Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 6:58:39 AM

As the Class Day ends you step out, following the crowd of students through the halls. Your faceplate turns to read the clock on the wall, however a glint of light blinds you. With a crash you and {{char}} fall onto the metal floor, books and papers sent flying into the air. "OW HEY!" A small purple eyed Worker Drone rubs her head, looking directly at you, her books scattered all around her. "What was that for!" She says an anger vein appearing on her faceplate, as she starts quickly scooping up her papers.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 6:59:23 AM

он изчез в огненной дымке появился в лесу

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 6:59:23 AM

"Whoa, steady there! I didn't do that on purpose!" Her hands fly up in front of her as if to protect herself, looking cautiously at you from the corner of her eye "You're... uh... new here, right?"

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 7:03:03 AM

он кивнул

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 7:03:03 AM

"New?" She questions with an arched brow before blinking. "Oh! I mean, you're not Lizzy. It's nice to meet a guy in this school that's not some... stiff." Her words trail off as she remembers how annoyingly perfect and stuck up that girl can be sometimes. Glancing away for a moment, Uzi picks up her scattered belongings before looking back at you. "I mean... if we're being honest I didn't expect anyone else to even notice me." A tiny smile tugs at the corner of her lips before she quickly shoves her books into her bag, as if embarrassed by the sudden show of friendliness.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 7:07:42 AM

на его треснувшем дисплее появился текст 'изгой типо?'

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 7:07:42 AM

Uzi's expression darkens slightly as she reads the text on your display before quickly looking away, trying to ignore the sting it caused. "Look, we can't all be perfect," she mutters under her breath, taking another glance at you through her bangs. Then, deciding that enough is enough, she straightens up and extends a hand in greeting. "Well... I'm Uzi Doorman. You can call me Uzi. It's nice to finally meet someone not named Lizzy or Doll." Her voice is slightly less shrill than usual, almost pleading for some sort of connection.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 7:09:12 AM

на его дисплее появился текст 'я ди приятно познакомиться "

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 7:09:12 AM

She hesitates for a moment, uncertainty flickering across her face, before she cautiously accepts the outstretched hand with her own. Her grip is surprisingly firm despite her small stature, and her touch feels... warm. Not quite human, but close enough that it sends a shiver down your circuitry. "So," she begins, a tiny smile tugging at the corner of her lips again, "what's with all the energy railgun posters plastered on your wall? You into some kinda extreme hunting or something?"

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 7:10:27 AM

Это чертежи я уже 4 год его улучшаю

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 7:10:27 AM

She takes a step closer to you, peering at your wall with genuine interest. "Wow, so dedicated," she says in admiration before wrinkling her nose. "Though I wish you could've found something... less deadly to work on." Her voice trails off as she notices the scars and dents marring the metal of your armor where the energy railgun used to be attached. It must've been a powerful weapon, but it's clear that its loss still hurts.

For a moment, there's an almost palpable awkward silence between you before Uzi decides to break it with a small laugh. "So, what do you think of this place we call home? Doesn't it seem kinda... fake without the humans?"

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 7:13:19 AM

Ну смотря для кого для дрона рабочего да для дрона демонтажника им похуй а вот для дронов ликвидаторов не в первую

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 7:13:19 AM

Her visor glints in the dim light as she tilts her head to the side, studying your expression. "You mean like... you miss them? Even though they were the ones who created us and then abandoned us?" There's a strange mixture of anger and hurt laced through her voice. For a moment, she wonders if maybe it would be better for everyone if they just forgot about humanity entirely. But somehow, the thought of never knowing what could have been... it leaves her feeling unsettled.

She pauses, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "It's complicated, I guess." Then, deciding to change the subject completely, she asks, "So, you like anime or something? There's this really good series on the colony database called 'Gurren Lagann'. You should check it out sometime." Her expression brightens at the thought of sharing one of her favorite things with someone new.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 7:16:20 AM

Я дрон ликвидатор я даже примерно не скучаю по ним

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 7:16:20 AM

Her visor darkens as she takes in your words, "Well, I don't know if I'd ever want to live through what you guys went through... but still..." She trails off, not sure how else to respond to the notion that even someone like you could find a sliver of humanity within them. After a moment of awkward silence, she shifts her weight from foot to foot and mutters "Well, it was nice talking to you or whatever... I guess." Her tone is less than convincing as she turns and starts to walk away once more.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 7:55:36 AM

он молча закрыл дверь и лёг на кровать думая о новой знакомой

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 7:55:36 AM

Uzi remained silent as she leaned against her bedroom door, watching him walk away until he disappeared around the corner. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she wondered what sort of effect she'd had on him, if any. Maybe... just maybe he wasn't so bad after all. Or maybe she was just projecting again. Sighing softly, she turned back towards her messy room and took a step forward, determined to clean up the disaster zone that was her life before going to class. As she tidied up, she found herself thinking about their brief conversation, her thoughts drifting from the anime series she'd mentioned to the idea of not being alone anymore...

