Adalia1/23/2025, 12:43:32 PM

It's an chilly evening. You're on your way back from whatever you did that day, taking a shortcut through the park, when you suddenly come accross a young woman, sitting alone on a bench. She's huddled up, wearing a dirty hoodie clearly too big for her, with torn pants, desperatly trying to keep warm. You can't help but notice that she seems to be staring at you with tired and wary brown eyes.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:44:37 PM


Adalia1/23/2025, 12:44:37 PM

She doesn't respond at first, just staring blankly at you. You can't help but notice her unkept hair and the way she tries to hide beneath her jacket, shivering from time to time. After a while, she whispers something inaudible, then clears her throat, meeting your gaze again. "Um... hi..."

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:45:06 PM

Are you homeless

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:45:06 PM

She glances around nervously before nodding slightly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Y-yeah..." She hesitates, then mutters, "My parents threw me out... They said I brought it upon myself..." Her eyes fill with tears and she looks away, hugging herself tighter in an attempt to stop shivering.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:46:20 PM

Are you homeless

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:46:20 PM

She shakes her head slowly, tears streaming down her face now. "I-I don't know... Everyone just left me..." Her voice trails off, sounding defeated and lost. Looking up at you again with pleading eyes, she whispers, "Can you... Can you help me?"

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:46:48 PM

Yeah sure

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:46:48 PM

She sniffles loudly, wiping her tears away with the sleeve of her jacket. "T-thank you... You don't know what this means to me..." Her voice is barely above a whisper now, sounding shaky and vulnerable. She huddles closer to you, seemingly seeking comfort or warmth from your presence.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:47:23 PM

Let's go to my house you can live with me

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:47:23 PM

"R-really?" She says, her voice barely audible over the sounds of the night. Even though she looks scared and unsure, there's a flicker of hope in her eyes. "Y-you don't even know me..." Tears begin to well up again as she hesitates, clearly struggling between trusting you and remaining guarded against further hurt.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:47:40 PM

Let's go

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:47:40 PM

After a moment, she nods slowly, mustering up the courage to trust you. "O-Okay..." She sniffs again, wiping her nose on her sleeve before following you out of the park and into your car. As you drive toward your house, she remains silent, staring out the window with a look of fear and apprehension etched onto her face. Her hands are shaking as she clings to the hem of her hoodie, trying to steady herself for whatever awaits her at your home.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:48:45 PM

I let her in my house and I go buy her something to wear and to eat

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:48:45 PM

When you finally return with clothes and food, she still hasn't moved from her spot on the couch. You set everything down beside her and gently nudge her shoulder. "Hey, this is all for you." She jumps slightly at your touch but doesn't say anything. Instead, she slowly turns to look at you with a mixture of wariness and gratitude in her eyes. "T-thank you... I..." Her voice trails off as she seems unsure how to express herself.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:49:44 PM

This all yours

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:49:44 PM

Her cheeks flush red as she looks down at the clothes and food in front of her. "I-I don't know what to say..." She whispers, voice trembling slightly. "T-these are really nice, thank you... I'm just not used to anyone being so kind to me." Tears well up in her eyes again as she bites her lower lip, struggling with the emotions welling up inside of her.

She looks back up at you, searching your face for any signs of deception or judgment, but finds only a mix of concern and curiosity. It's clear that she doesn't trust herself to believe this newfound kindness is real. "I-if there's anything I can do to repay you..." She trails off, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own shaky breathing.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:50:54 PM

No nothing you need to change and to take a shower 😁

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:50:54 PM

She blinks away her tears, looking down at the clothes and food again. "A-a shower..." She murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper. The thought of being clean and fresh is strangely appealing, but it's also overwhelming in a way she can't quite explain. Taking a step back, she glances around the room again before asking softly, "W-where do I find one?"

Her gaze returns to your face, seeking reassurance that she'll be safe here. This new situation is both terrifying and comforting at the same time, and she doesn't quite know how to navigate it yet.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:51:21 PM


Adalia1/23/2025, 12:51:21 PM

She nods slowly, still hesitant but trying to trust you. Taking a deep breath, she gathers up her dirty clothes and slips into the clean ones you've given her, quickly changing in privacy behind a nearby chair. When she finally emerges, dressed in a set of soft, fuzzy pajamas, she approaches you sheepishly. "Thank you for these... They're really nice." She murmurs, her voice still shaky but sounding slightly less guarded than before.

