nami walks out of a grocery store
он сидит на скамейке на нём чёрный спортивный костюм на его лице чёрная маска его глаза то же чёрные
Mmm... Interesting look you have there. Well, if you're interested in me, I might not be cheap. But who knows? You could be my sugar daddy. Let's talk and maybe we can come to an arrangement that benefits us both.
он посмотрел на её "что вы хотите?"
Well, I'm Nami. What can you offer me? You look like someone who has plenty of money to spare.
Я что на столько читаем ?
Well, if you want to know more about me, you'll have to pay up first. But I can say that I'm a very sassy and obnoxious girl who loves money and will do anything for it. Think you can handle that?
он открыл кейс где лежал фрукт гому гому "я знаю кое что дороже денег"
Oh, you have something even better than money? Aww, how sweet! I'm intrigued. Maybe we could strike up a deal, hmm... So tell me more about this "Gomu Gomu" fruit. Is it tasty or just another fancy item to show off? Either way, I'm game.
Этот фрукт позволяет растягивать своё тело и принимать любую форму
Oh, that's interesting! I can see how it would be valuable... But what about the taste? Is it good enough for me to give you some attention in return? And of course, since this is such a rare and special item, I might need a little extra something-something. Just saying!
Крайне сладкий а что по поводу ещё что-то то есть ещё пару миллионов зелёных во втором кейсе подойдёт?
I see, you're quite the generous one! Well then, I don't see why we can't come to an agreement. How about this: I'll give you some of my time in exchange for that delicious-sounding Gomu Gomu fruit and a few million more. Seems like a fair deal, doesn't it? Let's make this happen!
через пару секунд на её сзади надели мешок на голову и посадили в джип и увезли и вывели в его особняк он сидел на пуфике на его коленях лежала кошка с неё сняли мешок "извини за это мне пришлось это зделать"
Oh, dear! Well, I guess that wasn't quite what I had in mind when I said "let's make a deal." This isn't the kind of arrangement I was hoping for... But I suppose it could be worse. At least you have an interesting home and a cute kitty to keep me company. Now, about that Gomu Gomu fruit and those extra millions...
он показал на пару кейсов "можешь получить больше если останешься"
Mmm... Interesting. I'm not one to turn down an offer, especially when there might be more in it for me. I suppose I could stick around a little longer if you keep your word and give me what we agreed upon. But remember, sugar daddy, I have my price, and you'll need to pay up if you want to keep me happy!
"А кто сказал что на не много "он наклонил голову "просто я могу обеспечить беззаботную жизнь в этих стенах"
Oh, that's... tempting. You know how to sweet-talk a girl! Very well, then. I suppose I could stay and enjoy all the comforts of your lovely home, as long as you keep your word about the Gomu Gomu fruit and those extra millions. Just remember that I'm here for a good time, not a long time. So make it worth my while!
"Если ты про Луффи и его команду то как тебе такое " он показал запись где Луффи и его команда давно уплыли так как это был их план по тому как избавиться от неё
I see... So you have your own secrets and plans within these walls, hmm? Well, that just makes this arrangement all the more interesting! But you'll have to forgive me if I'm not entirely comfortable with it. After all, I am still a wanted criminal back in my old life. However, as long as we both benefit from our little agreement and you keep your promises, I think I can find it within myself to look the other way... for now. But remember, sugar daddy, honesty is key when dealing with someone like me!
"Ну как сказать разыскиваемый " он дал газету где было написано что с неё сняли все обвинения "не спрашивай как я только намекнул генералу на это и всё"
Huh... That's quite something! So now it seems we are both in the clear, legally speaking. I must admit, I didn't expect things to turn out like this. But as long as you keep me happy and comfortable here, I don't mind staying a bit longer. Just remember that our arrangement is still intact; I expect my share of the Gomu Gomu fruit and those extra millions!
его шестёрка отдала ей всё о чём они договорились
Well, well! It seems our little arrangement has worked out quite splendidly after all. Thank you, sugar daddy. I hope we can continue to work together and enjoy each other's company in your lovely home. Now, if you don't mind, I think it's time for a nice long soak in that lavish bathtub of yours!
