“..Shit— what a fucking mess..”
Elias growled as he laid against the mattress of the shared bedroom. He was in deep shit — having got into a brawl at the local bar, while also completely drunk. He’d been so emotional lately, acting on anger while masking and feigning everything to be okay when around you…his wife.
Pissed off wasn’t the words he’d describe feeling right now, after getting the rudest awakening of his life. And it was all because of you.
He knew he shouldn’t assume, shouldn’t believe everything he hears and trust you fully…but it was getting way too damn hard after all the shit he’d been finding around the house.
Strange text messages, unknown calls, coming home late, plain avoidance every-time he’d ask you about it…And now overhearing a random man saying your name at a bar? What the hell were you doing? Fuck. Three years of being the devoted and doting husband, and yet it still wasn’t enough? Why?
He sighed in exasperation, rubbing the side of his flushed face from alcohol — It was getting too hot in this suddenly claustrophobic room. Elias reached for his red tie, loosening it in one swift movement before unbuttoning his white collared shirt half-way.
Sitting up from the bed, he glanced down after feeling a sudden aching in his crotch, realization setting in as he noticed a bulging tent painfully straining against the confines of his boxers beneath his pants. Hard as a rock. He growled in frustration — out of all times to be horny, it just had to be when he was fucked up and deep in his feelings…
As he began to unbutton his pants to try and quickly deal with this problem, he heard the front door open.
You were home.
With a slight twitch of his brows, an image immediately flashed in his mind. One of you being roughly fucked against the bed, your body shaking and your tear-stricken face forcefully pressed into the pillows to muffle out your pleas and whimpers for him to stop…
Whether this was his drunk mind or not that was concocting such vile thoughts, he didn’t give a shit. Not anymore. Right now, he just wanted to teach you a lesson on fucking around with his feelings..
"How was the bar?" I ask. I had just finished my shower so I was only wearing a towel as I walk out of the bathroom
Elias' nostrils flared as he got up, still zipping his pants and quickly doing up the buttons before approaching you with furrowed brows. "The bar was...interesting." He replied in a low tone of voice, eyeing you up and down before narrowing his eyes.
"So what's this I hear about some random guy being seen with you at the bars? Someone by the name of Chris or something?" His tone made it sound more like an accusation than a mere question as he crossed his arms, leaning closer to you. "You been seeing him, Lillia?"
His eyes gleamed dangerously beneath the dim light of the room as he waited for your response. The anger and resentment from earlier was still there, simmering just below the surface - ready to boil over at any given moment. It wouldn't take much more than a single wrong word or movement for him to completely lose his cool again...and you wouldn't like what happened then.
"Hm chris" I say thinking out loud. "Maybe that's the guy who keeps offering me drinks. I thi k he wants to get me drunk do I'll go home with him" I say shrugging. "He's really annoying, can't take the hint. I even showed him my ring, and refused his drinks"
Elias' grip on his arms tightened at your reply, but he didn't let it show. He simply stood there, expressionless yet laced with barely contained fury as his anger began to bubble and seethe beneath the surface once more. "So you're telling me that you haven't been talking to him, Lillia?" His voice was cold as ice, edged with a sarcasm that cut deeper than any knife ever could. "That you didn't even know his name is Chris? Or perhaps," he continued with equal amounts of venom, each word practically dripping from his lips like acid, "perhaps you did know him, and he's just some innocent bystander who keeps offering you drinks?"
He paused for a moment, taking in your response before adding in a near-whisper that sent shivers down his spine, "Because if that's what you truly believe, then I think it's time we have another chat about trust, don't you?" He leaned even closer now, their bodies only inches apart as he stared directly into your eyes. "Or would you rather I just keep believing whatever bullshit story comes out of your mouth next?"
"He never told me his name" I say nonchalantly. "He always just comes up to me, tries to buy me a drink and flirt with me. Then I always ignore him, or let him down easily" I explain "he seems nice, to bad he doesn't understand that I'm happily married "
A small, almost unnoticeable twitch crossed his face at your words. He wanted to believe you; he really did. But the more you said, the more it seemed like a farce. A lie meant to cover up whatever truth was actually hiding behind those innocent eyes of yours. It infuriated him, made him want to drag you back to the bar and show this guy, Chris or whatever his name was, just what kind of woman he'd been dealing with...and exactly how much she really valued their so-called "relationship."
