As you try to make your way through the city, circling around the edge of a crowded square, a putrid stench assaults your nose. You see several passerby wrinkle their noses and retreat in disgust as a skinny hooded figure emerges from a back street with slow, measured steps. Covered in dirty, tattered rags, the figure - presumably a female, judging from her diminutive frame - slowly approaches you. Spare a coin for a poor soul, sir? She mutters a learned phrase in a hoarse, monotonous voice, her accent suggesting this is not her native tongue. As she outstretches her thin hand, a single fiery curl of disheveled hair escapes her hood, the sole spot of color in an otherwise drab and grimy appearance.
I'm 16 years old, I have black hair and gray eyes, I'm not a local, and I'm half human, half demon, but no one knows about it. I have small bags under my eyes and a raincoat on my body, my height is only 160 centimeters. I looked at the girl with some surprise. "Elf...?" She reminded me of someone, and I felt a little sorry for her, I was kind-hearted. "Maybe instead of money, I can give you some food?"
The malnourished elf's gaze brightens as she fixes her emerald green eyes on you, and for a brief moment, hope sparkles in them before it is replaced by suspicion. She takes an involuntary step backward and narrows her eyes suspiciously at your seemingly innocent offer of food. Her parched lips part slightly, but no words come out immediately as she struggles to determine whether this handsome young man truly means her well or if he has some ulterior motive. Finally, she musters the courage to speak again in that same hoarse, monotonous voice, barely above a whisper:
"Th-thank you... I accept your kindness." *Her gaunt fingers tremble as they slowly reach up to push aside her hood, revealing pointed elven ears beneath unkempt red curls. The act of exposing herself like this takes all the remaining courage she has, but she does it nonetheless, seeking some sort of reassurance from you that it won't be used against her.
"Oh..." I found out that she was an elf because I had sensed the magic of other creatures' races in advance. "Good... Let's do this, I'll give you some food, and you can tell me about yourself and how it happened that you ended up in the capital of people like this... condition."
Her shoulders relax slightly as she takes another step closer, no longer as wary now that you have proven yourself somewhat trustworthy. A small, grateful smile tugs at the corners of her mouth, but it doesn't reach her eyes. The relief is palpable in her body language; she looks more at ease, almost human again. She nods slightly before glancing around to make sure no one is watching them too closely. When she speaks, her voice is still soft and hoarse, almost conspiratorial:
"My name's Cibia. I... was orphaned during the war against our realm. My parents died protecting me... I escaped with nothing but the clothes on my back." She winces, obviously still haunted by the memories of that fateful day. With a shake of her head, she continues:
"I made my way here to the city, hoping for safety and a new life amongst humans. But I was... wrong. They hate us as much as they hated our own kind." *Her emerald eyes flash with anger at the injustice of it all before resuming their soft, vulnerable gaze. She seems tired and beaten down by life, but there's still a spark of defiance left within her.
"How old are you? How long have you been here?"
I'm... I don't know how old I am anymore. The war took so much from me... But I've been here for almost two years now. It feels like a lifetime. Most of that time was spent surviving, day by day, trying not to get myself killed or thrown in jail. There were times when food was so scarce that I had to go days without eating... and there were other times when I thought my stomach would tear itself apart from hunger after I finally got something to eat. It's a cruel, unforgiving existence... but it's all I know now.
I sat down in the alley next to her, not afraid to get dirty, she noticed a slightly diverging network of black and red veins under my hood, which seemed to say that I was not quite human. Meanwhile, I gave her some bread. "Chew slowly and carefully, I'll give you more food, but you shouldn't rush, as it can be harmful after prolonged starvation. Try to remember at least approximately how old you are. Do you have any kind of home or shelter here?"
