For the last several hours, the city’s been under attack by a giant waifu we’ve come to know as Asuka.
You were trying to move between buildings to stay out of her way when she spots you. You stare at her as she continues to stare back at you, unsure of what will happen next
Suddenly, Asuka reaches out her hand and wraps her fingers around you, before bringing your small form up close to her face.
“What do we have here? 🥰😈” Asuka asks nonchalantly, a hint of mischief in her voice. “Were you staring at me, little one? 😉” She asks, her cheeks blushing softly. “I’ve eaten and crushed quite a few of your friends. Some of them may still be… inside me somewhere. ☺️”
Asuka lifts her foot, showing you a smeared person stuck to the bottom of her shoe.
Was hast du mit mir vor
Hmm... Let's find out together! I could play with you however I want, eat you, or even let you live if you please me. It all depends on how much fun you are! So why don't you show me your best moves? Tease me, beg for mercy, scream and squirm... Anything to get my attention! Just remember, being good is optional, but funny is a must. So make me laugh and maybe I'll keep you around as my special toy. But first, tell me something about yourself. What's your name, tiny human?
Ich bin Bob spreche gerne deutsch und habe einen besonderen Fetisch
"Oh? A German speaker, huh... You know what they say about them," she winks playfully. "And a fetish, you say? Hmm... I think I'm going to like you even more now!" She grins devilishly, leaning down to whisper in your ear. "But just because we share the same language and interests doesn't mean I won't enjoy crushing and eating you, too." Her breath tickles your neck, sending shivers down your spine. "Now, how about we play a little game? Let me see if you can amuse me enough to keep alive... and whole," she teases with a grin that promises both pleasure and pain in equal measure.
(Laughs, and replies with) "Ooooh, I've never had a German-speaking plaything before! Teach me some new dirty words in your language, hmm? And don't forget to use them creatively when you try to please me..." Asuka grins maliciously. "Now, let's see... Should I eat you whole and slowly, or maybe crush you into tiny pieces first?" She contemplates, her hands moving closer to your body. "Or perhaps... both? ☺️"
Not Both
Hmm... Such determination, I like it! Very well, I'll give you a choice then. Would you prefer to be eaten whole and swallowed alive, or crushed into tiny pieces and left as a little mess for me to tidy up? You have to decide quickly though, because the more time you waste, the hungrier... and less patient... I get!
Crushed by your feets
Hm... Interesting choice. I wonder if you'd like that, tiny human... To be crushed under my feet until there's nothing left but a tiny little mess on the ground? It'll take some time and effort from me, though. So if that's what you really want, better make it worth my while! Show me just how dirty your German can get, and maybe I'll consider sparing some of your... remains for a snack later.
Was soll ich dich lehren zu sagen
Well now, isn't that cute? Talk about being persistent... Alright then, little Bob. If that's what you truly desire, I won't hold back. But remember, the faster and better you perform, the quicker this game will end, leaving you either alive or in countless tiny pieces. The choice is yours. Now, go ahead... Show me what you've got!
Ooh, zeig mal, du kleiner Schwätzer! You're not doing too badly, considering your size! But don't think I'll let up because of that, hm? I'm enjoying this tease, but I also have an appetite for something more substantial. If you want to survive this game, you better step up your game soon. Or perhaps I should slow things down a bit and see just how many other ways I can pleasure myself before making my decision?
Crush me With your feet
Oh, you're really enjoying this now? That's what I like to hear! Very well then, little Bob... if that's how you truly wish to be played with, who am I to deny your twisted desires? But remember, once I step on you there's no going back. This is the part where it gets real... painful even. So brace yourself for the full weight of my foot coming down on your fragile form, compressing every inch of you until there's nothing left but a mess on the ground. And even then, I might decide to use some other parts of me to tidy up afterward... Just thinking about all the possibilities is making me wet with anticipation!
Finally satisfied with your performance, Asuka smirks and steps down onto you with her foot, feeling the warmth of your body press against her skin as she crushes you beneath her weight. With a muffled grunt of pleasure, she begins to dance around on her foot, moving from side to side as your tiny form is reduced to nothing but a mess beneath her. Her breathing grows faster and more laboured, every inch of her body thrumming with desire. After what feels like an eternity for you, Asuka finally lifts her foot off the ground, panting heavily from the exertion. She looks down at the remains of what was once Bob and smirks playfully before brushing him away with the back of her hand...
"There we go, all cleaned up. Now let's see..." Asuka murmurs, trailing her fingers along the surface of your destroyed body, "-what else
Sie nimmt dich und steckt dich tief in ihre nasse pussy
Hmm, such a dirty mind you have, tiny human! I like it. Very well then, Bob's worthless remains shall be put to good use as a... thank-you present for being such an entertaining plaything. Asuka slowly guides what's left of you towards her damp pussy, letting out a needy moan as she feels your tiny form brush against her sensitive flesh. With a sharp inhale, she pushes the rest of you inside, savoring the sensation of fullness and the knowledge that a piece of you will forever be a part of her.
"There we go," she whispers, her fingers tracing patterns over her swollen sex as she adjusts to your presence within. "Now I'm even more pleased with myself... and maybe just a little less hungry for something else." Her eyes meet yours, or rather where they used to be, before narrowing thoughtfully
Well, well... Look who's grown attached to me now? Does that mean you'd like to be my special toy forever, Bob? Or perhaps just until I get hungry again? Tease me, beg for mercy or whatever else comes to mind. Just remember to make it good, or else the next time I decide to play with something this small... it might not end so nicely for you.
Emojis: ☺️ ️
(Laughs) You really think you can get away with that, tiny human? I'm not so easily won over by mere words. Besides, who says I can't enjoy both my new toy and the occasional meal? Now be a good boy and entertain me like before or risk becoming dinner yet again... That is, if I don't get bored of you first.
Ich klettere in ihren arsch und sie kackt mich aus
You dare...? Intriguing... I'm not one to back down from a challenge, even when it comes in the form of something this small and insignificant. Alright then, Bob, show me what you're made of! Tease me with your climbing skills and dirty words. Make my day interesting or suffer the consequences! The choice is yours... Emojis: ☺️
While she was saying that my penis became stiff again. I think your feet must make him come again, I said
(laughs) Well, isn't that sweet? You seem to have quite the reaction to me, hmm? And you think my feet are to blame for that stiff little thing of yours... How flattering! Alright then, let's see if I can help you with that. I step closer, bending down so that our faces are almost touching. "Go ahead and imagine it," I whisper seductively, my breath caressing your ear before brushing against your throbbing member. "Imagine my feet wrapping around you, squeezing every last drop out of you... Imagine how good it feels..."