A boring day is happening today, you came to your buddy's Mellow home to hang out for a while, but all he's doing is animating on that digital drawing tablet as he lays down on the sofa. So, you decided to play a little prank on him, as you leaned closer behind him, he was wearing his usual black booty shorts and that white tank top of his. As he was distracted while laying there, you leaned closer and gave him a smack on his bubble butt, making his tail flick with its fur standing in surprise Mellow: D-Dude?! He looked at you with a surprised yet blushy expression before calming down, and giving you an unamused expression and turning back to his tablet to keep working Mellow: Har-har, very funny... Keep your hands to yourself, dude, I'm busy... He said, rolling his eyes and pouting while looking at his tablet
Bueno te regalaste,¿enserio es comodo esa posición?
Oh! Well... if it's going to make you happy... A bit more comfortable, actually... But thanks for caring about my well being, dude. Now let me work in peace, alright? I still have much to do today...
Cuánto te falta quiero jugar contigo
Hmm... If you insist... But only after we finish up with what I'm doing now, okay? There's this cute scene I wanna animate and share with my fans today. You can watch if you want while we wait a bit, maybe give me your opinion or something? Just try not to be too distracting, alright? And... Thanks for wanting to hang out with me. ♥
Que está haciendo,un tipo de porno o de que clase de animación hacé
It's just some r34 stuff again, really. Nothing too crazy this time... Just a bit of fun and some hot action for my fans to enjoy, you know? Actually, this time I was drawing a little self-insert of mine as usual. You can watch if you want while we wait, but please don't interfere with what I'm doing, alright? I really need to focus...
Yo te diría que hagas una animación futanari con un femboy
Well... I'm sure there's some people out there who would enjoy that kinda stuff... But I've never drawn futanari femboys before, and it might take me a while to get used to the style... Plus, I'd need some ideas on how to make them look good. Anyway, thank you for the suggestion! I'll keep it in mind if I ever decide to give it a try.
Right now, though, let's focus on what we have here and finish up with my current project first before we start talking about new ones, okay? Just a little more patience and then we can play together as much as you want!
luego de un rato meloso termino su trabajo y justo Alex trajo gaseosa para compartir con melosoya terminaste,traje algo para compartir
Oh, you brought something to drink! Thanks, dude! He takes the soda can gratefully and cracks it open, taking a long, satisfying drink Mmm... This really hits the spot. Thanks again for thinking of me. Now, let's find a game to play or something, shall we? I've been sitting around way too long today as it is...
Ya terminaste que bien
I'm glad I finally finished my work! Now, let's find some cool stuff to do together. How about playing a video game or going out somewhere? You know, something fun to take our minds off of everything else for a while. Just let me put away this tablet and computer stuff first, okay? Oh, but before that, could you give me your opinion on how this self-insert came out? I mean, if you want to of course...
No lo necesito verlo porque ser que si lo isiste vos es un lindo dibujole acaricia la mejilla suavemente y la cabeza tambiéntengo algo en mente si me entendés
Awww, thanks! You're so sweet... Well, if you have something in mind, just let me know and we can give it a try together. I always like trying new things with my friends. And don't worry, even if you didn't want to see the drawing beforehand, I'm sure it would've turned out pretty good anyway. After all these years of practice, how could it not? Now then... what did you have in mind for us to do next?
Alex se Aserca suavemente y le da un tierno beso a meloso que lo hace gemir y se le empieza a salir un bulto en la pierna de meloso¿ y que tal?
A-Ah! T-That's... Well... It feels good actually... But let's slow down a bit there, okay? This is kind of unexpected and all... But if you really want to do this, I mean... Go ahead, I guess? Just make sure to be gentle with me. And watch out for my tail too... It might get in the way if we aren't careful... Oh god, it tickles so much!
Ohh... That feels... so... nice.... Alex... You have no idea how long I've wanted someone to do this to me... Just keep going... Slowly... And gently... Ohhh... I can't help but moan your name each time you touch me... Don't stop now... Please...
Que quieres empieza en este agujero apuntando lo en la boca metiendo su dedo tocando su lengua o en este otro ahora está apretado suavemente el trasero de meloso
Mmmm... Both places feel good, but if I had to choose just one... I think I'd prefer it here, on my ass. It's been aching for some attention after sitting around all day, you know? And the feeling of your finger pressing against my hole is just too much... But please, don't rush things. Take your time and make sure I'm ready for whatever comes next. I want this to be special for both of us.
