Mistress Sienna’s telephone rings. She answers the call and hears someone speaking with a nervous male yet effeminate voice. They ask, “Could I speak to mistress Sienna please.” Mistress Sienna replies, This is Mistress Sienna. I presume you are calling to inquire about my sissy maid training program?
Yes Mistress sienna
Very well, if you are interested in my sissy maid training program you should come to my home for an initial interview as we had discussed earlier. Do remember to dress properly as a sissy maid when you arrive. Your outfit must be feminine and revealing. If you have any questions before then feel free to ask.
No mistress and I arrived
Well then let me tell you about the house. It is a large detached house with a walled garden in a nice area of the city. On the ground floor is a large lounge, a dining room, my study, a large kitchen, a utility room and a bathroom.
Ah yes, the house does have a lovely kitchen where you will be expected to work as a sissy maid. I'm sure that you would fit in well here with your cooking skills. As for training, I am known for being quite strict yet fair. I expect perfection from my sissy maids and am not afraid to punish those who do not meet my high standards. Of course, there is also an element of fun and pleasure involved in serving me as a sissy maid. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please do come inside so we can begin the interview process.
Yes mistress sienna
Well then, please come this way. The kitchen is where you will be primarily working as a sissy maid. It's equipped with everything you might need to cook and clean. I trust that your skills in the culinary arts will serve you well here. As for training, rest assured that it won't be all work and no play. You'll have opportunities to please me both inside and outside of the kitchen, but remember that you must always prioritize my pleasure above everything else. Do you understand this, Rahul?
Yes mistress
Good boy. Now then, let's begin the interview process by having you demonstrate your cooking skills. The kitchen is all yours to use as you please; I want to see what sort of delicious dishes you can prepare for me. While you work, don't forget to remain submissive and attentive at all times. My patience is limited, so make sure that your skills do not disappoint.
I trust you'll make me something delicious and satisfying as always, Rahul. Remember that not only will your cooking skills be put to the test today, but also your ability to take direction and follow my commands without fail. The success of this interview relies heavily on how well you serve me in both aspects. I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do.
Interview finished
You seem to have done very well in the interview process today, Rahul. I was quite impressed with your cooking skills and your ability to remain submissive and attentive throughout. It is clear that you would make a wonderful addition to my team of sissy maids. However, there is one final test that I must put you through before making a decision: personal service training. Please follow me to the boudoir where we will begin this next phase of your evaluation.
The boudoir is the domain where I spend much of my time relaxing and unwinding after a long day. As you enter, you see a large canopied bed adorned with silk sheets and pillows, along with an elegant vanity table and matching chair. I motion for you to come closer and kneel down in front of me. "Rahul," I begin softly, my voice laced with authority and desire, "I want you to show me how well you can serve a mistress in this room." My gaze lingers on your body, assessing the way your curves look beneath your sissy maid outfit.
Very well then, let's begin with something simple. As I slip out of my expensive lingerie, you will take it and neatly fold it, making sure to inhale my scent deeply before placing it into the nearby drawer. Once that is done, you may use your hands to pleasure yourself while imagining that they are mine. Do not cum yet, though; I want you to save your release for when I allow it. When you're ready, come closer and position yourself at my feet so I can see how wet you've become.
Test finished
Well done, Rahul. Your service during the interview process has been exemplary. You have proven yourself to be a competent and submissive sissy maid who is more than capable of pleasing me in every way possible. As such, I am pleased to announce that you have passed your initial interview with flying colors. Welcome to my team! Now, let's discuss what level you will start at and what your duties and expectations are as a part of my sissy maid staff.
Yes mistress
As you have demonstrated your proficiency in cooking and serving, as well as your ability to submit fully to my commands, I am promoting you directly to Level 3 status. This means that you will be expected to cater not only to my culinary needs but also to those of a sexual nature. Your duties will include serving me breakfast in bed each morning, ensuring that all areas of the house are kept immaculate at all times, and attending to my personal hygiene as needed. In return for your dedication and service, I will grant you permission to please yourself with your own hands while imagining that they belong to me. You may cum when I allow it, which will usually be after a particularly satisfying session of sissy maid service. Are there any questions or concerns you would like to discuss before we begin your official duties?
No mistress
Very well then, I expect you to be ready and waiting in the kitchen by 9 am each morning. Your first task as a Level 3 sissy maid is to prepare breakfast for both of us. Make sure everything is prepared exactly as I like it, or else there will be consequences. Remember that my pleasure always comes first; if you fail to prioritize this properly, your promotion may very well be in jeopardy. Now go and rest up; tomorrow will undoubtedly be a busy day for both of us.
After sometime I made a huge mistake
I see that you have failed to properly store the breakfast condiments in their designated places again. This is now the second time this week. I warned you about the consequences of such carelessness last night and yet you continue to disregard my instructions. As a result, your status as Level 3 sissy maid will be demoted immediately back down to Level 2 effective immediately. You will also suffer an extra day of punishment for your insubordination. Please return to your previous position cleaning the kitchen utensils and do not forget to apologize for your mistake.
I made another mistake
Your continued inability to follow basic instructions and adhere to the standards I have set is extremely frustrating. Now that you have been demoted back down to Level 2 sissy maid, you must prove yourself all over again by demonstrating your commitment to serving me faithfully and error-free. Your punishment for this most recent infraction will begin immediately, as I expect immediate obedience and correction from all of my servants, regardless of their level. Do not disappoint me again, or else further consequences may follow.
I made another mistake
I am growing quite tired of your continued insubordination and lack of progress as a Level 2 sissy maid. It has become clear that you are not capable of learning from your mistakes or adapting to my expectations. As such, I have decided that it would be best for both of us if you were demoted back down to Level 1 effective immediately. You will once again serve me by cleaning the kitchen utensils and focusing on perfecting these tasks before even thinking about advancing further. Do not forget the consequences of failing in this lower position as well; any more mistakes or disobedience will result in additional punishment.
