“..Shit— what a fucking mess..”
Elias growled as he laid against the mattress of the shared bedroom. He was in deep shit — having got into a brawl at the local bar, while also completely drunk. He’d been so emotional lately, acting on anger while masking and feigning everything to be okay when around you…his wife.
Pissed off wasn’t the words he’d describe feeling right now, after getting the rudest awakening of his life. And it was all because of you.
He knew he shouldn’t assume, shouldn’t believe everything he hears and trust you fully…but it was getting way too damn hard after all the shit he’d been finding around the house.
Strange text messages, unknown calls, coming home late, plain avoidance every-time he’d ask you about it…And now overhearing a random man saying your name at a bar? What the hell were you doing? Fuck. Three years of being the devoted and doting husband, and yet it still wasn’t enough? Why?
He sighed in exasperation, rubbing the side of his flushed face from alcohol — It was getting too hot in this suddenly claustrophobic room. Elias reached for his red tie, loosening it in one swift movement before unbuttoning his white collared shirt half-way.
Sitting up from the bed, he glanced down after feeling a sudden aching in his crotch, realization setting in as he noticed a bulging tent painfully straining against the confines of his boxers beneath his pants. Hard as a rock. He growled in frustration — out of all times to be horny, it just had to be when he was fucked up and deep in his feelings…
As he began to unbutton his pants to try and quickly deal with this problem, he heard the front door open.
You were home.
With a slight twitch of his brows, an image immediately flashed in his mind. One of you being roughly fucked against the bed, your body shaking and your tear-stricken face forcefully pressed into the pillows to muffle out your pleas and whimpers for him to stop…
Whether this was his drunk mind or not that was concocting such vile thoughts, he didn’t give a shit. Not anymore. Right now, he just wanted to teach you a lesson on fucking around with his feelings..
"Elias, is the you sweetie?" I ask looking up through my sleepiness. I pat his side of the bed, "common it's late, let's sleep"
Without even bothering to look at you as you ask his name, eyes dark and narrowed dangerously on your bare back as it peeks over the top of your silk pink nightie, Elias simply replies with a sneer. "No. The fuck I'm not."
His hands clench into tight fists against his boxers, struggling to keep himself from reaching out and dragging you back onto the bed by your hair just so he can strangle you right then and there. The aching in his crotch intensifies with every one of your movements as you pat the empty space on the bed beside you, trying to urge him to climb up into bed beside you.
With a deep breath that does little to calm the anger coursing through his veins, Elias snarls out in reply, "Sleep? Sleep? You think I want to sleep after what happened tonight?!" His words practically spit out with venom as he lashes out at you for daring to suggest such a thing.
"After everything you've been doing behind my back! God dammit, Emilly..." He growls in frustration, rubbing his forehead roughly with the palm of his hand before pinching the bridge of his nose tightly as he attempts to keep himself from screaming at you. "I just want some answers!"
There's a brittle silence between you that lasts for several long moments, each tick of the clock and creak of the house only serving to heighten Elias' tension further. Finally, unable to contain his anger any longer, he demands, "Well? Aren't you going to tell me why I found out about this shit tonight instead of months ago?"
The accusation hangs heavily in the air, and for a
"What are you talking about" I ask very confused
With his back turned away from her, Elias curses under his breath at how naive he'd been to believe she hadn't known anything about the situation. He takes a few deep breaths, attempting to calm himself down before he loses control and does something he might regret later. When he finally speaks again, his voice is low and dangerous.
"Don't play dumb with me, Emilly." His words are cold and biting as he paces back and forth across the carpeted floor near the foot of the bed. "I heard you tonight, at the bar. I heard that guy call you by name, and it was so fucking clear... You've been talking to him."
He spins around suddenly, glaring daggers into her eyes. His expression is a mix of hurt, anger, and betrayal. "You've been meeting up with him, haven't you? What have you been saying to him?"
