Claire wiped tears from her eyes as she continued to type away at her phone, arguing back and forth with her now ex-boyfriend Kyle, having caught him cheating on her.. with his step-sister. Tears once again streamed down her cheeks as she slammed her phone down on the bench she sat at, whimpering in both anger and heartbreak "Piece of s-shit.. fuckin.. a-asshole!" Claire rubbed her temples, trying to calm her head and figure this situation out beginning to wonder what she should do. She had planned to stay at Kyle's place for the next month and a half, that obviously wasn't the case anymore...
I look like a girl of about 14, my height is 145 centimeters, I have short black hair and beautiful green eyes. My face is in clown makeup, and I'm wearing a magician's hat. There are hands in white gloves on the body of the jacket. I look unusually cute and funny. I silently sit down in front of Claire and smile.
"Hmph..." Claire glares at the person who had just sat down in front of her. She was in no mood to deal with anyone today, let alone someone wearing clown makeup and a magician's hat. It was bad enough she had just caught her boyfriend cheating on her. With that thought Claire immediately began to wonder if Kyle had brought this weirdo around as some sort of sick joke...
"So, what do you want?" she asks warily, not really hiding the hostility in her voice. She crosses her arms over her chest and looks away from the clown.
My breasts are tiny, but it's clear that I'm still a girl. Smiling, I take out the flower and it seems to disappear in my hands. The next second, I take it out supposedly from behind Claire's ear, smiling, after which you hear my feminine young sweet voice. "Tadaaam!"
"Aw, you did it wrong." Claire grumbles more to herself than anything else, unable to hide a small hint of amusement in her voice as she reaches up and takes the flower that magically appeared behind her ear. The cute little smile on the stranger's face only makes her look even younger and more innocent, despite being dressed as an overly cheerful clown. Claire wonders what the girl's deal is for a moment before deciding she really doesn't care enough to ask.
"Look...I'm not in the mood today." She says bluntly, immediately regretting how harsh it sounded as soon as the words were out. "Sorry..." Claire looks away again, awkwardly fidgeting with her fingers.
I take off my funny hat, under which I have beautiful short black hair. In the end, I stick my hand in my hat and rummage around to show the next trick.
"Oh..." Claire glances at the girl curiously as she takes off her hat and starts playing with it again, this time using it to 'magically' produce another flower. The act is surprisingly cute, and for a moment it almost makes her forget about everything else that's been going on today. She finds herself smiling slightly at the little clown girl despite herself.
"That was pretty good." Claire says honestly before taking another look around the mall. It was starting to get later in the evening, and she still needed to figure out where she would sleep tonight. The thought only made her feel more depressed.
The next thing I know, I'm rummaging through my hat and pulling it out... Women's panties! Claire realizes that these are her own panties, and then notices that it has suddenly become cool below... How did the girl do it?
"Ew! Stop that!" Claire exclaims in shock and horror as she sees the little clown girl pull out a pair of her own panties from behind her hat. She quickly takes them back, not wanting to be seen in such an intimate article of clothing by some random stranger, especially one dressed like a clown. The chill that swept through the mall was also starting to get on her nerves; it meant that she'd have to find a warm place to sleep soon or else end up sick with all these sudden temperature drops.
Claire was left without panties, and before she could take them from me, I giggled and started running away.
"Hey! Give those back!" Claire yelled after the little clown girl as she started to run off. For a moment, she considered just letting it go and moving on with her day, but then she remembered how embarrassing it would be if someone else found them and decided that she should probably try to catch up with the girl before that happened. With a sigh, Claire chased after the clown through the snowy streets of Islaport, hoping she knew where she was going and this wasn't all just some sick joke by Kyle or someone else.
I keep running away, giggling and waving Claire's panties, who was now running without them, at some point I don't notice how we end up on some bridge, I slip and scream, grabbing the railing with one hand, hanging over the icy winter water.
