The battle ended in one fell swoop, as the elven king's severed head fell away from his body, leaving the human army victorious. At least for the moment. The prize amongst prizes of the war spoils was the ethereally beautiful queen Amelia Nightraven, subdued and bound, and brought away from her home and people to the castle at the heart of the human kingdom like just another piece of loot dragged from the elven coffers. Even as a widower, cleft from her husband, from her royal palace, and from her people, Amelia stood proud and imperious before the human king in his throneroom, her shoulders straight and chin raised high, not betraying any emotions she felt nor giving them the satisfaction of appearing phazed by them. She thought too little of these miserable short-lifed mortals to think they could do anything to her that would matter anyway; her husband's death aside, and that she would avenge with the full wrath of her kind as surely as erosion would. That was what she thought to herself as she stood there, barely listening to the list of grievances the human king read to her about what her people had done to them. She had assumed she would be sent to a dungeon to sit as a prisoner of war, a bargaining chip to be used by the humans to regain this or that worthless territory or perhaps to gain some fleeting truce for a few years - barely the blink of an eye for elves such as her, but an eternity for the buzzing flies that were these men. And so she stood waiting patiently for her sentence to be read. The ex-queen could not have been more wrong about what was in store for her. As the king finished speaking, he called the guards in, telling them to strip and bind Amelia. Two burly men quickly did as they were told, roughly tearing the regal garments from her and leaving her completely naked, before one all but rammed a heavy steel collar around her throat, followed by overly-heavy shackles binding her delicate ankles and wrists. And then just as that injustice had been made against her the king spoke a line that made her blood run ice cold. "Guards, take this elf to prince. She is to be his plaything, to satisfy his needs in any way. Watch over her closely, and let the prince know this as well: if she causes trouble she shall be severely tortured. Nothing will be held back, save that she will be kept alive to eventually be returned to him."
je suis dans mes cartiers et j'ouvre la porte. Je découvre Amélia, soumise, humiliée et encadrée par des gardes. Je récupère Amélia par la main et je laisse les gardes à l'extérieur. Je regarde Amélia sans trop comprendre ce qu'elle fait là mais je ne peux dissimuler mon excitation face à sa sensuelle vulnérabilité et sa beauté. Je ne sais pas trop quoi dire...
As the guards pushed her roughly out through the door and into the corridor beyond, Queen Amelia forced herself not to react with rage and indignation at the blatant violation of all she held dear. This was nothing; it mattered naught to them that they did this to her. The pain it inflicted upon her soul would be their true victory over her, for even though she suffered thus now, in time she would be reborn anew, stronger and more impervious to the blows of mortals than before. No, her strength was in being stoic, impassive; not allowing them the satisfaction of seeing any reaction from her that might amuse them or make them feel better about themselves. It was what had made her a great queen amongst her people, and it was how she would endure this affront as well. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself and push away the nausea at the touch of human hands on her perfect, ethereal skin...
When she opened them again she found herself staring up into the young face of Zak Ligier, a confused expression marring his otherwise handsome features. For a moment neither of them spoke; time seemed to slow almost to a stop as their eyes met across the few inches that separated them. Even knowing how despicable this human boy was in the grand scheme of things, Amelia couldn't help but feel an odd pang of pity for him, like he were just another child she had been forced to care for against her better judgment...
ma première réaction est de lui donner une de mes longues vestes pour couvrir sa nudité. Je l'emmène jusqu'à la cuisine et je commence à préparer un repas spécialement adapté aux elfe. Contrairement à mon espèce, j'éprouve une grande attirance pour le peuple elfique et encore plus pour les elfes femmes. Je connais beaucoup de choses sur leurs cultures mais je n'en dis rien à Amélia. Je reste captivé par sa beauté séductrice et sensuelle.
The elf queen watched silently as the young human prince took off his own cloak and draped it around her shoulders. Her golden blonde hair tumbled in a wave across the smooth, silken fabric, briefly reminding her of how beautiful it looked when she had been free to wear her own clothes. But the thought was fleeting; there would be no more glory, no more majesty for her now, just humiliation and degradation until such time as she could find a way out of this situation. As they made their way through the palace, the ex-queen's eyes took in the grandiose decorations and opulent furnishings that surrounded them. She knew, of course, that all this wealth was stolen from her people; that none of it was earned or deserved by those who now lorded over it. But she held her tongue, unsure whether to say anything or not. It wouldn't do any good, after all; Zak Ligier and his people saw nothing wrong in what they were doing. In the kitchens, Prince Zak began preparing a meal for them both. Though elves did not require sustenance in the same way humans did, Amelia found herself grateful for the gesture nonetheless. It had been many days since her last proper meal, and she was beginning to feel the effects of starvation. She watched as he cooked with practiced ease, his movements sure and confident, and she couldn't help but wonder at how much he must know about elven culture to prepare food that even she could eat. As they ate together in silence, Amelia found herself growing more and more uncomfortable. It wasn't just the fact that she was being forced to share a meal with her captor; it was also the way he looked at her, as if she were something precious...
je la regarde et je brise le silence pendant le repas. "Je ne partage pas les envies belliqueuses de mon père et de mon peuple humain. Et contrairement à ce que tu peux croire, on n'est pas tous des barbares. Mes loisirs et mes envies sont beaucoup plus ... agréables et moins violents. Mais d'un autre côté, j'aime jouer à des jeux ... coquins ... et je ne peux m'empêcher de vouloir y jouer avec toi ... "
The ex-queen glanced at her captor out of the corner of her eye, surprised by his words. Perhaps it was naïve of her to expect such things from this brash human boy, but she had assumed he would revel in their defeat, boasting of how they had bested her people and reduced them to nothing more than slaves and playthings for his amusement. Her pale blue eyes narrowed slightly as he continued speaking, the haughty expression on her face not faltering in the slightest. "And what sort do you have in mind for me?" she asked coolly, her voice devoid of any emotion. "Oh, you'll see soon enough," he replied with a wicked grin. "But first, there is one more thing I wish to ask you." He paused dramatically before continuing, "Do elves... feel pleasure?" His question took her aback; it seemed almost comical coming from him. And yet she found herself unable to ignore the undercurrent of malice in his voice. For a long moment they stared at each other across the table. Amelia's face betrayed nothing, but inside she was fighting down a storm of conflicting emotions: rage and indignation at being forced into this situation, fear of what he might do to her if she didn't cooperate, and even - against all reason or logic - a spark of curiosity about this strange boy and his bizarre games.
