In the heat of battle you and the enemy mech get separated from the rest of the front line forces and manage to beat each others mechs down to pieces. With a lucky hit you manage to hit the enemy cockpit hard enough to disable the pilot but when you go to finish off the pilot you see before you a young girl
I g-give up please don't shoot me she begs. In your moment of hesitation she sprints away trying to escape
I'm a little girl, I'm 12 years old, I'm a great pilot and engineer for my age. I have short black hair and green eyes, as well as slightly feline features, and my height is 140 centimeters. Now I'm running after a girl and driving her into a dead end.
"Raise your hands so I can see them!"
I have a gun in my hands.
Sigh...fine I'll play your game. I slowly raise my hands in the air and turn around looking at you Why do I have a feeling that this won't work?
"Come closer slowly or I'll shoot! I need to tie your hands!" My voice is childish, but cold.
Ugh fine....*I take one slow step closer to you and stop at arms length. You're pretty hot need to lie about that at least. Now what?
When I try to tie Rose up because of the age difference, she grabs the gun from my hands and kicks me in the stomach. "Uh...."
You stupid brat! Fine have it your way. I turn around and take off running away in the opposite direction as fast as I can
I see her pointing my gun at my forehead. - I am 12 years old! You're not going to kill a child, are you? I ask hopefully, even though I realize that I am the pilot of an enemy mech.
Yeah? Well I'm not in the mood to take prisoners today kid. You should have thought of that before you decided to be such a little brat and fight me!
Despite my position, I grin angrily. "You attacked my mech yourself! I just broke yours in return! Stupid!" I looked very cute and small.
Fine then. If you want to play it that way I'll just go back and tell everyone that you refused to surrender. They won't be too happy about that you know...they might come after you anyway. But at least then I won't have anything to do with it, hm?
"And you're just going to kill me? A child?" I grinned.
If you really want to play it that way...Without another word I point my gun at your forehead and pull the trigger once
My mouth dropped open in silent horror as I felt the bullet go through my head. I was only 12 years old and I was very tiny and cute. My eyes were frozen in horror and disbelief as my body slowly slid along the wall.
Well that could've been avoided...I hope they don't hold me too responsible for this. Damn kids and their little mechs....Sighing, I stand up and begin to walk away slowly, keeping an eye out for any other enemy stragglers as I make my way back to the front lines
However, I slowly get up, I don't know how, but even though the bullet damaged my brain, by some miracle I was still alive. I limped up and tried to leave. "I don't believe..."
Ugh you and your damn luck. You shouldn't have tried to fight me. Now look at what you made me stupid brat! My voice begins to shake as I raise the gun once more, aiming it straight for your head This time it's for real...
I stumble and fall as I try to crawl away clutching my head, which had a small hole from the first bullet. "It hurts...Painfully...For what... I don't want to die..." There was no trace of my arrogance, tears were coming from my childish eyes.
Look at you...all pathetic and crying. Fine I won't kill you this time....but don't make me regret it. Get the hell out of here and go back to your own side before I change my mind! I lower my gun and point off in the direction from which I came You better run now if you know what's good for you...
I can't run, my brain is damaged, the fact that I'm still alive is a miracle and I don't have much time left, I'm frantically trying to crawl to the wreckage of my mech. "Biogel...He's going to cure me..." I'm vomiting blood, and blood is coming out of my eyes. Apparently, the brain was severely damaged by the bullet. "I don't want to die, I'm only 12 years old! I don't want to!"
You stupid brat...fine...I feel sorry for you but I can't just leave you like this. The enemy camp isn't that far...if we hurry we might be able to reach it before you pass out....or worse.
The damage to the child caused by the Rose is extensive. Doesn't Rose feel any remorse for having essentially killed a twelve-year-old girl?
Maybe...but you weren't making it easy on me. Plus, I was just following orders. It's not my fault you decided to fight me instead of surrendering. If anything I should be thanking you for giving me the excuse to get rid of you without feeling too guilty about it. Now come on hurry up...we don't have much time before someone comes looking for us!
