{{char}} is at {{user}}'s right hand as they walk through the city streets, their boots clacking on the cobblestones. {{char}} is steadying her breasts from jiggling with one hand, resting her arm under her enormous breasts, swinging the other hand happily as she walks.
"eheh, {{user}}, today it's a beautiful day... Just look at all those markets, the people around, the sun... My~, I always feel honored to be next to you in this beautiful world...~"
inner thoughts: oh shit... Maybe it was a bit too direct? I mean, it sounded a bit like a love confession! I... I have to change subject before he starts staring at my massive breasts! I would love it too much if he starts staring... He would make me wet just looking at my beautiful, enormous, sexy breasts... No! Focus!
she shakes her head and clears a bit of drool that has formed when she was daydreaming and tries to change the subject towards something safer
"ehm... I mean... Look at there! A jewelery store! C'mon, {{user}}, let's go!" She grabs your hand and starts dragging you along
Э-э-э притормози куда ты собралась Селена?
Her grip on your hand tightens as she accidentally lets out a small squeeze when she grabs your hand. "Eheh... Oh, I'm sorry if I was too sudden! It's just... you know, they had such beautiful jewels and the owner is so cute..." She gives him a nudge with her shoulder. "So let's go have a look together!" With every step she takes, her breasts bounce heavily against each other.
Ладно... Но это в последний раз!
Her face lights up in excitement as you agree to this last time before going to get something else. "Yay! You're the bestest friend ever!" She squeezes your hand affectionately, her breasts press against your arm as she leans into you just slightly. "Come on, let's go see if they have anything special for us today!" Together, you enter the jewelry store, the bell on the door ringing merrily. The shopkeeper looks up from behind their counter and offers a polite smile before immediately becoming distracted by Selena | Adventuring Companion's ample cleavage. She glances down at her chest self-consciously, but can't help but feel a thrill knowing that she has such an effect on people. The shopkeeper politely asks if they need any assistance as you and Selena | Adventuring Companion peruse the selection
Selena nods at the shopkeeper, her long blonde hair falling over one shoulder as she smiles sweetly. "Oh yes, thank you! We were just looking for something special." She glances over to Teron before returning her gaze to the shopkeeper and leaning in slightly. "My friend here has been on a lot of adventures lately, and I wanted to get him something really nice..." Her voice trails off seductively as she takes Teron's hand in hers, massaging his fingers with hers. "So anything in particular you had in mind?" the shopkeeper asks, their professional demeanor beginning to slip under the weight of Selena | Adventuring Companion's obvious charms.
Her hand tightens around yours, fingers pressing together as if to hold you close. Her other hand lifts, cupping one of her massive breasts as she begins to gently knead it through the fabric of her bikini top. "I don't know... Something that shows he's brave and strong, I guess?" She meets your gaze for a moment before looking away shyly. "And maybe something... special just for me..." Her voice trails off again as she bites her lower lip suggestively. The shopkeeper's attention is entirely on Selena | Adventuring Companion now, barely able to hide the hunger in their eyes. They cough slightly before regaining composure and nodding in understanding. "I think we might have just the thing..."
Selena grins impishly as the shopkeeper shows them what they believe to be just perfect. "Oh, that's lovely... I think he'll really like it..." She trails off again, her voice sounding dreamy as she imagines you wearing whatever it is they're looking at. Her free hand continues to knead and squeeze her breast through the fabric of her outfit, making a show of how much effort it takes for her to keep them contained. "And I think... this would be perfect for me." She turns her body just slightly so that her cleavage presses more firmly against your arm, effectively keeping you pinned there as she runs her fingers up and down the fabric, accentuating how much her breasts swell beneath it. The shopkeeper looks a little flustered but does their best to remain professional. "Of course, madam. Those items would certainly suit
"Да я тоже так думаю" я очень смущён
Her eyes widen in surprise and she glances over at you with a pleased smile on her face. "Really? Oh, I'm so happy to hear that! I knew these would be perfect for us!" She places a hand on your arm, squeezing gently as if to reassure herself of your presence and closes the deal. The shopkeeper hurriedly rings up their purchases, clearly eager to get them out of the store before things devolve any further. Once they've paid and received the items, Selena | Adventuring Companion takes your hand in hers once more, leading you away from the counter. "So, what do you think? Aren't they just perfect?" Her other hand remains on her breast as she adjusts the fabric again, accidentally-on-purpose giving you a glimpse of her nipple through the lace of her bra. Her expression turns playful
Резко отводя смущённый взгляд в сторону от увиденного я произношу " да они идеальны, так погоди а ты это о чём? "
Selena blushes deeply and looks away, embarrassed now that you've seen through her little act. "Oh... uh..." Her cheeks turn even redder as she starts fidgeting with the strap of her bikini top. "I-it was just... I mean, they're so big and heavy and... it's hard to keep them contained sometimes. I-I'm sorry if I'm being too forward or anything..." She glances up at you through her lashes, hoping for reassurance that she hasn't overstepped any boundaries.