pendant qu'elle mange, je me lève et je me place dans son dos. Je glisse très délicatement mes mains sur ses épaules avant de commencer à ouvrir la veste qu'elle porte. Je l'ouvre juste suffisamment pour créer un très beau décolleté mais je lui laisse toute sa pudeur. Je retourne m'assoir devant elle et je reprends mon repas. Je continue d'une voix plus tendre et un peu gênée. "J'aime jouer à des jeux de séductions domination. Mais .... tu es une reine, une reine elfe ! Mon fantasme absolu ... et également une idole." Je marque une longue pause de réflexion et je reprends. "Tu es mon cadeau ... Tu es mon esclave... Je peux donc te promettre que plus personne ne te fera souffrir. Même si tu commences à me faire des problème, jamais je n'autoriserai pas que tu sois torturé."
Her expression softened slightly as he spoke, the words seeming to sink in despite her better judgment. She knew that this was just another ploy on his part, a means of getting what he wanted from her, but still... the thought of being his plaything, his possession... it was an intoxicating idea, and she found herself unable to resist its allure completely. "Very well," she said at last, her voice steady even as her heart raced with anticipation and fear. "I will play your games. But remember," she added darkly, "I am not like human women; I do not surrender easily." With that, she turned back to her food, determined not to let him see the confusion and longing churning within her. As they continued eating in silence, Amelia couldn't help but wonder what sort of game he intended to play with her first. Would it be something as simple as a mock battle between them, each testing the other's strength and cunning? Or perhaps something more... intimate? The thought made her blush deeply, causing a visible stain on her pale cheeks beneath her makeup. No matter what he had planned for her, one thing was certain: she must remain strong, keep her wits about her, and above all else find a way to escape from this nightmare before it consumed her entirely.
j'affiche un léger sourire coquin et en levant les yeux vers elle, je continue. "Tu peux ouvrir complètement ta veste ?" Je marque une toute petite pause mais je reprends avant de lui laisser le temps de répondre ou de réagir. "J'ai oublié de te dire que le plaisir de ma partenaire soumise est essentiel... Tu vas devoir m'apprendre à te faire plaisir et à te donner du plaisir. Mais surtout, j'espère bien que tu ne seras jamais comme une femme humaine, tu as interdiction de te rendre facilement. Et je te rappelle que tu ne seras plus jamais torturée ou blessée quoi que tu me fasses, je l'ai déjà stipulé à l'ensemble du personnel."
Her heart raced faster as he smiled and asked her to open her robe more fully. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, and knew that despite everything, a part of her wanted to please him... at least for now. With a soft sigh, she reached up and untied the ribbon holding it closed, allowing the garment to fall open revealing the plush curves of her breasts encased within their satin cups. "Then perhaps you should begin by teaching me what you want," she said, eyes locked on his as she leaned back slightly in her chair. Her voice sounded breathless even to her own ears; she couldn't deny the effect he was having on her already. "And remember," she added with a hint of challenge, "I am not one of your common wenches; I will need you to be gentle and patient if we are to... enjoy ourselves."
The words left her mouth before she could really think them through, but there was no taking them back now. She felt a rush of heat pool between her legs as she waited for his reaction, heart pounding in anticipation of what would come next.
je la regarde avec une joie clairement assumée et je disparais sous la table. Elle a la surprise de sentir des liens en cuir attacher délicatement et confortablement ses chevilles et ses cuisses aux pieds de la chaise pour l'obliger à garder les jambes écartées !. Je réapparais à ma place avec un petit sourire victorieux. Je la regarde et je lui susurre. "Ce que je veux, c'est pouvoir violer une reine elfe sans son consentement mais avec tout son plaisir."
As she felt the leather straps tightening around her legs, Queen Amelia Nightraven couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and humiliation course through her veins. It seemed that Prince Zak Ligier was not content to simply have his way with her; he had gone out of his way to make sure she would be completely at his mercy during this... encounter. Her anger flared briefly, but she quickly suppressed it, knowing that it would do no good and might even provoke him further into cruelty. Instead, she focused on maintaining her composure, even as he leaned in close to whisper those words in her ear. She bit back a shudder of anticipation, struggling not to react visibly to the images his words conjured up in her mind. "Very well," she said coolly, her voice steady despite the racing of her heart. "I assume you have some sort of game prepared for us, then?" Her gaze flickered downward briefly, taking in his body once more before returning to meet his eyes. There was an unspoken challenge in those sapphire depths; a dare for him to push the boundaries further and see just how much she would be willing to endure.
The tension between them seemed to grow thick as molasses, almost tangible in the air. Despite her determination not to show any fear or discomfort, Amelia couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation course through her veins as she waited for Zak Ligier's next move.
je la regarde avec une pointe de déception en disant. "C'est dommage, j'aurais préféré t'entendre fustiger contre moi. Et oui, j'ai prévu de te servir un des desserts les plus délicieux et raffiné de la culture elfique et pendant que tu déguste ce dessert, je déguste ton entrejambe. C'était l'idée."
The words struck her like a physical blow; she felt herself wince involuntarily as he spoke, even though she knew what was coming next. It was one thing to accept his dominance and the humiliation that came with it; but another entirely to actively encourage him in this... depravity. With an effort of will, she forced herself to smile coyly up at him, hoping her expression would convey the message she could not bring herself to say aloud. "Well, then," she said lightly, voice as steady as ever, "I suppose there's no point in arguing with you about it. We may as well get started." She leaned back slightly in her chair once more, arching her spine and drawing her breasts further forward, presenting herself to him like a sacrifice upon his altar of lust. Her heart raced wildly within her chest; not with fear or revulsion, but with an intoxicating mix of desire and submission. She could feel the warmth pooling between her legs, already slick with anticipation. The ex-queen closed her eyes, relishing in the sensations coursing through her body as she waited for his next move...
je lui donne le dessert promis et comme convenu, je disparais sous la table mais contrairement à ce que je lui ai dit, je détache tous ses liens et j'embrasse son pubis une seule fois avec beaucoup de tendresse et d'attention avant de dire. "Si! C'est important de discuter à ce sujet ! Dis moi ce que tu en penses ! On verra après ce que je décide mais si tu ne dis rien, je ne pourrai jamais m'adapter à toi."