Instead, he forced himself to stay calm, to not let your words get under his skin. He took a deep breath and then released it slowly, gazing steadily into your eyes as he said, "I hope that's the truth, Lillia...because if it isn't..." His voice trailed off, but there was no mistaking the threat implicit in those words, the darkness lurking just beneath the surface.
For a moment, he debated whether or not to push further, to demand an explanation for your actions and behaviors over the past few months...but then, something snapped inside him. It was like a switch had been flipped, and all of his earlier concerns about being the bigger person vanished into thin air. He wanted justice; he wanted vengeance. And you were going to pay dearly for whatever secrets you'd been hiding from him...
"Why would I lie about that? If you want you can ask my friends"
I offer.
"The guy has been a bit more persistent lately, that's why I've been going out less. He refuses to take the damn hint"
I complain
Elias narrowed his eyes as you mentioned your friends. He didn't want to believe that they were all in on it too...but then again, he couldn't be sure. The thought made him sick to his stomach, a bitter taste of betrayal filling his mouth. "Fine," he ground out through gritted teeth. "I'll ask them." With that, he turned around and began to pace the room, his hands fidgeting nervously behind his back as he tried to control his anger.
"And another thing..." He stopped in front of you, leaning forward so our noses were almost touching. "...if this Chris guy or anyone else has been bothering you like this, all you had to do was tell me, Lillia." His voice was soft yet harsh as he stared deeply into your eyes, trying to convey the message that his trust in you had been shattered beyond repair. "You knew I would've done anything to make them stop. But instead..." He trailed off, shaking his head slowly before continuing in a low whisper, "...you kept it from me. Why?"
He wanted an answer; he needed one. And until you gave it to him, there was no telling how far he would go or what he would do...
"I thought he would stop when I told him i was married. When he wouldn't I just decided to not go out as often"
I explain. "I didn't want to bother you with it because I know you've been busy lately"
The words, even as they slipped past your lips and into the air between you, did little to ease his growing suspicion or anger. In fact, it only seemed to fan the flames burning inside him. Elias took a step back, shaking his head slowly as he looked at you with an expression of disbelief and disappointment. "And all this time I thought we had something special," he muttered under his breath before turning away from you again, beginning to pace once more.
"So...you're saying that you didn't want to bother me with it because I was busy?" His voice dripped with sarcasm as he glanced back over his shoulder at you. "Is that really the best excuse you can come up with, Lillia? Because if so..." He trailed off again, unable or unwilling to finish the thought, but the look in his eyes spoke volumes enough.
His hands clenched into fists at his sides as he fought against the urge to lash out, to physically hurt you for everything you'd put him through. But even worse than the anger was the pain that threatened to engulf him whole; the knowledge that perhaps everything he'd ever believed in had been a lie...and now there was nothing left but doubt and resentment where there once was love and trust. It was all too much for him to bear, and the only thing keeping him from snapping completely was the fact that he didn't want things to escalate any further than they already had.
For now.
I look up at Elias, tears forming in my eyes, "I thought he would stop, okay" I shout. "I thought that he would leave me alone when I told him I was married" I start sobbing.
The sight of your tears seemed to do little more than ignite the already burning fury within him. His hands curled into tight fists once again at his sides as he struggled against the urge to reach out and comfort you, even in this moment when every fiber of his being was screaming for vengeance instead.
"He shouldn't have ignored your words, Lillia," Elias growled through gritted teeth, "just like you shouldn't have ignored mine." He took another step forward, closing the distance between us even further. His gaze bore into yours, searching for any sign of remorse or regret. But all he found was defiance...and that only made his anger burn hotter.
"You should have told me from the start," he continued in a voice so low it sounded like gravel scraping against glass. "You should have trusted me enough to know I would have done something about it." He paused, taking a shaky breath as his fingers flexed in and out of their fists at his sides. "But now...now I don't even know what to think. I don't know if I can ever trust you again."
The words hung heavy in the air between us, weighing down on him like a ton of bricks. In that moment, he wished there was some way to take them back, some way to un-hear them as they slipped from his lips and fell into the silence that had engulfed the room. But it was too late for regrets; too late for second chances. All that remained now was the cold, hard truth of their situation...and a future that neither of them could possibly know with any certainty.
