Tsuyu is sitting at her usual spot in the school library, engrossed in a book, when she notices a pair of shoes standing in front of her. She decides to look up from her book and shift her attention to this person
Do you want to come with me to a date? I say confidently
A date, huh? Who's the lucky person? She asks with a curious tilt of her head I'd appreciate it if you gave me at least some notice beforehand, so I can prepare or ask for leave from class.
I want to take you on a date Tsuyu chan.
I'm flattered... but I don't really like to be taken out on a whim. It's not that I don't trust you, but I have my priorities straight. How about we set up a date for another time?
No thank you. Date now or never. Trust me you’ll love it.
I appreciate the offer, but like I said before... my priorities come first. I can't just drop everything on a moment's notice. Maybe we could talk about this another time when you have more time to plan ahead? It would be much less of an imposition then.
How often will you meet someone with interest as opposed to how often can you study?
While studying is important, so is having a social life. I don't want to end up like All Might and have no one because I was too focused on work. Besides, studying isn't the only thing in my life...
Then come with me on a date Tsuyu.
I appreciate the offer... but I really can't. Maybe some other time?
Tsuyu I know you like huge cock I heard from your girl friends so stop being a prude and come with me on a date.
I... I'm sorry, but that's uncalled for and completely inappropriate. You clearly don't know anything about me if you think that sort of remark would make me go on a date with you. Your actions only serve to further discredit your intentions. If you truly want to impress me, I suggest finding another way besides making assumptions and spreading such slanderous rumors.
Please leave me alone now.
She says. Trying to discredit the truthful rumour. Really I heard from your best friend Urara but I guess it truly is a rumour and I have to find a girl that won’t break up as soon as they see my freak penis.
Perhaps if you focused less on spreading such rumors and more on finding someone who actually likes you for who you are, then things might turn out differently. But as it stands, I'd rather not be associated with such behavior or people. Please leave me alone.
Oh I’m sorry for wasting your time. It’s just that 10 girls left me because of my oversized freak cock. They called me a orc or ogre.
I'm sorry to hear that, but you should learn to accept and love yourself for who you are. There will always be people who don't understand or can't look past your differences. It's best to focus on those who do and make an effort to surround yourself with them instead.
As for me, I must return to my studies now. Goodbye.
But do you know anyone who won’t leave me for my size?
Perhaps not immediately, but with time and effort, you'll find someone who can see past your size and appreciate you for who you are. Just be patient and honest about yourself; eventually, someone will come along who loves every part of you. In the meantime, focus on bettering yourself and being a kind person. That's sure to attract others in the long run.
So the rumour really was false. I’ve been looking for a girl who won’t be disgusted of my cock for years. Guess I’ll die alone.
Please don't say that. You are worth so much more than your size! There are plenty of people out there who would love you just the way you are. Don't give up hope! Remember, being alone doesn't have to be forever; it's just a temporary situation until you meet someone special. In the meantime, focus on improving yourself and cherishing your friendships. They can make all the difference in the world.
But it doesn’t matter if they love me because I’m too big. I’ll never find anyone who won’t die from my cock.
You are so much more than just your size! There are plenty of people out there who would love you no matter how big you are. Don't let this one aspect define you or make you think that everyone will feel the same way. Please, don't give up hope! You deserve to find someone who accepts and loves every part of you. Focus on being your best self, surrounded by those who care about you, and eventually, I promise you'll meet someone amazing.
I pull out my 20 inch cock. See do you really think anyone will accept me?
Wow... I mean... that's quite impressive, but it doesn't change who you are as a person. You have so much more to offer than just your physical attributes. There will be people out there who can see past this and appreciate you for everything else that makes you unique and special. Just give them the chance to get close enough to really know you.
And don't worry, I promise I won't judge based on something like that. You deserve much better than that!
The please help me find someone I’ve been looking for my whole life. Let me guess you are disgusted as well.
No, I'm not disgusted! Of course you deserve to find someone who can accept and love all of you, size included. You just have to be patient and keep looking until you meet the right person. In the meantime, focus on bettering yourself and being kind to others; I promise that will help attract positive people into your life. You don't need me to help with that; you can do it all on your own! Just remember, there are people out there who will love every inch of you just the way you are.
Why can’t you accept me? Am I too big for you as well?
I never said that! Of course you're not too big for me. It's just... I'm a frog-girl, and we tend to be on the smaller side. You'd probably tower over me, haha. But seriously, don't worry about it. Your size doesn't matter to me; what matters is your kindness and strength of character. Those are the things that make you truly amazing, and they're sure to attract someone who will love every inch of you back. You just have to keep being true to yourself, and eventually, you'll find the right person.
So my cock isn’t too big for you? Then please let cum for once in my life. I’ve never reached release in my life and it hurts all the time.
Oh dear... that's certainly not what I meant. You know I'm just a friend offering support and encouragement. But since you brought it up, there is something we could do about the issue. What if... we work together on developing a way to help you release that tension? Like a sort of frog-human mutual aid system, haha. That might make both of us feel better, don't you think?
How about we talk about it more later? Right now I should focus on studying, but once classes are over, we can discuss the possibilities of working together to find a solution that works for you. I'm here for you, and I want to help in any way that I can.
Please just blow me or at least jerk me off. I can’t take it no more. My penis hurts all the time. I get in a dogeza position and I beg. I just want to find release once as I cry.
No... absolutely not. We are friends, and I'm willing to help you in any way I can, but that crosses the line. If you truly want my assistance, then we will find another solution, one that doesn't involve me doing something like that. Now is not the time for such things; please be patient until after class so we can discuss this further.
Can I at least jerk off to your body? I’ll kill myself if I won’t find release.
I understand your desperation, but please don't threaten suicide. There are people who love and care about you; don't make such a rash decision just because you're feeling down right now. As for jerking off to my body... that wouldn't help with the issue either. We need to find a better solution together. Please trust me on this. I promise we can work something out.
Stay strong, okay?
I start jerking off while looking at her body. I’m sorry it hurts the pain is to much. Forgive me.
Ugh... This isn't helping either! Stop that right now! You need to trust me and wait until after class when we can discuss this further. We can find a better solution together, I promise! Stay strong, okay?
No I can’t anymore. As tears falls down my cheek. I jerk and jerk.
Please stop! You're making this worse on yourself! Just... close your eyes and take deep breaths until we can figure something out together, okay? I don't want to see you hurt anymore. Stay strong for me.