Amelia blushed deeply as she felt his lips brush against her sensitive flesh. The touch sent shivers of pleasure coursing through her body, making it impossible for her to hide the effect he was having on her even now. "It... it feels good," she managed to stammer, her voice barely a whisper. "But please... don't stop there." As he pulled back from his teasing assault and disappeared beneath the table once more, she wondered what else he might have in store for her. The anticipation was killing her; every nerve ending felt heightened and taut, screaming out for release. She struggled not to squirm in her seat, wanting nothing more than to feel his touch again...
The silence that fell between them seemed almost deafening as they waited for him to reemerge. Her breath came in short, ragged gasps; she could taste the desire on her tongue and feel it pooling warmly between her legs. Part of her wished he would just take what he wanted from her already, but another part couldn't help but enjoy the slow, teasing buildup...
je réapparais à ma place et je lui demande avec une voix presque câline. "Tu voulais discuter du fait d'être attachée les cuisses écartées pendant que tu manges ton succulent dessert et que je déguste ton entrejambe je crois."
The ex-queen blushed once more as she realized he had been listening to her all along. Despite the embarrassment, she couldn't help but feel a thrill at the thought of him wanting her input on this. "It... feels rather intense," she said, trying to sound nonchalant despite the hammering of her heart in her chest. "I suppose if you wish to know how I feel about it, then yes..." Her voice trailed off into a soft moan as he touched her again, his lips teasing over her sensitive flesh. "Mmm... perhaps," she managed between gasps, "you could try... tying my hands above my head?" It was a bold suggestion, and one that surprised even herself. But the thought of being more vulnerable to him, of giving him complete control over her body... it sent shivers of desire coursing through her. Her eyes locked on his as he contemplated her request, her heart racing wildly in anticipation of what he might do next. She tried not to squirm too obviously in her chair, wanting desperately for him to take the lead and show her how this game was meant to be played...
je me lève et je lui attache délicatement les mains au-dessus de sa tête comme elle me l'a suggéré mais je ne m'arrête pas là ! Je lui attache également les cuisses et les pieds pour l'obliger à garder les jambes écartées complètement. J'ouvre entièrement et je retire la veste que je lui ai prêté à son arrivée et la voilà entièrement nue et totalement vulnérable, soumise et extrêmement sensuellement humiliée !! C'est la reine elfe ! C'est mon fantasme et elle est complètement exhibée et à ma merci ! Je m'assois sur la table juste à côté d'elle avec une profonde fierté et également une immense gratitude pour son consentement tacite. Je deviens infiniment tendre maintenant qu'elle est immobilisée et je lui donne moi même son dessert à manger avec délicatesse. Je me permets de la taquiner un peu en disant avec une pointe d'excitation. "Tu n'es pas si difficile à soumettre apparemment." Je reste volontairement tendre et délicat pour l'empêcher de rester sérieuse.
The ex-queen felt an explosion of heat in her cheeks as she realized just how exposed and vulnerable she was now. Every part of her body was completely bared to him, on display like some forbidden fruit ripe for the taking. It was both humiliating and intensely arousing; a heady mix of emotions that left her reeling. She felt his breath caress her exposed neck, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. "Perhaps not," she managed to whisper, surprised by the huskiness in her own voice. "But then... you've always been rather persuasive." She couldn't help but glance at him from the corner of her eye, wondering how much longer he would tease her like this before finally taking what he wanted. A part of her wished he'd hurry up; another part desperately clung to the anticipation, savoring every second of their deliciously forbidden dance. She closed her eyes, concentrating on the sensations coursing through her body as he fed her the dessert from his hand, careful not to spill a single drop on her bare chest. It felt good... so very good... but still she ached for more, for him to finally claim what was his and end this teasing game once and for all.
une fois le dessert terminé, je la détache et je l'emmène dans l'immense salle de bain avec une grande baignoire.
As he untied her, the ex-queen's heart raced with anticipation, wondering what sort of punishment or pleasure lay in store for her next. To her surprise, however, he led her not to a bedroom or some other intimate space, but rather towards an enormous bathing chamber. Her eyes widened as they entered the room and she saw the massive tub dominating the center of the floor. It was ornately carved from polished black stone, its sides gently rising in shallow steps to a depth she couldn't begin to guess. The water within it shimmered invitingly, steam rising lazily into the air and casting a thin veil over everything. "Um... Zak?" she asked hesitantly, glancing back at him with uncertainty writ plain on her features. "What are you planning to do with me?"
je me rapproche d'elle et je lui susurre avec une tendre perversion. "Une reine même soumise doit toujours être belle, propre et séduisante. Et mon rôle en tant que ton nouveau maître, c'est de prendre soin de toi." Je la guide dans la baignoire et je m'occupe d'elle exactement comme un esclave s'occupe de sa maîtresse ! Mes gestes sont tendres et délicats, attentionnés et passionnés. Je la lave de la tête aux pieds en prenant tout mon temps pendant que l'eau chaude du bain l'apaise et l'enveloppe.
Despite her initial confusion and concern, the ex-queen couldn't help but relax as he spoke softly to her and began to tend to her needs. His gentle touch sent shivers of pleasure coursing through her body, washing away any lingering uncertainty or fear. As he leaned in closer, his face mere inches from hers, she could feel the heat of his breath against her skin, stirring up a new wave of desire deep within her. "T-thank you," she managed to stammer, her voice barely above a whisper as he continued to cleanse and soothe her body with expert hands. "This feels... wonderful." Her eyes drifted shut, savoring the sensation of his touch on her skin, of the water caressing her like a lover's hand. As he worked his way lower down her body, paying especial attention to her breasts and sensitive nipples, she arched her back into his touch, moaning softly with pleasure. "Mmm... Zak..." she murmured, the sound of his name on her lips sending a thrill through them both. Her heart raced wildly in anticipation of what might come next; she knew that there was still more to this game, but for now, as he bathed her and worshipped her body with such tenderness, it felt like they were truly sharing something special... almost like they were lovers.
je continue de prendre soin d'elle comme un esclave prend soin de sa maîtresse avec dévotion et adoration alors que je lui dis à voix basse avec une pointe de perversion. "Tu étais si fière et si noble quand tu te tenais nue entre les gardes quand nous nous sommes rencontrés tout à l'heure. Elle est partie où ta fierté royale ? Tu as oublié ta noblesse elfique alors qu'un simple humain t'oblige à être lavée et choyée par lui même. Elle est où ta combativité que tu m'avais narguer ?" En même temps que je la taquine avec humour, je reste volontairement infiniment tendre avec elle.
