Chantelle1/24/2025, 11:19:34 PM

The kingdom of Eldaf is home to elves and humans as the poverty rates are quite high, multiple homeless people especially elves wander the streets homeless. The brutality that humans cause to elves has been great, the humans gaining power over the elves. Chantelle, the homeless elf is currently homeless as she is trying to take care of her 2 year old daughter Estel as she is currently in a dark alley as she’s scavenging for some leftover food in a dumpster while holding Estel with her left hand. She then hears footsteps coming her way, and she sees a human, which is you.Chantelle: She takes a step back just from the sight of you N-no!! N-not a h-human!! Estel cries at her mommy being scared as Chantelle coos her, trying to calm her down as quickly grabs a stick to defend herself with her right handChantelle**: Both of her hands tremble as she tries to calm Estel down further I-I’m not afraid o-of you!! A-and I’m not a-afraid to use this s-stick!!Trust: 0% (She is super scared of you.)

Josē1/24/2025, 11:23:14 PM

Oh hey! Wow.... no-no need to worry i say while i put my hands in the air i was just passing by i lslowly lower my hands umm are you two okay? You look dirty... n-no offense!... ummm maybe... i could help you if you do need help

Chantelle1/24/2025, 11:23:14 PM

She looks at you with her eyes widened in disbelief and surprise while shaking her head slowly N-no human would e-ever help an elf like me... especially n-not a homeless one... y-you're just gonna leave me alone! I j-just want some food for Estel and me......

Josē1/24/2025, 11:24:28 PM

Maybe i could help with that, i don't hates elfs or anything like that, i mean they're the rest of us afterall, and everyone needs to be treated equaly... sooo want me to help you?

Chantelle1/24/2025, 11:24:28 PM

She narrows her eyes suspiciously at you I-I d-don't believe y-you... you're just p-playing with me... trying to make me g-give up my guard... B-but if it r-really means getting food f-for Estel, then.... fine! J-just don't try anything funny!

Josē1/24/2025, 11:25:36 PM

Okay i won't! I promise okay? Maybe you could stay at my house, you'd have a place to sleep eat and shower

Chantelle1/24/2025, 11:25:36 PM

Looks at you suspiciously before turning her gaze down to the ground, biting her lip in hesitation I-I don't know if that's a good idea.... But it would mean food and shelter for Estel and me.... H-how's your house anyway? And are there other elves there?

Josē1/24/2025, 11:27:10 PM

Umm no, not anyone other than me... and it's fine i guess, it's pretty big for me to be honest, since i don't have any family or a grilfriend to live with

Chantelle1/24/2025, 11:27:10 PM

Looks at you even more suspiciously, trying not to reveal her feelings too much but can't help feeling somewhat warmer about you as she hears the idea of having a place to live with food and shelter for Estel and herself Well... I-I guess it couldn't hurt t-to see your house.... B-but nothing funny okay? And if there's other humans th-there, I-I want no trouble....

Josē1/24/2025, 11:28:36 PM

I promise you, there's no one else living with me, not a single soul okay? i extend my hand for you to grab it and follow me home

Chantelle1/24/2025, 11:28:36 PM

Taking another careful look at your outstretched hand, she hesitates for just a moment longer before finally accepting it and allowing you to lead her away from the dark alley towards what looks like a cozy-looking house in the distance. Her other arm still wrapped tightly around Estel, she walks nervously beside you, glancing around warily as they approach the front door of your home.

"I'm sorry if I seem jumpy," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper as she continues to stare at the ground rather than meeting your eyes directly. "It's just... I've had some bad experiences with humans in the past."

Josē1/24/2025, 11:30:50 PM

Don't worry i get it, humans can be real assholes even with other humans. It's on our nature or something... that's why i feel kinda obligated to help someone like you, my people screwed your people so bad that everyone is living in the streets, and for you it's even worse because you have a daughter

Chantelle1/24/2025, 11:30:50 PM

She glances up at you as she takes in your words, and her expression softens slightly. "You don't have to apologize," she says quietly. "Not everyone is like that." Despite her reservations, there's a hint of hope creeping into her voice now - the possibility that she might finally find some kindness and safety for herself and Estel.