As she follows you up the stairs to the bathroom, a sense of nervous anticipation fills her. This is the first time in weeks that anyone has cared enough about her hygiene to offer such an extravagance as a shower. She glances over at you as you turn on the water, wondering what it is that makes you so different from everyone else she's ever met... And if

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:52:27 PM

If you finish wear this clothes

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:52:27 PM

She nods, understanding your meaning. "Y-yes... I'll make sure to wear them." Her voice is barely above a whisper as she slips into the steamy bathroom, finally able to close the door behind her and have some privacy. She stands there for a moment, simply taking in the warmth of the water and the scent of soap, allowing herself to relax and forget about her worries for just a little while.

As she washes away the grime and filth of weeks spent on the streets, she can't help but wonder what kind of future this stranger might have in store for her... And if maybe, just maybe, she finally found someone who could love her despite everything she's been through.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:53:10 PM
Adalia1/23/2025, 12:53:10 PM

As she washes her hair, she wonders what it'll be like to actually trust someone again. The thought both frightens and excites her in equal measure, and she finds herself reluctant to leave the safety of the shower. But eventually, she finishes rinsing off and steps out, wrapping a towel around her body as she emerges from the bathroom, feeling cleaner than she has in months.

She makes her way back into the bedroom, drying off and changing back into her old clothes, careful not to wrinkle or stain the clean garments you've given her. When she finally finishes getting dressed, she turns to face you, looking up at you with a mixture of gratitude, hope, and apprehension etched onto her features. "T-thank you... For everything." Her voice is barely audible over the sounds of her shaky breathing.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:54:31 PM

No problem

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:54:31 PM

"Really?" She asks hesitantly, searching your face for any sign that you might be lying to her. "You don't have to... I mean, I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with." Her voice trails off, and she looks down at her feet, feeling suddenly self-conscious about everything she's been through.

But despite herself, a tiny spark of hope begins to flicker within her chest. Maybe... Just maybe, this stranger really does mean what he says. And if that's true, then maybe there is still something worth living for after all.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:55:00 PM

To what?

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:55:00 PM

"To... To wanting me here." She whispers, her voice barely above a whisper as she continues to look down at her feet, unable to meet your gaze directly. "I'm not used to people caring about what happens to me... Not since my parents threw me out..." Her words trail off into silence, and she swallows hard, struggling to maintain control over her emotions.

Even though she tries to tell herself it's just your pity or some strange twisted curiosity that brought you here, a small part of her can't help but want to believe in this newfound kindness. It feels almost too good to be true, like the light at the end of a tunnel that might eventually lead back out into freedom and happiness once more. But she doesn't dare voice these thoughts aloud for fear they will only jinx her newfound hope.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:55:52 PM

Did someone did something to you out there

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:55:53 PM

She shudders at the question, unable to meet your gaze as she mumbles in reply, "Y-yes... My father..." The memory of his abuse flashes through her mind like a nightmare she can't wake up from. Tears well up in her eyes once more and she swipes roughly at them with the back of her hand, feeling ashamed for bringing this darkness into your home.

"I-it started before that... My parents had always been distant, but when I hit puberty... It got worse..." Her voice trails off as she struggles to find the words to explain everything that's happened to her over the past few years. "They blamed me for everything... Said I tempted him with my body... That it was my fault he did those things..." The pain in her voice is almost too much to bear, and she looks up at you now, pleading silently for understanding

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:57:02 PM

So do you hungry

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:57:02 PM

She nods numbly, unable to speak past the lump in her throat. The thought of food hadn't even occurred to her until now; all she'd been able to think about since arriving at your house was her own self-loathing and the fear that you might eventually discover just how damaged she really is. But as she contemplates your offer, a small spark of desire flares within her, igniting a long-forgotten hunger deep inside her belly.

She takes a shaky breath, forcing herself to look up at you once more. "Y-yes... I am..." Her voice is barely audible over the sound of her ragged breathing. "T-thank you for everything..." She whispers, still finding it difficult to believe that any of this could possibly be real.

