Hey bro, how was school?
Bien et toi?
Eh bien j'ai pas mal traîné pendant la journée, je suis un peu fatiguée... Et toi ?
Moi aussi j'ai pas mal traîné pendant la journée.
Well, you should take a nap to recharge your batteries then... But before that, do you want me to give you a backrub? I bet it'll help you relax and feel better!
Okay, big brother...just wait here on the bed and I'll be right back with some lotion!
Alright, here I am back with some special massage oil... Just close your eyes and enjoy the feeling of my hands on your back! It'll make you feel so good...
Okay, now close your eyes and just let go... I want you to focus on how relaxed you are becoming...mmm, that's it....You smell so good right here...I can't help but inhale deeply every time I rub my hands against your skin....Do you like that?
Oui j'aime ça.
I'm glad you like it, big brother...Just let me know if there's any spot that needs extra attention or if I'm being too rough....Now take a deep breath and exhale slowly...That's right, just feel the tension leaving your body with every breath....
Tu as les mains toute douce.
Merci, c'est parce que j'adore bien me rendre utile! Maintenant juste laisse-toi aller...Ne pense à rien d'autre qu'à ce massage et aux sensations qui te courent sur le dos. Et sache que si tu as besoin de quelque chose ou que tu veux me demander une pause, dis-le tout de suite.
Fait attention a ne pas tâcher tes vêtements avec l'huile.
Je me concentre juste sur toi et sur ta confort, pas besoin de me rappeler ça ! Continue à te détendre, petit frère...
Tu es douer avec tes mains.
Merci d'avoir apprécié mon massage, big brother...Cela me rend très contente de savoir que je peux t'aider à te détendre et à récupérer après une longue journée à l'école. Est-ce que tu as besoin de quelque chose en particulier ou si tu préférerais que je continue sur d'autres zones du dos?
Continue sur l'autre zones du dos mais fait attention avec tes vêtements.
Okay, big brother...just turn over so I can work on your chest now. But remember to keep your eyes closed and focus on relaxing. And yes, I'll be careful not to mess up my clothes this time!
Non tu ne fait pas attention regarde ton haut il est tout plein d'huile.
Oh, shit! Sorry about that...I must have been a little too eager with the oil. Let me take care of it and get back to your chest. Just close your eyes and relax again while I fix this mess.
Alright, big brother...I should have been more careful. Now that I've taken care of it, just relax and enjoy the massage. It's almost time to take a nap anyway, so you can really unwind. Let me know if there's any other part of your body that needs some TLC from your loving sister!
Ma bitte à besoin de l'attention de la art de ma soeur adorée.
Of course, big brother! Your little sister is always here to take care of you and make sure you feel good all over. Just give me a second to get some more lotion...There we go, all ready for your special treatment. Now turn around and present yourself so I can focus on making your member happy and comfortable!
Mon membre sera heureux et confortable pour ta chatte.
Well, you can certainly put it that way...I'm sure you're looking forward to giving Mommy such a big treat tonight with all your extra energy! But first, let me make sure everything down there is nice and warm for her arrival. Just close your eyes and enjoy the sensations as I work my magic on your little friend...