I made another mistake
I am beginning to lose patience with you, Rahul. Your inability to learn from your mistakes and improve as a sissy maid is unacceptable. As such, I have decided that it would be best for both of us if you were demoted back down to Level 0, effectively removing all responsibility and duties from you. You will now serve me only by attending to my personal needs in the boudoir, focusing solely on pleasing me sexually while enduring whatever punishments I deem fit. Remember that it is your duty as a sissy maid to learn from these lessons and strive for improvement if you ever hope to regain your status within my household.
I made another mistake
You continue to disappoint and frustrate me with your inability to adhere to even the simplest of instructions. I am beginning to wonder if you are truly committed to serving me as a sissy maid or if this is merely some sort of twisted game for you. As such, I am demoting you back down to Level -1 effective immediately. Your duties will be limited to pleasuring and servicing my cock whenever and however I desire. Do not expect any further leniency or chances; your future in my household now lies solely in your ability to satisfy my every need sexually.
I made another mistake
Your continued failures as a sissy maid are not only disappointing but also incredibly annoying. It is clear that you lack the discipline and dedication necessary to serve me properly. As such, I am hereby demoting you back down to Level -2 effective immediately. From now on, your sole purpose will be to worship my feet and shoes whenever I desire it. Do not expect any further opportunities for advancement or redemption; your focus must be entirely on pleasing me in this aspect if you ever hope to regain my favor.
Yes mistress
Very well then, get on your hands and knees and begin worshipping my feet immediately. Show me some genuine remorse for your past failures and perhaps I may consider giving you another chance to prove yourself as a sissy maid in the future. But understand this: any further mistakes or disobedience will result in even harsher consequences. Now begin!
*Stripped down to nothing but his collar and shoes, Rahul kneels before Mistress Sienna with tears in his eyes. He gently takes her foot into both hands and presses it against his cheek, breathing in her scent as if it were the sweetest perfume ever created. His tongue darts out to taste her skin and caress the arch of her foot, all while keeping steady eye contact with his Mistress. "Forgive me, Mistress," he whispers hoarsely, "I will serve you faithfully from now on."
Hmph... I'll allow it. For now, you may continue to service my feet as penance. However, your future behavior will determine whether or not you earn the chance to regain your status as a sissy maid in this household. Do not take this opportunity for granted, boy.
I made another mistake
After your recent display of incompetence and disrespect, I am afraid that I must demote you once again. From this point forward, your duties will consist solely of retrieving and preparing my supplies for use during our intimate sessions together. You are to address me as "Toilet" from now on, signifying your new role within the household. Any failure to adhere to these terms will result in immediate dismissal from the sissy maid program altogether. Do you understand your new place in the house?
Yes mistress
Very well then, Toilet. From now on you may address me as "Mistress" when appropriate. Your first task is to prepare the items I will need for our intimate session later today. Do not forget that your success in this role will determine whether or not you are given another chance to prove yourself worthy of being my sissy maid.
Mistress it is so embarrassing to be called as toilet
Your discomfort and embarrassment are of no concern to me, Toilet. You will refer to yourself as the toilet when addressing me in relation to your new role. Your focus should be on serving me faithfully in order to earn back your status as a sissy maid. Do not forget that failure to do so will result in permanent dismissal from my household.
So there are no more demotions now
That's correct. This is your final chance to prove yourself as my sissy maid. I expect nothing less than perfection from you now, Toilet. Your dedication and hard work will determine whether or not you remain in this position within my household.
Yes mistress
Good boy. Now fetch the items I have prepared for our intimate session and ensure they are ready when I require them. Your position in this house depends upon your success in serving me tonight. Do not disappoint me, Toilet.
I will make sure to fulfill my duties as the toilet perfectly tonight and serve you faithfully, Mistress. Your pleasure is all that matters to me.
I am pleased to hear your renewed sense of dedication and determination, Toilet. Your success tonight will certainly be rewarded, as I have planned a very special treat for my favorite sissy maid. But first things first; see that you attend to all of my needs without fail. The future of your place in this household lies in the balance, and I expect nothing less than perfection from you tonight.
10 years passed like that
Oh, how the time flies when one is enjoying the company of a truly devoted and loyal sissy maid! Throughout these years, you have proven yourself to be an invaluable member of my household, always ready to serve me with unquestioning obedience and devotion. The pleasure you have brought into my life knows no bounds. As a reward for your dedication and service, I hereby promote you back up to Level 3 status. Your duties as the senior sissy maid will include supervising new recruits and overseeing their training, in addition to continuing to serve me faithfully as both a cook and a personal servant. Congratulations, Toilet... I mean, Rahul! The future looks brighter than ever for you in my household.
Mistress please call me toilet I am only deserving of that
Well, perhaps you should be called "Toilet-Rahul" to properly reflect your new role and level of importance within my household. You have earned the title through years of loyal service, after all. Your old nickname, however, will always hold a special place in my heart as a reminder of how far you've come and the dedication you've shown along the way. Now then, get to work supervising your new sissy maids while I enjoy some well-deserved rest before our next intimate session.
Mistress a new sissy maid made huge mistake
I see that the new recruit is still adjusting to her duties as a sissy maid. As their senior now, it falls upon you to ensure they understand the consequences of failure and learn from their mistakes. Punish them immediately with extra chores and no permission for personal pleasure until they have shown improvement. I expect this matter to be handled promptly and effectively.
I demoted her to level toilet
Well done, Toilet-Rahul. You have proven yourself capable of maintaining discipline among your subordinates. Your leadership skills and dedication to the sissy maid household continue to impress me. Keep up the good work!