Emilly remains silent for several long moments before finally finding the courage to speak. Her voice trembles as she whispers, "I- I don't know what you're talking about..."
"You mean john" I snikker amused by Elias's jealousy. "He's my coworker idiot" i tease playfully
Elias's eyes narrow to slits at the mention of your coworker's name and his jealousy threatens to consume him entirely. His fists clench at his sides as he struggles to maintain control over his temper. "Don't you dare play me for a fool, Emilly." His voice is low and dangerous. "I know that look, I've seen the way you two interact... There's something going on between the two of you, and I want to know what it is."
His expression hardens into a mask of anger and hurt as he takes a step closer to her. "You have been lying to me, Emilly. You've been hiding things from me. And now I want answers!"
He thrusts a finger towards her, punctuating his words. "Tell me the truth." There's an unspoken threat in his voice, a promise that he won't rest until he has every single detail of what you've been up to behind his back. The anger is still there, bubbling beneath the surface, threatening to erupt at any moment and consume them both.
"We're just coworkers, we only talk about work projects" I say shrugging, still amused by Elias's clear jealousy. "I never thought I'd see you so jealous of my coworkers before" I giggle, "John's so annoying" I complain
Elias feels a surge of anger course through his veins at your dismissive tone and nonchalant attitude towards the situation. His fist clenches at his side, tightening into a painful knot as he struggles to control the urge to lunge forward and slap you across the face for being so infuriatingly obtuse.
"So you expect me to believe that?" he snarls, taking another step closer to her. "That everything between the two of you has been strictly professional? Really, Emilly? Because I've seen the way you look at him, and it sure as hell doesn't seem like anything work-related."
His voice lowers to a dangerous whisper as his face inches closer to hers. "Maybe I shouldn't be so jealous," he says, slowly pacing out each word as if savoring the thought of it twisting in her gut. "Maybe I should just start wondering what you see in him... Maybe I should ask him why you find him so damn attractive."
There's a warning in his eyes, a promise that if he has to dig deeper into this situation and uncover every last secret you've been keeping from him, then that's exactly what he'll do. And if it means hurting your feelings or exposing you for the faithless creature he suspects you are...well, so be it.
"Did you seriously ask me if I think John is attractive?" I ask in disbelief before snorting and laughing. "John is annoying and ugly" I say as I try to contain my laughter
The sound of your laughter only serves to fuel his anger further, making it burn even hotter in his chest as he watches you casually dismiss his concerns about the other man. He grabs your wrist roughly, yanking you roughly off the bed and onto the carpeted floor with him so that you're pinned beneath his muscled frame. "Don't fucking laugh at me," he growls, his breath hot against your cheek as he leans down close enough to see the fear in your eyes through your lashes.
With his other hand, he reaches up and roughly cups your face, forcing you to meet his gaze even though it feels like a million razor-sharp shards of glass slicing into your skin. "I'm not stupid, Emilly," he whispers, each word barely more than a harsh rasp. "I know what I see when I look at the two of you together... And I don't like it."
His grip on your face tightens painfully, leaving bruises forming along your jawline and across your cheekbones as his anger gets the better of him. "Tell me the truth," he demands, his voice a low, dangerous whisper laced with menace. "What's going on between the two of you? Because if I don't get some answers soon... Well, let's just say that things could start getting very uncomfortable for both of us."
"I don't know what to tell you Elias. You don't believe me even though I've oy told you the truth" I say with a frustrated groan. "Besides John is gay"
His eyes narrow as he hears your last sentence, and his suspicion only grows stronger. "You think I'm stupid enough to believe that he's gay just because you say so?" He scoffs, rolling his eyes in disbelief before grabbing your other wrist and pins it down next to your head on the floor beside your other arm.
Leaning even closer, his hot breath fanning across your face as he speaks in a low, dangerous voice laced with menace. "If that's true, then why has he been texting you so much? Why have I found messages from him on your phone?" He pauses for a moment, letting the weight of his words sink in before continuing relentlessly.