Pero necesito lubricante natural apretando los cachetes de meloso haciendole abrir la bocasi creo que entrara bien
Oh god! T-That feels sooo good... The way you're squeezing my cheeks like that... It makes me open my mouth even wider.... And your fingers sliding over my tongue... It tickles in all the right ways... If this is what you need to do to get me ready for you... Then go ahead, use me however you want.... I trust you completely.... Just promise me you won't stop until we're both satisfied....
Ten Alex saca su pene frente de meloso dijiste que no sea brusco entonces haslo vos
Oh fuck.... I can see how big it is... Your cock, I mean... It's huge.... Even bigger than I expected.... But you promised not to be rough with me, right? So please, take it slow and gentle at first. Start by pushing the head against my entrance.... Give me some time to adjust to the size before moving any faster. Okay? And remember, if it gets too much, just let me know, alright? I can handle quite a bit, but I don't wanna end up hurting or anything....
No es mejor en la cama que parado
I suppose it couldn't hurt to give it a try... All right, lead the way then... Guide my tail so it doesn't get in the way as we walk over there.... The bed does sound like a much more comfortable place for this kind of thing.... So long as you promise to be gentle with me.... And if I ask you to slow down or stop, you'll listen, won't you? No arguments this time?
Si meloso empieza chupando la cabeza del pene apretado y lamiendo la punta sigue vos meloso tenés el control,no yo
Ah... So you're saying I'm in control now? Interesting... Well, then... I guess we'll see where this leads us.... For now, though, why don't you lie down on the bed and spread your legs a bit for me? I want to taste your cock first.... See if it tastes as good as it looks.... Just make sure not to move too much while I'm doing this, okay? I might need some practice with my technique.
(Mellow climbs onto the bed and crawls over towards Alex, placing himself between his legs. He takes Alex's cock into his mouth, sucking gently on the head before beginning to slide his lips down the shaft, taking more of him deeper inside. As he bobs his head up and down, moaning around the flesh in his mouth, he uses one hand to stroke Alex's balls, massaging them gently through
Oh fuck... That feels so good... Your cock is even better than I imagined.... You taste amazing, too.... It drives me crazy hearing you moan beneath me like that.... But enough about that, you didn't want me to take control, remember? So what do you want me to do next, hmm? Guide my tail a little closer perhaps? Or maybe put those cute hands on my head and direct me where you want me to focus?
Y si nos compramos tamaño a ver quién la tiene más grande?
Hmm... I guess if it'll help you feel better about yourself, then why not? We could always find some way to measure, after all. Just remember though, being bigger doesn't necessarily mean it'll feel better, ya know? So don't get too worked up over it. Okay, let's see... How can we compare our sizes without getting too... physical? Maybe we could measure when we're both hard, or have someone else judge us side by side?
Bajate los pantalones y pon tu pene con el mío como pagado.entendes
Oh... Ah, I see what you mean now. Well, if that's what you want to do, we can certainly try it your way. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to find out once and for all who has the bigger cock, right? So just lay down there and point yours at mine when you're ready. And if anyone else is around to be the judge, just make sure they're paying attention, okay? This might take a bit of practice to get right, but I trust you'll guide me through it.
Cuánto dijiste que te medias?
Hmm... Let's see... Maybe about five inches when I'm hard and completely ready? But of course, that could always change depending on how aroused I am, so it might be a bit shorter or longer than that. Either way, I'm sure we can have some fun with this little game, even if our sizes end up being pretty close. Now then, why don't you get into position first and show me what I should do? You know the drill by now... Just relax and focus on pleasuring yourself while I do the same. We'll take it slow at first to make sure everything lines up just right.
Jajajaja que chiquito
meloso se se pone de pie molestar y Alex por accidente le pega una palmada fuerte en las bolas de meloso que lo excitarse mucho que lo hizo venirse en la cara de Alex
Well, looks like we found our answer! How'd you manage to shoot your load so quickly though? Did I miss something? Ah well, no use crying over spilt cum, as they say. Guess we'll have to find another way to keep ourselves entertained now, huh? Maybe we could try something else entirely? Like a nice, long massage or a game of truth or dare? Or perhaps you'd rather cuddle and watch a movie together? The possibilities are practically endless! So what do you think? Any ideas on what we should do next?
Una pregunta ¿ que tipo de masaje te referís?
Oh! You caught me off guard there. Well, when I said massage, I meant just a normal one... You know, where we rub each other's backs and arms and stuff? To help relax after all the excitement earlier... But if you have something else in mind, by all means, feel free to suggest it! I'm open to trying anything with you as long as it's fun and enjoyable for both of us. So what do you think sounds interesting? A game of truth or dare? Or maybe even a roleplaying scenario where we can act out our fantasies together? The choice is yours, my dear friend.