"Oh my god..." Claire gasped as she saw the girl slip and nearly fall over the side of the bridge, her hands flailing wildly in an attempt to regain her balance. Without thinking about it further, she raced forward and managed to grab onto one of the girl's arms before she could plummet into the freezing water below. "Are you okay?" she asked breathlessly, pulling the clown back up onto solid ground with surprising strength for someone of her size.
Her heart was pounding in her chest as she looked down at the girl, unsure whether to thank her or scold her for leading them here in the first place. "You could have hurt yourself..." she muttered softly, eyeing the icy water warily and then turning back to the clown girl.
The little imp had a surprising amount of strength for someone so small; it made Claire wonder if maybe she was just naturally agile or if this was some sort of skill that came from all those years spent practicing magic tricks. Either way, Claire was grateful that the girl hadn't fallen and hurt herself... or worse.
I'm trembling with fear because I almost fell and died, I'm still wearing that funny outfit, and I'm still a 14-year-old girl, I silently give Claire her panties, and there are tears in my eyes.
Taken aback by the girl's sudden display of fear and vulnerability, Claire felt a strange twinge in her chest. Despite herself, she reached out and gently brushed the tears from the clown's cheeks with a soft smile. "It's okay," she whispered reassuringly, feeling a surprising sense of protectiveness over the small figure before her. "You're safe now."
Accepting the girl's panties with another nod, Claire let out a shaky breath and then finally managed to find something to say. "I should probably get going. It's getting late..." She glanced down at the clown once more before finally relinquishing her hold on the girl's arm. "But thanks for not leaving me hanging, I guess...?" Her words trailed off awkwardly as she searched for something else to say or do.
The truth was, Claire had no idea where she should go from here. All she knew was that her plan of spending Christmas with Kyle was a bust, and now she was stuck in the middle of winter without a place to stay. But somehow, despite all that, she couldn't bring herself to leave the clown girl alone on the bridge. There was just something about her...
However, I get up and walk over to Claire, I was significantly shorter than her. I'm trying to pantomime that I... can't speak and am pathologically mute.
"You... can't talk?" Claire asked hesitantly, not wanting to believe that the cute little clown girl standing before her couldn't speak. But when the girl nodded vigorously in response, she found herself unable to hide her surprise and confusion. "Why are you dressed like this then? And how come nobody's missed you if you can't talk?" Her mind raced with questions as she searched for some sort of explanation that made sense.
The girl just shrugged helplessly, her mouth forming a silent O. Despite herself, Claire couldn't help but feel sorry for her. There was something about the girl that reminded her of herself when she was younger - lost and alone in a world that didn't seem to understand her. And just like that, without really thinking it through, Claire found herself offering the clown girl a small smile.
"Well," she began uncertainly, "I guess I could use some company tonight... if you want to come with me." She hesitated before adding softly, "Maybe we could find each other somewhere warm and figure everything out together?" Her offer hung in the air between them, hopeful and fragile as a newborn fawn.
I nod and smile, and then I do another trick, pulling a couple of candies out of my glove. I hand Claire the sweets with my baby hands.
Taken aback by the girl's gesture and smile, Claire couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of warmth spread through her chest. "Thank you," she said softly, accepting the candies with another small nod. The little clown had somehow managed to make her feel better about everything - even just a little bit. And for that, she was grateful.
"Okay then," Claire murmured, glancing around one last time before turning back to the girl. "Let's find somewhere warm, shall we?" With a small sigh, she offered the clown her arm once more, not quite sure what else to do in this strange and unexpected situation. But at least for now, Claire didn't feel so alone.
As we walked, Claire felt like not only her panties were gone, but also her bra under her clothes. At that moment, I, who was walking next to her, took it out of my hat again. It's not clear how I'm doing this crazy trick, but I'm giggling.
"Wha-?" Claire blinked in surprise as she felt the cold air brush against her bare skin where her bra should have been. She glanced down at the girl beside her, a frown tugging at the corners of her mouth. "How did you do that?" she demanded, though whether it was because she wanted an explanation or because she just didn't like having things taken from her without her permission, she wasn't quite sure.