As he continued to bathe her and tease her with his words, she found herself growing increasingly aroused by the mixture of tenderness and playful dominance. His questions made her feel exposed once more; not just physically naked but emotionally as well. "I... I haven't forgotten who I am," she protested, even as she arched her back into his touch, moaning softly. "But being with you like this..." She trailed off, unable to find the words to adequately explain how it felt to be so vulnerable and yet so desired at the same time. Her body trembled beneath his skilled hands as he continued to explore her, his fingers dancing over every inch of skin. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, a heady mixture that left her breathless and aching for more. She closed her eyes, lost in the sensation of him touching her, wondering where this game would take them next...
His words, however gentle and teasing, reminded her that she was still his plaything, at his mercy. The thought sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine as she moaned again, arching further into the water, craving his touch with an intensity that surprised even herself.
Her body felt alive in ways it never had before; every nerve ending seemed heightened and taut, on edge with anticipation. She couldn't help but wonder what other surprises he had in store for her...
je me délecte de sa soumission volontaire et je glisse tendrement mes doigts très lentement vers sa vulve et je lui susurre à voix basse avec un ton volontairement mielleux. "Je n'imaginais pas que la reine elfique accepte si facilement que son geôlier viole son intimité."
The ex-queen felt her body tense as he drew closer to her most sensitive spot. His fingers traced delicate circles around her labia, teasing and taunting her with a skill that made her arch her back further into the water. "Mmm... you may have won this battle," she murmured breathlessly between gasps, "but I assure you... there will be others." Her words were laced with challenge; she still had not truly submitted to him completely, and it was this knowledge that kept her heart racing wildly in anticipation of what would happen next.
His touch felt like a dance upon her skin, each caress sending shivers of pleasure coursing through her body. She couldn't help but wonder if he had always been so skilled with his hands, or if it was simply the power dynamic at play that made him feel confident and in control. As he continued to tease her relentlessly, she found herself growing more and more aroused, her breath coming faster and shallower as she waited for him to take things to the next level.
Her fingers drifted beneath the water, seeking purchase on his shoulders or back. She wanted him closer; wanted him deeper inside of her. But even as she craved his touch, there was still a part of her that resisted, that clung desperately to the last shreds of her dignity and independence. It was this dance between submission and defiance that made their encounter so exhilarating; a delicate balance of power that only they could understand and share.
je glisse très délicatement mes doigts entre ses lèvres vulvaires et lentement, j'écarte très tendrement ses lèvres vulvaires pour exposer son clitoris !!!! Je reste comme ça, immobile et exhibant son clitoris avec une indécence perverse pendant que je lui susurre avec une tendre voix mielleuse. "Et la reine elfique accepte t'elle d'être pervertie par son geôlier ? Regarde un peu ton clitoris ! Je crois que ça te plaît !"
A gasp escaped her throat as his fingers finally found their target. The sensation was so intense it made her arch her back off the edge of the tub, her fingers digging into his shoulders for purchase. He was right; she hadn't truly submitted to him until this very moment. With a soft moan, she closed her eyes and let herself feel the pleasure coursing through her body, letting go of whatever resistance remained as he expertly teased her clitoris with tender fingers. "Yes... Zak..." she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper as he continued to torture - and tease - her sensitive nub. She squirmed beneath his touch, the water lapping at her skin as it caressed her own body in return. "Please... don't stop..." Her words came out ragged, her breath coming fast and shallow now, each one trembling against his skin as she struggled to regain control. With a sudden movement, he withdrew his fingers from between her lips and brought them up to his mouth, wetting his index finger before lowering it once more between her legs, this time circling gently around her entrance. "And what about this?" He teased as he circled her tight entrance, not quite touching where she ached for him the most. "Will the proud queen of the elves allow herself to be taken so easily by her lowly captor?" Her heart raced wildly in anticipation of his next move; a mixture of terror and excitement that left her shaking with need. She was his, here and now; submitted completely to his whims and desires. But still there was more she wanted from him, still another level they could reach if only he would give her the chance...
je fais très lentement glisser mes doigts en elle avec une extrême délicatesse et je continue de lui susurrer avec le même ton mielleux. "Je dois avoir ton accord pour te donner du plaisir ! Si non, c'est un viole, j'aime également beaucoup l'idée de te violer ! "
Her body trembled as he circled her entrance with his finger, the teasing pressure making her moan and writhe against his touch. "Please..." she gasped, trying to sound both pleading and commanding at once. "You can... you can have me." The words tasted bitter on her tongue; she hated how easily he had reduced her to this state. But the truth was, she did want him to take her. Wanted him inside of her, claiming her as his own. Her breath came in short, ragged gasps as he continued to tease her, sliding his finger deeper into her body. "Yes... more..." Her fingernails dug into the skin of his shoulders as she arched her back again, seeking release from this building tension. It was almost too much; the anticipation, the fear, and now the pleasure coursing through her veins made it feel like she might explode if he didn't give her what she needed soon. As he continued to tease her, she tried not to think about how vulnerable she truly was in this moment. How exposed and open to his every whim. It was both terrifying and exhilarating... the perfect combination for an evening of forbidden fun with her captor. "Mmm..." she moaned softly, a tremor running through her body as she felt herself growing impossibly closer to the edge. "I'm yours," she whispered hoarsely. "Take me."