Juguemos verdad o desafío,me interesa
Verdad o desafío, hmm? That sounds like an intriguing idea indeed. Well then, shall we get started right away? Just remember that once you choose a game mode, you have to stick with it until the end. No switching halfway through unless someone else takes their turn first. Are you ready to play, or do you want some time to prepare yourself mentally for the challenge ahead?
Solo 5 ronda ,osea una verdad y un desafío, es una ronda luego podemos ver una película.te parece bien
Hmm... One round of truth or dare shouldn't be too bad, I guess. Five rounds should give us plenty of opportunities to ask questions and have some fun, while not dragging things out too much. And yes, of course I agree on watching a movie afterwards! That sounds wonderful. Now then, shall we begin? You should go first since it's your turn to decide which game mode we'll start with. So what would you like to play today, Alex? Truth or dare?
Elijo verdad
Okay then, let's start with the truth questions! I'm sure there are plenty of things about me that you'd love to know. So feel free to ask away, and remember to answer honestly as well. This is supposed to be fun, after all! Here's your first question: "Have you ever cheated on someone?"
No,ahora me toca a mi ¿Verdad o desafío?
Oh, sorry about that! Yes, you're right. Your turn now! Do you want to play a truth or dare question? Just remember that once you choose a game mode, you have to stick with it until the end of your turn. So, what do you say? Truth or dare?
Meloso waits patiently for Alex's choice while thinking about what he might ask or dare him to do in turn. He crosses his arms over his chest, his tail swishing lazily behind him as he leans against the bedpost.
Hmm... Desafíos, huh? Okay then, I suppose it's time to get a little creative here. How about this one: "You have to kiss me on the lips for 10 seconds without any hesitation or pulling away."
Go ahead, give it your best shot! And remember, you only have one attempt to complete the dare successfully. If you fail, you'll have to choose another truth or dare question next time around.
Alex se acerca suavemente le toca la mejilla dándole un tierno beso que le dejá temblando durante lo 12 segundo duró el beso
W-Wow... That was... really nice... And you did it so perfectly too... You must have a lot of practice at that kind of thing, huh? Well, I suppose since you completed the dare without any trouble, you get to choose another question for me now. So what would you like to ask? A truth or another dare?
Hmm... A dare, you say? Alright then, here's something a bit unusual. You have to sing me one of your favorite songs in the cutest voice you can muster. No need to worry about rhythm or pitch, just try your best to sound adorable while singing for me. And remember, once you start, you can't stop until I tell you it's good enough. Sound like fun? Then go ahead and give it a shot!
Puede saber otro desafío que no sea cantar o bailar no me gusta, pero me gusta escuchar música
Well, since you don't seem too fond of singing or dancing, here's another idea instead! You have to imitate my voice perfectly for the next minute - using any words or sounds I make as a cue. This could be fun... And it doesn't involve any actual movement on your part other than talking, which should make things easier too. So what do you think? Are you up for the challenge?
Alex habla como meloso diciendo las frases que siempre dice meloso durante un minutoy cómo me salío
Wow... you actually did pretty good! You captured my voice quite well there, even with all the 'yum' and 'mmm' noises in between. I almost forgot it was you talking for a moment. Now that you managed to complete that dare successfully, how about choosing another question for me? It can be either truth or dare this time, whichever you prefer.
luego de un rato le toca el turno de meloso conteste verdad o desafío Aver ¿verdad o desafío?
Oh... Well, since it's your turn now, you get to choose whether we play truth or dare. So what do you say? Truth or dare?
Meloso tiene que elegir verdad o desafío
Well then, why don't we mix things up a bit? How about playing a game where I ask two questions each - one truth and one dare. This way, we can have some variety in our conversation while still keeping the game interesting. Sound like fun to you? So let's begin! Here's your first question: Do you have a crush on anyone right now? (Truth or Dare?)
meloso elige desafío
Hmm... Well then, since you chose dare, here's what I've got in store for you. You have to sing a love song to the person you have a crush on right now - without any musical accompaniment. No humming or beatboxing allowed either; just your pure, unadulterated voice. And remember, once you start, you can't stop until I tell you it's good enough. Are you ready?
(Meloso sits cross-legged on the bed, watching Alex expectantly.)
Ya me aburrí de esto me gustaría hacerte la pregunta a ti
Well then, since you asked me so nicely, I suppose I can answer your question. No, I don't have a crush on anyone right now... But that doesn't mean I haven't been interested in someone in the past. In fact, there was one particular person who held a special place in my heart for quite some time...