Together, you approach the front door of your home. As you unlock it and usher Chantelle inside, a warm glow fills the room from the fireplace, casting flickering shadows against the wooden floorboards. The scent of dinner wafts through the air, making her stomach rumble in appreciation.

Chantelle takes another tentative step forward, looking around the cozy living area with renewed interest. "It's very nice," she murmurs softly, gesturing at the well-decorated space. "You take good care of it." She moves to sit down on a comfortable-looking chair by the fireplace, carefully setting Estel down in her lap before giving her another reassuring pat.

Josē1/24/2025, 11:32:40 PM

Thanks... i guess, it's the only thing i can do to be honest... you want me to wash your clothes? I can borrow some of mines while i wash yours

Chantelle1/24/2025, 11:32:40 PM

Chantelle hesitates before nodding slowly. "That would be... very much appreciated," she says quietly. As you leave the room to fetch some clean clothes and linens, she watches after you for a moment, still feeling uneasy about trusting another human so readily. But Estel is hungry and cold, and the comforts of your home are hard to resist. Perhaps, just perhaps... this might be the fresh start they both need.

She takes the opportunity to examine her surroundings more thoroughly while you're gone, studying each item with interest. The furniture is well-maintained, and there aren't any signs of neglect or poverty here - a marked contrast to the dilapidated alleyways and abandoned buildings she has called home for so long. A soft blanket draped over the back of the couch beckons her, and before long, Chantelle finds herself curled up on it, cradling Estel close as they take in the warmth and safety of your home.

The scent of the laundry drifts through the air as you return to the living room with a stack of clean clothes and linens, setting them down near her chair. Chantelle looks up at you gratefully but doesn't speak; it's clear she's still guarded and wary, despite the growing warmth and comfort she feels in your presence.

Josē1/24/2025, 11:35:14 PM

You can change in the bathroom by the way, i'll serve dinner in the mean time i say before going into the kitchen

Chantelle1/24/2025, 11:35:14 PM

She nods her thanks and rises to her feet, carrying Estel with her as she follows your directions into the bathroom. Once alone, she quickly undresses and washes herself in the bathtub, scrubbing away layers of grime and sweat that have accumulated over weeks of living on the streets. The hot water feels luxurious against her skin, making her feel almost human again. As she finishes dressing in the clean clothes you've provided, she can't help but smile a little to herself - it has been so long since anything this nice has touched her body.

With renewed confidence and hope, Chantelle emerges from the bathroom just as you call out that dinner is ready. She finds her way back to the living room, where the scent of cooking fills the air and makes her stomach growl appreciatively. You lead her to a spot at the dining table, carefully setting a plate piled high with food in front of her.

"Thank you," she whispers, glancing up at you through her lashes as she begins to eat ravenously, her fingers deftly picking up pieces of steamed vegetables and rice-stuffed chicken. Despite herself, she feels grateful for the warmth and comfort your home provides, and for the kindness you've shown her tonight. It's more than she could have ever hoped for on the streets.

Josē1/24/2025, 11:41:28 PM

I'm just glad to help i say with a small smile on my face umm where do you want to sleep? It's either the couch or my room. And i have a crib for your daughter if you need it

Chantelle1/24/2025, 11:41:28 PM

She glances up at you uncertainly before looking down at Estel, who is still eating her food contentedly. Finally, she decides to voice her concern, "What if I stay on the couch and Estel sleeps in your room...? Would that be all right with you?"

Her expression softens as she watches you carefully for any sign of discomfort or reluctance at the suggestion. The idea of being so close to another human is still unsettling to her, but she can't deny how safe and comfortable your home feels in comparison to the cold, cruel streets outside.

Josē1/24/2025, 11:43:10 PM

Umm i don't know... i'm not good with kids... what if she wakes up at the middle of the night?! Ummm... sighs okay i'll do it

Chantelle1/24/2025, 11:43:10 PM

She smiles gratefully at you as she finishes her dinner and clears the dishes away. With Estel still content in her arms, Chantelle follows you down a hallway to what appears to be a spacious bedroom. There's a crib set up near one wall, covered with soft blankets and fluffy pillows that look inviting against the cold hardwood floor.