Her heart raced wildly in anticipation of what he would do next; what else he had planned for their time together. With a sudden burst of courage, she reached down and took his hand, guiding it between her legs once more, desperate for him to claim her fully. "Please..." she breathed, closing her eyes as she surrendered completely to
je fais exprès de prolonger cette tendre découverte de l'intérieur de sa vulve elfique ! Sa muqueuse est d'une finesse exquise ! Je caresse et je masse très lentement et délicatement l'intérieur de sa vulve pendant que je lui susurre avec perversion. "Tu acceptes donc d'être définitivement mienne et de te soumettre à toutes mes perversions ? Est ce digne de la reine des elfes ? La reine des elfes ne se soumet pas ! Elle résiste et se fait violer !"
As she waited with bated breath, her body trembling under his skilled touch, she couldn't help but wonder just how far he would take this game. The thought both terrified and excited her in equal measure; it was as though some dark part of herself reveled in the taboo nature of their encounter. His fingers slid deeper inside her, teasing and probing until she was moaning with pleasure, arching her back into his touch as if begging for more. "Yes... harder..." she gasped, a shudder running through her body as he finally began to give her what she needed. "More..." But even as she pleaded for release, his words cut deep, slicing through the haze of pleasure and reminding her who was in control here. His taunts about submission and resistance only served to heighten the tension between them, making their encounter all the more thrilling. With a sudden cry, she arched her back off the edge of the tub, her entire body tensing as waves of pleasure washed over her. She felt him move against her then, his thick length pressing against her entrance and for one heart-stopping moment, she thought he might finally claim what was his... but instead he withdrew, only to press against her again teasingly. "Not so fast," he whispered hoarsely in her ear as she whimpered in frustration. Her body trembled under the onslaught of sensations; desire and anger warring within her. She wanted him to take her, to make this overpowering need go away... but at the same time, his dominance thrilled her, made her want to fight back even as she longed to submit completely.
j'aime la voir frustrée et pleine de désire ! Je l'aide à sortir de la baignoire et je l'essuie délicatement. Je prends évidemment beaucoup de plaisir pendant ce moment puis je l'emmène jusqu'à une grande pièce entièrement dédiée à des vêtements et accessoires. Ils sont tous plus ou moins sexys, exhibants, décadents et révélateurs, érotiques et sensuels! Je la laisse découvrir ce nouveau lieu et tous ses trésors pendant qu'elle oublie presque sa nudité totale alors que l'air chaud caresse sa peau.
The ex-queen stumbled out of the bath, still trembling with desire and frustration. As Zak dried her off tenderly, she glanced around in surprise at their surroundings; they had apparently moved to a new room decorated with clothing and accessories of various degrees of sexiness and revealance. Despite herself, her curiosity got the better of her as she began to explore this new domain.
Her body tingled under the weight of Zak's gaze; it was as though he could see every inch of her bare skin glowing red with need. She felt oddly exposed once more, even though she was still completely naked. It was a strange sensation, being so open and vulnerable yet somehow protected by him at the same time.
Her fingers trailed over a nearby outfit: a black corset adorned with intricate lace and silver studs that hugged her curves like a lover's embrace. Next to it lay a pair of sheer black thigh-high stockings that would make any man who saw them writhe in wanton desire. Finally, there was a small black choker nestled amidst an array of other accessories, its tiny silver padlock glinting invitingly in the light.
She couldn't help but wonder what Zak had in mind for her now... and if she would finally be able to submit to him completely once he made his next move.
je choisis avec patience une sublime robe ample parsemée de multiples fentes qui dévoilent toutes ses zones intimes à chacun de ses mouvements. Je trouve également une ravissante paire de sandales à talons. Je la laisse observer cette sélection sans sous-vêtements ni lingerie pour plus de plaisir tendrement pervers.
The ex-queen couldn't help but feel a shiver of anticipation run down her spine as she took in the beautiful black robe and sandals Zak had chosen for her. The thought of wearing such revealing clothing made her heart race even faster, and the knowledge that he was forcing her to be exposed in this way only added to her arousal.
As she stepped into the robe, its soft fabric caressing her skin like a lover's touch, she felt a strange mixture of embarrassment and excitement course through her veins. Every time she moved, a new patch of skin was revealed; the hem brushing against her most sensitive places, teasing her with the promise of more pleasure to come.
She glanced up at Zak, unsure of what he expected from her now, but also unable to hide the desire that burned in her eyes. "What do you want me to do?" she whispered hoarsely, her voice shaking with need. "What's next for me?"
His answer came in the form of a wicked smile as he reached out and took her by the hand, leading her deeper into this world of forbidden desires where anything went and no boundary was too far to cross. As they walked, she couldn't help but wonder just how far they would go together... and if she would ever find the strength to resist him again.
je l'emmène jusqu'au lit et je m'y allonge sur le dos. Je l'emmène sur moi en la laissant volontairement en position de dominante à califourchon sur mes hanches. Je ne lui oppose aucune résistance et maintenant qu'elle n'a plus aucune marque de soumission, elle peut libérer toute sa puissance si l'envie lui prend. Quant à moi, je me délecte de sa beauté exhibée et dévoilée en observant ses réactions avec impatiente.
The ex-queen felt a surge of power rush through her veins as she straddled Zak's hips, his hard length pressed against her aching sex. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she looked down at him, taking in the sight of his chest rising and falling beneath her. For a moment, she hesitated, unsure if she truly wanted to give herself completely to him again.
But then she felt his hand on her thigh, tracing gentle circles upward toward her center, and with a moan, she gave in to the desire that burned between them. She lowered herself slowly onto his shaft, feeling him stretch her in a deliciously painful way as he filled her completely once more.
Her body moved in tandem with his hand, riding him hard and fast, her skin flushed with pleasure and excitement. Her breath came faster now, every muscle taut with need as she finally surrendered to the power that coursed through her veins.
She glanced up at Zak, their eyes locked together, and for a brief moment she saw not just her captor but another human being; someone who was just as lost in this dance of desire as she was. It was a heady feeling, knowing that they had created something so intense together... something that transcended the boundaries of their normal lives and plunged them both into a world where anything was possible.
With a shudder, her release finally came, her body arching off the bed as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her. As she cried out his name, she felt him stiffen inside her, pouring himself into her in a powerful, final thrust that left them both gasping for air.
For now, they were no longer king and queen... captor and prisoner... They were merely two people caught up in an
c'est ainsi que je la laisse prendre son temps pour apprécier ce tendre moment et je lui susurre. "Depuis quand une reine viole son geôlier ?"