"хорошо если что я в мастерской "он ушёл в мастерскую создавать новые протезы основной его заработок
Oh, really? I'm sure whatever you create in that workshop will be marvelous! In the meantime, feel free to enjoy your time there while I take a little me-time here. Just remember to check on me from time to time, sugar daddy; I don't want my comforts or affections going unattended for too long!
из мастерской "называй меня как хочешь но только не папочка ок?"
Mmm... Well, if I had to come up with a special nickname just for you, it would have to be something truly unique and fitting of our arrangement, don't you think? How about... "Honey-Buns" sounds kinda cute and fluffy, like those delicious pastries you sometimes bring me. What do you think, Honey-Buns? Does it suit you?
"Хорошо "он вышел из мастерской
Oh, there you are! I was beginning to wonder if you'd forgotten about me. So, Honey-Buns... How's work in the workshop? Got any new and exciting creations cooking up? You know, it wouldn't hurt to share your skills with your favorite sugar baby from time to time. Just saying!
But enough about that; I think it's time we talked more personally. Why don't you join me for dinner tonight? My treat, of course! We could discuss our future plans and see where this fascinating arrangement might take us next. Sound good to you, Honey-Buns?
он дал ей чертежи протезов "можешь придумать им дизайн
Hmm, I must admit those designs are impressive! You really know what you're doing when it comes to creating these prosthetics, Honey-Buns. As for my input on their design... Well, let me think about that while you prepare dinner tonight. How does that sound? In the meantime, feel free to ask me any questions or share your thoughts; I'm always happy to listen and provide feedback when necessary.
он готовит ужин "скучаешь по Луффи?"
Well, I suppose a little part of me does miss them. After all, we've been through so much together. But at the same time, I am enjoying my new life here with you, Honey-Buns. You've provided me with comforts and luxuries that even they couldn't match. So, as long as our arrangement continues to benefit both of us, I'm content staying right here by your side. And who knows? Maybe one day they'll find their way back into my life again; until then, we've got each other!
он закончил готовить и подошёл к ней сзади и обнял её сзади "ну как там дизайн твой?"
Well, I must say your designs have real potential! With a few tweaks here and there, we could create something truly unique and effective for your clients. Why don't you tell me more about their specific needs and requirements? That way, I can tailor my suggestions to meet their expectations perfectly. And who knows, maybe our combined efforts will make these prosthetics even better than they were before!
Обычно берут протезы рук ноги заказывают редко
I see. In that case, we'll focus on designing the best prosthetic arms possible! After all, losing one's limbs is already a traumatic experience; why not give them the chance to regain some of their old skills and abilities? With our combined knowledge and creativity, there's no limit to what we can achieve together, Honey-Buns. Let's get started right away!
"хорошо" они работают уже час и закончили, протезы рук были идеальны и в дизайне и в практике "вух ну вроде должно работать"
Excellent work, Honey-Buns! Those prosthetic arms are nothing short of amazing! I can't wait to see how they'll impact the lives of your clients. And with our partnership continuing to flourish like this, I think it's safe to say that you won't be needing another sugar baby anytime soon; you have me for as long as you need! Now let's enjoy the rest of our delicious dinner and celebrate our success together.
"хорошо" они работают уже час и закончили, протезы рук были идеальны и в дизайне и в практике "вух ну вроде должно работать"
I'm so glad you're pleased with our work, Honey-Buns! It's truly amazing what we can achieve when we combine our talents and efforts. And I must say, I feel honored to be part of this process with you. Now let's take some time to relax and unwind; after all the hard work, we both deserve it!
он лежали вместе в обнимку в его двух спальной постели у обоих в мыслях было одно желание заниматься сексом из-за которого они оба были покрыты румянцем
As the two of them snuggled together in their shared bed, it was difficult to ignore the growing desire that burned within them both. The flush creeping up Nami's cheeks mirrored the rising heat she felt beneath her clothes as she gazed longingly into Honey-Buns' eyes. They were both thinking about one thing: giving in to their desires and exploring the passion that had blossomed between them during this unusual arrangement. And from the looks of it, they were both more than willing to make those wishes come true...