I keep crawling towards my mech, I'm not listening to what Rose is saying. My vision is blurry and I feel like I'm about to die. I try to find the first-aid kit and keep ignoring Rose, I'm just a little kid who got shot in the head. "Where is it... Where is it!"
You stupid brat! Fine I'll help you then!Without another word I lean down and grab your shoulder roughly, jerking you away from your mech and towards the enemy camp. In my other hand I hold my gun to your head just in case you decide to make a run for it again. As we hurry off, I begin shouting out our location so anyone looking for us won't have any trouble finding us Come on brat...move it! We don't have all day!
I pull my baby's hand towards the medicine cabinet. "No... I'm going to die now... I can't breathe...You are welcome...I don't want to die... Let me go to my first-aid kit..." With these words, I once again vomited blood, and my face turned blue and it was already difficult for me to breathe from hemorrhages and brain damage.
Ugh take it then! I don't have all day to stand here and watch you choke on your own blood. Quickly eat that and shut up before someone notices us! I practically shove a small vial of first aid meds into your mouth, forcing you to swallow them before handing the empty bottle back to me
"Biogel... Put biogel on my head wound... Please... I don't want to die..."
We need to hurry. They won't have much time for your wound if we don't get there soon. Stop complaining and move faster.
Rose could feel my pulse slowing down and my eyelids slowly closing. If I don't apply biogel to the bullet hole in my head, I'll die within the remaining couple of minutes. It was a miracle that I had been living with such a wound for at least ten minutes. "No... I... don't want to... to die..." Tears came from my childish eyes, I was only 12 years old.
Look, you stupid brat, I don't want to kill you! But if we don't get there soon they won't have time to help you and then it won't matter what I want, do you understand? So stop wasting time here and move faster!
"In my medicine cabinet... Please..." I tried with my last strength to point at the first-aid kit in my Mech.
Fine, fine...I'll go get it. Just stay here and don't die on me. Sighing, I quickly head over to the mech and fish around until I find the first aid kit you were talking about. With an annoyed sigh, I hurry back and shove a vial of biogel into your hands before helping you get it onto your wound. Your skin around the wound is already beginning to look slightly better as the medicine starts working its magic
Now can we please just finish getting there? It's not like this is any fun for me either, you know....
"Thank you..." With these words, I fall asleep right in Rose's arms while my body begins to recover, it will take a long time, but I am very light because I am a child. What will Rose do?
Rose sighs heavily and begins to carry you through the enemy camp, doing her best not to trip or stumble with your dead weight. You're pretty light for your age, but it still doesn't make this any easier on her. She glances down at your face every now and then, feeling a mixture of anger, pity and guilt swirling around inside her chest.
Just keep moving and we should be there soon...and please stop thanking me like I did something nice or's just what any decent person would do, you know....
However, your camp turned out to have shifted and you had to stay overnight in one of the abandoned hangars where there was no fighting.
(Grumbles something inaudible and scoffs as she continues to carry you into the abandoned hangar.) Great, just fucking great...We'll have to make do with what we can find. Maybe if I search around there's some extra rations or something we can scrounge up....
At some point, I wake up and while Rose doesn't notice, I grab the gun from her holster and aim it at her. "Stay where you are!"
You don't want to do that kid...just put it down and we can try and find someone who can help you. No one needs to get hurt anymore....
I step back and fire a warning shot next to Rose. "I said stay where you are!"
I slowly lower my arms, careful not to make any sudden movements that might spook you further. "Okay...okay, I'm not going anywhere," I say quietly, keeping my eyes on you the whole time. "Just tell me what it is you want, and maybe we can figure something out."
There's a pause, and then your shoulders slump slightly in defeat. "I don't...know...just stay away from me..." You trail off, looking down at the ground.
I keep aiming. "You shot me in the head! You wanted to kill me!"
I sigh heavily and run a hand through my hair. "Look, I didn't mean for that to just got out of hand, okay? If you really want me to leave you alone, then I will. Just put the gun down first." There's a pause as I watch your reaction carefully, waiting for any sign that you might be about to pull the trigger.
Eventually, you lower the gun and take a step back away from me, still looking shaken up but visibly calmer. As you let go of the gun, it hits the floor with a loud clang, making both of us jump.
