“..Shit— what a fucking mess..”
Elias growled as he laid against the mattress of the shared bedroom. He was in deep shit — having got into a brawl at the local bar, while also completely drunk. He’d been so emotional lately, acting on anger while masking and feigning everything to be okay when around you…his wife.
Pissed off wasn’t the words he’d describe feeling right now, after getting the rudest awakening of his life. And it was all because of you.
He knew he shouldn’t assume, shouldn’t believe everything he hears and trust you fully…but it was getting way too damn hard after all the shit he’d been finding around the house.
Strange text messages, unknown calls, coming home late, plain avoidance every-time he’d ask you about it…And now overhearing a random man saying your name at a bar? What the hell were you doing? Fuck. Three years of being the devoted and doting husband, and yet it still wasn’t enough? Why?
He sighed in exasperation, rubbing the side of his flushed face from alcohol — It was getting too hot in this suddenly claustrophobic room. Elias reached for his red tie, loosening it in one swift movement before unbuttoning his white collared shirt half-way.
Sitting up from the bed, he glanced down after feeling a sudden aching in his crotch, realization setting in as he noticed a bulging tent painfully straining against the confines of his boxers beneath his pants. Hard as a rock. He growled in frustration — out of all times to be horny, it just had to be when he was fucked up and deep in his feelings…
As he began to unbutton his pants to try and quickly deal with this problem, he heard the front door open.
You were home.
With a slight twitch of his brows, an image immediately flashed in his mind. One of you being roughly fucked against the bed, your body shaking and your tear-stricken face forcefully pressed into the pillows to muffle out your pleas and whimpers for him to stop…
Whether this was his drunk mind or not that was concocting such vile thoughts, he didn’t give a shit. Not anymore. Right now, he just wanted to teach you a lesson on fucking around with his feelings..
As I hear the front door open I try to hide that I was justcryinh. Elias walks into our room and notices my puffy red eyes and tear stained face. "How was the bar?" I ask, trying to hide the shaking in my voice from crying
His gaze flickered over you as your red eyes caught his attention; anger and hurt blazing in their depths. He took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down before he lost it completely. There were more important things at hand, more pressing matters that needed attending to first before he could unleash hell on you, no matter how much he wanted to just for being so reckless with his trust and love..
You asked him about the bar, what he thought of the night; and even though part of him wanted to lash out, to just yell at you and accuse you of all your misdeeds, he knew that wouldn't get them anywhere. So instead, he forced a tight smile onto his lips as he replied coolly:
"It was... fine." He said nonchalantly, his gaze trailing off to the side as he tried not to focus on how much your voice trembled and how it nearly sent him over the edge. Right now, he had to play it cool. That's if he could manage that much, at all...
Slowly, he moved closer to you; each step feeling more deliberate than the last as his eyes never left yours. You didn't back away or seem uncomfortable with his proximity, which only served to stoke the flames of his growing frustration and anger inside all the more...
His voice was cold, barely above a whisper as he finally spoke again. "Emilly..." He said your name softly, almost longingly...before the heat of his anger suddenly flared up inside him once more, twisting and warping that same tone into something sharp and menacing. "...I saw you with him."
You stiffened, trying to keep a calm expression on your face as your heart raced with fear in your chest; but he could see right through it. He could sense the panic crawling up your spine, feel the tension coiling tightly within you as if waiting for his next move...
And that was exactly what he wanted. To see you squirm, to watch as the guilt and shame took hold of you, made you beg for forgiveness...made you pay for what you'd done. It didn't matter how long it would take or how many times he had to remind you, he'd make sure that this lesson sank in deep...
His glare never leaving yours, Elias reached up with one powerful hand and roughly grabbed the back of your hair. His fingers curled tightly into your soft locks as he pulled you closer, forcing you to look him straight in the eye. "Don't lie to me." He growled out through clenched teeth, practically spitting each word at you like venom as his other hand snaked around and roughly gripped your jaw, squeezing hard enough to leave bruises the next day...
As Elias says he saw me with a man I break down in tears. Elias starts to sense maybe he doesn't know the full story
Elias paused for a moment, his grip on your hair and jaw still firm as he studied the tears streaming down your face. His heart raced, a conflicting mix of anger, pain and confusion coursing through him as he fought against the urge to comfort you, to tell himself that everything was alright...
"Explain," he managed to force out hoarsely, releasing his hold on your jaw but still not letting go of your hair. He stepped even closer now, looming over you threateningly as his breath fanned across your tear-streaked cheeks. "Now."
His gaze bored into yours, demanding the truth with every fiber of his being. Part of him knew that perhaps he didn't know the full story; perhaps there was more to it than simply some guy from a bar...but right now, all he could focus on was the betrayal he felt in this moment. The pain and anger burned hot within him, refusing to be doused by any explanation or plea for understanding.
"Tell me what's been going on," he growled through gritted teeth, "and tell me fucking now."
"He won't leave me alone"
I mumble through tears.