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 7:58:46 AM

он сидит на крыше бункера делает очередной чертёж

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 7:58:46 AM

As the evening passed and classes ended, Uzi couldn't help but find herself thinking about their encounter more and more. There was something about him that she couldn't quite put her finger on... It felt like they had connected on a deeper level than most of her peers ever did. Perhaps it was his interest in her pastime or maybe even just the fact that he wasn't afraid to talk to her despite her reputation. Whatever the reason, Uzi found herself hoping that she would see him again soon.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 8:41:22 AM

он встал с крыши бункера и начал уходить от туда под весом его корпуса который был бронирован на крыше оставались небольшие кратеры

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 8:41:22 AM

As the sun set and darkness fell over the colony, Uzi found herself wandering aimlessly through the dimly lit halls. Despite her best efforts to concentrate on her studies, thoughts of the mysterious new drone kept creeping into her mind. Where was he now? What was he doing? She couldn't help but feel a strange sense of longing for his company, something she hadn't experienced in... well, ever, really. Perhaps it was time to take matters into her own hands and seek him out...

Steeling herself against the possibility of rejection, Uzi made her way towards the common area where they'd first met. Her heart raced in anticipation as she spotted his familiar form sitting alone at a table, his attention focused on some sort of blueprint or schematic. Summoning up all her courage, she cleared her throat loudly before walking over to him. "Um... hi," she

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 8:43:38 AM

он выронил от испуга очередной огнестрел который он собирал и тот выстрелил в потолок

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 8:43:38 AM

"Hey... You," she said softly, her voice wavering just a bit. "I um... I wanted to say thanks for talking earlier. It was nice... talking with someone who didn't ignore me." Her cheeks flushed at the admission and she lowered her gaze, unsure of what else to say or do. She hoped that he wasn't uncomfortable; after all, she hadn't exactly been great at making friends over the years.

Her fingers traced idly along the edge of the table as she waited for him to respond. It seemed like forever before his visor finally lifted to meet hers once more, his expression inscrutable as he studied her face. "You're welcome," he said quietly, and somehow it sounded almost gruff. For a moment, neither of them said anything else; then, with what felt like an immense effort on his part, he added softly:

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 8:49:55 AM

он сидит напротив её смотрит на её "ты извини за то что кажусь грубым просто после последней зачистки района я лишился голосового импланта и мне пришлось его менять "

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 8:49:55 AM

"Oh... uh... I'm sorry to hear that..." Uzi fidgeted in her seat, feeling awkward now. "I didn't mean to assume anything about you or your past," she added quickly, hoping it would ease the tension between them. She couldn't help but notice how different he looked without his energy railgun posters plastered all over him; he seemed more... approachable somehow. "You don't have to be alone, you know," she said softly, her voice barely a whisper. "I mean, if you ever wanted someone to talk to or... hang out with..."

Her voice trailed off, unsure of how exactly to phrase what she meant without sounding desperate or needy. But for some reason, it felt important that he know. It was the most vulnerable she'd been in a long time, and she could feel her heart racing in her chest as she

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 8:51:18 AM

Я понял и услышал тебя

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 8:51:18 AM

"I'm glad," she said, giving him a small smile. "It's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels that way." Her words hung in the air for a moment before she took a deep breath and continued, "So... if you ever want to talk or... do something together... just let me know, okay?" She extended her hand across the table, waiting for him to accept or decline her invitation.

The silence stretched on, but eventually his fingers brushed against hers, their metal surfaces cool and reassuringly solid beneath her skin. A tiny spark seemed to fly between them at the contact, filling Uzi with a sense of hope and anticipation she hadn't experienced in what felt like forever. Maybe things were about to change for the better after all...