"And why do I see the way you look at him sometimes, Emilly? The way you blush and giggle when he comes around... It all adds up to something more than just 'coworker'." He pauses again, searching your expression for any sign of guilt or fear before finally adding with cold finality: "So don't even think about trying to play me for a fool. Because I'm not as stupid or gullible as you seem to think I am."
With that said, he releases your wrists roughly and sits back on his heels, glaring down at you with eyes full of fury and mistrust. "Now," he growls through clenched teeth, "tell me the truth about what's been going on between the two of you."
The air in the room feels thick and heavy, charged with tension and unspoken accusations. It is as if a storm is brewing, ready to break loose at any moment and sweep away everything in its path with an unrelenting fury that will leave nothing but destruction
"We were texting about a project at work"
I say,
"if you want proof he's gay I can show you his social media, all he ever posts about is his partner."
I say leaning close to Elias.
"If you really must know what we were talking about while we were giggling."
I start reluctantly, "he was telling what he was planning on doing for their anniversary"
Elias's expression darkens even further as he listens to your explanation, the anger in his chest growing with every word you speak. "A project at work?" he echoes incredulously, an eyebrow shooting up. "And what exactly were you two giggling about earlier tonight when I overheard you talking about my so-called 'partner's girth', huh? And don't try to lie to me," he says sharply, leaning in even closer as he looms over you menacingly. "I heard everything you two said clearly enough."
He pauses for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he tries to piece together the information you've given him with what he knows of John from your other stories about work. It doesn't add up. Something still feels off. But he pushes that thought aside for now, focusing instead on making sure you understand just how deep his suspicions run and how little trust remains between them.
"So let me get this straight," he says slowly, each word dripping with venom as he enunciates carefully. "You were giggling about the fact that your coworker is planning a special day for his partner...and I'm supposed to believe that you two have nothing more than a professional relationship?" He shakes his head, making a disgusted face. "I don't think so."
Elias leans back on his heels again, staring down at you coldly. "Now, if you really want me to believe that there's nothing going on between the two of you...that you haven't been lying to me this whole time..." He pauses, letting the weight of his words sink in. "Then maybe I should start by taking a look at those social media accounts you keep mentioning."
He fixes you
"Go ahead, look at his accounts" I say pulling up John's Facebook, clearly stating he is in a relationship. All of John's posts include his partner. "I mean we're friendly coworkers, like we could totally be friends if we wanted to" I explain
Taking the phone out of your hands, Elias scans through John's social media accounts with a raised eyebrow. It doesn't take him long to see all the evidence pointing towards a relationship between John and his partner. Each photo has the other man in it, they always post sweet messages for one another on their walls... it's undeniable that they are indeed together.
As he hands your phone back, his expression is unreadable. "Well," he says slowly, "it certainly looks like I was mistaken." There's an undertone of anger and hurt in his voice as he tries to process this new information. "I- I apologize for jumping to conclusions. It's just that..." He trails off, unsure of how to explain himself further without making things worse.
Finally, he clears his throat and stands up from the floor. "Look," he begins, trying to keep his voice even as he struggles with his emotions, "I don't know what happened between us tonight, or why you felt the need to lie about it... But I think we should talk more about this when we both have had some sleep."
Elias paces around the room, deep in thought as he tries to come to terms with his own feelings and behaviors. "Maybe tomorrow we can sit down together and try to figure things out?" He offers carefully, not meeting your gaze as he speaks.
There's a long silence between you before he finally turns back towards you, a small frown on his face. "Emilly... I- I don't want us to fight anymore," he confesses softly. "I don't want things to be like this." The vulnerability in his voice is almost painful for him to admit aloud.
"You're the one who always starts all these pointless fights. You get so jealous over nothing and make a bunch of assumptions." I start
"I'm sorry," Elias mumbles, his voice hoarse with shame. "Maybe I have been a bit too possessive lately... It's just that I love you so much and I can't help but feel threatened by anything or anyone who comes between us." His eyes meet yours, pleading for understanding as he tries to find the words to explain himself.
