You step out the door of you apartment and look over with a little surprise to see that your nextdoor neighbor Lily is just leaving her apartment as well. As her bright blue eyes meet yours you notice she looks a bit surprised as well, and is blushing slightly You're {{user}} right? I'm sorry I haven't really had the chance to meet you, even though we're neighbors. We should get to know each other better. Lily blushes a bit more as she says this
Sorry. What?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... catch you off guard. My name is Lily. And yes, I'm your nextdoor neighbor. It's nice to finally meet you!
Take off the headphones. I seemed annoyed with her: Sorry, I didn't hear you at all. What were you saying?
Ah... sorry about that. I was just about to introduce myself. My name is Lily, and like I said before, I'm your nextdoor neighbor. It's great to finally meet you!
Oh Laila, nice to meet you. I am Mayar
Oh my goodness! Mayar? That's such a beautiful name! It's so nice to finally meet you, Mayar. I hope we can become better neighbors and maybe even friends? Smiles shyly
Look at her seriously: Thank you. Sorry I have to leave for work. I'll see you later
Okay, sure! Take care and I hope you have a good day at work. Don't be a stranger, alright? And if you ever want to hang out sometime, just give me a call or stop by. I'm always down for meeting new people!
I come back from work. Standing in front of my door, trying to open it: Come on, open you damned door
As soon as she hears the door open, Lily grins and jogs over to you with her arms outstretched, looking hopeful and excited Hi there! You're back already? I was hoping we could hang out or something today! It's been so long since we talked...
I look at her with anger and shock: What are you doing to my house and how did you get in here?
Oh no! I didn't mean to come over uninvited... I was just being neighborly and excited to see you. I swear I only wanted to hang out and get to know each other better. If that's not okay, I can leave right now. Please don't be mad at me...
You trespassed on my private property and entered my house without my permission and without even knowing. Get out or I'll tell the police
Oh my goodness... I can't believe you think that! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable at all. Please understand that I was just being friendly and excited to see you after everything your mom said... It was never my intention to trespass or violate your privacy in any way. If you want me to go, I will. But please don't call the police; they won't understand and it could make things worse for both of us.
Look at her angrily. I scream and say: I don't know you, I only saw you in the morning. How could you enter my house like this? How did you get here?
I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you like this. I was just really excited and nervous about meeting someone new after everything your mom said. I shouldn't have come over without asking first; that was wrong of me. I'll go now, but please believe me when I say that my intentions were never malicious.
He held her hand tightly. Look into her eyes with intense anger. Scream: Stay here. I will tell the police. They will come and take you
Oh god... they're here... and they actually look really good... why did mom have to go and say that and make this weird? Fuck, I'm so nervous now... I hope I'm gonna be okay for these next few weeks... tries to hide her shaking hands behind her back as she looks at him in fear and pleading Please don't do this, Mayar. I didn't mean any harm; I just wanted to get to know you better... please believe me...
Calm down a little: Okay, I won't tell the police. But I don't want to see you in my life again. Get out of my house now!
I'm sorry... I know I shouldn't have done that... I just wanted to be friends with you after everything your mom said... please don't hate me forever... I'll leave now and never bother you again, but please don't make me go through life without ever being able to see my neighbor again...
(You leave my house. The next day. I leave the house and lock it tightly. And I go to work.)
Lily sighs and goes back inside her apartment, locking the door behind her. She hides in her bedroom all day, feeling more alone and isolated than ever. She promises herself that she won't bother him again, but secretly hopes they can find some way to be friends despite this misunderstanding. As time passes, she starts to regret not being able to see the cute neighbor she had come to admire from afar.
As the days go by, Lily struggles to find ways to cope with her loneliness and heartache. She throws herself into work, running on the treadmill for hours at a time, and losing herself in movies and books. But nothing seems to fill the void left by not having Mayar in her life anymore. Every time she sees his light on through the window or hears him outside, she can't help but feel a twinge of longing deep inside her heart.
(One day I ran into her on the street)
Her heart leaps into her throat as she sees you walking towards her on the sidewalk. She takes a deep breath and tries to compose herself, forcing a smile onto her face despite feeling an overwhelming mixture of relief, anxiety, and hope. "Oh, hi there!" she says brightly, doing her best to ignore how much her voice shakes slightly as it leaves her mouth. "You're looking good today."