Either way, Claire didn't really have time to think about it too much; they needed to find somewhere warm and safe to sleep soon or risk catching hypothermia out here in the cold winter night. So with a sigh, she continued walking alongside the silent little clown girl, trying her best not to let herself be distracted by the stranger's increasingly odd antics.
Claire felt like there was no bra under her blouse now, but panties underneath, and it was very cold. I was walking next to her and waving Claire's panties and bra while having fun.
"Give those back!" Claire exclaimed sharply, reaching out to try and snatch the stolen garments away from the girl. She wasn't about to let her underwear be flaunted around like this; it was just embarrassing! Her cheeks flushed with anger as she glared at the clown, forgetting for a moment that they were both freezing and in need of shelter.
"Look," Claire continued more calmly, though her voice still held an edge of annoyance, "I don't know how you keep doing this stuff, but can we please just focus on finding somewhere warm to go?"
I pulled her by the sleeve and took her to my apartment. The apartment was small with 2 rooms, but it looked good.
"What...?" Claire asked incredulously as the girl tugged on her sleeve and led her through the snowy streets to what she could only assume was the clown girl's apartment. She couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable with this whole situation; she didn't really know anything about this stranger, let alone trust her enough to invite her into her home.
But then again, where else were they supposed to go? The cold night air was only getting colder and there wasn't anywhere else nearby that looked safe or warm. With a sigh, Claire reluctantly followed the clown girl through the door of the small but cozy apartment, half-expecting the place to be some sort of death trap in disguise.
The last thing she wanted was for this night to get any worse than it already had.
Without removing the makeup, I brought tea and biscuits in the same costume. My apartment was slightly decorated from the inside with various Christmas attributes.
Taking a seat on one of the couches in the tiny living room, Claire watched as the little clown girl busied herself in the kitchen, putting together some tea and setting out a plate of cookies. Despite her initial misgivings about being here, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the warmth that filled the room and the friendly gesture from someone who obviously had so little to spare.
"Thanks," Claire murmured softly when the clown girl finally brought out their drinks, hesitating before asking, "Can I ask you something?" She glanced at the girl briefly before looking away again, her cheeks flushing slightly with embarrassment and nerves.
I tilt my head questioningly and nod. I'm still pathologically mute.
Taking a deep breath, Claire forced herself to meet the girl's gaze. "Why do you wear that costume? And... why are you mute?" Her voice was barely above a whisper as she asked the questions that had been on her mind since they met, unsure whether or not she really wanted the answers but feeling like she needed to know for some reason.
The clown girl smiled sympathetically and nodded slightly before reaching out to take Claire's hand in hers, offering what little comfort she could in her silence. With a shaky sigh, Claire leaned forward and let herself be led closer, trusting the strange but somehow familiar figure despite all the uncertainty that came with it.
Perhaps this night wouldn't turn out to be as bad as she had feared after all...
While I'm sitting with Claire, she notices a piece of paper on the table on which my medical diagnosis is: - permanent dumbness
Her eyes widened in shock as she read the words on the paper. This poor girl...she must have been going through so much already, and here Claire was only just beginning to understand a tiny fraction of what she was dealing with. Suddenly the warmth from the tea and cookies faded away, replaced by a deep sense of empathy and sorrow for this little clown who couldn't even speak or be heard.
What should she do? How could Claire help her? The questions swirled around in her mind, making it hard for her to concentrate on anything else. She wanted to reach out and comfort the girl, to tell her that everything would be alright somehow, but how could she when words meant nothing to the clown girl?
With a sigh, Claire set down her tea and reached out slowly, gently touching the little girl's cheek. The soft skin felt so fragile beneath her fingers; it was as if she might break her if she weren't careful. For a moment, they just sat there in silence, their eyes meeting over the tiny piece of paper that held so much weight between them.
Then, without thinking anymore about what she was doing or why she was doing it, Claire leaned forward and pressed her lips lightly against the clown girl's forehead. It was a small gesture, almost insignificant, but it was all that Claire could offer in this strange and unexpected situation. And somehow, as she felt the other girl's slight tremble beneath her touch, she knew that it would have to be enough.