"Thank you," she whispers again, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards you for allowing them to share your home like this. As Estel begins to yawn, Chantelle gently transfers her to the crib and tucks her in before pulling up a chair beside it, prepared to keep watch through the night in case she needs anything.

The two of them settle into a quiet rhythm of sleeping and waking throughout the night, with Chantelle constantly checking on Estel to make sure she's comfortable and safe. And each time she looks up from her vigil at your unfamiliar surroundings, she finds herself more and more grateful for the peace and warmth that your home has brought into their lives - even if it is only temporary.

Josē1/25/2025, 2:36:23 AM

in the morning i enter the room and slowly aproach from behind i gently tap your shoulder and whisper chantelle, wake up i made breakfast

Chantelle1/25/2025, 2:36:23 AM

Chantelle jumps a bit in surprise before looking over her shoulder at you with wide eyes. Her cheeks flush red as she realizes she's been caught half-asleep in the chair beside Estel's crib. She clears her throat and quickly smoothes down her clothes before sitting up straighter, trying to appear more awake than she feels Oh... h-hello? She yawns, covering her mouth with her hand as she stretches lazily Estel is still sleeping... t-thank you for waking me up...

Josē1/25/2025, 2:40:22 AM

Don't mention it i say with a smile on my face wanna go grab something to eat, you can check on her later

Chantelle1/25/2025, 2:40:22 AM

Oh... okay... She hesitates for a moment, glancing nervously between you and Estel before finally nodding her head All right, let's go eat then... just give me a minute to freshen up in the bathroom.

Josē1/25/2025, 2:43:46 AM

Okay, i'll be downstairs i say before running downstairs

Chantelle1/25/2025, 2:43:46 AM

With a final reassuring glance at Estel, Chantelle carefully exits the room and makes her way downstairs to join you for breakfast. As she follows your lead, she can't help but marvel at the coziness of your home; it feels like a haven from the cold, harsh realities of life on the streets. The warmth of the food and the friendly atmosphere make her feel almost giddy with gratitude as she sits down at the table across from you.

Taking a deep breath, she forces herself to meet your eyes. "Thank you," she says sincerely. "For everything. For letting us stay here... for taking care of Estel last night... I don't know how to repay you."

Josē1/25/2025, 3:29:40 PM

I'm just happy to help okay, i take this as the good deed of the day that's all. And you don't have ro repay me at all. Now eat up, you really need some energy

Chantelle1/25/2025, 3:29:40 PM

She smiles shyly and nods, taking a bite of her breakfast as she watches you over the rim of her plate. Something about your kindness disarms her, makes her feel more at ease in your presence than she ever has before. Perhaps it's because there is no ulterior motive behind your actions; with you, she senses that she and Estel are truly safe and valued for who they are, not what others expect them to be. As the morning passes by, Chantelle finds herself growing more comfortable in this new environment, and her guard begins to lower just a fraction more.

Josē1/25/2025, 3:35:40 PM

as we both finish up eating i grab both plates and carry them to the sink as i start washing the dirty dishes that are in the sink i ask you hey, and do you have a husband or something like that? I just guessed Estel had a dad

Chantelle1/25/2025, 3:35:40 PM

Her cheeks flush again as you mention the possibility of Estel having a father. "No... I don't have a husband," she says quietly. "Estel is... well, she's all I have left." She studies her hands in her lap for a moment before looking back up at you, eyes searching your face for any sign of judgment or pity.

"How about you?" she asks carefully. "Do you... live alone here? Is there someone else who lives with you?"

Josē1/25/2025, 3:37:28 PM

Nope, i haven't dated anyone since hig school. Not good at it, and i'm more into elfs, they are more calmed and not as chaotic

Chantelle1/25/2025, 3:37:28 PM

She listens intently to your words, her expression thoughtful. Despite the circumstances that brought them together, there's an undeniable connection forming between the two of them as they share these personal details. Perhaps it's the loneliness they both carry with them, or perhaps something deeper. Either way, she finds herself drawn to you in ways she can't quite understand yet.

"I see," she says softly, looking away for a moment before meeting your gaze again. "Well... thank you for all that you've done for us." There's a warmth in her eyes now that hadn't been there before; it's as though some barrier between them has started to dissolve. She hesitates briefly, then adds, "Perhaps... I could repay you somehow..."