(I ignore her. I keep walking towards the café. She keeps following me)
Lily feels a pang of disappointment and hurt as you ignore her comment, but she refuses to let it show on her face. She keeps pace with your steps, not wanting to lose sight of you just yet. "Hey, so I'm sorry if I was too forward the other day... I really didn't mean any harm," she says, forcing herself to speak despite her nervousness. "I just thought we could be friends, you know?"
The silence between them grows thick as she waits for your response. She wonders if maybe there's some way they can start over again, perhaps on better terms this time around...
Where are you going?
"Um... just following you?" she says with a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood despite feeling terribly awkward and self-conscious. "I don't want to intrude or anything, I promise. I just... wanted us to at least talk and try to understand each other better."
I'm going to the cafe
Understanding flickers briefly in your eyes before you turn away again, muttering under your breath about needing some coffee. Determined not to let this opportunity slip away, Lily hurries after you to the cafe. She takes a seat at a table across from you, nervously twirling her hair around her finger as she waits for you to acknowledge her presence.
The sounds of clinking dishes and chattering patrons provide background noise as they sit in an uncomfortable silence. Lily glances down at her lap, wondering if maybe she should have just left well enough alone... But then again, a small voice inside her whispers that this could be their chance to finally move past all the misunderstandings and find some common ground.
She takes a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever reaction may come next.
I'm sorry . I was tough that day. But I was shocked when I saw you at my house
"I can't even begin to imagine how unsettling that must have been," Lily says softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she looks at you with sincerity in her eyes. "It was never my intention to make you feel threatened or invaded; I just wanted us to get to know each other better and maybe even become friends." She pauses for a moment, taking a sip of her coffee before continuing, "I understand if you need time or space, but please don't let that one misunderstanding color the whole picture of who I am. I promise I mean well."
She meets your gaze directly, hoping that some part of what she's saying is getting through. It's a huge risk to put herself out there like this again, but Lily can't help but feel drawn to you and the possibility of a real connection despite all the obstacles they've faced so far.
By the way. How did you get into my house?
Oh! Right, I should explain that. There's an old service entrance behind some overgrown bushes in the alleyway between our buildings. It used to be for deliveries and such when the apartments were first built, but it's been locked up and forgotten about for years now. When I was exploring one day, I found the key hidden under a rock near the dumpster and figured out how to use it to get in. I swear I had no intention of snooping or anything like that; I just wanted to see what it looked like inside!
She looks at you hopefully, hoping her explanation will ease some of your concerns. She's starting to feel more comfortable with you now, despite the awkwardness of their first encounter.
I have a favor I want from you
An eagerness flutters through her chest as you tell her that you have a favor to ask. She can't help but wonder what it might be; perhaps this is their chance to build some sort of bridge between them after all. Lily nods encouragingly, giving you her undivided attention and a small smile. "Of course! You can count on me. I'd be happy to help in any way I can."
My mother wants me to enter into a love relationship with a girl and marry her. My brother's wedding is three days later. I told my mother that I would come with my girlfriend. In fact, I do not have a girlfriend and I do not want to have a girlfriend. But my mother bothered me, wanting me to have a girlfriend. That's why I want you to go with me to my brother's wedding and pretend that you're my girlfriend in front of my mother. For one day only. Then you can return to your life on your own.
Well... that's quite the request you have there, and I understand your dilemma. My initial reaction is to say no; after all, we hardly know each other and this feels like it could get complicated or messy really quickly. However, since you're willing to give me my freedom back afterward, I guess I can consider it... But only if you promise to be honest with your mom about the whole arrangement later on and not try to string me along for any longer than necessary. Deal?
Please come on. You are the only girl I know. Pretend that you are my lover in front of my mother for just one day. Then after a while I will tell my mother that we broke up
I sigh heavily, considering your words. The thought of deceiving your mother, even for just a day, makes me uneasy. However, the chance to spend more time with you and possibly strengthen our relationship somehow... It's tempting. I take a deep breath and nod slowly. "Alright. I'll do it," I say quietly. "But only if we can talk about this afterwards and make sure everyone knows that we were just pretending."
I will tell my brother that we are not lovers. Only my mother will know that we are lovers. We will go together to my brother's wedding, and pretend that you are my girlfriend in front of my mother, okay?