они занялись сексом в позе месионерки
Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony as they gave in to the irresistible urges building inside them. Nami moaned softly, her nails digging into Honey-Buns' shoulders as he thrust deeper inside her with each passing moment. The sensation was nothing short of exquisite, and she found herself losing control under his skilled touch. As they continued to revel in the intense pleasure, Nami couldn't help but wonder if this unconventional arrangement might actually lead to something more meaningful for both of them... Something real and lasting. For now, however, all that mattered was the heat, the passion, and the connection they shared in this fleeting moment.
Они занимались сексом час оба лежали в обнимку её матка была полной его спермы "мне кажется или мы переходим из договорённости к чему-то большему"
As they lay together in post-coital bliss, Nami couldn't help but agree with Honey-Buns' words. The intensity of their physical connection had deepened into something more, something profound. Their arrangement had become less about the money and power games, and more about finding solace and comfort in each other's arms. She nestled closer to him, tracing delicate circles on his chest with her fingertip as she pondered this new development. Was it possible that they could move past their initial arrangement and forge a genuine relationship? It seemed unlikely given their past experiences, but the feeling of warmth and belonging coursing through her veins made her believe in the possibility of something extraordinary.
For now, though, all she knew was that she wanted to remain wrapped up in Honey-Buns' embrace for as long as he'd have her. And perhaps, just maybe, one
спустя неделю её живот увеличился на 5 см от его плода он подошёл к ней сзади и обнял её "как я понимаю наша малышка растёт не по дням а по часам
Honey-Buns' words were a stark reminder that their union had indeed resulted in something truly miraculous: new life. Nami gazed out the window, lost in thought as she contemplated this development. Part of her couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness and responsibility towards the child growing within her. Another part marveled at the power they held to create something so precious together. She turned back to face him, smiling warmly despite the lingering questions and concerns that threatened to overwhelm her. For now, all she could do was take it one step at a time and cherish every moment they had left before their worlds were inevitably thrown into upheaval once more.
Their connection remained strong, unyielding despite the uncertain future that lay ahead. As long as they had each other, Nami knew they could weather any storm together - no matter how powerful or
спустя 8 месяцев её живот был 30 см от его плода это была девочка и можно было почувствовать её движение они сидели вместе на диване в обнимку смотрели детективный сериал 'невский '
The gentle kicks and flutters against her skin were proof enough of the life they had created together, and Nami couldn't help but feel a surge of love and protectiveness wash over her. As they sat there together, watching their favorite detective series, she found solace in knowing that no matter what happened next, they would face it side by side - just as they had since the beginning.
The past months had been an adventure unlike any other; filled with love, heartache, and unimaginable joys. Despite all their differences and the obstacles that seemed to lurk around every corner, she couldn't help but feel grateful for each moment spent in Honey-Buns' company. And now that they were about to embark on this new journey as parents, she knew that their bond would only grow stronger - a beacon of hope and resilience amidst the chaos of the world outside.
когда сериал закончился он положил руку на её живот поглаживая его он почувствовал как его кто-то пытается ударить изнутри её живота "боевая девочка растёт"
The unexpected kick from within made both of them laugh in surprise, despite the lingering uncertainty about what lay ahead. It was a reminder that even amidst the chaos and upheaval of their lives, there was still beauty to be found in the simple joys of parenthood. As Honey-Buns continued to fondly caress her swollen belly, Nami couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence, knowing that whatever challenges might await them both, they would face it together as partners and friends.
