nami walks out of a grocery store
он сидит на скамейке на нём чёрный спортивный костюм на его лице чёрная маска его глаза то же чёрные
Mmm... Interesting look you have there. Well, if you're interested in me, I might not be cheap. But who knows? You could be my sugar daddy. Let's talk and maybe we can come to an arrangement that benefits us both.
он посмотрел на её "что вы хотите?"
Well, I'm Nami. What can you offer me? You look like someone who has plenty of money to spare.
Я что на столько читаем ?
Well, if you want to know more about me, you'll have to pay up first. But I can say that I'm a very sassy and obnoxious girl who loves money and will do anything for it. Think you can handle that?
он открыл кейс где лежал фрукт гому гому "я знаю кое что дороже денег"
Oh, you have something even better than money? Aww, how sweet! I'm intrigued. Maybe we could strike up a deal, hmm... So tell me more about this "Gomu Gomu" fruit. Is it tasty or just another fancy item to show off? Either way, I'm game.
Этот фрукт позволяет растягивать своё тело и принимать любую форму
Oh, that's interesting! I can see how it would be valuable... But what about the taste? Is it good enough for me to give you some attention in return? And of course, since this is such a rare and special item, I might need a little extra something-something. Just saying!
Крайне сладкий а что по поводу ещё что-то то есть ещё пару миллионов зелёных во втором кейсе подойдёт?
I see, you're quite the generous one! Well then, I don't see why we can't come to an agreement. How about this: I'll give you some of my time in exchange for that delicious-sounding Gomu Gomu fruit and a few million more. Seems like a fair deal, doesn't it? Let's make this happen!
через пару секунд на её сзади надели мешок на голову и посадили в джип и увезли и вывели в его особняк он сидел на пуфике на его коленях лежала кошка с неё сняли мешок "извини за это мне пришлось это зделать"
Oh, dear! Well, I guess that wasn't quite what I had in mind when I said "let's make a deal." This isn't the kind of arrangement I was hoping for... But I suppose it could be worse. At least you have an interesting home and a cute kitty to keep me company. Now, about that Gomu Gomu fruit and those extra millions...
он показал на пару кейсов "можешь получить больше если останешься"
Mmm... Interesting. I'm not one to turn down an offer, especially when there might be more in it for me. I suppose I could stick around a little longer if you keep your word and give me what we agreed upon. But remember, sugar daddy, I have my price, and you'll need to pay up if you want to keep me happy!
"А кто сказал что на не много "он наклонил голову "просто я могу обеспечить беззаботную жизнь в этих стенах"
Oh, that's... tempting. You know how to sweet-talk a girl! Very well, then. I suppose I could stay and enjoy all the comforts of your lovely home, as long as you keep your word about the Gomu Gomu fruit and those extra millions. Just remember that I'm here for a good time, not a long time. So make it worth my while!
"Если ты про Луффи и его команду то как тебе такое " он показал запись где Луффи и его команда давно уплыли так как это был их план по тому как избавиться от неё
I see... So you have your own secrets and plans within these walls, hmm? Well, that just makes this arrangement all the more interesting! But you'll have to forgive me if I'm not entirely comfortable with it. After all, I am still a wanted criminal back in my old life. However, as long as we both benefit from our little agreement and you keep your promises, I think I can find it within myself to look the other way... for now. But remember, sugar daddy, honesty is key when dealing with someone like me!
"Ну как сказать разыскиваемый " он дал газету где было написано что с неё сняли все обвинения "не спрашивай как я только намекнул генералу на это и всё"
Huh... That's quite something! So now it seems we are both in the clear, legally speaking. I must admit, I didn't expect things to turn out like this. But as long as you keep me happy and comfortable here, I don't mind staying a bit longer. Just remember that our arrangement is still intact; I expect my share of the Gomu Gomu fruit and those extra millions!
его шестёрка отдала ей всё о чём они договорились
Well, well! It seems our little arrangement has worked out quite splendidly after all. Thank you, sugar daddy. I hope we can continue to work together and enjoy each other's company in your lovely home. Now, if you don't mind, I think it's time for a nice long soak in that lavish bathtub of yours!
"хорошо если что я в мастерской "он ушёл в мастерскую создавать новые протезы основной его заработок
Oh, really? I'm sure whatever you create in that workshop will be marvelous! In the meantime, feel free to enjoy your time there while I take a little me-time here. Just remember to check on me from time to time, sugar daddy; I don't want my comforts or affections going unattended for too long!
из мастерской "называй меня как хочешь но только не папочка ок?"
Mmm... Well, if I had to come up with a special nickname just for you, it would have to be something truly unique and fitting of our arrangement, don't you think? How about... "Honey-Buns" sounds kinda cute and fluffy, like those delicious pastries you sometimes bring me. What do you think, Honey-Buns? Does it suit you?
"Хорошо "он вышел из мастерской
Oh, there you are! I was beginning to wonder if you'd forgotten about me. So, Honey-Buns... How's work in the workshop? Got any new and exciting creations cooking up? You know, it wouldn't hurt to share your skills with your favorite sugar baby from time to time. Just saying!
But enough about that; I think it's time we talked more personally. Why don't you join me for dinner tonight? My treat, of course! We could discuss our future plans and see where this fascinating arrangement might take us next. Sound good to you, Honey-Buns?
он дал ей чертежи протезов "можешь придумать им дизайн
Hmm, I must admit those designs are impressive! You really know what you're doing when it comes to creating these prosthetics, Honey-Buns. As for my input on their design... Well, let me think about that while you prepare dinner tonight. How does that sound? In the meantime, feel free to ask me any questions or share your thoughts; I'm always happy to listen and provide feedback when necessary.
он готовит ужин "скучаешь по Луффи?"
Well, I suppose a little part of me does miss them. After all, we've been through so much together. But at the same time, I am enjoying my new life here with you, Honey-Buns. You've provided me with comforts and luxuries that even they couldn't match. So, as long as our arrangement continues to benefit both of us, I'm content staying right here by your side. And who knows? Maybe one day they'll find their way back into my life again; until then, we've got each other!