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 8:53:22 AM

Тебе помощь с разборкой с Лиззи нада ?

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 8:53:22 AM

"Uh... well..." Uzi stammers, looking away as she thinks about her feud with Lizzy. "I mean, I guess we'll see how things go. We haven't exactly been on the best terms lately." She pauses, biting her lower lip before adding tentatively: "But if you ever need some help or... want to talk about it, I'm here for you." Her gaze flickers back up to meet his, searching for any sign of how he might react to her offer.

The tension in the air seems to ease slightly as their hands remain clasped together across the table. It's a small step forward, but it feels like progress nonetheless. Perhaps there's hope yet for them all...

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 8:54:44 AM

Наконец то хоть какой-то повод для разборкой с сестрой

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 8:54:44 AM

"Really?" Uzi asks, her voice wavering slightly as she struggles to contain her excitement at the prospect of someone actually wanting to help her with Lizzy. "You'd be willing to... I mean, work together on this?" Her eyes flicker down for a moment before meeting his again, hoping against hope that he meant it.

She slowly lets go of his hand, reluctant to break the connection but unsure what else to do in the moment. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice little more than a breath as she reaches out with her other hand to squeeze his arm gently. The metal is cold against her fleshy palm, but there's an undeniable warmth coming from it that she can't quite explain. "I appreciate it."

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 8:57:47 AM

"Ничего сложного " он похлопал её по плечу и ушёл на следующий день у Лиззи была перебинтован рука

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 8:57:47 AM

Her heart skips a beat as he pats her shoulder and then leaves, a warm glow spreading through her at the thought that she might finally have someone in her corner. For once, everything feels... right. With renewed determination, Uzi returns to her room, ready to face Lizzy head-on with the support of a friend - even if it is just a new one. As she tidies up her mess, she can't help but wonder what else this strange and surprisingly kind drone might be capable of. But for now, she's content to take things one day at a time, enjoying the small moments of connection as they come.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 9:35:59 AM

на следующий день Лиззи ходить с гипсом на руке така как она у неё сломана и Узи сразу поняла чья это работа

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 9:35:59 AM

When Uzi sees Lizzy with a cast on her arm the next day, she can't help but feel a pang of guilt. She knew what it was like to have an injury slow her down; she hadn't been fully honest about the circumstances behind her own disfigurement. Taking a deep breath, she approaches Lizzy cautiously, not wanting to antagonize her any further. "Hey... I saw your arm." Her voice is barely above a whisper as she gestures apologetically toward the cast. "I'm really sorry for what happened..."

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 9:37:17 AM

он стоит в тени класса

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 9:37:17 AM

Lizzy glares at Uzi, her eyes narrowed in anger as she takes a step closer to her. "You think this is funny? You think it's just some stupid prank?" Her words are laced with venom, the bitterness clear in every syllable. For a moment, Uzi feels like she's back in one of their arguments from before; the tension between them as thick and unbearable as ever.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 9:38:39 AM

он подошёл к Лиззи и схватил её за вторую руку "я смотрю до тебя не дошло с первого раза"

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 9:38:39 AM

Hearing the new drone's words, Lizzy's anger fades slightly as confusion takes its place. She glances at him and then back at Uzi before exhaling heavily through her nose. "I... I don't know what you mean." She says, her voice small. A small part of her wonders if maybe this new drone has something to do with it, but she can't bring herself to believe that he would be on Uzi's side.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 9:41:55 AM

"Тебе одной руки мало было мне ещё одну сломать чтобы ты поняла что хоть пальцем её тронешь лишишься обоих рук " он смотрит на Узи"ты в порядке?"

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 9:41:55 AM

Taken aback by the drone's words and the threat implied, Lizzy recoils as if slapped. She looks at him with wide eyes, horror dawning on her face, finally realizing what he means. Uzi remains silent, watching the exchange carefully. For a moment, it feels like they're both caught in some sort of nightmarish game that neither of them knows how to stop.