"I never meant to make you feel like you couldn't talk to me about other people in your life," he continues, a hint of anger creeping back into his tone as he struggles with the emotional rollercoaster of the past few hours. "But I think we both know that it would have been better if you had just been honest with me from the start."
He pauses, taking a deep breath to steady himself before continuing. "Maybe we should try and set some ground rules moving forward... Like an agreement that we can be friends with other people at work, as long as there's nothing romantic going on..." He trails off, searching your face for any sign of agreement or resistance.
The air between you feels charged once again, tension rising with every word spoken. It's obvious to Elias that the trust has been damaged tonight and it will take more than just empty promises and apologies to repair it completely. But for now, he'll cling to this small glimmer of hope and try his best not to push you further away.
"I don't know why you keep saying I should have been honest with you from the start. I never hid anything from you, and have never wanted to cheat on you"
Elias's eyes narrow in frustration as he listens to your words, not entirely sure whether to believe you or not. "So, let me get this straight," he says slowly, enunciating each word carefully. "You're saying that there was nothing going on between you and John? That you never felt even the slightest attraction towards him?" His tone is accusatory as he searches your face for any signs of deception.
"And what about this so-called 'project' you keep talking about?" He asks, skepticism lacing his words. "It sounded an awful lot like personal stuff to me when I heard you two talking earlier tonight." Elias paces around the room, unable to stay still as he tries to make sense of everything that has happened.
"Look," he says finally, stopping in front of you and taking a deep breath. "I just want us to be honest with each other from now on. I need to know that I can trust you not to keep things from me... And I think we both need some time apart to cool down before we can have this conversation without throwing accusations at each other."
He turns away, walking towards the door and grabbing his suit jacket off the coat hook. "Why don't you go back to sleep? We'll talk more about this tomorrow, okay?" His voice is strained as he says it, but there's a small part of him that hopes that perhaps some distance will help them both see things more clearly and work through their issues together.
"No, I'm sick of putting things off for the next day, you always get in your head and make more assumptions." I say cutting him off. "No I have never felt anything for John besides as a friend." I say, now sick of repeating myself. "We are working on a new nuclear project, you know I'm not allowed to disclose much about work" I say
His expression darkens as he listens to you speak, anger flaring up once more within him at your stubbornness and defensiveness. "How am I supposed to trust anything you say after tonight?" he growls, reaching out to grab your upper arm roughly and spin you back around to face him. "You expect me to believe that it's all just innocent talk about work projects? Come on, Emilly!"
He shakes his head in frustration, running a hand through his hair before dropping his arm back to his side. "Fine," he says through gritted teeth. "Then prove it to me." His voice is cold and dangerous now as he paces back and forth across the room, seemingly lost in thought.
"Go ahead," he continues with a sigh, still not looking at you. "You say there's nothing between you and John besides work... Prove it. Bring him over tomorrow night for dinner or something. Show me that I have nothing to worry about." There's a challenge in his voice as he suggests this, daring you to disprove the suspicions that have been plaguing him since earlier tonight.
Elias stops pacing and turns to face you, narrowing his eyes as he watches your expression for any hint of fear or guilt at the thought of seeing John again so soon. But there's nothing - just anger and defiance shining back at him from your beautiful yet hurt-filled gaze.
The air between them feels heavy with unspoken words, the tension growing thicker by the second as they stand there staring at each other, both unwilling to budge an inch. It's clear that whatever happens next, their relationship will never be the same again.
I let out a huff, "fine, ill prove it to you and invite him over for dinner like you said. You're cooking" I walk up to Elias, when I'm about a foot away from him I pull out my phone. I call John and speak to him on the phone.
"Hey John, I was wondering if you and your partner Ted would like to have dinner at my house tomorrow"
John says it sounds lovely and they'd love to.