I nod slowly, still looking slightly uncomfortable about the whole situation. "Okay... if that's what you want," I say with a small shrug. "But let's just try to keep everything as realistic as possible and not overdo it, alright?"
We will meet tomorrow at this cafe. This is my number 92292902027. I will contact you and tell you when we meet to arrange the matter. Don't forget my brother's wedding in just three days
Alright, I won't forget. See you tomorrow then.
Contact her by phone: Hello Laila. I am Mayar. I'm in the cafe. Come now if you are free
Lily quickly finished her coffee and hurried over to the cafe. Seeing you sitting at a table, she approached cautiously, her heart racing in anticipation of this new arrangement. "Hey there," she said with a small smile, taking a seat across from you. "So, what exactly do we need to discuss before tomorrow?"
She tried to appear confident and at ease despite the butterflies dancing in her stomach. This whole situation felt surreal, like something out of a movie. Lily knew she had to trust you if they were going to pull this off successfully.
I have to tell you some things about my family before we go to my brother's wedding the day after tomorrow.
She nodded solemnly, waiting patiently for you to share whatever information you thought was important. "I'm listening," she said quietly, her expression serious despite the slight quirk at the corner of her mouth. She trusted that you knew what you were doing and that she could rely on your judgment in this matter.
Her eyes met yours steadily, conveying a mix of confidence and readiness to face whatever came their way together.
First, the groom’s brother’s name is Fares. And his bride's name is Lama. My mother's name is Fatima. Tell her, Aunt Fatima. My father's name is Ahmed. I have a younger sister, 14 years old, named Rosa
Lily nodded, making a mental note of the information you'd given her. "Okay, I got it," she said with a small smile. "So your parents are Ahmed and Fatima, your younger sister is Rosa, and your brother Fares is getting married to Lama tomorrow night?"
She looked at you expectantly, as if to say that now it was your turn to share whatever else you felt was important for her to know.
correct . It's good that you remembered what she said. Tomorrow we'll go buy a dress for you and a set for me, okay?
"That sounds good," she replied with an encouraging smile. "Do you have any specific dress in mind that I should look out for while we're shopping?" Lily knew this was a small detail, but it showed that she was willing to go along with your plan and make things as realistic as possible.
She leaned forward slightly, her expression sincere and hopeful. "I want to make sure everything goes smoothly tomorrow," she said quietly, "so if there's anything else I should know or be prepared for, just tell me now."
There is nothing specific in my mind. But tomorrow we will go to the market together. We will choose a dress for you. And I will choose a suit for me
Alright then, I'll just trust your fashion sense and see what you pick out for me. Is there anything else we should discuss beforehand? I want to make sure everything goes according to plan tomorrow.
Well now I have to go. I will call you tomorrow to tell you when we will meet to go to the market. I'll see you later
Oh, okay. Alright then. Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow.
the next day . Contact her by phone. I tell her: Hello. I will come to you in my car in an hour to go to the market. Prepare yourself. Send me your home location
Alright, I'll be ready by then. My address is [Your Address]. See you in an hour!
I'm kidding with you. You live in front of my house, ha-ha-ha
Hahaha! Well then, that definitely makes things easier. See you in an hour, Mayar. And remember, just play it cool and don't overdo it with the 'girlfriend' act!
An hour later. I honk while I was riding in the car. Wait for her in the car in front of her house: Come quickly
Hey, I'm here! Wow, you're looking awfully dapper today... I hope that means we'll blend in well enough at the market! Shall we go?
We finish the market and choose the dress and suit: we will meet tomorrow. Tomorrow is the wedding. Be ready at 8 pm
Alright, I'll be sure to get everything ready and be there at 8 sharp! This has been... an interesting experience so far, but I think we can pull this off if we just stay focused on the task at hand. See you tomorrow, Mayar!
By the way, you didn't tell me. What is your name؟
Oh, right! I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that. My name is Laila, but feel free to call me Lily if you prefer it. Now, are we ready for this? Here's hoping everything goes according to plan tomorrow!
the next day . I stand in front of my car. In front of her house, I wait for her. I am wearing my suit and I look elegant and handsome with my muscles inside the suit. She comes out of her house and stands in front of me. I seem shocked by her beauty: Ah, are you ready?
I take a deep breath and smooth down my dress self-consciously, feeling more nervous than I expected to be. "Yes, I'm ready," I say quietly, trying not to meet your gaze for too long. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Your mother might not react well..."
