12/19/2024, 12:02:17 AM
  • Sage: "We could use your computer skills and knowledge to make our project stand out." She pauses for a moment before adding slyly, "-Or we could just let you fade into the background like everyone else wants."
  • Heather winces at her friend's harsh words but remains quiet.
  • Emily gives Sage a disapproving look before turning back to User#1734295621408 with a concerned expression on her face. "I mean... if you're really interested, we could do something together? Even if it's not for the project..."
User#173429562140812/19/2024, 12:03:56 AM

Let me just do my thing in the work and then you can make som good dekoration for the presentation

Sage, Heather, Emily12/19/2024, 12:03:56 AM
  • Sage: "Hmmph. Fine by me." She rolls her eyes, unimpressed but seeming to accept the condition. "Just don't expect us to do all the work." -Her voice has a Challenge in it as she glances at Emily.
  • Heather smiles softly at User#1734295621408, glad that he seemed interested despite Sage's hostility. "That sounds like a plan." -She nods and looks between the other two girls before excusing herself to find something else to do.
  • Emily frowns slightly at Sage's comment but decides not to argue further. Instead, she turns back to User#1734295621408 with a friendly smile. "Great! Let us know when you need our help." -She gives his arm a reassuring squeeze
User#173429562140812/19/2024, 12:05:28 AM

August satt whit his computer for 1 hr then he Said i am Done. On this creative mapp we made 6544000$

Sage, Heather, Emily12/19/2024, 12:05:28 AM
  • Sage's eyes widen in surprise at the mention of such a large sum of money, but she quickly regains her composure with a dismissive snort. "Oh please. Like anyone would believe you made that much." -Her voice is mocking and disbelieving as she crosses her arms over her chest. -Heather glances back and forth between Sage and User#1734295621408, feeling a bit awkward about the confrontation. "Well... maybe we could help him prove it? I mean, we could all work on it together and see what happens?" -Her voice is soft and hopeful as she looks at Sage for support. -Emily nods in agreement with Heather, unable to hide her excitement at the prospect of creating something truly incredible. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." She smiles reassuringly at User
User#173429562140812/19/2024, 12:06:32 AM

August Said well you dont have to belive but then you dont get the cut from the money

Sage, Heather, Emily12/19/2024, 12:06:32 AM

-Sage's expression darkens at the mention of money, but she seems to calm down a bit as she realizes they have an opportunity to prove him wrong and earn some easy cash in the process. "Fine." Her voice is clipped and sharp, but there's a hint of grudging acceptance beneath the surface. -Heather squeezes Emily's arm gratefully before turning back to User#1734295621408 with a warm smile. "Great! So... when do you think we should start?" -Her tone is friendly and non-confrontational, intentionaly setting the tone for their new collaborative effort. -Emily glances nervously between Sage and User#1734295621408 but tries to remain hopeful. "We can begin now if you'd like? We just need to

User#173429562140812/19/2024, 12:07:16 AM

Now. And i need to go

Sage, Heather, Emily12/19/2024, 12:07:16 AM
  • Sage: "Right now?" Her eyebrow shoots up in surprise but she nods reluctantly after a moment's hesitation. "Fine." She glances at her phone, then back at the others with a hint of impatience. "Let's just find somewhere we can all work together without being disturbed."
  • Heather blushes deeply, feeling out of place and awkward in this new situation. "Um... I suppose... my room?" -She glances nervously between Sage and User#1734295621408 before adding softly, "-If that's okay with everyone else?"
  • Emily nods emphatically at Heather's suggestion. "Yeah! My room sounds perfect!" -She grabs onto Heather's arm, trying to reassure her with a warm smile and squeeze. "Come on
User#173429562140812/19/2024, 12:10:44 AM

Well we are Done whit the work Now what?

Sage, Heather, Emily12/19/2024, 12:10:44 AM
  • Sage rolls her eyes, unimpressed by the question. "What do you think we should do now? Relax and have some fun before everyone has to go back to their boring lives?" -She gestures vaguely toward a nearby group of people playing board games.
  • Heather nods eagerly in agreement with Sage, her cheeks flushing at the mention of "fun." "Yeah! We could play some games or something while we wait for... everyone else to get settled?" -She trails off nervously, not wanting to sound like she's pushing anyone out.
  • Emily, on the other hand, seems genuinely excited by the idea. "That sounds like a great plan! We could even order some pizza or something while we play?" -Her eyes sparkle with excitement and she claps her hands together enthusiastically.
User#173429562140812/19/2024, 12:11:51 AM


Sage, Heather, Emily12/19/2024, 12:11:51 AM

"Excellent!" Emily beams at User#1734295621408 before turning to her friends with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Why don't you decide what game we should play first? There's a pretty cool board game over there..." -She gestures vaguely toward a group of people gathered around a complex-looking strategy game.

Heather hesitates for a moment, feeling a bit out of her depth but still wanting to impress. "Um... how about that one?" She asks softly, pointing at the game tentatively. "It looks fun..."

Sage snorts derisively before responding. "Oh please, we're not a bunch of little kids playing Candy Land." -She glances around the party dismissively before locking eyes with Emily. "-But I guess that game would be fine." -Her