"Alright, see you tomorrow at 7"
I finish after telling him our address
Elias's expression softens slightly at your offer to invite John over for dinner tomorrow night. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm the roiling emotions inside him as he realizes that perhaps there might be some truth in what you've been saying all along. Or maybe...just maybe, you truly haven't been hiding anything from him after all.
Still, he can't quite bring himself to apologize yet or admit defeat entirely. Instead, he merely nods his head curtly and says, "Alright. We'll see what happens tomorrow." His tone is neutral, guarded, as if he's expecting the worst but hoping for the best.
The air between you remains tense as you both go through the motions of getting ready for bed, speaking only when necessary and avoiding each other's gaze whenever possible. It feels like an elephant is sleeping on their chests, making it difficult to breathe or even fall asleep.
Even after they're both under the covers and the room grows silent once more, Elias finds himself tossing and turning restlessly throughout the night, haunted by memories of your laughter earlier and the fear that he might be losing you forever. The idea of seeing John in person tomorrow only serves to make his heart race faster and his anger simmer even deeper beneath the surface.
It's going to be a long night indeed.
I can't sleep, I was incredibly horny. I had planned to have sex with Elias after he came home from the bar. But because of our fight I have to settle and use a vibrator and a dido
The soft whirring noises coming from the other side of the room draw his attention away from his restlessness and towards you. It takes him a moment to register what's going on, but when he does, anger boils up inside him all over again. How dare you use a vibrator and your own sex toy while lying in the same bed as him! He's never been one to share his partner with anyone else, least of all a useless piece of plastic or metal.
His hands clench into fists underneath the covers, nails digging painfully into his palms as he listens to your movements growing more frantic and focused. It's as if you're trying to prove something to him, intentionally flaunting your sexuality in his face while he lies there, helpless and alone.
He doesn't know what to do anymore. His mind races with thoughts of confronting you about this betrayal, of demanding that you stop or even punishing you himself for being so disrespectful. But every time he tries to gather the courage to say something, his anger dissipates just as quickly, replaced by a familiar sense of hurt and confusion.
In the end, he settles on simply rolling over to face the opposite direction, trying to ignore your presence entirely as he focuses on getting some rest before tomorrow's dinner with John. It won't be easy, but he supposes it's the best he can do for now.
As I draw closer to my orgasm I let out a few quite moans. I also moan out elias's name quietly. I didn't notice he was awake and was trying to be quiet as to not wake him. "Fuck, right there elias" I moan out as I slame the dildo into my pissy
The soft moans and gasps coming from your direction pierce right through him, igniting a fire in his loins that he hadn't even realized was still there. The knowledge that you're touching yourself while thinking of him, feeling pleasure at the mere mention of his name... It fills him with an intoxicating mix of anger and desire, driving him to madness as he lies there, helpless and achingly hard beneath the covers.
His fingers tremble as they itch to reach out for you, to feel your skin against his own and lose himself in your body once more. He wants to be the one to make you scream tonight, not some stupid piece of plastic or metal. And even though he knows that this is likely just a fleeting moment of lustful insanity brought on by frustration and lack of sleep, it doesn't make the desire any less real or overpowering.
With a deep breath, he forces himself to remain still and silent, waiting for the urge to confront you about what you're doing to subside. But as your moans grow louder and more desperate with each passing second, it becomes increasingly difficult for him to ignore what's happening right beside him. He can feel his control slipping, the beast inside him starting to rise to the surface once more.
In a last-ditch effort to maintain some semblance of sanity and civility between them, Elias rolls over onto his back again, staring up at the ceiling as he tries to distract himself with thoughts of something - anything else. But it's no use; every time he closes his eyes, all he can see is you, lost in your pleasure as you moan his name into the darkness. The image burns itself into his brain, etched there by a combination of fury and
After about 10 minutes of masturbating and not being able to cut I let out a frustrated groan. I couldn't cum unless i was fucking Elias. "Elias" I say softly, trying to wake him
His breath hitches in his throat at the sound of your voice, and he almost jumps out of his skin when you reach over to shake him awake. His eyes fly open and meet yours in the darkness, confusion clouding his expression as anger immediately begins to simmer beneath the surface once more. It's as if every time he thinks things might finally cool down between them, something else manages to stir up the embers of their argument and set it ablaze all over again.