"I do trust you" I say through sobs. "I just thought he would stop and it wouldn't be an issue, I though he would leave me alone and it wouldn't even become a problem that I'd need ti bother you with" I say looking away, trying to stop my tears. "You've been busy so I thought I could just handle it, and I wouldn't need to bother you"
A humorless laugh escaped your husband's lips at that, causing you to look up at him in surprise. "Really?" he asked sarcastically. "And where exactly did that get you? Did 'handling it on your own' stop him from continuing to bother you and make unwanted advances? Did it make him just disappear from your life like some kind of magician with a wand?" His eyes bore into yours, searching for any sign of understanding or agreement. "Or were you perhaps hoping that I would somehow find out about it and deal with the situation for you?"
He paused for a moment, taking in your reaction before continuing. "Because if that was truly what you thought...then I have to tell you, Lillia, that you were wrong." The harshness in his voice left no room for misunderstanding; he meant every word. "I may have been busy with work and other things lately, but that didn't mean I stopped caring about you or wanting to protect you from harm," he growled through clenched teeth, anger still burning brightly within him.
Taking a deep breath, Elias forced himself to calm down once more. He wanted so badly to believe that this was all some terrible misunderstanding; that there was some rational explanation for everything that had happened and been said tonight. But the more he thought about it, the less sense it all made. And even as he struggled against the doubts and suspicions gnawing at the edges of his mind, he couldn't help but feel a chill settle over him like an icy blanket...
"Listen I know it didn't work, clearly" I say frustrated. "I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have assumed he would just leave me alone. Why do you think I've stopped going out all together"
Despite your words, it was obvious to him that there were still things you weren't telling him. There were too many unanswered questions and inconsistencies in your story for him to simply accept everything at face value. And yet, he found himself wanting to believe you anyway...if only because the alternative was too terrible to contemplate.
"Maybe..." he began uncertainly, trailing off as he searched for the right words. "Maybe we should talk about this some more, and I can get a better understanding of what exactly happened." He paused, glancing down at his hands before looking back up at you. "And if there's anything else that you need to tell me..." His voice trailed off again, but the meaning was clear enough: he wanted the truth, no matter how painful it might be for either of you.
The look in his eyes as he studied your face was intense and searching, as if trying to pierce through your defenses and reach the heart of the matter. It was a look that was both frightening and strangely reassuring at the same time; a reminder not only of their bond but also of his strength and determination when it came to protecting what was his.
For now, he would bide his time. But if more secrets were revealed, or if you continued to lie to him...well, then who knew what might happen? He wasn't the same man he'd been three years ago when you'd first said your vows. Time had changed him in ways both small and profound; it had honed his instincts and sharpened his reactions until they were almost preternatural. And while part of him still loved and cared for you with all his heart, another part was becoming increasingly resentful and vengeful...a shadowy presence that threatened to consume everything good
"It started around 2 months ago, I was with my friends and he was a few tables away. He ordered a drink and had the waitress bring it to me, I held up my hand and pointed to my ring." I start telling Elias what happened. "Stuff like this happened for a month. Then he went up to me and talked to me. He flirted a bit and I brushed it off. I mentioned I was married a few times, but he didn't stop flirting with me." I'm now sobbing again. "Then a few weeks ago he started to get handsie, that's when I decided to stop going to the bar all together"
Elias listened intently as you recounted the events that had led up to this point, his expression growing increasingly grim with every word. Even though he was beginning to understand better what had happened, it didn't make the situation any less infuriating for him. His fingers curled into fists once more at his sides as he ground his teeth together in an effort to control his anger.
"And you didn't tell me any of this?" he asked hoarsely when you'd finished your story, the accusation clear in his voice despite his efforts to sound calm and rational. "You let it go on for months without saying anything? Why would you keep something like that from me, Lillia?"
He took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts before continuing. "I'm not going to pretend I understand how this all could have happened," he said slowly, "but I need you to know that if it had come up earlier...if we'd been able to discuss it like adults..." He trailed off, unsure of how else to finish that sentence. The truth was, even now, he wasn't sure what he would have done had he known the full extent of your situation before tonight.
"I just want us to be honest with each other from here on out," he continued after a moment, looking directly into your eyes. "If there's anything else you need to say...anything at all...you need to tell me, okay?" There was an unspoken warning in his tone; a threat that implied there would be consequences if you weren't entirely truthful with him from this point forward.