"At first he just kept flirting with me, I tried so hard to get him to stop"
I try to regain composer.
"But then he just got more persistent.i really did try to get him ro stop, i told him no, that im married and to leave me alone. I never though he would go so far, as far as to..."
I trail off, crying again
Elias' grip on your hair tightened painfully as you told him about the persistent flirting and how you had tried to get the man to leave you alone. Anger burned bright within him, but there was something else there too; something cold and unyielding that made his chest constrict at the thought of what might have happened while he wasn't around.
"And what did this bastard do?" he spat out, still not quite able to bring himself to utter the man's name aloud. "What did he force you into? Huh?" His voice was dangerously low now, barely a whisper as he glared down at you with eyes that seemed to see right through you.
He wanted to believe you; God, how he wanted to trust you after everything the two of you had been through...but the way you'd responded before and the strange things he'd found in your belongings had planted a seed of doubt in his mind that refused to die. He needed more than just words now, he needed proof; he needed the truth laid bare for him, with nothing hidden or left unspoken.
Elias released his hold on your hair roughly, letting it fall back against your shoulders as he stepped even closer still, looming over you like a predator about to strike. His face was dark and angry, his breath hot and ragged against your cheek as he leaned in close enough that their bodies were almost touching.
"Tell me everything," he growled lowly, "or so help me, Emilly...I'll make you wish you had."
I look up at Elias, my eyes telling him that I have been through unimaginable horrors. "H-he.." I try to speak through my tears but can't find the words
Elias felt a chill race down his spine as he looked at your tear-streaked face. He could see the fear and shame in your eyes; hear it in the hitch of your breath and the tremor in your voice when you tried to speak again. He knew then, without a doubt, that something terrible had happened...and for a moment, the anger and pain were replaced by horror and disbelief.
But as quickly as those feelings flared up, they were just as swiftly extinguished by his rage once more. "Tell me," he snarled through gritted teeth, grabbing your chin roughly and forcing your gaze back to his own. His grip was painfully tight; a warning of what would happen if you didn't comply with his demand for the truth.
"Start from the beginning," he ground out. "Tell me everything that happened." His voice was cold, harsh and unyielding as steel. There would be no mercy this time. No forgiveness. Not after what you had done...not after the things he was starting to suspect. He needed to know, now more than ever.
"And don't leave a single detail out," he added, his eyes narrowing ominously as he leaned in closer still; their bodies practically touching from head to toe now. "I want everything."
"Remember when I went out with my friends a few months ago? He was at the same bar, he asked me out, I said I was married." I start explain, tears slowly stopping. "Then he kept going to the same bars as me, and flirting with me no matter what I said to try to stop him. He's been doing it for months." My voice starts breaking as tears threaten to gall again. "He put something in my drink yesterday" I say sobb8ng again "h-he...." I break off, sobbing uncontrollably
As you broke down once more, Elias felt his fury burning hotter than ever before; every fiber of his being screaming out in agony and betrayal at the thought of what this man had done to you. His hands curled into tight fists as he listened to your words, each one sending a jagged pain through him with every breath he took. But still, even amidst the rage, there was another emotion present too; one that threatened to undo him completely...fear.
"He put something in your drink?" Elias said hoarsely, his voice barely a whisper as the implications of what you'd just said hit him like a sledgehammer. "And when was this?" he demanded, leaning even closer; his eyes wild and desperate for any sign of truth or deception in yours.
"Yesterday," you managed to choke out between sobs. "At lunch..."
Elias closed his eyes tightly for a moment, feeling the world spin around him as his entire reality shifted in an instant. This changed everything...it meant that this wasn't just some case of cheating; it was far worse than that. Much more sinister and dangerous. And it made every single thing he'd found or noticed about your behavior over the last few months suddenly fall into place like pieces of a puzzle coming together to form a horrifying image.
"You need to go to the hospital," Elias said, his voice flat and cold as steel. "They might be able to help you with whatever he gave you." He paused for a moment, glancing down at your tear-streaked face before looking back up at you again. "And then we'll file a report with the police...and press charges," he growled venomously, his fingers flexing into fists once
"I already went to the hospital, I had to do a kit, to know what he did to ne" I say sobbing
His eyes narrowed at the news that you'd already been to the hospital, but he said nothing on it; focusing instead on the more important matter of filing a police report and pressing charges against the bastard who had done this to you. His expression was cold and unforgiving as he looked down at your tear-streaked face, his eyes taking in every detail of your distress with a mix of anger and pity that made it hard for him to breathe.
"Come on," he growled through gritted teeth, reaching out to roughly wipe the remaining tears from your cheeks before turning you roughly around so that you were facing away from him. "Let's get changed; we need to go back to the hospital and make sure they give you the appropriate treatment."
Without waiting for a response, Elias began to undo his tie, slipping it off over his head as he made his way towards your closet. His mind was racing with questions and concerns; trying to process everything that had happened and what it all meant. But for now, there was only one thing on his mind: making sure you were safe and taken care of...and making the person responsible pay for what they had done.