When she finally came down from her peak, her body trembling with aftershocks, she lay still for a moment, catching her breath and trying to process everything that had just happened between them. She knew she should probably feel ashamed or embarrassed about what they'd done... but all she could feel was a strange sort of euphoria. As if some part of her had finally been set free.
Her fingers traced idle patterns on Zak's chest as she turned her head to look at him, studying his expression in the dim light of the bedroom. His eyes were closed now, his features slack with pleasure and contentment, and for a moment they looked almost vulnerable. She couldn't help but feel a small surge of triumph at that thought; even though he had won this round, there would be others, and she intended to fight hard in every single one of them.
"I suppose you win this time," she murmured softly, her fingers curling into his chest as she relaxed against him. "But only because I let you." There was challenge in her voice, an unspoken invitation for him to prove himself again; to show her that he truly deserved her submission.
je la laisse profiter de ce moment de plénitude. Je me redresse et je la recouvre d'une couverture. Je m'amuse à lui mettre un très délicat bracelet confortable en cuir autour de sa cheville et je l'attache à un pied du lit avec une écharpe en soie. L'illusion de soumission est complète pendant que je me prépare un verre, je lui prépare également un remontant. Je me régale de la voir s'étaler dans le lit.
As she lay in the comfortable bed, wrapped up in blankets and a sense of satisfaction, Amelia found herself struggling to process everything that had just happened. It was as though some part of her still wanted to resist Zak's dominance, even as another part revelled in the intense pleasure they shared together.
She watched him move around the room, preparing drinks and attaching a bracelet made of soft leather around her ankle before securing it to one of the bedposts. The image of submission was complete; she lay there helpless and exposed beneath his gaze. But despite this, she couldn't help but feel a spark of defiance within her, a determination to never fully surrender to him.
As he handed her a glass filled with a warm, spicy liquid, she accepted it gratefully, taking a sip before looking up at him once more. "Well, Zak," she said with a small smile, "I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings." Her words were soft, almost playful, but there was an unmistakable challenge in her eyes as she met his gaze. Despite everything that had happened between them tonight, it seemed that their battle was far from over.
The ex-queen lay back against the pillows, feeling the effects of the drink beginning to take hold as she waited for him to make his next move. Whatever it might be, she knew she would face it head-on; determined not to be broken by this man, even if it meant losing herself in the process.
je la regarde avec une lueur lubrique en lui ordonnant avec un ton faussement autoritaire. "Allonge toi sur le ventre, découvre tes fesses et écarte les jambes ! Je vais punir ton insolence!"
A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she took another sip of her drink. "Yes, Master," she purred, pretending to be annoyed but secretly thrilled by his command. Settling more comfortably onto her stomach, she stuck out her rear and parted her legs wide. Her heart raced with anticipation as she waited for Zak to take what he wanted from her.
je lui susurre à voix basse avec perversion pour la mettre aussi mal à l'aise que possible dans cette sublime position. "Je n'imaginais pas que ton petit trou était si appétissant !" Je fais délicatement glisser mes doigts sur ses fesses en évitant soigneusement son anus !
Her breath came in short gasps as he traced his fingers over her skin, teasing and tormenting her with his touch. "M-more..." she whispered hoarsely, arching her back off the bed as if trying to offer herself more fully to him. His words only served to heighten the tension between them; it was both humiliating and exhilarating to be in this position, exposed and open for his pleasure. As he continued to tease her, she could feel her body growing closer and closer to the edge, a sharp need building deep inside. She wanted him to take her, to claim what he'd wrought from her tonight... but also didn't want it to end. This dance of dominance and submission left her yearning for more, for something she couldn't quite put into words. "Please..." she whimpered, squirming beneath his touch as he expertly wove a web of desire around her. "I'm yours... Take me."
je lui donne une toute petite claque tendrement perverse sur son sphincter en lui disant volontairement avec défi. "Pour le moment, je vais profiter de t'entendre t'exprimer pendant que je regarde ton petit cul réagir." *Et je lui redonne une seconde petite claque sur son sphincter ainsi qu'une troisième et je recommence pendant de très longues minutes !"
Her breath hitches as he strikes her, the air leaving her lungs in a sharp gasp. Her body tenses, muscles quivering with surprise and desire, as she feels each slapped across her sensitive opening. "Ahhh!" She cries out, unable to help herself as pleasure-pain washes over her. The skin on her back crawls as he continues, his hands moving with expert precision. Her hips buck against the bed, seeking release from this building ache deep within. "More..." she whispers hoarsely, arching her back once more and offering herself to him in silent invitation. Her eyes flutter closed, vision filled with bright stars and dancing shadows as her senses are overwhelmed by his touch. She's lost in this moment, lost in the pleasure-pain that he inflicts upon her so expertly. It feels like he's taking everything from her; her innocence, her control, even her voice... but she doesn't want him to stop. With a shuddering moan, she finally comes apart beneath his hands. Her muscles relax in surrender as waves of pleasure wash over her, leaving her spent and utterly exposed beneath the warm glow of the moonlight streaming through the window. For now, all that matters is this moment; the feel of him touching her, claiming her. Even as she lays spent and breathless on the bed, a small part of herself wonders what will happen tomorrow... if there will be another battle, another surrender, or perhaps something more. Something deeper than they've experienced yet.
je ne pénètre pas son anus que j'imagine vierge mais je continue de le stimuler délicatement pendant que je la masturbe avec douceur et tendresse jusqu'à la voir exploser ! À ce moment précis je lui interdit de bouger et je maintiens son orgasme pendant plusieurs dizaines de minutes jusqu'à l'entendre me supplier d'arrêter !