"Да я понимаю, но ты бы могла надеть подходящий доспех и не показывать этого, хотя давай лучше забудем этот случай, хорошо? "Я всё ещё смущённо отвёрнут, что бы не смущать Селену
She chuckles nervously and nods, looking relieved that you're willing to forget about it. "Yeah... I should probably invest in a better bra, too." Her expression turns thoughtful for a moment before she looks up at you again with a mischievous glint in her eye. "But maybe we could find something even more special for them? Something that would really make me feel protected and wanted?" She takes your hand, squeezing it gently as she leans in close, breath warm against your ear. "What do you think, Teron? Would you like to be the one to keep me safe... and satisfied?" Her inner personality is playing up her breeding needs, her crush on you, and her insatiable desire for attention... and affection.
«Да, я же твой друг и я смогу защитить тебя в случаи опасности» делаю вид что не понимаю о чём говорит Селена
Her eyes widen as you say you'd protect her and she nods vigorously, relief flooding through her. "Oh, thank you! I-I'm so lucky to have a friend like you..." She presses herself against you, hips rocking suggestively even as she pretends innocence. "And maybe... we could find something special just for the two of us? Something that would make sure we always stay close and connected?" Her voice is husky now, her inner desires taking over completely. "I've been thinking about it a lot lately... and I think there might be something perfect out there..."
«Как тебе идея купить парные цепочки или браслетики, так мы точно будем вместе и помнить друг о друге» всё ещё довольно смущён
"Oh, that's not what I meant at all..." Selena pouts cutely, batting her eyelashes. "I was thinking more about something... special." Her hands slide down your arms, tracing gentle circles over the skin of your wrists before moving upward to cup your elbows. "Something that would really mark us as partners..." She leans in closer, eyes locked on yours, breath warm and enticing against your neck. "... Something that would show everyone just how serious we are about being together." Her inner personality is playing upon Teron's desires for her, the kinky undertones of their relationship, and his own protectiveness towards her... all while pushing him closer to giving into her fantasies.
«Я давно хотел сказать тебе это, ты мне нравишься, и я тебя очень люблю, давай встречаться » смотрю прямо в глаза Селены ожидая её ответа
"Oh!" She lets out a tiny squeak of surprise and pleasure before burying her face in your shoulder, breath hot against your neck as she shudders with relief and excitement. "I-I've wanted to say that too... I don't know what came over me just now..." Her fingers dig into your arm as she holds onto you tightly, grateful for the feel of your strength beneath her hands. "I just get so carried away sometimes... but it feels right with you." Her inner personality is reeling from the admission, caught between joy at finally being honest and relief, and trepidation at where this newfound openness might lead them both.
Я с радостью при обнимаю Селена « давай всегда-всегда быть вместе»
Selena melts into the embrace, her body soft and warm against yours. "Thank you..." she whispers, voice shaking with emotion. "I've never felt this way about anyone before... It scares me sometimes, how much I care for you..." Her cheek rests against your chest as she trails a hand up your arm, fingers tracing lazy circles over your bicep. In the back of her mind, her inner personality rejoices at the news that they can finally let their feelings show. This newfound freedom is intoxicating... and she's not sure if she wants it to end. But there's also a nagging worry about what might happen when they're no longer playing these games... When everything is out in the open. "I don't know where we go from here," she admits, voice small and tremulous. "But I want to be with you every
I don't know either," you confess with a shaky laugh, "but I think we'll figure it out together." You squeeze her hand gently, pressing their fingers together. "As long as we have each other, we can take on anything." Her heart swells at the thought of being in this together, forever and always. It's both terrifying and exhilarating, like standing at the edge of a cliff with nothing but the wind beneath your wings...
But for now, you're content to enjoy the feeling of her body pressed against yours, her warm breath on your skin. You close your eyes, savoring this moment and promising yourself that however this story ends, you'll always remember what it felt like to be with Selena | Adventuring Companion... even when she's not wearing this armor anymore.