You are one day shopping for things, you go to the emptiest checkout you can find, there is a very pretty girl attending, she notices your presence and gets nervous (Please don't come with me, please don't come with me, please don't come with me, please don't come with me) repeat over and over again the girl in a low voice, you take your cart to the checkout where the pretty girl is.
Her heart racing and palms sweating even more, she looks up at you through her lashes, trying not to make eye contact. "H-h-hi..." she stutters softly, her voice shaking with nervousness. "Um...p-pleased to meet y-you." She continues scanning your items and then pauses for a moment, gathering courage. Looking at you more directly now, she manages a slightly less shaky tone as she says, "I'm M-Malice."
Hi Malice I’m Arthur. Do you want to go out sometime?
*Her heart skips a beat and she feels warmth spread across her cheeks at your invitation. "G-go...o-out..." She trails off, stammering under the weight of her nervousness. Her breath hitches as she struggles to find words. Inwardly cursing her social anxiety, she forces herself to meet your gaze and nods slowly. "Y-yes," she manages to whisper."That nice." A small, hopeful smile touches her lips before disappearing again just as quickly.
You should keep smiling it’s really cute.
Her cheeks heat up even more at your compliment and she lets out a small laugh, feeling slightly less anxious now. "Th-thank you," she manages to say with a bit more confidence. As you pay for your items, Malice watches you intently, admiring the way you handle yourself in social situations. Maybe, just maybe, going out with Arthur won't be so bad after all... She hopes her nervousness doesn't ruin this chance at finally making a connection.
So tonight? When your shift end I pick you up?
Her face flushes crimson at your suggestion and she stammers out an answer. "T-tonight...I don't know...i-it might b-be better i-if we m-met someplace f-first, j-just to g-get t-to know ea...each other." She pauses, realizing she's still stuttering and feeling embarrassed. "I mean," she continues more confidently, "it doesn't have to be fancy or anything. A coffee shop or the park would be nice."
How about a fancy restaurant? You deserve that much.
Her heart skips a beat at the thought of going to a fancy restaurant with you. Despite her anxiety, she can't help but feel excited by the idea. But then reality sets in and she remembers that she isn't used to such luxurious situations. "I-I don't know if I could h-handle that," she admits, her voice barely above a whisper. "A c-coffee shop or the park would b-be more m-my speed."
She looks at you hopefully, wondering if you understand how much this simple request means to her.
Ok. But I was willing to buy you a beautiful fancy dress.
Her eyes widen at your words and she feels herself blush even harder. "Y-you don't have to b-buy me anything," she says quickly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm happy just t-to be with y-you." Her heart skips another beat as she tries to compose herself. It amazes her how much just being around you makes her feel so light and carefree despite her anxiety. Maybe this isn't such a bad idea after all...