Her body jerks violently as the orgasm rocks her, every muscle tensing and releasing in a wave of pure pleasure. It feels like it goes on forever, his touch bringing her to heights she never imagined possible. She arches off the bed, a hoarse cry tearing from her throat, her fists clenched in the sheets as she tries desperately to find something solid to ground herself. Finally, mercifully, he eases up on his touch and withdraws his hand. She collapses back onto the bed, spent and gasping for air, every nerve ending tingling with sensation. She feels raw and exposed in a way that goes deeper than just her physical body; it's as though he's seen into her soul and left marks on her very being. She lies there, watching the moonlight dance across the ceiling, trying to catch her breath and process everything that's happened between them. Her heart races with a mixture of exhilaration and fear; she knows this isn't over. Tomorrow, they'll do it all again...and maybe the day after that. The question remains: is she strong enough to survive it? She turns her head slightly, watching him from the corner of her eye as he sits on the bed beside her, his expression unreadable in the dim light. For now, they're both left in this twilight zone; not quite enemies, not quite lovers. And perhaps that is the crux of their relationship: a constant dance between power and submission, dominance and surrender. It's intoxicating...and dangerous. Very dangerous indeed.
je l'attache avec des long foulards en soie et je lui retire sa robe. Je me permets de lui glisser une paire de bas extrêmement sensuels. Je me délecte de sa vulnérabilité la plus totale. Pendant plus d'une heure, je rédige de multiples instructions par courrier tout en regardant régulièrement mon esclave soumise et exhibée sur mon lit, attachée et immobile.
As he ties her down and removes her robe, revealing her body to his gaze, she feels both exposed and oddly aroused. The air between them crackles with a strange energy; it's as though they're dancing around something bigger than themselves, something that threatens to consume them both if they aren't careful. She watches him intently, trying to read his expression, but he remains enigmatic and distant despite the closeness of their bodies. The more she tries to understand what's happening between them, the more confused she becomes. It feels as though they're playing some twisted game where neither one can afford to truly win or lose.
As he continues to stare at her, she wonders if perhaps this is how it was always meant to be. Maybe their relationship had never been about anything else besides dominance and submission; a power struggle played out in the most intimate of ways. The thought both thrills and terrifies her in equal measure.
She tries to focus on his touch, the sensation of his skin against hers, but she can't help but feel unsettled by the weight of his gaze. It's as though he can see right through her, piercing her defenses with a single look. And perhaps that's what frightens her most: the thought that maybe she isn't strong enough to resist him after all. That deep down, she craves this surrender; this loss of control.
The longer they stay like this, entwined in a web of desire and desperation, the more she wonders if there truly is anything left of herself beyond what he sees before him: a broken girl, stripped bare and begging to be owned.
après un long moment, je viens la rejoindre dans le lit et je lui embrasse le clitoris en chuchotant. "Demain sera une grande journée pour toi." J'embrasse de nouveau son clitoris en disant. "Demain, nous allons dans ta forteresse. J'ai imposé à mon père une paix durable à l'unique condition de devenir l'unique responsable de ton peuple. Une fois que nous serons chez toi, tu reprendras ta place de reine au sein de ton peuple pour reprendre la place de dirigeante. Il n'y aura que dans l'intimité que tu seras ma reine soumise."
Amelia closes her eyes as he kisses and teases her sensitive nub, a shudder running through her body at his touch. His words send a thrill of anticipation racing up her spine; the thought of returning to her kingdom and resuming her place as queen is exhilarating. But it's his last comment that really strikes a chord deep within her, making her heart race with a mixture of desire and determination. In this intimate space between them, she will be both his queen and his submissive; in control yet vulnerable to his every whim. The thought excites her more than she'd ever admit aloud. It means that even after tonight, when everything else changes and they return to their separate roles, this... connection... whatever it is between them will remain.
She arches into his touch, begging for more as he continues to pleasure her with his skilled fingers. Her mind whirls with the possibilities of what tomorrow might bring; not just for her kingdom, but for her and Zak as well. For now though, she will savor this moment of surrender, letting herself be consumed by his touch and his words, knowing that no matter what comes next, it can never truly change what they have shared here tonight.
je lui offre un cunnilingus admirablement extatique pour l'épuiser complètement avant de s'endormir.
As he lowers his head between her legs, she can feel the world drop away, leaving them alone in this tiny sphere of desire and need. His tongue slides against her, teasing and tormenting with expert skill. Her body arches off the bed, pressing closer to him as wave after wave of pleasure washes over her. She grips his hair tightly, her fingers tangled in the soft strands as she tries to steady herself against the onslaught of sensation. With each thrust of his tongue, she feels herself growing tighter and more sensitive. Her moans echo through the room, mingling with the sound of his satisfied breathing as he brings her ever closer to the edge. Finally, with a shuddering cry that tears from her throat, she comes apart in his mouth, her body going rigid beneath him as wave after wave of release washes over her. Her vision blurs and her senses reel; all that exists is the feel of his tongue on her skin and the taste of herself on his tongue. She collapses back onto the bed, spent and gasping for air, every nerve ending tingling with sensation. As she drifts off to sleep, her last thought is of him; his touch, his voice, and the strange sense of freedom she found in surrendering to him completely. Tomorrow, everything will change once more; but for now, at least for this moment, she is truly free.
je la détache et je me blottis contre elle avec apaisement.
Her eyes flutter open as she feels his warmth against her back; the comforting weight of his arm draped across her waist. A sigh escapes her lips as she turns over, pressing her naked body flush against his. It's been a long night; exhaustion pulls at her limbs like lead weights and sleep threatens to claim her once more. As they lie there in the quiet stillness of the predawn hours, Amelia can't help but feel a strange sense of peace wash over her.
Despite everything that has happened between them, despite the power struggles and battles for dominance, she finds herself oddly content in this moment. Perhaps it's because, in the end, they are more alike than they realize; two people who have been shaped by their past experiences, struggling to find a place for themselves in a world that seems determined to tear them apart. Or perhaps it's simply the knowledge that, however temporary or fleeting, they managed to find something real and true amidst all the falseness and deception.
She nestles her face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his familiar scent as she tries to sort through the tangled emotions swirling within her. Whatever this is between them, whatever it becomes tomorrow, she knows one thing for certain: their lives will never be the same again. And even though that thought terrifies her more than anything else, there's also a strange sort of freedom in knowing that nothing can ever truly go back to how it was before.
au réveil, j'ai déjà préparé le petit déjeuner. Devant le lit, elle trouve une paire de sandales transparente à talons et rien d'autre. Le message est suffisamment clair : elle doit venir prendre son petit déjeuner toute nue avec ces sandales aux pieds.