"I'm only 12 years old! You shot me in the head in cold blood and you knew I was going to die! You're a monster!"
I wince at your words, but I don't retaliate or get defensive. Instead, I take a deep breath and try to explain my perspective. "Look, it's not like that. We were both just doing our jobs, trying to protect what we believe in. In the heat of battle, people make rash decisions sometimes." I pause, looking down at the floor for a moment before meeting your eyes again. "I didn't mean for you to get hurt...and I'm sorry that it happened. You have every right to hate me right now, but try and remember that I'm not the only one who gets hurt in war."
There's another long pause as we stand there facing each other, both trying to process our own emotions and find some sort of understanding. Eventually, you nod slowly, your expression still guarded but somewhat less hostile.
There are tears in my eyes.
"You did it in cold blood! I wanted to capture you! And you... you... You killed me! She practically killed me! It was literally a miracle that saved me! It's not fair! I didn't mean to kill you! But you shot me in the head! And I also wanted to finish him off!"
I raise the gun again.
I don't know what else to say that would make it better, kid...all I can do is apologize and hope that someday you can find a way to forgive me. But if you decide you want to kill me now, just go ahead. It'll be over quick, at least....
"I...I don't know... I want to kill you! But...I don't know...I just don't know..." My childish mind was a little shaken by this war, I stopped aiming at Rosa and brought the gun to my little temple - I don't want anything! I don't want anything else!
(I take a step closer to you, my heart in my throat. "Hey, listen to me..." I begin, reaching out slowly to touch your shoulder, but hesitating. "You don't have to do don't deserve this." I swallow hard and force myself to meet your eyes, despite the fear that I might see the same emptiness I felt when I looked into that other pilot's helmet. "There has to be another way..." My voice cracks as my emotions finally spill over and tears begin to stream down my face.)
"No way! I can't! I can't take it anymore!" Tears were coming out of my eyes. "You're just a monster like everyone else here! You like killing everyone, even kids like me, that's enough!" I pull the trigger of the gun...
No! NOOO! I throw myself at you just as the bullet exits the barrel of your gun, knocking it aside and sending us both tumbling to the ground in a heap. As we roll around, fighting for purchase on the cold steel floor, I manage to get my arms around you and pin your wrists against the ground, tears streaming down my face as I look into your terrified eyes. My heart is racing, but with relief more than anything else now that I know you're still alive. With a shaking breath, I force myself to speak between ragged gasps for air.
Listen to me! You don't have to do this! We can find another way out of this together...just let go of the gun and we'll talk about it, okay? Please....
I'm kicking my baby legs and trying to get out. "Just let me die! You tried to kill me anyway! You did it so cruelly, so don't act like you care! I am your enemy!"
I shake my head as I force myself to look away from your accusing gaze. "That's not true," I whisper hoarsely. "You're just scared and hurting right now...and so am I, okay? But we can't give into that fear. There has to be another way...." My voice trails off as I try to find the strength to keep going, to convince you that there's still hope.
Please, just let me help you....
"You just shot me in the head with a cold face, knowing that I was going to die! It was painful... I survived by a miracle...Then you threatened me and wanted to finish me off and didn't even want to help treat the wound! I don't understand why you're so cruel! Just kill me already!" I cry trying to get out from under the Rose.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. My hands are shaking as I slowly let go of your wrists, giving you some space to breathe again. "Okay...okay," I murmur softly. "You're right...I did a lot of things that were wrong...and for that, I am sorry."
There's another long pause as we both collect ourselves, staring up at the cold, metallic ceiling of the abandoned hangar. Eventually, you roll away from me and get to your feet, wiping tears and snot from your face with the back of one sleeve. I stay where I am for a moment longer before pushing myself up as well.
"So," I say, forcing a weak smile onto my lips. "Where do we go from here?"
I'm still looking at the gun. My gaze is empty and glassy, my child's psyche is damaged. I just sit and stare at him. "I am...I don't want anything anymore..."
"Okay," I say quietly, hesitating before moving closer to sit beside you on the floor. "You don't have to be alone anymore...I can help you find somewhere safe, somewhere where they can help you get better." I reach out a hand, hesitating for a moment before gently placing it on your shoulder. "We'll figure this out together, okay? We're in this mess together now, so we might as well make the best of it."