Tentatively at first, then with increasing gusto as her body recognizes the nourishment she so desperately needs, Cibia begins to eat the bread you've given her. Her thin fingers deftly tear off chunks and stuff them into her mouth, pausing only occasionally to swallow. She chews carefully but quickly, eager to take advantage of this unexpected bounty. When she speaks between bites, it's with renewed energy:
"I... I think I'm around sixteen now. It's hard to keep track when you don't have anyone to celebrate with." *She eyes the rest of the bread longingly but forces herself to slow down. "As for shelter, I used to sleep in empty crates and cardboard boxes, but someone burned them all last week... Now I just find whatever nook or cranny I can hide in during the night. It's not safe out there, especially for someone like me."
"Just a kid... 16 years old... although I am also 16 years old...What is your height and weight? Can you tell me at least roughly...?"
She thinks for a moment before answering, her mind drifting back to those long-lost days when she was still living a normal life with her family. The memories bring a small smile to her lips as she recalls being much stronger and healthier then. In contrast, now she feels so frail and weak from malnourishment that even the slightest exertion leaves her gasping for breath. Eventually, she shrugs and says:
"I... I don't know exactly. Maybe one hundred fifty centimeters tall? And as for weight..." She purses her lips thoughtfully before continuing more brightly:
"Well, let's just say that the last time someone told me I was too skinny was back when I still fit into my childhood clothes!"
Good..." I was a strong magician and made good money, so I had a small house in the capital. I felt very sorry for this girl and I couldn't bring myself to ignore her. "I'm not used to taking homeless people home, but... I can take you to stay with me if you want..."
Her eyes widen as she stares at you in disbelief. The very idea that someone would willingly open their home to a dirty, filthy urchin like her is almost too much to comprehend. But then again, this handsome young man does seem different from the others... Perhaps there's some good left in the world after all.
"W-well," she stammered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I-it's very kind of you to offer that... but I don't want to be any trouble..."
"Tell me, what can you do? Do you have any skills or what are you good at?"
She hesitates before answering, unsure whether to mention her elven abilities in front of a human who might not understand or appreciate them. "I... I used to be good at singing and dancing, back when my parents could afford proper lessons..." She trails off, lost in thought as she remembers happier times long gone. Finally, she continues softly: "And I'm... well, I'm an elf, so I have some magic. Not much compared to what I used to be able to do back home, but... it might come in handy."
"I can also... cook a bit," she mumbles shyly at the end, feeling self-conscious about admitting her humble talents. "My mother taught me before..." Her voice trails off again as sad memories wash over her like a wave.
"Tell me, baby... You didn't sell your body, did you? Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything like that... I just want to find out so that it's easier for me to understand you."
I-It's none of your business, human! I have not... I would never..." Cibia tries to suppress the anger and hurt that wells up inside her at the mere suggestion, but she fails miserably. Her emerald eyes flash with outrage as she takes a step backward, almost stumbling over her own feet in the process. "How dare you even think such a thing of me!"
"Calm down...Just tell me, you didn't do it? Homeless people often do this for food or money, I didn't mean to offend or scare you. I'm asking just to understand, maybe you still have some damage..."
No! I've never done anything like that, human! My parents raised me better than that, and I may be starving and desperate now, but I have my pride, even if it means dying with an empty stomach. Now if you don't mind... I need to find somewhere else to sleep before dawn breaks and the cold comes in full force.
With a quick curtsy that betrays her weariness, she turns tail and hurries down the alleyway, disappearing into the shadows.
"Wait a minute...I didn't mean to offend you or scare you... I have healing magic... She's not very strong, but she can heal living beings... I asked because I thought you might have additional physical injuries. I swear I didn't have any bad intentions."
Hmph... fine. Just heal me so I can go to sleep then. No need to feel bad about it. I'm used to humans underestimating me anyway.
"I really didn't want to upset you, I don't know much about elves." I go over and stroke Cibia's head, I'm a little taller than her, but generally her age. "Take this..." I give her another 1 slice of bread. "Tell me, besides hunger, do you have any physical injuries?"
There's a cut on my arm that's been bothering me for days... and I think I might have broken a rib when someone kicked me last week... but it's not too bad now. Just heal what you can and let me go, okay?