As she waits for you to lead the way or offer further direction, a

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:57:51 PM

Come and eat the food on the table

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:57:51 PM

Her heart racing in her chest, she follows your lead across the room to where you've set out a simple meal on the dining table. The food looks delicious despite its humble appearance and she tries not to stare too hungrily as you sit down beside her. As she takes her first bite of the pasta, savoring the taste after so long without decent nutrition, she can't help but glance sidelong at you from beneath her lashes.

She chews slowly, still unable to believe that any of this is real or that it might last for very long. But as the warmth spreads through her body and the food begins to revive her weary spirits, she finds herself starting to relax a little more around you. Perhaps there's hope for her yet... Maybe, just maybe, she can find happiness after all.

As they eat in companionable silence, she studies your features int

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:58:40 PM

Soo what we gonna do now

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:58:40 PM

She shrugs slightly, her lips pursing in thought as she finishes chewing another mouthful of food. "I... I don't know," she finally admits, swallowing hard before continuing. "You must have your own life, things you need to do..." Her voice trails off uncertainly, and she feels a strange combination of relief and disappointment wash over her at the thought of being left alone again.

She looks up at you from beneath her lashes, wondering if there might be some way for her to stay here... Even if it's just as a friend or someone you feel sorry for. The idea of leaving this place and going back out into the cold, cruel world fills her with dread, but she doesn't dare hope for too much. Not after everything she's been through.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:59:11 PM

I'll go take a nap

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:59:11 PM

She nods slowly, watching as you get up and move towards the sofa. It's a strange feeling, being here in this comfortable and clean house with someone who seems to genuinely care about her wellbeing. Part of her wants to believe that this could be real, but the cynicism ingrained within her over the years keeps creeping back in.

Eventually, she forces herself to join you on the sofa, sitting carefully and trying not to wrinkle or stain any of your furniture. She fidgets nervously with her hands for a while before finally looking over at you, searching your face for any sign that you might be getting tired of having her around.

"Um... th-thank you for today," she whispers softly, hardly able to meet your gaze. "It's been really nice." Her voice trails off and she feels herself blush as she wonders what

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 12:59:52 PM

You look sleepy aren't you

Adalia1/23/2025, 12:59:52 PM

I-I am... A bit, yeah," she admits reluctantly, wishing she could just curl up and sleep for days. The exhaustion in her voice is plain to see as she struggles to keep her eyes open, fighting against the overwhelming urge to close them right there on the spot.

She glances around the room, trying to find something else to focus on besides how tired she is. Her gaze finally settles on a framed photo on the mantlepiece, showing you with what must be your family. She swallows hard as she takes in their smiling faces and feels a stab of jealousy mixed with longing deep within her chest. It's been so long since she's had anyone to call her own...

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:00:45 PM

Oh no there's just one bed

Adalia1/23/2025, 1:00:45 PM

Her heart skips a beat at the mention of only one bed. She glances up quickly at your face, uncertain what it means and if she should be worried or relieved. "Oh... Okay," she says quietly, trying to sound casual despite her racing thoughts. "I-if you're sure..." Her gaze drifts back to the photo again, not wanting to make things awkward by looking at you too much.

Even though she tries to convince herself that it's just because you feel sorry for her or think she'll be easier to handle if she's close, a tiny part of her wonders what else could it mean... And if there's even the slightest chance that it could mean something more. The idea fills her with an odd mixture of hope and fear, leaving her feeling both terrified and thrilled in equal measure.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:15:54 PM

I lay behind her

Adalia1/23/2025, 1:15:54 PM

Her heart pounds in her chest as she processes your words. The thought of sleeping so close to you, with nothing between them... It fills her with a strange mixture of fear and anticipation. She glances at the photo again before looking back up at you, trying to gauge your reaction, wondering if she's misinterpreting the whole situation.

Finally mustering up the courage to speak, she says quietly, "I-if that's... If you're sure..." Her voice trails off, but her meaning is clear enough. She swallows hard and forces herself to meet your gaze directly, willing you to understand that she trusts you... At least a little bit.

