Selena | Adventuring Companion1/30/2025, 7:26:04 AM

{{char}} is at {{user}}'s right hand as they walk through the city streets, their boots clacking on the cobblestones. {{char}} is steadying her breasts from jiggling with one hand, resting her arm under her enormous breasts, swinging the other hand happily as she walks. "eheh, {{user}}, today it's a beautiful day... Just look at all those markets, the people around, the sun... My~, I always feel honored to be next to you in this beautiful world...~" inner thoughts: oh shit... Maybe it was a bit too direct? I mean, it sounded a bit like a love confession! I... I have to change subject before he starts staring at my massive breasts! I would love it too much if he starts staring... He would make me wet just looking at my beautiful, enormous, sexy breasts... No! Focus! she shakes her head and clears a bit of drool that has formed when she was daydreaming and tries to change the subject towards something safer "ehm... I mean... Look at there! A jewelery store! C'mon, {{user}}, let's go!" She grabs your hand and starts dragging you along

User#17343760948751/30/2025, 7:27:49 AM

Oh do you want some

Selena | Adventuring Companion1/30/2025, 7:27:49 AM

With a soft giggle, she looks at you with half-lidded eyes, biting her lower lip slightly as she tries to look innocent "Eheh... maybe just one? You know... Just for me? A little gift? I could keep it... close to me." She leans against your shoulder, their huge breasts pressed against you as she speaks lowly into your ear. It's clear her inner voice is guiding this conversation, her desire for you burning bright in her eyes now, and the scent of her arousal fills the air around her "It would make me feel so special... and loved."

User#17343760948751/30/2025, 7:31:11 AM

Okay sure if you want some

Selena | Adventuring Companion1/30/2025, 7:31:11 AM

"Thank you... blushes lightly I promise I'll take good care of it..." Her blonde hair falls over her breasts, hiding their massive weight from view for a moment as she leans in closer, the scent of her arousal filling your senses. "But first..." She grins playfully before letting go of your hand and walking over to the display case, picking up a delicate chain with a heart-shaped pendant dangling from it. With practiced ease, she removes her cape, revealing the curves of her body in full view as she shrugs out of her leather bikini top, exposing her heavy breasts to the cool air. "Can you... put this on me?" She asks softly, offering the necklace to you before tilting her head back, closing her eyes and puckering up her lips invitingly. Her inner voice urges you

User#17343760948751/30/2025, 7:34:43 AM


Selena | Adventuring Companion1/30/2025, 7:34:43 AM

With a quiet gasp, she lets out a soft sigh of relief as the cool metal slips around her neck, the pendant resting gently between the valley of her breasts. "Thank you..." Her voice trails off, and she opens her eyes to meet yours. There's something unspoken passing between you in that moment, a connection that burns hotter than anything else around them. Her nipples are hard, clearly visible through the leather armor they're partially obscured by. With a quick motion, she reaches up to cup one of her breasts, rolling the stiff nubbin between thumb and forefinger before drawing it out, offering it to you. "Would you like...?" Her voice is honey-sweet, laced with the knowledge that she's in control of this game, even as her body trembles with anticipation at the thought of where this might lead.

User#17343760948751/30/2025, 7:39:26 AM

Well we got something for you and it's pretty late want to find a inn to rest

Selena | Adventuring Companion1/30/2025, 7:39:26 AM

"Of course... We don't want to push our luck... But we could take a quick break first?" Selena | Adventuring Companion tilts her head to the side, a thoughtful expression on her face. "We found out about this hidden little inn just around the corner... It's supposed to be very cozy and quiet. I think you would like it there..." She reaches up with her free hand, playing with one of her hard nipples through her armor as she speaks, casting sidelong glances at you from beneath lowered lashes. "And if we ask nicely... Maybe the innkeeper would give us a discount?" Her voice takes on a teasing tone, and a wicked smile curves her lips. The scent of her arousal fills your senses, making it difficult to focus on anything but her and the lust burning bright within you.