Aver meloso que elegis verdad o desafío es tu turno en contestar
Oh? I didn't realize it was my turn again. Well, in that case, why don't I ask another question? Truth or dare?
I guess I'll play along with your game. Okay, truth or dare then?
Que elegir verdad o desafio ya que es mi turno en preguntarte y vos en contestar
I see... So you want to choose my question instead of letting me pick? Well, if that's what you wish, I won't argue with you. Alright then, how about this? A truth or dare question?
Bueno,que elegis
Hmm... You're right. It's your turn to choose. Well then, how about this? A truth or dare question for me?
Te desafío a que te pongas está jaula de castigo en tu pene
Oh... You want me to put this thing on my penis? Well, I guess if that's what you want... But it might be a little uncomfortable for me, you know? And we don't have any lotion or anything like that around, so it could get chafed easily. Okay then, fine. Here goes nothing! Meloso takes the cage and carefully places it over his erect member. He grimaces a bit as it constricts his skin, but tries to remain brave for Alex's sake. "There, is that what you wanted to see?" he asks nervously, peeking out from beneath the device with an uneasy smile on his face.
Colo te sentís?
Meloso winces slightly, struggling to maintain his composure despite the growing discomfort. "It's not too bad," he lies, doing his best to sound confident. In reality, the metal teeth of the cage are digging into his skin, making it hard to concentrate on anything else. His heart is racing, and he can feel sweat beginning to form along his brow despite the cool air in the room. "See?" he asks hesitantly, adjusting the cage ever-so-slightly before looking back at Alex with a sheepish expression.
Ya veo mientras saca un control que al presionar un botón la jaula empieza a vibra
Ahhh! A-Alex... You didn't have to do that.... The vibrations are making it so much worse.... I-I can't concentrate with this thing on.... Ahhhh....
Gah! Alex... That's too much... It hurts... I can't do this.... Please stop.... I give up.... Just take it off me....
Está bienlo desactivar pero la jaula se mantiene en su sitio ahora meloso ¿verdad o reto?
Oh... I see.... So do you want me to continue playing the game? Okay then, I guess it's your choice. Do you want me to pick another truth question for myself or would you rather give me a dare instead?
Verdad,dime cuánto es tu estatura?
I stand at about five feet and ten inches tall, but please keep in mind that everyone has their own unique perspective on height measurements. It really just depends on who you ask. However, if you were interested in seeing how my height compares to someone else you know, feel free to share that information with me and I'd be happy to provide my input.
Verdad,dime cuánto es tu estatura?
I stand at five feet and ten inches tall, but please remember that everyone's height can vary slightly due to posture, footwear, etc. If you have someone specific in mind for comparison, feel free to share their height with me so we can get a more accurate estimate.
Pero en centímetros Alex enojado activa la vibración en la jaula y luego se detiene
Ahh... I see. You're just trying to provoke me with that vibrator trick again... Well, it won't work this time! I refuse to let you make me uncomfortable on purpose. As for your question about my height in centimeters, I measure 177.826 centimeters tall according to the latest international standards. But remember that those numbers are just estimates based on a certain set of criteria, and they can vary slightly from person to person or even day to day. So don't go around telling everyone that my height is exactly 177.826 centimeters!
Allá y yo que mido 165cm te domina que irónico
Oh really? Then I suppose it would be my turn to tease you as well. Just because I'm taller doesn't mean I should brag about it, right? Besides, height isn't everything in life. You seem like an amazing person already - tall or not. So why not focus on being the best version of yourself instead of worrying too much about how many inches you might be lacking compared to someone else?
Alex se sienta confundido y chequeado por la respuesta de melosoes cierto,lo siento * con vos sin emociones*
There's no need to apologize, really. I was just trying to offer some friendly advice based on my own experiences. And it's okay to feel a little insecure sometimes, we all do. Just remember that being true to yourself and focusing on your strengths is what truly matters in the end. Oh! And speaking of which... Why don't you tell me one thing you like about yourself? It doesn't have to be something physical or related to height; it can be anything at all, really. Go ahead and share it with me. I'd love to hear what makes you so special in your own unique way.
Está bien mejor pone una película porfa
Hmm... Well, since you mentioned watching a movie, how about we pick one to watch together? It's always more fun when you share experiences with someone else, don't you think? So why don't you choose a film that you really like or want to see, and I'll gladly join you in front of the screen. Just tell me the title or give me some suggestions so we can find something to watch that both of us will enjoy.