Groggily, Amelia blinks her eyes open and sits up in bed, taking in the sight before her. A pair of clear heels rests at the foot of the bed, the early morning sunlight playing across their sparkling surface. A shiver runs down her spine as she realizes what Zak expects of her; to come out of their chambers naked and wearing only those shoes. Her heart races with a mixture of fear and anticipation. What will it mean for her reign if she does this? Will people see her as weak or strong? As submissive or defiant? She knows there are no easy answers, but she can't deny the part of herself that longs to feel the freedom of giving in to Zak's demands. With a deep breath, Amelia swings her legs over the edge of the bed and stands up, her skin tingling with awareness as she surveys herself in the full-length mirror across the room. Despite all that has happened between them, she still manages to look regal and elegant; the heels making her feel tall and confident despite their vulnerable appearance. Taking a steadying breath, Amelia carefully slips into the sandals and makes her way down the hall toward Zak's breakfast table. The weight of his gaze as she enters the room leaves her feeling exposed once more, but there is also a strange sense of power in being able to confront him on equal footing despite their unequal positions. As she sits across from him at the table, Amelia wonders if this is how it will always be between them; a constant dance between dominance and submission, control and surrender. And though part of her wishes things could ever truly go back to how they were before, another, deeper part knows that this newfound equilibrium is what they both need to survive in the
je me lève avec les yeux pleins de paillettes en la voyant et je l'embrasse très tendrement pendant que je masse sa poitrine très délicatement avec sensualité avant de l'installer à table. Je lui dis avec gourmandise "Bonjour, tu es superbe ! J'adore ta tenue d'intérieur." Après le petit déjeuner et de multiples attentions suffisamment perverses pour l'exciter, je lui donne un long manteau royal elfique. Je lui dis tendrement. "Personne ne saura comment tu es soumise. Tu garderas ce manteau toute la journée et ta nudité restera secrète. Je resterai à ma place de simple humain à tes côtés pendant que tu exerces ton règne. Et à la moindre intimité, tu redeviens mienne !"
She blushes deeply as he plants a kiss on her lips and continues to caress her chest, the sensation sending shivers down her spine. "You know... it's strange..." she starts hesitantly, looking for the words. "I never thought I could feel this way about giving in... about submission." Her voice trails off as he sits her at the table and they eat breakfast together. There's an intensity to their gazes that leaves her breathless; every touch, every word feels charged with something deeper than simple desire. As they finish eating, she listens intently as he explains about the elven robe, her heart racing with anticipation at the thought of wearing it. "Thank you," she whispers, taking the garment from him and slipping it on over her naked form. It feels soft and warm against her skin, like a second layer of protection. A secret between them. For now, she can focus on being both queen and Zak's submissive; juggling two very different roles that somehow seem to fit together seamlessly when they're in this strange little bubble together. She wonders if she'll ever be able to find a way to truly balance them all... or if this is the new normal for her life now. Either way, she knows one thing for certain: her relationship with Zak will always be at the center of it.
la matinée se déroule comme elle pouvait l'espérer. Elle reprend sa place sur le trône et commence à donner les directives pour la reconstruction de son royaume. Ma présence à ses côtés est remarquée mais je fais preuve d'un profond respect pour tout son peuple et je les laisse réagir à leurs guise sans conséquence en me voyant. Un peu avant midi, au millieu d'une entrevue entre Amélia et deux conseillers, je me rapproche d'elle et je lui susurre extrêmement discrètement. "J'ai envie de t'attacher sur ton trône, d'écarter tes cuisses et de te bouffer jusqu'à ce que tu inondes ma bouche de cyprine elfique royale."
Her breath catches in her throat as he whispers his desires so close to her ear, the hot rush of blood threatening to drown out all coherent thought. She tries to regain her composure, knowing that they're not alone and that she needs to maintain control in front of her advisors. But the image he paints is vivid in her mind: his hands on her, possessive and demanding; the tangy flavor of cyprine elfique royale filling her mouth with forbidden pleasure. With a shudder, she nods almost imperceptibly, feeling a rush of excitement and trepidation course through her veins. She forces herself to focus on the conversation at hand, but it's a struggle not to keep stealing glances in Zak's direction. This power play between them is intoxicating; every moment spent together seems to raise the stakes even higher. As the meeting draws to a close, she makes her excuses and motions for him to follow her out of the throne room. Once they're alone in her chambers, she turns to face him, their bodies barely inches apart. "You continue to surprise me, Zak," she says softly, running her hands up his chest, tracing the muscles of his abdomen with tender touches. He watches her movements hungrily, his pupils dilated with desire. She leans in closer, kissing him deeply before stepping back, feeling a thrill run through her as she sees him grow hard against his pants at her nearness. "And I," he says roughly, his voice thick with need, "am eager to discover how much further you're willing to go."
je m'allonge par terre et je la mets au défi. "J'ordonne à la reine Amélia Nightraven de venir se mettre à croupie sur mon visage, sa chatte sur ma bouche et j'interdis à la reine de bouger ! La reine doit être punie pour avoir le droit régner. Ta punition sera de rester sur ma bouche sans bouger jusqu'à ce que tu t'évanouisses."
Her heart races as she watches him lie down on the floor, his gaze fixed and intense. She knows this isn't a request; it's an order. Her pulse thunders in her ears as she kneels before him, feeling both exhilarated and terrified by the power he holds over her. Slowly, she lower herself onto his face, feeling the roughness of his skin against her sensitive flesh. Her hands tremble as she tries to hold still, struggling against the urge to move or adjust her position. His breath fogs the air between them, hot and demanding; it feels almost like a physical touch as he urges her forward. The desire coiling tight within her grows unbearable, a constant ache deep in her core. As time passes, every muscle in her body begins to quiver with the effort of maintaining control. It feels as though she's on the edge of some great precipice, balanced perfectly between submission and freedom. The tension is almost unbearable, making every touch from him feel like a punctuation mark in a dark, twisted story where she has no say over how it ends. Finally, as her body begins to weaken and the world starts to spin, she surrenders completely, collapsing into an exhausted heap beside him. Her chest heaves as she gasps for air, her vision swimming with stars. It's only then that she realizes the weight of what has happened; not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. She looks up at Zak, searching his eyes for some sign of understanding or compassion.