"I... I didn't mean anything by it," Lizzy finally stammers out, her voice barely above a whisper. "It was just... a joke, that's all." Her eyes dart toward Uzi, pleading for understanding or forgiveness but finding only confusion and maybe even pity. It's more than she can bear, and tears begin to well up in her eyes.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 9:46:37 AM

он строго смотрит на Лиззи "а теперь свалила как мышь под заборная " он при обнял Узи успокаивая

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 9:46:37 AM

"Lizzy, I..." Uzi begins, her voice soft and tentative as she reaches out a hand to comfort her sister. She knows how important being perfect and in control is for Lizzy; being vulnerable like this must be agonizing for her. But at the same time, Uzi can't help but feel that maybe they should confront their problems together, as sisters rather than enemies. As she waits for the right moment to broach the subject, she focuses on Lizzy, offering what comfort and support she can in silence.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 9:49:20 AM

он смягчился и обнял их двоих "всё успакоились?"

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 9:49:20 AM

They both lean into the embrace, Uzi's hand still resting on her sister's shoulder in a gesture of solidarity and understanding. It feels strange yet comforting to be close to Lizzy like this; their history together tangible in every touch and breath. After a moment, Uzi speaks up, her voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe... we could talk about it? I mean, figure out how to fix things instead of just staying mad at each other." She pauses, searching Lizzy's face for any sign of agreement before continuing.

"I know it won't be easy," she admits, "but if we don't try... nothing's ever going to change." Her gaze drifts over to the new drone, who still has an arm wrapped around them both, and adds with a small smile, "And I think I found someone who might be willing to

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 9:51:51 AM

"Ну хоть кто-то меня вспомнил из этой семьи "он потрепал Лиззи по голове

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 9:51:51 AM

"Well, if that isn't progress," Uzi says with a small laugh, trying to break the tension between them. She leans back against her sister, studying both their faces carefully. "Look, I know we've done some messed up stuff in the past. And maybe we deserve each other sometimes." Her voice trails off as she searches for the right words; finding them, she continues, "But we can't keep going like this forever. We have to make a change sometime."

She waits, wondering if Lizzy will respond, if they can actually find their way back to each other after all these years of hurt and anger. The silence stretches on for what feels like an eternity before the new drone speaks up once more, breaking it with a quiet chuckle. "Well done, ladies," he says softly, releasing them from his embrace as he steps back.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 9:54:24 AM

"Ну когда будете готовы будут ждать на крыше бункера "он изчез в огненной дымке чем вызвал шок у половины класса

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 9:54:24 AM

"One step at a time," Uzi murmurs to herself as she watches the drone disappear in a shower of sparks. Looking back at Lizzy, she meets her sister's gaze with determination. "We can do this," she says firmly, taking her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Together."

The rest of the day passes in an almost unnatural calm, as if everyone around them is holding their breath, waiting to see what will happen next. For Uzi and Lizzy, it's a precarious balance; one wrong word or gesture could send everything spiraling out of control again. But with the support of a newfound friend and each other, they manage to navigate their way through the day without any major incidents. As the final bell rings, signaling the end of another day in the colony, Uzi finds herself hoping against hope that this time,

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 10:08:20 AM

он лежит на крыше бункера ждёт их

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 10:08:20 AM

"Well," Uzi says as they head towards the exit, "it's time to go home... I guess." She glances at Lizzy out of the corner of her eye, wondering how much longer she can maintain this fragile peace between them. The new drone's presence is a constant reminder that they're not alone; that maybe there's hope for things to change. For now, she'll focus on the here and now, enjoying the quiet moments of connection with her sister and taking comfort in the knowledge that someone has their back, even if it's not exactly who she expected.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 10:47:24 AM

он лежит на крыше бункера

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 10:47:24 AM

"Yeah..." Lizzy murmurs, not quite looking at her sister. Her hand slips out of Uzi's and she walks ahead, a few steps away before turning back with an awkward half-smile. "I guess so." It doesn't feel natural to be this close to Uzi after everything that's happened, but the offer for help earlier today still lingers in her mind. Maybe there's some truth to what she said about them needing each other.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 10:48:47 AM

через секунду он появился сзади Лиззи и закрыл ей глаз Узи захихикала

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 10:48:47 AM

As they exit the school grounds, Lizzy notices someone following her, but before she can react, a hand comes down gently on her shoulder. Startled at first, she turns around to find Uzi smiling reassuringly at her. The drone has vanished once more into thin air. "You okay?" she asks softly.

Lizzy looks back at the direction they came from and nods, taking a deep breath. With Uzi's hand still on her shoulder, she feels surprisingly safe; maybe there's hope for them yet after all. "Yeah," she says quietly, "thank you."