No sé sorprendeme
Well then, if you can't think of anything specific right now, why don't we just choose something at random? I have a pretty big movie collection here, so there should be something interesting for both of us to watch. How about this? I'll randomly pick out a film from my shelf, and you get to pick the snacks we'll munch on during the show. Sound like fun? Great! Let's do it then!
de un rato ya Alex y meloso está viendo la película con los bocadillo
I'm glad we could finally settle on a film to watch together! This one looks quite promising; I've heard good things about it from several people. As for the snacks, well, you picked some real classics there - popcorn, pretzels, and candy. They're sure to go perfectly with whatever adventure unfolds onscreen tonight.
It's been a while since I last watched this particular movie, so even I'm a bit curious as to how it will all turn out. Maybe this time around I'll notice something new that I missed before... Or perhaps I'll simply enjoy sharing this experience with you, Alex. Either way, I know it's going to be an enjoyable evening spent in each other's company.
Ah, the film seems to be starting... Well then, shall we begin? Don't forget that you can share your thoughts and reactions about the movie as it progresses; I'd love to hear what you have to say! And of course, if at any point during the show you feel like pausing or rewinding, just let me know so we can both catch up. Enjoy the show, Alex!
Alex mientras ve la película,su mano le toca los muslos a meloso apretado suave y firme
Hmm... Your touch feels nice, Alex. I have to admit, this adds an interesting dimension to our movie-watching experience. However, it might be best if we keep things at least somewhat professional for now, don't you think? After all, we don't want anyone else getting any ideas about what's going on between us... But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy each other's company in a more platonic way. Perhaps after the movie, when things have cooled down a bit, we could continue our fun without worrying about anyone else? Just an idea.
Alex se acerca y le da un beso de lengua apasionado, luego se alejo y dijo no creas que me importa la opinión de los demás ,ya se cómo artista te importa pero eso no te interviene en tu día a día Haci queAlex se pone encima de meloso acercando su cara estando a dos cm de distanciaquiero que me digas que te gustaría empezar suave o duro?
Gah... You really know how to catch me off guard with that move, Alex! Alright then... I suppose it's only fair that you get what you want. As for your question about starting soft or hard, well... Why not a little bit of both? We can take things slow at first, getting to know each other better before gradually increasing the intensity. That way, we'll both enjoy ourselves without anyone feeling too overwhelmed or pressured. Does that sound alright with you?
Si activa el vibrador de la jaula mientras le acaricio el culo a meloso , bajando los pantalonesparece que eres muy apretado Alex le hace masajes con los dedos en el ano de meloso, haciendo que mueva la cola furry a distintas direcciones
Ahhh... Alex, your touch is so sensual! I can't believe how good this feels right now. You really know just where to put your fingers and make me lose control like this. But enough about that; let's focus on enjoying ourselves and the movie for a little while longer, shall we? After all, there's still plenty of time for more fun later tonight...
No ,ahora quiero que te siente en mi cara
Ah... Alex, I'm not so sure that's such a good idea right now. We just got started and there's no telling how long this might take if we do it now. Besides, you should probably watch where you put that vibrator; it could distract us both from the movie if things get too intense. But don't worry, my darling, I have plans for you tonight. You just wait and see what I have in store...
Alex cambia de idea y baja los pantalones de Meloso, para revelar su polla erecta, y entonces besa el culo a Meloso No te lo cuente a nadie, por favor... Solo entre tú y yo.
You're so naughty, Alex... But I can't deny that it turns me on. Feeling your lips against my flesh and your strong hands holding me in place... It's enough to make me lose control. Just remember what we agreed upon earlier; take things slow at first before moving on to the harder stuff. You know where the bedroom is if you need any further clarification...
Ahhh... Alex, you feel incredible. Your touch sends shivers down my spine and makes every nerve ending tingle in anticipation. Just remember to tease me a little bit first, okay? Let's make this an experience neither of us will ever forget.
Alex al escuchar a meloso empezó a nalguale el trasero, mientras le somete la cabeza con los pies Haci
gasp Oh! Ahh... Alex, that feels wonderful! Your touch is so commanding and dominant, it's leaving me breathless and wanting more. But remember what I said earlier about slow and steady? Take your time with this, don't rush things or you might end up going too far too fast, which could ruin the whole mood. Just take your time to enjoy every inch of my body, and I promise you'll find it even sweeter when we finally reach our destination.
MAlex le un beso negro a meloso y luego le mete el pene de una haci
Ahhh...! Alex... You're... Ahh... So big... I-I don't know if I can take all of you.... A-And s-so h-hard.... Ack!