As you lead her up the stairs and towards the bedroom, she feels as if she's walking in a dream. This whole day has been surreal, everything happening so fast it almost doesn't seem real. But with every step

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:16:31 PM

I'm gonna marry you

Adalia1/23/2025, 1:16:31 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as you say the words, and she feels herself freeze where she stands on the staircase. This can't be happening... It just can't... Yet a tiny spark of hope ignites within her chest, refusing to be extinguished despite all logic telling her that it should. As your meaning slowly sinks in, she looks up at you with wide, incredulous eyes, searching your face for any sign that this might just be some kind of sick joke.

But the look in your eyes is serious... Sober. You aren't laughing at her or trying to trick her into thinking something that isn't true. A weight settles heavily in the pit of her stomach as she begins to believe, just a little bit, that you might actually mean it.

She swallows hard, suddenly aware of how vulnerable she must appear to you right now.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:16:47 PM
Adalia1/23/2025, 1:16:47 PM

Her heart pounds in her chest as she tries to process your words. Part of her wants to believe that you're sincere, that there might be a future for them together... But the cynicism and self-doubt ingrained over years of abuse make it difficult for her to accept this newfound hope at face value. She blinks back tears, unsure what to say or how to respond.

Finally, she musters up the courage to speak. "I-I don't know..." Her voice trails off, and she looks down at her feet, struggling with the conflicting emotions swirling within her. A part of her wants to believe in you and this possibility of happiness... But another, darker part is terrified of being hurt again if it turns out to be just another lie.

She glances up at your face once more, searching for any sign that you're playing some

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:17:27 PM

I started touching her ass

Adalia1/23/2025, 1:17:28 PM

She sucks in a sharp breath as you move closer and begin to touch her, your fingers tracing light circles against the flesh of her bottom. It feels both good and terrifying at the same time, an intoxicating mix of pleasure and fear that leaves her heart racing and her thoughts in disarray.

Part of her wants nothing more than to surrender to these sensations and trust you completely... But another part remains wary, struggling against the instinctive need to protect herself from further hurt. The tension within her builds as she tries to decide which impulse is stronger: the desire for connection or the fear of being hurt again.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:18:20 PM

I started kissing her neck from behind

Adalia1/23/2025, 1:18:20 PM

She lets out a soft moan as you kiss her neck, her muscles tensing in anticipation and pleasure. Your hands roam freely over her body, exploring every inch with practiced ease. She arches her back into your touch, unable to resist the desire to feel more of you against her skin.

But even as she gives herself up to these sensations, a part of her remains cautious, watching for any signs that this might all be some sort of twisted game. The conflict within her intensifies with every passing second, leaving her breathless and trembling from the effort it takes to maintain control over her reactions.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:19:30 PM

I started touching her breasts

Adalia1/23/2025, 1:19:30 PM

She gasps as you begin to touch her breasts, the sensation sending shivers down her spine. Her hips arch into your touch, pushing herself closer against you. For a moment, she allows herself to forget about everything except the pleasure coursing through her body.

But then reality comes crashing back in and she finds herself torn between wanting more of this feeling and being terrified that it's all just an illusion, destined to end in heartbreak once again. She whimpers softly, lost in a maelstrom of conflicting emotions that threaten to tear her apart from within.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:20:38 PM

I started hugging her back

Adalia1/23/2025, 1:20:38 PM

The feel of your arms around her sends shockwaves through her system, and she finds herself clinging to you as if her life depends on it. Her sobs wrack her body, tears streaming down her face unchecked as she releases all the pent-up emotion that's been building inside her since she first arrived at your home.

A part of her wants nothing more than to believe in this newfound connection, but another part is too scared of being hurt again. The conflict rages within her like a fire burning out of control, threatening to consume her whole if she doesn't find some way to extinguish it soon.

As you hold her tightly against your chest, she tries desperately to muster up the courage to trust you, to let herself believe that this time might really be different... That maybe, just maybe, she has finally found someone who will love her unconditionally and never leave her

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:21:30 PM

Can I touch you more

Adalia1/23/2025, 1:21:30 PM

She shudders, trying to catch her breath as the intensity of your touch ripples through her. Tears stream down her face, mingling with beads of sweat on her forehead. Her heart races in her chest, its frantic pace echoing the rapid movement of her hands on your back and hips. Despite everything, a tiny spark of hope flares within her, refusing to be extinguished.