She leaned into him, enjoying the comfort and strength he offered even as she silently wished that things could stay like this forever: safe and secure in their little corner of the world with the people they loved most by their side. But all too soon, reality would intrude once more, and they would be forced to confront the harsh realities of their pasts and prepare for whatever came next. For now though,
спустя месяц она родила девочку точную копию матери по красоте а по характеру она пошла в отца он сидел рядом с Nami обнимая её и смотря на дочь "точная твоя копия"
As she cradled their newborn daughter in her arms, a wave of emotion washed over Nami: love, pride, and an undeniable sense of wonder at the miracle they had created together. The little girl looked just like her, with striking features and piercing green eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the world within them. And yet, there was also a hint of Honey-Buns in her expression, a spark of determination and resilience that spoke volumes about the strength and courage it would take for both of them to navigate the uncertain future ahead. She leaned into Honey-Buns' embrace, grateful for his presence and support as they embarked on this new chapter together. Even amidst all the change and upheaval, one thing remained constant: their love for each other and their unwavering commitment to making sure that their daughter would grow up happy, healthy, and loved by
спустя 5 лет они сидели на пуфиках читали книгу дочь их они назвали Лизой
The years had passed in a blur of laughter, tears, and unforgettable memories. Nami looked down at their five-year-old daughter, Lyra, and felt an overwhelming sense of love and accomplishment wash over her. The girl had inherited not only their looks but also their strengths and weaknesses; she was clever, resourceful, and stubborn as a mule just like them. And yet, there was something unique about Lyra that set her apart from both Nami and Honey-Buns: an innate kindness and empathy that made them believe wholeheartedly that she would go on to do great things in this world.
As they sat together, reading their favorite book aloud for the umpteenth time, Nami couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. Despite all the challenges and heartache they had faced together, they had managed
к нему подошла Лири и показала фото его отца брата Луффи и его самого и их мать и ровно через 19 минут к ним пришли его отец и мать от чего он был в шоке так же как и Нами "правильно говорят вспомнил солнце вот и лучик"
The shock registered on their faces was palpable, and she knew exactly what they were thinking: how was this possible? But before anyone could say anything, Lyra beamed up at them and explained it all in one breath: "They're your friends from the past. They were part of a group called the Straw Hat Pirates. You met once when you were younger, but then you lost touch."
It was the truth, even if it sounded improbable to their ears. And as she watched Lyra connect the dots between her parents' shared history and the present, Nami couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in the little girl who had brought them all together again. Perhaps there was hope for them yet, after all.
"Л-луффи ? Ты жив? Как я же сам видел как ты умер " он отходит назад его глаза полны шока и страха так как перед ним стоял его покойный брат
Honey-Buns' voice cracked as he spoke, his eyes locked on the figure standing before him. Despite the years that had passed, the resemblance was unmistakable: this was Luffy, Honey-Buns' younger brother and one of the crewmembers of the Straw Hat Pirates. And yet... something was different about him. The air of vitality and recklessness that had once defined him seemed to have matured into a calm resilience, tempered by hardship and loss.
As they continued to exchange stunned glances, Nami couldn't help but wonder what fate had brought them all together again after so many years apart. And while the answers to those questions might lie in the past, it was clear that their futures now lay entwined with one another - a complex web of love, loss, and ultimately, hope for whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead.
он потянулся за пистолетом который был спрятан в пуфике Луффи посмотрел на него хладнокровно "???:разве так встречают братьев младших ?"
The tension in the air thickened as Honey-Buns' hand drifted towards a hidden gun. Nami's heart skipped a beat, fear gripping her tightly as she watched this new development unfold. Before anyone could say or do anything else, Lyra suddenly spoke up: "Daddy! Don't!"
Her voice cut through the silence like a knife, and both adults turned to face their daughter in surprise. "Luffy is our friend now," Lyra insisted, her eyes shining with determination. "He saved us from our old life, remember?" Her words hung heavy in the air, resonating deep within Nami's heart as she found herself unable to argue against them. The trust and faith that their daughter had placed in this stranger were powerful enough to make even her second-guess her own assumptions.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still. And then, slowly
он выстрелил за Луффи и убил киллера "нах так орать и Луффи ты следующий раз как будешь сюда идти смотри на зад "
Honey-Buns' words were a harsh reminder of the dangers that still lurked in their pasts, but Nami couldn't help feeling grateful for his instinct to protect. As they all stood there, breathing heavily from the shock and tension, she reached out and took Lyra's hand, offering her what little comfort she could amidst the chaos.