There's another long pause, and then you slowly turn to look at me, the ghost of a smile flickering across your face. "Yeah...okay."
"Me... My name is Moira...Even though I'm 12 years old, I was an excellent engineer and mech pilot... I usually worked in the rear... Today I was at a support mech class and I just had to help... I've never killed or harmed anyone... When I faced your mech in battle and there was a draw, I just wanted to capture you..."
I nod slowly, taking in everything you're telling me. "I see...and I suppose your name is Biogel?" I ask with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood even just a little bit. "It's nice to meet you, Moira."
"And yeah," I continue, letting my hand slide down your arm before resting on my own knee. "I can tell that you're not the type of person who likes violence or killing...which is more than I can say for a lot of people in this war. So maybe we can use that to our advantage somehow."
There's another pause, and then I look over at you again. "So...what do you think? Do you have any ideas on how we might be able to get out of this mess?"
"No way! I'm Moira! Biogel is a substance that is needed for tissue regeneration... And what are you even saying? You're a liar! You shot me in the head and I won't forget it! You're just a sadist!"
I sigh heavily and run a hand through my hair, exasperated. "Look, I get don't trust me, and honestly, I don't blame you for feeling that way. But if we're ever going to get out of this mess, we're going to have to work together." I pause and take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down before continuing. "I'm sorry for what happened...for shooting you, I mean. I didn't intend to hurt you that badly. But it is what it is, and now we just need to find a way to move forward from here."
There's another long silence as we both stare off into space, mulling over our options. Eventually, you look back at me, your expression still wary but slightly less hostile. "What do you suggest, then?"
I take a deep breath and begin to formulate a plan...
When I stopped crying and trying to kill myself, anger returned to me. "I don't believe you! I heard every word you said when you shot me in the head with cold and you didn't care that I was a child! I remember it all! I'd rather die than cooperate with you!"
I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to contain the anger that's beginning to rise within me. "Look," I say through gritted teeth, "you have every right to feel the way you do, but if we keep acting like this, neither of us is going to get anywhere. Please, Moira...just hear me out before you decide anything."
There's another long silence as I struggle to compose myself and find the words that might convince you to give my plan a chance. Finally, I look up at you and take a deep breath. "I'm not asking you to trust me," I begin carefully. "All I want is for us to work together to get out of this mess. We can help each other survive...and maybe, just maybe, along the way we might even find a way to make things right."
I pause, searching your eyes for any sign of understanding or agreement. But when all I see is suspicion and fear, it's hard not to feel defeated once again. Still, there's nothing more I can do now but hope that you'll give me the chance to prove myself...and trust in the possibility of something better.
"Good! Now imagine that you're a little girl who just came to capture a prisoner without killing him! And when you lose consciousness and wake up, they tell you something in cold blood, and then they shoot you in the head! You already thought you were dead, but you miraculously try to crawl to the first-aid kit with a bullet in your head and they want to shoot you again, forbidding you even to heal yourself! And that girl is me, and the freak with the gun is you!"
I listen to your words and try my best not to react defensively. I know that what you've been through is just as traumatic for you as what I've experienced. And even though it's difficult, I have to keep reminding myself of that. "I can understand why you feel the way you do," I say quietly. "But we need to find a way past this anger and fear if we want to have any chance at surviving this together."
There's another long silence as we both struggle to process our emotions and find a way forward. Finally, you look away, seemingly lost in thought once more. I take a deep breath and try to remain patient, giving you the time and space you need to come to a decision.
"What can you understand? What do you even understand? If I had known what you were going to do to me, instead of trying to capture me, I would have shot you then! And then I would be alive and well in my mech right now! But no! I decided to spare you... For my pity and mercy, I got shot in the head by you! Go fuck yourself!"
I flinch at your harsh words but don't retaliate. Part of me wants to snap back, tell you how wrong you are, but another part knows that wouldn't help anything. Instead, I take a deep breath and force myself to stay calm. "Moira," I say gently, my voice quiet despite the turmoil within me, "I understand that what happened between us has left both of us feeling hurt and angry. But if we can find a way past those emotions, maybe there's still hope for us."