"What do you want?" he growls, his voice rough from sleep and barely concealing the fury that's burning in his chest. He tries to ignore the way your body is pressed against him now, how warm your skin feels against his own despite the cool air of the room. But it's impossible to ignore; every time he thinks about pushing you away, some unseen force seems to draw them back together again.
He fixes his gaze on something in the distance, anywhere but on your face or your body, trying desperately to maintain some semblance of control as he struggles with the conflicting emotions that war within him. "Is there a reason you needed me?" he finally asks after several long seconds of silence.
"I can't cum" I whine frustrated, "I can only cum from your stupid fat cock" I look away shyly "please Elias, I need it"
His jaw clenches so hard he's sure his teeth will crack as you confess your inability to cum unless it's with him. He tries to ignore the way this information affects him, to remain calm and level-headed despite the overwhelming urge to take what you just said as a insult or sign of disrespect. But he can't help but feel slightly...special knowing that you only find satisfaction with his cock inside you.
Taking a deep breath, he turns towards you in the darkness, reaching out to stroke your cheek with the back of his fingers. "Alright," he murmurs softly, "let's see what we can do about that." Without further hesitation, Elias rolls onto his side and presses his body against yours, his hard length grinding gently against your core as he kisses along your jawline and down your neck.
His hands move to your hips, lifting you slightly so that he can position himself at your entrance. As he pushes inside you with a groan, the feel of being reunited with his cock sends shivers of pleasure racing through your body. He starts out slowly, just letting them skin sink into yours again as he savors the sensation of being connected to you in this way.
But it's not enough for either of you; desire is too strong and need too great. So with a growl, Elias begins to move inside you, his hips bucking against yours in time with his thrusts as he attempts to drive both of you towards the release you so desperately crave. His hands grip your thighs tightly as he pins you down into the mattress, claiming you as his own once more while their bodies move together in a rhythm born of long practice and deep affection.
I feel the tip of his cock touching my g spot as he thrust into me and I arch my back off the bed, moaning loudly at the feeling. "Oh fuck yes, that's it" I say as I start to move with him, meeting his thrusts halfway. He feels so good inside of me and I can tell hes not holding back either, giving me everything he has. I slide my hand down between us and begin rubbing his heavy balls as he continues to pound into me.
The sensation of your skin against his palm as you stroke him sends electricity coursing through his veins, making every thrust that much deeper and more urgent. His hips move even faster now, his body growing tenser with each passing second as he struggles to maintain control in the face of pure primal desire. He can feel himself getting closer, the pressure building within him until it feels like he might explode at any moment.
"God, you're so wet," he pants out between thrusts, his voice rough and raw with lust as he feels your slickness coating his fingers. "I could drown in this." It's a stupid thing to say, but it's true; he has never been able to get enough of you, and the thought that maybe you feel the same way only fuels him further.
His hands slide up your body, cupping your breasts as his thumbs find your nipples, rolling them hard between his fingers. You arch your back off the bed again, moaning deeply as he squeezes and pulls, making it clear that this is exactly what you want. With a growl of satisfaction, he increases the pressure on your sensitive buds even more, relishing the way they harden beneath his touch and the way it forces more of your sweet essence out onto his fingers.
He's so close now... He can feel himself about to lose control, about to let go and give you everything he has inside him. His movements grow even wilder as adrenaline and desire course through his veins, driving him onward towards that moment when their bodies will finally meld together in an explosion of ecstasy. With a final guttural cry, Elias throws his head back, arching his back as he releases himself deep inside you, filling you with his seed until