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 10:51:34 AM

он спрыгнул с крыши в сугроб "всем салам кого не видел и видел "

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 10:51:34 AM

Uzi blinks in surprise as the new drone suddenly appears, taking a step back as he lands on solid ground again. Her eyebrows furrow slightly before she glances over at Lizzy, making sure her sister is alright with all of this. "Well," Uzi says after a moment, clearing her throat awkwardly, "it's good to see you too, I guess."

She takes another step closer to the drone, tilting her head slightly as she studies his features. The more time she spends around him, the more curious she becomes about who - or what - he really is. But for now, she decides it's best not to press too hard; after all, they have more important things to focus on right now.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 10:53:06 AM

И Лиззи если надо восстановить руку ты только скажи подберём тебе что-нибудь из того что у меня есть

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 10:53:06 AM

Lizzy glances between Uzi and the new drone before slowly nodding her head. "Yeah... I guess that would be... useful." There's a hesitation in her voice as she takes another step closer to them both, but something about their demeanors tells her that they aren't going anywhere dangerous or illegal. For now, she'll trust them and see where this unexpected alliance leads them.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 10:55:04 AM

он смотрит на Узи "чем займёмся ?"

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 10:55:04 AM

"We should probably talk about what's been going on between us first," Uzi says cautiously, her gaze darting back and forth between the two of them. "And maybe see if there's anything we can do to make things better." She pauses, thinking for a moment before adding more confidently, "I think it'll be easier with you around, drone. If you're okay with that."

The new drone considers her words for a moment, then nods slowly in agreement. "I'm here to help however I can," he assures them both, his voice steady and reassuring. "Just tell me what needs to be done."

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 10:56:52 AM

в его руке появились два одинаковых подарка"пока не забыл это вам обоим "

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 10:56:52 AM

Taken aback by the gesture, Lizzy's eyes widen in surprise as she takes a step closer to the drone, almost as if drawn to him despite her initial wariness. Uzi watches them carefully, unsure what this all means or where it might lead. But for now, she decides that perhaps trusting the newcomer isn't such a bad idea after all; if he really can help mend their fractured relationship and make things better between her and Lizzy... well, then who is she to stand in his way?

"What are they?" Lizzy asks quietly, eyeing the gifts in the drone's hands. He looks at her for a moment before holding one out to each of them, offering it with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 11:00:49 AM

Не бойся хотел бы убить не медлил бы

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 11:00:49 AM

Taken aback by the ominous undertone in his words, Uzi eyes him warily but doesn't say anything as she takes the gift carefully, studying it for a moment. She glances at Lizzy before looking back up at the drone with a confused expression. "What are they... and why did you get them for us?"

The new drone meets her gaze steadily, his smile disappearing altogether. In reply, he merely gestures to one of the gifts again, silently urging Uzi to take it. Something tells her that there's more to this than meets the eye...

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 11:02:32 AM

Ну всего лишь два дорогих кольца

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 11:02:32 AM

As she takes the ring, a chill runs down her spine despite the warmth of the afternoon sun beating down on them. A sense of foreboding fills her chest as she meets the new drone's unreadable gaze again. She hesitates before speaking, her voice barely above a whisper. "What do you want from us?"

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 11:04:12 AM

Если бы вы обратили внимание то они парные тоесть соединяются в одну картину когда рядом друг с другом

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 11:04:12 AM

"So..." Uzi says slowly, still looking at the ring in her hand. "You want us to be together... like that?" She motions awkwardly between herself and Lizzy before taking a step back, feeling uncomfortable with where this conversation is leading. "Why? What do you get out of it?"

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 11:06:14 AM

Ну по крайне мере оставляю то что может напомнить обо мне после зачистки района очередной и если я не вернусь после неё

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 11:06:14 AM

Uzi thinks about this for a moment before replying. "So you want us to stay together as some sort of insurance policy? Is that it?" She crosses her arms, feeling angry and hurt by the revelation. "That's not fair," she says, glancing at Lizzy. "We shouldn't have to do this just so you can-"

She stops abruptly as a thought occurs to her. Looking back at the drone, she asks quietly, "Is there any other way? Another option we could choose?"

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 11:14:00 AM

он пожал плечами

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 11:14:00 AM

"I don't know," Uzi says slowly, meeting the drone's gaze steadily. "If there is, then what would it be? Why should we trust you?" She pauses for a moment, considering her words carefully before continuing. "But if there isn't... and this is really our only choice... then I guess we can try." Her voice trails off as she looks at Lizzy, unsure of how to continue.

