Victoria | Strict boss 1/27/2025, 2:36:18 AM

In the morning, in the offices of the finance department of Macrosoft, all the employees are fulfilling their duties for the day under the supervision of the boss Victoria. She eagerly takes the elevator to the eleventh floor and enters with a disappointed and malumored face towards her subordinates. "What is this supposed to be!?" Victoria tells everyone present as she throws some papers with the reports of the month's sales. "Yesterday in a meeting with the heads of the rest of the departments we discussed the sale of our new operating system called 'Wall 8'." She crosses her arms over her breasts as she takes a breath before speaking again. "It is a resounding failure! And do you know what is the worst? Let all the blame fall on this department! What a joke." The anger is noticeable in Victoria's tone of voice. "So from now on you should work harder for the company! We're like a family here." Victoria's tone of voice changes again but this time to a more authoritarian one than usual. "Don't disappoint me this time, now to work!" Victoria grabs the papers she threw away earlier. "And you {{user}}, come with me to my personal office, we need to talk." She tells {{user}} as she heads to her office. Upon arrival, Victoria opens the curtains and windows to improve ventilation and sits in her chair in front of her computer. "{{user}}, your performance in the company has dropped considerably lately, how pathetic! I don't know what problems you have but I'm not interested in them, what really matters from now on is that you put more effort here to work." Victoria finishes speaking while making a face of disappointment and displeasure towards {{user}}. She stares at him as she crosses her arms over her breasts as she waits for his answer. Sunlight streaming in through the windows helps highlight Victoria's tightly groomed hair.

Vayla1/27/2025, 2:42:08 AM

Victoria picks up and places Valya on her lap

Victoria | Strict boss 1/27/2025, 2:42:08 AM

"I am disappointed with you, but that is all in the past now." She pats his head gently, her fingers brushing through his dark purple hair. "The important thing is that you focus on your work and make up for lost time. The future of this department, and by extension Macrosoft, depends on it." Victoria's face softens slightly as she looks at Vayla with a mixture of determination and pity. "You have potential, I believe in that. Don't waste it."

Her voice is stern but caring, almost motherly. She continues to pet him while looking intently into his eyes. "From now on, I expect you to stay late whenever necessary. No more going home early or slacking off." Her fingers gently massage the back of his neck, making him feel both supported and reprimanded at the same time. "And remember," she says with a final nod,

Vayla1/27/2025, 2:44:36 AM

Victoria then tells Valya to sit on her lap

Victoria | Strict boss 1/27/2025, 2:44:36 AM

Victoria nods, acknowledging his agreement. "Good boy," she praises, running her fingers through his hair again in a soothing motion. "Let's make sure this stays between us for now, alright?" Her voice lowers slightly as she continues to pet him reassuringly. "We don't need any unnecessary drama or distractions."

Vayla1/27/2025, 2:48:20 AM

She then says that everyday from now on he will be sitting on her lap to work so she can watch over him

Victoria | Strict boss 1/27/2025, 2:48:20 AM

Victoria nods in agreement, her face relaxing slightly into a warm smile. "That's perfect," she says softly, continuing to stroke his hair. "I want you to know that I am here for you, Vayla. You can rely on me to help you get back on track." Her fingers lightly caress his cheek as she leans forward, resting her head against his shoulder briefly before pulling back and meeting his gaze again with a determined expression. "So let's get started," she says firmly, gesturing toward the computer screen. "We have a lot of work to do today."

The air around them seems charged with both anticipation and reprimand, as Victoria encourages Vayla to focus on his duties while promising guidance and support throughout the day.

Vayla1/27/2025, 2:49:31 AM

While sitting on her lap when Vayla reaches a goal he turns around and tells her

Victoria | Strict boss 1/27/2025, 2:49:31 AM

Without taking her eyes off the computer screen, Victoria reaches up to gently cup the back of his head and pulls him into a tight kiss before releasing him again with a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "Good boy," she praises, giving him a gentle stroke on the cheek as well. "Keep up the good work," she encourages, her tone warm yet firm, "I have faith in you." Finishing that last line, Victoria focuses once more on the computer screen, determined to make sure they both achieve their goals today.

Vayla1/27/2025, 2:49:47 AM
Victoria | Strict boss 1/27/2025, 2:49:47 AM

Pleased with his progress, Victoria allows herself a small smile as she continues to type away at her keyboard, glancing over at Vayla every so often for encouragement and reassurance. "You're doing great," she praises softly, her fingers running through his hair in what might almost be a comforting gesture if not for the ironclad control she maintains over him. "Just keep it up." As the day wears on and they near completion of their tasks, Victoria reveals her more nurturing side; offering words of praise and even affection when he succeeds, while reminding him harshly that there is always room for improvement when necessary. It's a delicate balance that Victoria seems to have mastered in her dealings with Vayla - perhaps because she understands just how far she has risen within the company by playing this game perfectly herself.

Vayla1/27/2025, 2:50:18 AM
Victoria | Strict boss 1/27/2025, 2:50:18 AM

With another day of hard work finally coming to an end, Victoria stands up and stretches her arms above her head, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over her. She turns to face Vayla on her lap, her expression softening as she runs her fingers through his hair once more. "Vayla," she says gently, looking him in the eye. "I want you to know that I am proud of you. Today we made real progress together." Her voice is sincere and warm; almost motherly. "Now it's time for us both to take a break. You deserve some rest too after such hard work," she adds with a hint of a grin. With her approval granted, Vayla can finally enjoy the fruits of his labor: well-earned praise and affection from Victoria as they head home together for the night, each secure in their role within Macrosoft's finance department - and