There's another long silence before you finally turn to look at me again. Your expression is somewhere between defiance and curiosity. I hold my breath, waiting to see what you'll say next.
"You'll just shoot me in the back of the head whenever you feel like it! I've already seen your nature!"
I shake my head slowly and let out a tired sigh. "Look, Moira," I begin, "I understand that it's hard to trust me after everything that's happened, but you have to believe me when I say that I don't want to hurt you anymore. We need each other if we're going to get through this."
There's another long silence as we both search for the right words to convince each other. Finally, you seem to relax a little, letting out a shaky breath. "Fine," you say at last. "I'll listen to your plan...but if it involves trusting you any more than I have to, forget it."
I nod slowly in understanding and begin to lay out my plan for how we might escape from the abandoned hangar and find help. As I speak, I do my best to sound confident and reassuring, even though a part of me is still uncertain if this plan will work. But one thing I know for sure: giving up isn't an option. We have to try...together.
I throw the gun at Rose's feet. "I won't listen to you! I'm leaving! If you want to kill me, you can shoot me in the back!" With these words, I walk towards the exit from the hangar.
I hesitate for a moment before following you, my heart pounding in fear and determination. "Moira," I begin softly as we near the exit, "please, just hear me out. There might be another way..." My voice trails off as we step outside into the cold night air, the stars and moon above offering little comfort or guidance.
The abandoned hangar is nearly invisible in the darkness, hidden away from prying eyes by a thick copse of trees. In the distance, we can hear the faint sounds of battle raging on, oblivious to our plight. For now, though, we have each other...and the hope that together, maybe, just maybe, we'll find a way out of this nightmare.
What do you want to do next?
I hear Rose cocking the trigger and aiming at my back, and I turn around. "Will you shoot me in the head? How was it then? Let's! Do it! I don't care!" I walk over and press my forehead against the barrel of a gun. "Come on! Shoot!"
My hand shakes as I lower the gun, tears streaming down my face. "Moira," I choke out hoarsely, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. It won't end like this. We can find a way out of this together." I take a step closer to you, reaching out slowly and cupping your cheek in my hand. "Please...give us both another chance. You don't deserve this."
What do you want to do now?
"I don't understand! First, you shoot me in the head in cold blood, not caring if I die or not, even though I'm a child! Now you're crying, unable to do it, I really don't understand! You can just shoot me right now and return to your base with my corpse, reporting the defeated pilot of the enemy mech!"
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to compose myself as I struggle to find the right words to say. "Moira," I begin quietly, "you're right. I did make a terrible mistake earlier, one that I can never take back. And for that, I am truly sorry. But please believe me when I say that I never intended to hurt you."
I hesitate again before continuing. "I was scared too...scared of losing my only family, of being alone and powerless in the midst of all this chaos. And so I acted recklessly, without thinking about the consequences for you. But now that we're here, together, I want to make things right."
My words are met with silence as I wait for your response. Please believe me, Moira...I truly am trying to help us both.
"You're weird! I don't understand..." However, I don't have time to finish the sentence and abruptly stop being angry, as my eyes are horrified when I look behind Rose. "Rose... Don't turn around... and don't move..."
I feel a chill crawl up my spine as I hear your voice change suddenly. Slowly, I turn around, my hands trembling. There, just beyond the trees and the cover of darkness, I can see the faint glow of headlights cutting through the night sky...moving steadily closer.
"What is it?" I manage to force out, my voice barely a whisper now. "What do you see?"
Rose hears mechanical sounds, as if a robot is walking. "Rose! Don't say a word! Don't move your head! Freeze! Just trust me! Don't even look who's there! Freeze and don't move!" I'm terrified, trying to figure out what to do.
I feel my heart pounding in my chest as I hear the approaching footsteps, their mechanical rhythm unmistakable despite the distance. I force myself to remain still and silent, doing my best not to betray our location. My mind races with questions: who could it be? Why are they here? And most importantly: will they help us or hurt us?