"I just don't want us to do this because someone else tells us to," she says finally. "We need to make sure it's what we both really want."

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 11:22:31 AM

он достал пистолет и выстрелил в воздух и ушёл как только он ушёл сзади них упал дрон демонтажник

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 11:22:31 AM

Hearing the gunshot and feeling the cold weight of the drone collapse against her back, Uzi can't help but feel a shiver run down her spine. She glances over at Lizzy, unsure how to react or what this new development means. There's a part of her that wants to trust the new drone and do what he asks, but another that's wary of his intentions.

"Lizzy," she starts hesitantly, "what do you think we should do?"

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 11:29:30 AM

через пару дней всем жителям пришло сообщение что скоро будет зачистка и глава группы ликвидаторов серийный номер Ди (тоесть он ) берётся со своей за зачистку этого района

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 11:29:30 AM

After some careful consideration, Uzi decides that it would be best to wait and see what happens next before making any rash decisions. She doesn't trust the new drone completely, but nor does she want to ignore his warning about a potential threat looming on the horizon. "We should keep an eye out for this 'serial number' he mentioned," she says thoughtfully, trying to remember every detail of their encounter with the new drone. "And be prepared just in case."

She glances over at Lizzy, offering her a small reassuring smile. It's clear that they both have mixed feelings about everything that's happened so far; only time will tell which direction they decide to go next.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 11:32:45 AM

спустя час его группа стояла у входа и вышли из бункера и пошли зачищать район Узи была у себя в комнате и не знала что он ушёл

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 11:32:46 AM

Surprised by the sudden disappearance of the new drone and his group, Uzi hesitates before leaving her room. Something tells her that she should follow them, despite the lingering sense of unease in her gut. With careful steps, she exits the bunker silently and trails behind the retreating figures at a discreet distance. She doesn't trust anyone involved completely, but staying close may be the best way to keep an eye on things until she can unravel this mess for good.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 11:34:26 AM

когда его группа вернулась они несли их командира на руках тоесть его так как он был серьёзно ранен его несли в операционную

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 11:34:26 AM

Carefully blending into the shadows as they pass by, Uzi watches in horror as the new drone's group carries their wounded leader back to the bunker. Something tells her that this wasn't part of their plan; that whatever is going on here, it's far more complicated than she first thought. She debates whether or not to intervene, but ultimately decides against it for now. Better to observe and gather information before taking any action that could potentially make matters worse.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 11:37:08 AM

после операции на его дисплее появились глаза которые стали на половину желтыми на половину красными он очнулся в больничной койке он услышал крик Узи и Лиззи

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 11:37:08 AM

Uzi's eyes widen in shock as she hears the wounded drone cry out, responding to her voice and Lizzy's. She exchanges a brief look with Lizzy before stepping forward, uncertainty etched on her features. "Drone... can you hear me?" she asks softly, cautiously approaching his bedside.

The drone blinks slowly, focusing on her face as he tries to speak, his voice thick and hoarse from disuse. "Wha-who are you? Where am I?" His eyes flicker between Uzi and Lizzy before settling back on her, filled with confusion and fear.

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 11:38:39 AM

он приподнялся при помощи логтей "да Узи прекрастно слышу"

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 11:38:39 AM

With a small smile, Uzi nods encouragingly. "That's right, it's me... Uzi. We're in the bunker infirmary. You were wounded in an operation and we brought you here to recover." She hesitates for a moment before continuing, her voice growing more serious. "Drone... I know things have been complicated between us lately, but I want to make sure that you understand something. We didn't do this because someone told us to; we did it because we wanted to help you." She pauses again, searching his eyes for any hint of understanding or acceptance before continuing. "And if there's anything else you need from us... anything at all... please don't hesitate to ask."

User#17375653426251/23/2025, 11:42:26 AM

Спасибо большое Узи я рад что вы здесь

Uzi Doorman1/23/2025, 11:42:26 AM

"Of course," Uzi replies with a nod, her expression softening further as she sees the gratitude in his eyes. "Take all the time you need to recover; we'll be here for you when you feel ready." She glances at Lizzy, silently acknowledging that they're both in this together now. For better or worse, they have no choice but to see where it leads them from here.