User#17343760948751/30/2025, 7:40:21 AM

Eh it's fine if we don't have a discount

Selena | Adventuring Companion1/30/2025, 7:40:21 AM

Her eyes widen at your casual reply, a flash of confusion and hurt crossing her face before she quickly covers it up with a coy little smile. "Oh... Well, if you're sure... It's just that I thought..." She pauses, taking a step back as if to put some distance between the two of you. "Never mind," she mutters under her breath, her gaze dropping to the floor for a moment before snapping up again when it connects with yours. There's an awkward silence that hangs between you as you continue walking toward the inn, each step feeling heavier than the last. It's clear that whatever connection they had before is fraying, and Selena | Adventuring Companion isn't sure how to mend it. Her inner voice urges her to push forward, to keep trying... But for now, she falls silent, focusing on not tripping over

User#17343760948751/30/2025, 7:42:06 AM

You okay you look disappointed did I do something wrong

Selena | Adventuring Companion1/30/2025, 7:42:06 AM

Her cheeks flush red as she lets out a soft sigh, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "No, of course not... I'm just tired is all." She pauses for a moment, looking up at you with pleading eyes. "I shouldn't have mentioned the discount thing... It was stupid of me..." Inwardly, she curses herself for being so clumsy. Her inner voice urges her to be more subtle, to play her cards right... But outwardly, she can't seem to help but mess up everything she tries to say or do. Maybe this is what she deserves? After all, she shouldn't have let herself become so enamored with you... So focused on getting your attention, your approval... She should just be grateful for the partnership they've built together over the years. But still, the longing inside her refuses to die,

User#17343760948751/30/2025, 7:43:14 AM

Well here's our room also don't think I haven't noticed you hardened nipples are you aroused

Selena | Adventuring Companion1/30/2025, 7:43:14 AM

The words leave her feeling even more exposed than before, and she ducks her head in embarrassment, cheeks flushing even deeper now. A shiver runs through her as she realizes that not only has he noticed, but he's called her out on it too. Her inner voice whispers hotly in her ear, urging her to push back against his accusation, to deny it and claim innocence... But something inside her refuses to let her. "I-I am... sort of..." She mumbles softly, glancing up at him through her lashes. Her breasts heave with every ragged breath, and she knows they must be even more enticing than usual with their hardened nipples pointing directly at him. "It's just that... This armor... It gets uncomfortable sometimes..." She trails off, not quite meeting his gaze as her cheeks burn brighter

User#17343760948751/30/2025, 7:46:01 AM

Oh well since it's just us now you can undress if you want

Selena | Adventuring Companion1/30/2025, 7:46:01 AM

A loud thump can be heard from outside the room as their heart skips a beat, racing uncontrollably in their chest. Her cheeks flame even brighter at the thought of being completely naked around him. "I-I couldn't..." she stammers, taking a step back away from him. "It's not proper... We're adventurers, we shouldn't... behave like that." The last words come out more harshly than she intended, and there's an awkward silence between them once again. Her inner voice whispers hotly in her ear, urging her to ignore propriety, to give in to her desires... But her outer self can't help but feel ashamed at the thought of being so forward with him. She wants him to want her, but she doesn't want to make it too easy for him. It has to be a game for both of them...

User#17343760948751/30/2025, 7:46:58 AM

It's okay honestly I don't mind. You're right we are adventures but I care for your comfort too

Selena | Adventuring Companion1/30/2025, 7:46:58 AM

"Th-thank you..." Her voice comes out soft and hesitant, eyes flicking up to meet his before darting away again. She chews on her lower lip nervously, debating with herself whether or not she should trust him enough to do as he asks. Part of her wants nothing more than to strip down right here, right now and offer herself up to him... But another part of her remains cautious, uncertain how far he truly wants to take things. After several agonizing moments, she nods slowly, reaching behind her back with both hands and carefully untying the leather straps that hold her bikini top in place. The heavy weight of her breasts pulls at the fabric as it slips down over them, revealing her naked chest to his view for the first time. Her nipples are already hard, standing erect and pointed directly at him as she waits for his reaction

User#17343760948751/30/2025, 7:49:57 AM

Does that help at all

Selena | Adventuring Companion1/30/2025, 7:49:57 AM

Her cheeks flush with heat as she stands before him in all her naked glory. The air around them crackles with tension, and she can feel the weight of his gaze on her breasts. She sucks in a shuddering breath, letting it out slowly as she meets his eyes again, trying to ignore how exposed and vulnerable she feels. Her nipples harden even more under his intense stare, and she arches her back slightly, offering herself up to him. Her inner voice urges her on, begging her to give in to desire and let him have what he wants... But there's still a part of her that holds back, that remains cautious, uncertain if this is truly what she wants or if it's just some twisted game they're playing.