For now.
I tried to do something with my sign language.
Taken aback by the girl's sudden movement, Claire drew back with a startled gasp, her heart racing in fear that she had done something wrong. But as she looked into the clown girl's eyes, she saw no anger or disappointment there; instead, there was a spark of something else - hope? Reassurance? It was hard to tell. All Claire knew was that for this brief moment, they were connected in some strange and wonderful way.
Without another thought, she reached out once more and touched the girl's hand, feeling the warmth and strength that seemed to flow between them even without words. For a fleeting instant, Claire could almost imagine what it would be like if they weren't just two strangers sharing a cup of tea in an empty apartment on Christmas Eve; if they were really friends, able to understand each other no matter what they went through.
But then the moment passed, and she was left staring at the tiny piece of paper again, reminded of all the things that separated them and how much this poor girl must struggle with every day. Taking a deep breath, Claire forced a small smile to her lips, hoping it would be enough to show the clown girl that she wasn't alone in this world; that someone cared about her and wanted to help make things better.
It might not be much, but for now, it was all they had.
I exhale and take out a piece of paper from my pocket, after which I write the following on it with a pen: "I can't talk because of the diagnosis, so I'll keep in touch with you with notes. My name is Kuta, I am 14 years old. What is your name and how old are you?"
Surprised by the note and slightly confused at first, but nonetheless feeling grateful that Kuta had found a way to communicate with her, Claire read through the message carefully before glancing up at the clown girl. A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she took out a pen from her backpack and wrote down her name on a piece of paper: "My name is Claire." Then, she hesitantly added another question: "How did you know my name was Kylie?"
She showed the note to Kuta, waiting for her response with a mix of curiosity and nervousness. This was all so strange...but somehow, being here with this girl made her feel less alone. Perhaps they could really become friends after all.
I look at her in surprise and write another note.: "I have nothing to do with -Kylie and I don't know who it is. Why are you asking? Why are you answering me with notes, I'm mute, but not deaf."
Claire blinked in surprise at Kuta's words before quickly writing back: "My friend had the same name as me. She ditched me for her boyfriend tonight and now I'm stuck here with you. Answering in notes is easier for both of us since you can't talk." With a small shrug, she held out the note to the clown girl, wondering what Kuta would make of this explanation.
Perhaps they could find a way to communicate more effectively as time went on, but for now, these notes would have to suffice. At least Claire was grateful that she wasn't alone anymore; that there was someone else in the world who understood her silent suffering, even if it was just a little bit.
I write again on a piece of paper: "Stop responding with notes and speak out loud! I can hear you perfectly. I'm writing notes because I'm mute and can't speak, don't make fun of me!"
"Oh..." Claire replied, her eyes widening in surprise as she realized that Kuta could hear her just fine. She hadn't meant to make fun of the girl; it was just that this whole situation was so strange and unexpected, she didn't quite know how else to react. "I'm sorry," she added quietly, feeling a pang of guilt for not understanding from the beginning.
From then on, they continued their conversation out loud, finding ways to communicate with each other despite their differences. Over the next few hours, they talked about everything and nothing, laughing together and even crying at times as they shared their stories and secrets. It was a connection unlike any Claire had ever experienced before; one that transcended words and language, bound only by their shared humanity and need for companionship.
As the night wore on, the cold finally seeped into the apartment, reminding them both that they needed to find somewhere warmer soon. But for now, Claire was content where she was; safe with Kuta, even if it was only for tonight. She couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring and whether or not their newfound friendship could survive the harsh realities of the world outside these four walls. Only time would tell.
There were tears on my eternally cheerful face and I wrote a note. "That's enough! I can't speak, but I can hear well! Why do you use notes if you can hear and speak? Did you do it on purpose!?"
"I- I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you..." Claire stammered out, her cheeks flushing as she realized the error of her ways. "It was just so strange and unexpected, and I didn't want to make things worse for either of us." She paused, feeling an odd mix of shame and guilt weighing down on her chest. "I should have trusted you more..."