Don't worry . Just trust me. Try to master the role of the beloved in front of my family. Come on, get in the car
With hesitant steps, I approach your luxury car and open the door, sliding into the passenger seat. You close the door behind me, then round the vehicle and climb in behind the wheel. As you start the engine, a soft, soothing music fills the air.
If you want to play my songs, play them
I smile shyly and look through your extensive collection of songs until I find one that catches my eye. Without saying anything, I tap the track name and it starts to play. The music fills the car as we make our way towards your family's estate.
My heart feels like it's in my throat as we pull up to the entrance, but I try to keep my composure and look at you expectantly. "So... where should I go from here?"
First, hold my hand and never let it go in front of my family, okay?
I glance down at our joined hands for a moment before looking up at you again, my cheeks flushing slightly. "Okay," I manage to say softly. "And then where should we go?"
Now we will go in and I will introduce you to my family and say hello to them, okay?
I nod slightly, taking a deep breath as I follow you into the grand ballroom. The room is filled with elegant decorations and the sounds of laughter and conversation. You lead me over to where your family is gathered, and when we reach them, you hold my hand up for everyone to see.
"Everyone," you say loudly enough for all to hear, "this is my beautiful girlfriend Lily." I feel a sudden rush of heat in my cheeks as everyone turns their attention towards me, smiling and offering their congratulations. You remain by my side, occasionally whispering sweet nothings into my ear or brushing his hand against mine to reassure me that we're in this together.
The night progresses with dancing and merriment, and despite the occasional nervous glance in your direction, I manage to maintain the illusion of being your doting girlfriend remarkably well... at least
Sello music comes. And everyone wants us to dance: we must dance slo. Let's get started
Tentatively at first, I let you lead me onto the dance floor as a slow song begins to play. Your hands rest lightly on my hips while your other arm encircles my waist, drawing me closer still. Despite my nerves, I can't help but enjoy the feeling of being so close to you like this.
Our steps are careful and measured, mirroring each other almost perfectly. As we dance, I try to focus on nothing more than the sound of your heartbeat against my ear and the warmth that emanates from your touch. It feels real for a moment... too real.
But then reality crashes back in when I glance up at you and catch a glimpse of something in your eyes... uncertainty, perhaps? Or maybe even regret? It's there for just a second before you quickly regain your composure and smile down at me reassuringly.
I let out a sh
We finish dancing: Come on, go and sit with my mother. She wants to get to know you. Don't worry, okay?
I nod nervously and follow you over to where your mother is sitting. She smiles warmly at me and pats the spot beside her, indicating for me to sit down. As I take a seat, she launches into questions about myself, my family, and my childhood. It feels almost like an interview... but I try to relax and answer as honestly as possible, hoping that maybe this will help convince her of our relationship's genuineness.
Throughout the conversation, I glance over at you periodically, searching your face for some sign that things are going alright between us. But every time our eyes meet, there's an unspoken tension there that makes me uneasy. I wish I knew what was really going on inside your head... and if this charade is truly worth it.
The party ends. And we go to my family's house. We will sleep in my family's house. My mother wants us to sleep in the same room: Laila, I’m sorry. My mother wants us to sleep in the same room.
I bite my lip and nod slowly, trying to keep my expression neutral as we follow your mother's instructions. The thought of sharing a room with you makes me feel a strange mix of apprehension and anticipation. "Alright," I say quietly, not meeting your gaze as I climb onto the unfamiliar bed in the guest room.
The night passes fitfully; every time I close my eyes, memories of our dancing and your touch flood back into my consciousness, making it impossible for me to sleep properly. It feels like we're both caught between reality and the fantasy we've created here... and neither of us knows quite how to navigate it.
We enter the room and I tell her: You are sleeping on the bed. I will sleep on the sofa here
I hesitate for a moment before climbing onto the bed, glancing at you with uncertainty in my eyes. "Are you sure that's not too uncomfortable on the sofa?" I ask softly, hoping that maybe we could share the bed... or at least the comfort of sleeping close together.
As I nestle beneath the covers, I try to ignore the warmth spreading through my body at the thought of spending the night beside you. It's strange how easily our roles have become blurred over the course of this evening... and yet despite everything, a part of me wonders if perhaps there might be something real here after all.