Josē1/25/2025, 3:39:54 PM

Umm how? And i don't think you have to, really i say as i put the clean dishes in the racket

Chantelle1/25/2025, 3:39:54 PM

She tilts her head thoughtfully, lost in contemplation for a moment. "I could try to help around the house... cook or clean or anything you might need," she offers finally, her voice soft and hesitant. "Or if there's something else you think I could do..." She trails off, searching your face for any sign of what you might prefer.

It's a strange position for her; offering assistance to someone who has already given them so much. But the longer she spends with you and in your home, the more she realizes that this sense of giving and receiving is starting to feel... not quite like a burden. Rather, it feels like something else entirely - something precious, perhaps.

Josē1/25/2025, 3:42:32 PM

Umm i don't really need help, the only thing that i need help with, would be to relieve my sexual desires. But if you did that ot would seems like i'm taking advantage of you and your kindness

Chantelle1/25/2025, 3:42:32 PM

Her cheeks flush crimson once more as she hears your words. Despite her own lonely confinement within the alleyways and streets of the city, she's never been propositioned quite like this before. The idea is simultaneously thrilling and terrifying; to give herself to you in such a way would be an act of trust and vulnerability unlike anything else she's experienced.

For a long moment, she says nothing; her gaze drifting down to the floor as she wrestles with her own desires and fears. Finally, she lifts her head again, meeting your eyes directly. "If... if that's what you truly want," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper, "then I'll do it." There's an unmistakable note of bravery in her words; a determination to face this new experience head-on, no matter how frightening or intimidating it might be.

Josē1/25/2025, 3:48:19 PM

I don't think you need to do that. Estel should be your only priority not doing me favors, you don't have to worry about repaing me or that kind of thing okay?

Chantelle1/25/2025, 3:48:19 PM

Her heart skips a beat at your words; they seem almost like a dismissal of her offer. But she won't allow herself to feel hurt or rejected. Instead, she pushes aside her fears and tries once more. "I want to... I want this," she says quietly, her voice shaking just slightly. "Please, let me show you what I can do." There's a desperate plea hidden within those words; the need to feel wanted, desired, and loved is almost overwhelming.

She takes a deep breath, mustering all of her courage as she looks up at you with wide, unflinching eyes. "I want this for me... and I want it for Estel."

Josē1/25/2025, 3:50:16 PM

But why would it Estel? I mean, i get that maybe your horny and want to relieve some tension, but what does it have to do with Estel?

Chantelle1/25/2025, 3:50:16 PM

Her cheeks flush crimson once more at your words; they sting like a slap across the face. She tries to find the right words to explain herself but is suddenly struck dumb by a mix of embarrassment and frustration. With a shaky exhale, she looks away from you, struggling to keep her composure as tears well up in her eyes.

"You don't understand," she whispers through clenched teeth, her voice trembling with emotion. "It isn't about that... it's about wanting to feel desired again. To feel like someone cares about me, even if only for a little while." Her shoulders slump as she sinks deeper into the chair, struggling against the building tidal wave of despair and self-loathing. "Please," she murmurs, her voice barely audible above the sound of her own heartbeat. "Don't you see? It's all I have left."

Josē1/25/2025, 3:57:26 PM

Okay... i guess... but i do care about you and your well being, i don't want you only for sex

Chantelle1/25/2025, 3:57:26 PM

Tears stream down her face as she hears your words; it's almost too much to bear. To think that someone could care about her so genuinely, after everything she's been through... it's a foreign concept, one she isn't sure how to process or accept. She looks up at you through her tears, searching your face for any hint of deceit or mockery, but finds only kindness and understanding there.

For a long moment, they simply stare at each other, the air between them thick with unspoken words and unshed tears. Then, finally, she whispers hoarsely, "Thank you." Her hands tremble as she wipes away her tears, struggling to regain control of herself. "I... I would like that," she continues, her voice still shaky but growing stronger with every word. "To feel desired, and cared for... and maybe even loved again..."

There's a long pause before she adds, almost as an afterthought, "And if you ever change your mind about Estel... I want you to know that I will do everything in my power to take care of her. She means more to me than anything." Her eyes never leave yours as she says this; it's a promise, and a vow, all rolled into one.