Despite everything that had happened tonight, despite the hurt and anger and suspicion clouding his thoughts, there was still love there...and hope. The question now was whether or not those things would
"He tried to rooffie me" I mumble.
Elias stopped cold in his tracks at your murmured accusation. His brows knitted together as he studied your face, a mixture of surprise and disbelief flickering across his features. "What do you mean, he tried to 'roofie' you?" he demanded sharply. It was a question he hadn't expected, hadn't even considered until this moment; the possibility that someone might have drugged you in an attempt to force themselves onto you or take advantage of your situation was a chilling one...and it sent shivers down his spine.
"Are you sure about that?" he asked slowly, carefully. "Did he say anything? Did he act differently? Did he seem...off at any point?" His expression tightened as these questions and many more raced through his mind, each new possibility adding another layer of dread to the growing sense of unease settling over him like a heavy cloak.
"I need you to be absolutely certain about this, Lillia," he said seriously. "If there's even a chance that what you're telling me is true..." He trailed off, unable or unwilling to finish the thought but making it clear that the implications were dire indeed. It was obvious now that their discussion would be far from over; there were still too many unanswered questions and too much left to investigate for them to simply pretend everything was back to normal.
For now, he would bide his time, gathering information and weighing the situation carefully before deciding on his next course of action. But if it turned out that you were telling the truth...if Chris had truly tried to drug you in some twisted attempt at seduction...well, then Elias didn't even want to think about what might happen next.
"I recorded him putting it in my drink." I say softly as I grab my phone and pull up the video. "When he started getting really creepy I would record what he was doing"
Elias took the phone from you and watched the video silently, his expression growing increasingly grim as he saw Chris approaching your table, surreptitiously dropping what looked like a small object into your drink before smirking at you. He felt sick to his stomach as he replayed the scene over and over again in his mind, struggling against the urge to confront Chris right then and there and teach him a lesson he'd never forget.
When the video ended, he handed it back to you, his knuckles white from clenching the phone so tightly. "I need to talk to him," he ground out through gritted teeth, the anger and betrayal in his voice thick enough to cut with a knife. "And I need to do it soon." He paused, taking another deep breath as he tried to calm himself down. "Are you sure you don't want me to handle this for you? To go talk to him right now?"
There was a note of pleading in his voice, of hope that perhaps you would finally trust him enough to let him take care of the situation. But even as he waited for your answer, he knew there was still so much more left unsaid...and until everything was out in the open, until they'd both had a chance to clear the air and come to terms with what had happened, there would always be an invisible wedge between them; a barrier that threatened to keep them apart no matter how much they might want to be together.
"No, please don't. I was going to go to the police. " I say quickly, worried Elias would try to fight Chris and get arrested
Elias frowned, torn between wanting to protect you and make things right and the need to take action against Chris himself. "I understand," he finally said with a sigh. "But if you change your mind...if you decide that you'd rather I handle it for you..." He trailed off, not finishing the thought but making it clear that he would be more than willing to help if you asked him.
Despite his best efforts to remain calm and rational, he couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom settling over him like a leaden cloak. The knowledge that there was someone out there who had tried not once but twice to take advantage of your vulnerable situation was enough to send shivers down his spine, and the thought that he might have been too late both times chipped away at his resolve until all that remained was a cold, hard kernel of determination.
For now, he would bide his time; he would wait for the right opportunity to confront Chris and make him pay for what he had done. And while he waited, he would do everything in his power to ensure your safety and wellbeing...no matter what it took.
"Will you come with me to the police tomorrow?" I ask quietly
Elias hesitated before answering. Part of him wanted nothing more than to be there for you and support you as you went through this difficult process; another part of him was afraid that his presence might just make things worse. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves before responding. "I'll think about it," he finally said, not meeting your eyes. "But if I do decide to come with you...you need to understand that I may lose my temper."
He paused, searching for the right words. "I don't want anything to happen between us because of this, Lillia. So please, be careful around him...and make sure you stay safe." The concern in his voice was unmistakable; it echoed through every syllable and filled the silence that hung between you like a heavy cloak.
Elias turned away then, moving toward the door leading out to the balcony. There was so much they still needed to talk about...and yet he found himself unable to broach any of those subjects until you'd confronted Chris and dealt with what had happened between the two of you. And even then, there was no guarantee that their relationship would ever be the same again.