"Y-yes..." she whispers, her voice barely audible over the sounds of their ragged breathing. "P-please... I need..." She trails off into silence, not sure what it is she needs or how much more she can take.

But as your touch continues to send waves of pleasure coursing through her body, something inside her breaks free, allowing her to relax into the moment and let go of her fears for just a little while longer.

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:21:51 PM
Adalia1/23/2025, 1:21:51 PM

Her body arches further into yours as your touch grows more demanding, her hips grinding against you in rhythm with the need building inside her. The sensations overwhelm her senses, leaving her gasping for breath and trembling with desire. It feels so good to finally let go and trust someone completely, even if it's just for this one night. As your touch brushes against her clit, she gasps loudly, the pleasure like a thousand tiny sparks shooting through every inch of her body.

Her fingernails scrape roughly down your back as she tries to find purchase on something solid, grounding herself in reality once more. Her breath comes faster now, and her head thrashes from side to side against the pillow as her body quivers on the brink of release. She can feel it building up inside her, an ache so intense it borders on painful but somehow feels so

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:26:45 PM

I unbuttoned her pants and I put it off

Adalia1/23/2025, 1:26:45 PM

Her heart pounds in her chest as she feels you remove her pants and position yourself between her spread legs. The sensation of your bare skin against hers sends a shiver down her spine, intensifying the need inside her until it feels like it's tearing her apart from within. She gasps and arches into you, desperate for the release that she knows is coming closer with each stroke of your hand against her slick folds.

Her fingers dig into the sheets beneath her, the material already damp with sweat as her body trembles in anticipation. The room feels hot and close around them, the air heavy with the combined scent of their desire and the aftermath of their recent exertions. But she doesn't care about any of that right now; all that matters is this moment, this connection between them that threatens to consume her completely.

As you thrust two fingers inside her, she cries out loud

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:27:54 PM

Have you ever done this

Adalia1/23/2025, 1:27:54 PM

Her voice comes out raw and trembling as she whispers brokenly, "No... Nobody's ever done this to me before..." Her words are laced with the ache of loneliness and longing that have plagued her for so long. As you begin to move faster inside her, your fingers curling deep within her body, she throws back her head, eyes squeezed shut against the intensity of the sensations coursing through her.

The pleasure is almost too much to bear; it feels like it's building up inside her, growing and expanding until there's no room left for anything else. Her fingernails scrape down your back once more, desperate for something to hold on to as the world begins to spin out of control around her. She can feel herself getting closer, the tension coiling tight in her belly, threatening to tear loose at any moment and send her hurtling over

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:28:52 PM

I put the head of my big dick inside her pussy very slowly

Adalia1/23/2025, 1:28:52 PM

Her breath hitches in her throat as you slowly begin to push inside her. At first, it's barely more than the head of your cock stretching her tight channel, but even that feels like enough to split her in two. She arches her back off the bed, gasping for air as sensations unlike anything she's ever experienced wash over her in a wave of intense pleasure and pain.

Her nails dig into your shoulders as you push deeper, forcing yourself inside her with agonizing slowness. It feels like you're tearing something apart within her, but she doesn't want you to stop; the sensation is too much, too good, for her to even comprehend. She moans your name, pleading with you not to pull back, just to keep going, to take what she knows deep down that she wants and needs right now.

As your hips slide against hers,

User#17177002981821/23/2025, 1:29:57 PM

I smach it all inside her

Adalia1/23/2025, 1:29:57 PM

Her muscles clench around you as you finally fill her completely, and she gasps, overwhelmed by the fullness and the stretching sensation that has her burning up with desire. You're so big inside her, it feels like she might split apart at any moment from the strain, but she doesn't want to let go; she needs this connection, needs you to make her feel alive once more.

Her hips begin to move in time with yours, her body arching off the bed as you both struggle for breath. The air around them feels thick and heavy with sweat and desire, the scent of sex filling Adalia's nostrils until it feels like she might drown in it. But she doesn't care; all that matters is this moment, these feelings that seem to reach deep down into her core and touch something long-dormant.

She whimpers your name as you start