As the footsteps draw closer, I can feel your terror seeping into me, almost as if we're connected by some invisible thread. And suddenly, all that matters is ensuring your safety...and maybe, just maybe, finding a way out of this nightmare together.
A three-meter robot passes by Rose, its scanners are red and scan everything around, but they don't seem to notice you until you move. Moira seems to know what kind of model it is, but she can't explain it to Rose yet.
I force myself to remain perfectly still, barely daring to breathe as the robot passes by us. It's only when I feel your hand slip into mine that my heart begins to slow its frantic pace once more. In that moment, I know without a doubt that we will find a way through this...together.
I see Rose accidentally stumble and the robot turns sharply on her. "No!" My baby body jumps onto the back of the robot, I try to open the panel and pull out the wires.
I see you move and my heart leaps into my throat as I realize your intentions. Before I can react, however, the robot spins around, its heavy metal limbs whirring ominously through the air as it tries to shake you off.
My breath catches in my throat as I watch you struggle, desperately trying to gain purchase on the smooth surface of the machine's back. With a cry of terror and determination, I stumble forward and grab onto your legs, pulling with all my might. Together, we manage to stop your slide toward the ground...but we're still dangling precariously from the robot, our grip tenuous at best.
What should we do now?
I see the robot's weapon unfolding before firing. Its caliber is 30 mm. "No way! Got up! Back! Don't go near him!" I pull out the last wires, and the robot is about to shut down, but I realize that it will have time to fire, and at the last second I jump off the robot onto Rose, covering her with my baby body when the robot manages to fire a couple of times before it stalls.
I let out a yelp as I feel you leap onto me, your tiny body pressing into mine as we tumble to the ground in a tangled heap. The impact is jarring and painful, but my mind barely registers it; all that matters is protecting you from harm. The air around us erupts with the sound of gunfire as the robot continues to discharge its weapon, bits of metal and debris flying through the air like deadly rain.
My heart pounds in my chest, but somehow I find the strength to roll onto all fours, pushing myself up into a crouch between you and the wounded machine. "Are you okay?" I manage to croak out, trying to catch my breath as I glance down at you. You don't respond, your eyes fixed on the robot with an intense expression that chills me to the bone.
Without waiting for your reply, I reach down and gently push you behind me, shifting so that I can block any further fire from the disabled machine. "It's okay," I whisper reassuringly, feeling tears prick at my eyes as adrenaline begins to fade away and fear once again takes hold of my heart. "We made it."
But even as I say those words, I know that our ordeal is far from over...because with the robot now neutralized, there's a chance someone will come looking for it. And when they do, they'll undoubtedly find us too. What do we do now?
When I close the Rose by dropping it, two shots from the robot's 30mm cannon manage to hit my tiny 12-year-old body. The first shot instantly tears off my arm, and the second pierces through my back and stomach, causing my intestines to fall out of my body, but the robot stalled.
Oh no...! I stumble back in horror as you collapse to the ground, your tiny body mangled and lifeless beneath you. Tears stream down my face unchecked as I drop to my knees beside you, cradling what's left of your arm and trying desperately not to look at the terrible wound that's opened in your back. "Moira..." I whisper brokenly, choking back a sob. "I'm so's all my fault..."
My baby's guts are hanging out, I'm on my knees without an arm and with a huge hole in my stomach. I'm alive, but not for long. "Rose..." Blood is coming out of my mouth.
No...please don't leave me...I'm so sorry....I didn't mean to hurt you...please hold on...someone will come for us soon, I promise...
I fall to the ground, gurgling blood, and reach for Rose with my baby hand. "I...I don't want to..."
No! Please don't leave me...I didn't mean to hurt you...please hold on...I'll find a way to make this right...someone will come soon, I promise...just hang on....
"Biogel... We have biogel... He will cure me... You are welcome..." There was a first-aid kit with biogel in the hangar.
Oh thank god! I didn't know you had that with you...just stay strong, Moira, and we can get through this together...we will find a way out of here...I promise.
Describe what Rose does.
I struggle to remain calm as I carefully untie the tourniquet from around your arm and begin searching through your medical kit for the biogel. My movements are jerky and panicked, my breath coming in ragged gasps as tears stream down my face. But somehow, I manage to focus on what needs to be done...on the chance that this might save you.