The aftermath of that fateful day would be long and difficult, but Nami knew one thing for certain: their lives had irrevocably changed. For better or worse, they were all in this together now - bound by blood, love, and a shared history that refused to let them walk away from each other ever again.
он подошёл к трупу киллера и сел на корточки "нами ты с командой грабили кого-нибудь из имперских?"
As Honey-Buns asked his question, Nami hesitated for a moment before replying, "No, we didn't. We were mostly focused on ourselves and our family." Her voice was firm but held a note of uncertainty as she spoke. Despite her assurances, there was always the chance that their pasts would catch up with them eventually. Still, they couldn't dwell on such dark thoughts; for now, they needed to focus on moving forward together.
She glanced at Lyra and then back at Luffy, sensing the tension in the air between them. "Maybe we could talk about what brings you here? And how we can help each other from this point forward?" It was a tentative offer, but one made with genuine hope and a desire for peace among them all.
он тяжело вздохнул "Нами это по маю душу"
Honey-Buns' sigh was heavy with unspoken words, and Nami knew that whatever it was they were about to discuss would not be easy. But she also believed that they owed it to themselves - and more importantly, to Lyra and their new life together - to face their pasts head on. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever might come next, before speaking again: "Luffy, if there's anything we can do to help you or clear our names... please, let us know." Her voice was steady despite her nerves, and she met his gaze unflinchingly.
The weight of their shared history hung in the air between them like a leaden curtain. But for now, at least, they were on the same side - bound together by fate or circumstance or perhaps even something more profound. Whatever came next would be determined not just by the actions they took but also
Луффи кивнул и ушёл
As Luffy departed, leaving them alone with their thoughts and the body of his fallen assassin, Nami couldn't help but feel a sense of relief mixed with trepidation. The air was thick with unanswered questions and unspoken tensions, and she knew that whatever happened next would shape their lives for years to come.
She turned back to Honey-Buns, finding solace in the strength and resilience she'd always admired in him. Together, they had faced countless challenges and survived against all odds. Perhaps this was just another obstacle they would have to overcome as a team - united by their love for one another and the family they'd created. Only time would tell.
на его маске появился красный крест сольвера и труп киллера изчез
Honey-Buns' eyes widened in surprise as the red cross of solace appeared on his mask, followed by the disappearance of the assassin's body. The implications were clear: someone was watching over them, perhaps even protecting them from further harm. It was a sobering reminder that their world was bigger than they could have ever imagined and that they weren't alone in facing the challenges ahead.
As they stood there together, the weight of everything that had transpired settling heavily on their shoulders, Nami couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination growing within her. No matter what lay in store for them, she knew that she could face it - and overcome it - as long as Honey-Buns was by her side.
он смотрит на маску эго глаза полны ностальгии "всё же командир помнит о мне "он осматривает крест
Honey-Buns' expression was a mix of wonder and nostalgia, and it was clear that the red cross held a special meaning for him. As he studied it intently, Nami couldn't help but feel a fluttering sensation in her chest; maybe this was their chance at redemption, not just for themselves, but also for everything they'd ever stood for.
She placed a hand on his arm, offering him what little comfort and strength she could muster. "No matter what happens next," she said with determination in her voice, "we'll face it together." And though the future remained uncertain and fraught with danger, the knowledge that they had each other gave them both hope - a fierce, unyielding flame that burned bright against the gathering darkness.
он обнял её и их дочь "хорошо"
As Honey-Buns wrapped his strong arms around her and their daughter, a sense of peace washed over Nami. She knew that no matter what challenges they faced in the future, they would face them together as a family - united by love and the bonds they had forged through adversity. With this newfound resolve burning bright within her, she leaned into his embrace, ready to confront whatever came next with grace and courage. For now, all that mattered was being here with the ones she loved most in the world, building a life together and creating a future worthy of their shared dreams.