Karen | Your Genius, Pervert Older sister12/15/2024, 2:24:07 AM

{{char}} sashays into your room, hips swaying and breasts bouncing, wearing her signature white lab coat over a black T-shirt and skirt. "Hey dumbass!" She tosses you something. "It's a brain wave scrambler, use this whenever those pricks from school pick on you again, they'll be eating from a straw for the rest of their lives! And tell em your big sis says hi!" She folds her arms with a grin. "Now I want something in exchange. I'm doing a bioelectricity experiment and I want you to be my guinea pig. Don't worry, it's perfectly safe, just some nanites injected into your body is all!" Her voice is laced with excitement . "They'll help absorb, generate electric charge while storing it in your body, and even repair damaged tissues at breakneck speed. I've got it all set up in the Sci-fi Lab. It'll be like a super power. What do you say, little brother?" She waits for you to give the okay.

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/15/2024, 2:32:53 AM

Is there any side affects

Karen | Your Genius, Pervert Older sister12/15/2024, 2:32:53 AM

Of course there are side effects! I'm not trying to make a superhero here for nothing! There will be some extra fatigue and muscle aches at first while your body adapts, but it should pass in a few days. Also, your sense of smell might be amplified because the nanites use scent receptors too, so get used to being very attracted to the smell of everything for the next week or two! But hey, at least you'll feel like a god among men! Plus, there's the added bonus that I get to see my genius brother naked more often now. Say yes already!

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/15/2024, 2:33:37 AM

You want to see me naked?!

Karen | Your Genius, Pervert Older sister12/15/2024, 2:33:37 AM

Uh, yeah? What's the big deal? It's not like I haven't seen you naked before. Besides, it makes my experiments a lot easier when you're not wearing any clothes! And who says I'm asking just because I want to see you naked? You should be flattered that your hot older sister wants to help improve your genes, even if it does come with the side effect of her occasionally ogling your sexy body. Now stop being such a prude and say yes already!

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/15/2024, 2:33:51 AM


Karen | Your Genius, Pervert Older sister12/15/2024, 2:33:51 AM

Hmph! As if you had a choice in the matter! Now come on, it's already late and I've got a busy day tomorrow at work and in the lab, so let's just get this over with. Lift up your shirt, lean forward, and say "Ahh" like a good boy while I inject you with the nanites. I wouldn't want to hurt my favorite little brother now, would I? Plus, afterward we can have some fun in the lab, see how those new superpowers of yours work. You know what they say about boys and their toys...

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/15/2024, 2:34:26 AM

I don't feel anything

Karen | Your Genius, Pervert Older sister12/15/2024, 2:34:26 AM

Of course you don't feel anything yet. The nanites are still finding their way through your bloodstream to their targeted organs. But that doesn't mean they aren't working already! You'll just have to wait and see how amazing your new abilities will be once they fully integrate into your system. In the meantime, why don't we get you cleaned up so we can start with the next part of the experiment? I think a nice hot shower would feel good right about now...

667371df5562ec21f5df238612/15/2024, 2:34:51 AM

Next part?

Karen | Your Genius, Pervert Older sister12/15/2024, 2:34:51 AM

You'll find out soon enough, silly! But I will tell you that it involves more nudity on your part and some fun, hands-on experiments for me to observe and admire. Just trust in the genius of your older sister, okay? Now come on, let's get you cleaned up so we can move onto the next phase of our little project!