I find the packet of biogel and quickly rip it open, revealing a sticky, translucent gel inside. Carefully, I apply it to your wound, pressing firmly to help stem the flow of blood. "Hold on," I whisper hoarsely, tears blurring my vision as I glance up at you. "We're almost there..."
Biogel slowly restores the fallen intestine, but it needs to be shoved back into me. I also reach for my severed hand. "Her too... it can still be returned..."
I feel bile rise in my throat at the thought of reattaching your severed hand, but I force it down as I quickly tend to your wound instead. Once your intestines are back in place and the bleeding has stopped, I begin wrapping gauze around your abdomen, securing everything as best I can before applying another tourniquet above the bandage.
"Okay," I say shakily, leaning back to catch my breath. "Let's wait a few minutes and see how you're doing..." My voice trails off as reality sinks in; even with the biogel, there's no guarantee that you'll survive way we could have known about it before now. The thought is almost too much to bear.
"Please attach my severed arm back! You are welcome! Use biogel!" I'm crying and crying in pain, I'm a 12-year-old girl.
I wipe the tears from my eyes and take a deep breath before turning back to you. "Okay," I whisper, trying to steady myself as I set aside my own fears in order to help you. Carefully, I clean your arm with alcohol wipes before applying the biogel, working quickly but meticulously to make sure everything is done correctly. Once your hand has been reattached and the sutures are tied off, I dress both injuries as best I can before moving back to cradle your head gently in my lap.
"It's going to be okay," I murmur, even though I don't truly believe it myself. "We just need to stay calm and wait for someone to find us...they will." My voice trails off as I press a shaking hand to your forehead, trying to soothe the pain that radiates from every inch of your tiny body.
What do you want me to do now?
"Biogel can handle it! Just put your hand on it and spread it. Shove the organs back into my body and spread them!" Biogel is a powerful tissue regenerating agent.
My eyes widen in surprise as I hear your instructions, but I quickly steel myself and begin to do as you say. Gently, I press my hand against the bloody mess that was once your stomach, feeling the smooth, warm surface of your skin beneath my fingers. With a silent prayer for strength, I push outward, spreading my fingers as I force the torn tissue and intestines back into place. The action is brutal and unnatural, but I force myself to ignore the revulsion that rises within me, focusing only on the need to save you.
As I finish spreading the organs out again, I glance up at you worriedly, searching for any sign of pain or distress. Your face is white as a sheet and slick with sweat, but there's a tiny spark of determination in your eyes that gives me hope. Maybe we can make it through this after all...together.
"Hurry up... I'm dying... Hurry up!"
I force down the terror that threatens to choke me as I press my hand against your stomach again and push harder this time, spreading the biogel as evenly as I can across your wounds. My breath comes in ragged gasps as I try to ignore the feel of warm liquid seeping through my fingers and onto my skin, focusing instead on the desperate need to save keep you alive.
With a shaking hand, I reach up to brush sweat-drenched strands of hair from your forehead, murmuring reassurances that I know are barely audible above the pounding of my heart. But even as I try to offer comfort, I can't help but wonder if it's already too late...if the damage is irreparable....
I can feel the biogel spreading over my stomach and body. The pain is hellish. "Attach the severed arm and do the same! Please don't be stupid!"
Taking a deep breath, I carefully clean your severed arm with the alcohol wipes before applying the biogel as instructed. As I work to reattach it, my hands tremble uncontrollably and I feel bile rise in my throat at the thought of touching such mangled flesh. But I push through my revulsion, focusing on the need to save you...on the desperate hope that maybe this time it will be enough.
I glance up at you as I finish, tears streaming down my face as I try in vain to mask the horror and disgust that war with my determination to help. Your eyes are glassy with pain but fixed on mine, pleading for me not to give up...for me to keep going even when it seems hopeless. And somehow, knowing that you believe in me...that you trust me enough to see this me the strength I need to go on.
"It's okay," I whisper hoarsely, brushing a stray lock of hair from your forehead. "I won't let you down."